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Thread: Project 2025

  1. #1
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    Project 2025

    So this is finally something that people are talking about. At first it sounded like some kind of outlandish conspiracy theory. It’s true. It’s a thing. To call it a far-right Christian Nationalist takeover plot would be an understatement, and finally it’s getting airtime on mainstream news networks and taken seriously.

    So, now that people are talking about it, what do we do about it?

    Trump, naturally, claims he has nothing to do with it.

    Where it is right now, the Wikipedia page is laying out the agenda pretty well.
    Last edited by Jinsai; 07-06-2024 at 09:44 PM.

  2. #2
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    I'm starting to see more people talk about it, online, on TV, etc.

    People who watch FOX will blow it off, but it might encourage more people to vote (D).

  3. #3
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    The electorate of the far-right in the Netherlands (which as of last week has a "moderate" christofascist administration led by a spy chief) is already calling on social media for adapting Project 2025 to Europe as a counter to the WEF's Chinese-Jewish plan to enslave all white people and force their children to have a muslim sex change.

  4. #4
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    [admin edit: we admins are fucking stupid and live with our asses and heads buried in the sand]
    Last edited by ViN; 07-12-2024 at 05:04 PM. Reason: the admin is a fucking dumbfuckI'

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by stankeybearlover View Post
    the WEF's Chinese-Jewish plan to enslave all white people and force their children to have a muslim sex change.
    swear to god you could tell me that was a chatgpt prompt, it's so stupid.

  6. #6
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    I've seen a huge uptick about this on social media, I clouding from otherwise third party voters, so that is heartening

    From the Wikipedia article:
    Stephen Miller, a key architect of immigration policy during the Trump presidency, is a major figure in Project 2025 and under consideration for a senior role in the possible re-election of Trump.[49] Miller told Project 2025 participant Charlie Kirk in November 2023 that the operation would rival the scale and complexity of "building the Panama Canal." He said the operation would include deputizing the National Guard in red states as immigration enforcement officers, under Trump's command. These forces would then be deployed into blue states.[31]
    Last edited by Wretchedest; 07-07-2024 at 06:12 PM.

  7. #7
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    Kind of funny how Trump's attempt to distance himself from Project 2025 seems like it was at least partially a catalyst for it now receiving much more widespread and concerned coverage than I can ever remember seeing it get before. The Biden campaign certainly jumped right on pinning it to Trump in the wake of the latter's awkward denial message. I think they know their only real hope now is scaring the electorate enough with the prospect of these hideous plans that it will turn out for basically anyone to stop it.

    The future waits before all of us and we have to make sure this disgusting right-wing wet dream never becomes a functional blueprint for it.

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    Quote Originally Posted by allegate View Post
    swear to god you could tell me that was a chatgpt prompt, it's so stupid.
    To be honest, I found conspracy theories more entertaining before the crazies who believed in them could feasably usher in the literal end of life on Earth.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Deacon Blackfire View Post
    Kind of funny how Trump's attempt to distance himself from Project 2025 seems like it was at least partially a catalyst for it now receiving much more widespread and concerned coverage than I can ever remember seeing it get before. The Biden campaign certainly jumped right on pinning it to Trump in the wake of the latter's awkward denial message. I think they know their only real hope now is scaring the electorate enough with the prospect of these hideous plans that it will turn out for basically anyone to stop it.

    The future waits before all of us and we have to make sure this disgusting right-wing wet dream never becomes a functional blueprint for it.
    I wish it wasn't so hard to prove sedition because this is a slam dunk case. But then it would probably go to Cannon and she'd slow walk that as well.

  10. #10
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    Not me working at a federal department set to be deleted.

  11. #11
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    John Oliver mentioned it in LWT, sounds terrible:

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sarah K View Post
    Not me working at a federal department set to be deleted.
    yeah, working at the department of suckers and losers is really rough right now.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by ViN View Post
    [admin edit: we admins are fucking stupid and live with our asses and heads buried in the sand]
    Hi. Dumbfuck Admin here. You're on mute until we decide what to do with you.

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    We need a new Sherman. I hope that if she wins she appoints a 2025 czar.

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    ProPublica acquired 23 hours worth of training videos for Project 2025

    ProPublica has been doing the investigative journalism that many mainstream outlets are too afraid to do. The fact that 29 out of the 36 people featured in these videos worked with T***p at some point shows just how closely tied he and the RNC are to it.

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    I know all these headlines are kinda blurring together here, but during that rambling interview with Elon Musk last night, there was one part that stood out. Where Trump started talking about getting rid of the department of education.

    This is straight out of the Project 2025 playbook. I don’t know why I’m not seeing more news outlets talk about this. At the very least, it makes his claims that he has “nothing to do with Project 2025” even more unbelievable.

    I don’t really need to say why I think it’s a horrifying idea.

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  20. #20
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    yeah, i've been sounding the alarm for a hot minute, here., since like, december.
    i honestly think the shit is MEANT to sound like a conspiracy theory
    shit is horrifying
    Last edited by elevenism; 08-15-2024 at 04:52 PM.

  21. #21
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    Oh yeah. I've been "doom-suming" all things political since Biden dropped out and familiar with P2025 pretty early.

    It's stuff like the CNN piece that really needs to be amplified. There's a reason why Trump never speaks to his actual policies - primarily because he doesn't know and doesn't care, and his handlers know they are all in P2025 which is absolutely fucking terrifying.

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai View Post
    I know all these headlines are kinda blurring together here, but during that rambling interview with Elon Musk last night, there was one part that stood out. Where Trump started talking about getting rid of the department of education.

    This is straight out of the Project 2025 playbook. I don’t know why I’m not seeing more news outlets talk about this. At the very least, it makes his claims that he has “nothing to do with Project 2025” even more unbelievable.

    I don’t really need to say why I think it’s a horrifying idea.
    right, bro. he says he doesn't know what it is, but "wishes them luck," and parrots their plan.

    And, jesus god, the leaks?

    fuck me.

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by elevenism View Post
    yeah, i've been sounding the alarm for a hot minute, here., since like, december.
    i honestly think the shit is MEANT to sound like a conspiracy theory
    shit is horrifying
    Can confirm. I'm pretty sure the first time I ever heard "project 2025" was from a post you had made on here. I remember thinking "damn, elevenism is always on some conspiracy shit."

    Imagine my surprise when all the mainstream news outlets began confirming that not only is that shit real, but here's the organizations funding all of it and here's their little instruction videos, and here's all the rights they want to take away from women, the lgbtq+ community, and basically all citizens who enjoy sex that doesn't fall under the missionary, through a hole in a sheet once every 2 years while the 6 kids are away at bible camp variety. Yeah.....

    You know, sometimes I wish it was U.S. that the British sent their prison colonies to and it had been Australia that was settled by all their puritans. That shit just never seems to die here.

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by burnmotherfucker! View Post
    Can confirm. I'm pretty sure the first time I ever heard "project 2025" was from a post you had made on here. I remember thinking "damn, elevenism is always on some conspiracy shit."

    Imagine my surprise when all the mainstream news outlets began confirming that not only is that shit real, but here's the organizations funding all of it and here's their little instruction videos, and here's all the rights they want to take away from women, the lgbtq+ community, and basically all citizens who enjoy sex that doesn't fall under the missionary, through a hole in a sheet once every 2 years while the 6 kids are away at bible camp variety. Yeah.....

    You know, sometimes I wish it was U.S. that the British sent their prison colonies to and it had been Australia that was settled by all their puritans. That shit just never seems to die here.
    again, man, i think they WANTED it to sound like a conspiracy theory, you know?
    THAT way, if it was mentioned, people would think it wasn't real.

    I also wonder if the left leaning media sat on it for a minute, what with the 24 hour news cycle and people forgetting shit after a week.

    also, i wasn't trying to sound uppity in that post, but it kind of came off that way, i'm afraid. appy polly ogies for that.
    (the one wherein i wrote that i'd been talking about it for awhile. it's not like finding out about Nurse With Wound or Squarepusher before your friends. rather, it's more like being on the ground floor of the tide pod challenge.

    just, please, everbody, vOTE (if you live in a district where it makes a fuck. I usually vote, here (the most republican fucking district in the US), just to let the gvmt know i object. At least you can weaar, say, a YZ gun/cross logo shirt, here, or a broken 2020, and people won't catch the irony.
    9 people in my district voted for Not Trump last time. 2 voted Libertarian and two were my mother and me.

    But letting the gvmt know i'm not in line...this time, that's a bit frightening, god forbid captain asshole squeaks through.
    Last edited by elevenism; 08-17-2024 at 12:07 PM.

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by elevenism View Post
    again, man, i think they WANTED it to sound like a conspiracy theory, you know?
    THAT way, if it was mentioned, people would think it wasn't real
    It’s easily dismissed as a conspiracy theory.

    I have a very good friend, and he’s gone down some conspiracy theory rabbit holes. A lot of them. Over time it seems his politics have shifted very much to the right. He knows what I think and feel, so he doesn’t bring up that he’s (almost definitely) voting for Trump.

    I did bring up Project 2025 with him. His response was a dismissive eye-roll, as if I’d brought up something insane. Like, “come on man, really?!”
    This guy is one of my best friends, but he was into Alex Jones at one point. He was into that guy who was all about lizard people and stuff. He lent me a book by David Icke. He was into every 9/11 conspiracy. Remember that movie What the Bleep Do We Know?… but now he’s kinda gone alt-right. He likes Jordan Peterson and Elon Musk.

    And he’s dismissing Project 2025 as if it’s a conspiracy theory. Think about that for a minute.

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai View Post
    It’s easily dismissed as a conspiracy theory.

    I have a very good friend, and he’s gone down some conspiracy theory rabbit holes. A lot of them. Over time it seems his politics have shifted very much to the right. He knows what I think and feel, so he doesn’t bring up that he’s (almost definitely) voting for Trump.

    I did bring up Project 2025 with him. His response was a dismissive eye-roll, as if I’d brought up something insane. Like, “come on man, really?!”
    This guy is one of my best friends, but he was into Alex Jones at one point. He was into that guy who was all about lizard people and stuff. He lent me a book by David Icke. He was into every 9/11 conspiracy. Remember that movie What the Bleep Do We Know?… but now he’s kinda gone alt-right. He likes Jordan Peterson and Elon Musk.

    And he’s dismissing Project 2025 as if it’s a conspiracy theory. Think about that for a minute.
    That's not really surprising though. Part of the appeal of being into conspiracy theories is believing you know something about the world that most people miss.

    Nobody's missing Project 2025. It's happening right out in the open, and even the mainstream media is talking about it.

    If you want to believe that you understand something that nobody else does, dismissing Project 2025 is one way to accomplish that goal. Even if he's not conscious of that being his goal.

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