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Thread: Tron: Ares (2025) OST by Nine Inch Nails

  1. #31
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    Excellent! I love what Daft Punk did with Tron Legacy, and this is even more exciting for me. As for why they're doing this as Nine Inch Nails and not Trent & Atticus, your guess is as good as mine. Maybe it'll be more of a collaborative effort with additional people working on it. Trent did mention that was something that he thought might be cool to do with the next Nine Inch Nails project a while back, so maybe this was a good opportunity to make that happen.

    Quote Originally Posted by cahernandez View Post
    Speaking of Tron, do you guys recommend the Daft Punk soundtrack?
    Yes! One of my favorite scores.

  2. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by cahernandez View Post
    I got excited when I saw it this morning, specially because at first I thought we were going to get new music in two months, but then I did a double take and it is October 2025. Speaking of Tron, do you guys recommend the Daft Punk soundtrack?

    i mean just go listen to it. Its great and daft really enjoyed making it cause they wanted a challenge. Lots of artists would just copy paste their bread and butter into a movie and not care if it worked or not. If you didnt know it was daft punk making it then you would assume its somebody else.

  3. #33
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    With A Box of Scrap!?

  4. #34
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    Tron: Ares (2025) OST by Nine Inch Nails

    was this posted here?

    “the new Tron movie will be the first score attributed to Nine Inch Nails. It will also feature new original songs from the band“

    hopefully this was actually confirmed by pitchfork and not just made up


  5. #35
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    Pretty Hate Machine (Atticus' Version).

  6. #36
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    Hate to be Debbie Downer again w/r/t Disney buuuuut: https://www.businessinsider.com/disn...esantis-2024-6

  7. #37
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    I can't help but be pretty disappointed at this being tagged "NIN". It's just really another soundtrack, it's probably "nine inch nails" in name only. The last proper NIN release was Bad Witch really, that was 7 years ago. And it wasn't really album length material, the last proper full-fledged album we got was Hesitation Marks in my eyes back in 2013.

  8. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by JustARandomGuy View Post
    The last proper NIN release was Bad Witch really, that was 7 years ago. And it wasn't really album length material, the last proper full-fledged album we got was Hesitation Marks in my eyes back in 2013.
    I'm really tired of releases getting swept under the rug like this. "It doesn't count because it doesn't have vocals. It doesn't count because it's an EP." Give me a break. If it's not your thing, fine, but acting like they don't count as albums is just dumb.
    Last edited by BRoswell; 08-10-2024 at 11:48 AM.

  9. #39
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    I am a MASSIVE fan of Tron. If you've never seen the animated series, do yourself a favor and gobble that shit up. This is the DREAM combo of film and score. FUCK. YES.

  10. #40
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    There is no way Trent would allow using NIN name for this for marketing only. The explicit push of NIN logo in the official accounts, and that sick laser reveal in some arena with audience (clip from MQ insta story)? There has to be a reason for this, a better one than just putting NIN aganst Daft Punk.

    Also, this is just me blabbing, but didnt Trent want to get into storytelling of some kind? Could this be it?

  11. #41
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    Quote Originally Posted by scorpiusdiamond View Post
    Take a shot every time someone says they’d prefer Daft Punk.
    I wasn’t that thrilled about a third Tron film after the meh Tron Legacy (sorry, Michael Sheen was the best part of the movie) and the Jared Leto inclusion isn’t making me super stoked for this… but maybe there’s something I’m missing with this one.
    Hopefully won’t just be an ‘80s nostalgia fest either.
    I can’t be the only one that absolutely loves Tron: Legacy (score and movie), right? This is such a fantastic surprise and I am extremely excited to hear what our boys have been cooking up for this!

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  12. #42
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    Quote Originally Posted by cahernandez View Post
    . Speaking of Tron, do you guys recommend the Daft Punk soundtrack?
    absolutely! For me it’s inextricably linked to The Social Network and Inception scores. That was a hell of a year for soundtracks.

  13. #43
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    While I know this isn't a competition...

    I can't help but throw back to 2010. Daft Punk are given Tron to score, and they put together something that, musically, is fairly conservative, if well executed. Orchestral, traditionally cinematic compositions, decorated with electronic instruments, soaked in reverb. I'll catch flack for this, but at the time I found it to be completely forgettable. I listened to a lot of Daft Punk's first few albums, it seemed like they would be a fun choice, but it felt like someone applied a Daft Punk filter to the score, and set the amount to 20%. It obviously was wildly successful, but I wondered - was this a choice by the boys, or were they directed to keep it filmic? There are probably interviews where they answer questions like that. I know that Wendy Carlos' theme blended synthesizers with orchestral music, but it was also much more bold in its use of electronics.

    Around the same time, David Fincher loads up a bunch of tracks from Ghosts into The Social Network, and tells Trent "do more of that." The result is completely unconventional, transformative to the film, and almost becomes a trope, in terms of how the underscoring for film and television around the world starts imitating the score for The Social Network. But before all that copying, it goes up for an Academy Award against multiple Hans Zimmer nominations, as well as competition from James Horner and other established film composers -- and pulls an upset of a win.

    Daft Punk? Not even nominated.

    Even as I listen to the score again, it seems like they took the opportunity to try their hand at making an orchestral score, instead of being Daft Punk. I'm sure it was an incredible experience! I don't know that I'll ever listen to this again intentionally though. And, again, I've owned a lot of Daft Punk albums, and listened to most of them on repeat. Not saying this to denigrate the score, I think the popularity of it speaks for itself.

    I'm hopeful that the invocation of Nine Inch Nails means Trent and Atticus make it sound like Nine Inch Nails. What I've heard so far seems to indicate that's what we're in for. I think that's gonna be great.

  14. #44
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    This sorta seems like Disney just paid some extra licensing fees to get the full NIN branding package so the soundtrack would feel more important than your standard AR+TR branded score. Should be good though, their soundtracks never miss.

  15. #45
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    Quote Originally Posted by botley View Post
    Hate to be Debbie Downer again w/r/t Disney buuuuut: https://www.businessinsider.com/disn...esantis-2024-6
    shock horror, multinational capitalist mega corporation supports the side of American politics that won’t tax it as much.

    slightly back on topic
    1) Nine Inch Nail typo in Pitchfork really cementing that article
    2) Did the vocal tracks in Challengers not count as new NIN then, or was that more HTDA?
    Last edited by scorpiusdiamond; 08-10-2024 at 06:35 PM.

  16. #46
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    I'm fascinated by the "soundtrack by NIN" element. If it's just a few reworks of old pieces, new instrumentals, and a couple new "proper" songs - that's fine with me. New NIN!

  17. #47
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    Quote Originally Posted by BRoswell View Post
    I'm really tired of releases getting swept under the rug like this. "It doesn't count because it doesn't have vocals. It doesn't count because it's an EP." Give me a break. If it's not your thing, fine, but acting like they don't count as albums is just dumb.
    I like all those releases, hell, I love them I'm not sweeping them under the rug, but obviously something like Hesitation Marks is different from Ghosts:Together. To act differently is outright dishonest. I enjoy Trent's songwriting the most through some Pop-songwriting structures, I utterly love Ambient/Dark Ambient music, or also in general instrumental Electronic tracks Trent has released, stuff like "Just Like You Imagined" is one of my favorite songs from Trent, amongst others that are purely instrumental.

    There are even major differences between Ghosts I-IV and Ghosts Together, Ghosts I-IV was far more of an eccletic listen that went into all sorts of directions, genres and was more reminiscent of NIN sound-wise, Together/Locusts felt too ingrained within the duo's soundtracks,the line between NIN/soundtracks been always blurring but here it really feels too much.

    What I also meant is that what we really got after Hesitation Marks that was more in-line with NIN's sound were EPs, yes you can listen to The Trilogy together as one record, but it doesn't really work all that well, there are significant differences in production and mixing between all three making listening to them as one feel a tad awkward, The Trilogy contains some of my favorite music NIN ever put out, but it doesn't really feel like one big album as something like Hesitation Marks or everything that released before did.

    So, I just feel disappointed that after quite a big wait another NIN "album" is really just another, literal soundtrack, that's all.

  18. #48
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    i keep picturing the type of person who would pay to go to a disney convention going back to their accommodations and pulling up nin on their music app.
    “huh? ‘get down, make love’. let’s give this one a listen.”

  19. #49
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    Nightmare scenario: Tron Ares is a NIN musical with Jared Leto singing all of the parts

  20. #50
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    Quote Originally Posted by Leviathant View Post
    It obviously was wildly successful, but I wondered - was this a choice by the boys, or were they directed to keep it filmic?
    It was a choice by them. They were already thinking about moving away from the sound that everyone associated them with (hence why we got Random Access Memories), and Tron gave them a chance to spread out and try something new. They deliberately didn't want to emulate Carlos' score or do something that was completely expected of them. I think there's enough of their DNA in the score to justify them doing it.

    As for why it wasn't nominated when The Social Network was, that probably had to do with the fact that the film itself wasn't received too well rather than the quality of the score. Reviews were mixed, people obviously loved the score, but it came out, did its thing, and pretty much faded away after that. More people talk about the score these days than the actual film, so that should tell you something.

  21. #51
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    I gotta say, I hate most of this discussion thread so far.

  22. #52
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    Making some assumptions here, but my main problem with this scenario is that we don't get a 'proper' NIN album as we were I think all starting to expect - ie at least 90% of the tracks had vocals. I really like the majority of the R/R scores - so much so that I listen to them more than NIN (judging by lastfm)....but what I don't want/need is another score that sounds like the R/R works to date when its labelled as NIN. Something with the vibe of the more aggressive music from Watchmen, but with vocals, would be ideal. I'm not going to presume to know the course they're going to take - I thought I knew what to expect when they released Zoo Station for instance, and it couldn't have been any more different (and much more beautiful) than what I thought we might get. But re-imagined old songs and a couple of nubies for me isn't what I've been waiting patiently for since 2013.

    I await the results with interest....

  23. #53
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    Quote Originally Posted by simonn View Post
    Making some assumptions here, but my main problem with this scenario is that we don't get a 'proper' NIN album as we were I think all starting to expect
    Who says we're not? Just because this Tron score is credited to NIN doesn't mean they aren't working on other NIN material. Also, I wouldn't expect any new NIN releases until NIN announces it with a release date. Over the years, there have been too many things coming "soon" or things mentioned in interviews that don't come to pass. I don't believe it's happening until it has an announced release date.

  24. #54
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    Fun to know something is happening but none of us know what it actually means so I don't have much of an opinion. Year+ to go.

  25. #55
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    This is going to be fun.

  26. #56
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    Quote Originally Posted by cdm View Post
    Fun to know something is happening but none of us know what it actually means so I don't have much of an opinion. Year+ to go.
    yeah. not sure what theBang is expecting from us. dude, we have no idea except our band is now a disney brand. the timeline gives no fucks.

  27. #57
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    Quote Originally Posted by sweeterthan View Post
    ...except our band is now a disney brand. the timeline gives no fucks.
    They have been since 2018(ish)!

  28. #58
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    One thing is for sure, we will get some more great merch out of this!

  29. #59
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    I'm somewhat confused by the instagram announcement.

    Is NIN doing the score? Usually they credit those to Trent & Atticus as individuals instead of to NIN.

    Or is NIN on the soundtrack? Writing new music for the movie and soundtrack while someone else scores it? Doing both the score and the soundtrack?

    It says "Tron Ares Music by NIN". That could mean a few different things.

    I'm always excited for new NIN music, but I'm not really sure what to expect from this one.

  30. #60
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    The one clip sounds like Trent building up a growling scream so I'm down for this as a NIN record. Unconventionality has been their jam lately.

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