Quote Originally Posted by icklekitty View Post
So when I was 13/14 my best friends at the time sat me down in and told me that I'd made up all of the problems I had at home and I was a liar. Quite surprisingly, this (along with all the other balls I've told you over the years, ETS) has made me quite reluctant to trust humans and talk to them about my feelings and life experiences.

But I've finally become a lot better at talking to people (outside of the realm of HFWYD) about bad things as they happen, and it has been quite nice to find support and concern at the other end of the phone/gchat/table over the past few months. So maybe this is the first step to me figuratively unclenching my rectum for the first time in 12 years, eh?

I usually don't talk much about what's bothering me either just wasn't really raised in a conducive environment for that i guess, not that my mom was a bad parent. Anyhow, after breaking up with the lady i had to reach out to some friends and got lots of help because of it. Things most people probably wouldn't think twice about but for me it was really good to open up for a change. Good to hear you may have come to a similar point.

This whole weeks looks pretty good, and the weather here is an added bonus. I don't have to work with my boss at my second job at all this week which is awesome, and no 8 am shifts either. Going to the Electric Six show tonight with this girl i have been kinda interested in for a bit who i haven't seen out in a while but since we chatted the other night on FB i decided to she if she wanted to come with to the show. Saw one of the coolest hour long sunsets last night while aimlessly cruising around the flat lands of ND last night. And.....my shitty cold is almost gone, BO-YAH!!!