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Thread: The Amazing Spider-Man (2012)

  1. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai View Post
    Tim Burton's Batman movies were amazing, especially Returns.
    I second this. I think a lot of people forget about how good they were in their time because everyone is on Nolan's dick these days. Batman Forever had some moments....

  2. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by butters View Post
    This movie doesn't really interest me, but a question for those familiar w/ the story.... (I'm not at all trying to troll here...) -

    Was there something lacking from the actual story in the first movie that needed to be retold? I'm not familiar with the story apart from what was presented in the films, so I'm wondering, what was missing? (Again, honest question, not trolling.)

    I know the rights changed hands and maybe there was a desire to reset the style for further sequels, but I'm wondering more about the story aspect of this vs. the 2002 film. Was something "wrong" in the first one?
    The origin has been told and re-told and updated and re-vamped and retconned and whatever else in the comics so many times that it's kinda beyond right or wrong at this point, lol. You just pick and choose what characters to open up with and take it from there to tell it however you like within a general framework. The biggest departure from the classic chronology though was mainly Gwen not popping up till the 3rd film, since she was Peter's first love long before M.J. came along. So this is "correcting" that and going into some really interesting story stuff related to that which the previous trilogy never even touched upon. And making Peter have organic webshooters instead of creating his own with his budding science/inventor genius-level intellect. This is going a more classical route with that stuff, too. The Raimi trilogy also never dealt with his parents, who had a pretty interesting backstory retconned into the original run's early days and yet is still considered canon in most cases, and this looks like they plan to get into all that, too.

    I don't wanna spoil too much but that's the big stuff.

    Oh, and Sandman vs. Uncle Ben, of course.

    Like I said, though, it's just a different approach. With the amorphous nature of comics it's kinda pointless trying to be all hardcore-purist about it.

    I think it'll make a lot of that crowd very happy while surprising and hopefully impressing a lot of the people who don't know much else other than the original movies, though.

    Should be interesting!
    Last edited by Hazekiah; 02-08-2012 at 07:13 PM.

  3. #33
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    ^^^ many thanks for that reply, concise enough for what I was looking for. The Gwen/MJ scenario makes a lot of sense, as does the backstory with his parents.

  4. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by emptydesk View Post
    you're saying this as if elements of drama and peril can't exist along with camp in a story about a teenage boy in red and blue tights, like it wasn't the point to begin with

    this is how a spider-man movie should feel:

    I've always wondered how Freud and Jung would view each nemesis.

  5. #35
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    The first Batman was decent. Returns was my favorite as a kid, but watching it now sees me cringe at how cheesy the acting gets at times. Forever had potential, until it started getting campy.

    ...but anyway. SPIDER-MAN! He does whatever a spider can, right?

  6. #36
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    On another note, i hope we get an early introduction to eddy brock this time around... i actually thought they did a decent job in 3 with the eddy/peter relationship before they pronptly flushed it down the toilet.

    When i was little i subscribed to spiderman just before maximum carnage started, so that portion of his legacy will always remain my favorite.

  7. #37
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    if they make a trilogy of spider man movies that are great, I say they take a gamble and start a maximum carnage movie. hell, just jump into the fucking story.

  8. #38
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    I wonder who'll they'll get to play JJJ (even if he's not in this one, he's gotta show up in the next one). IMO J.K. Simmons was perfect.

  9. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by imail724 View Post
    I wonder who'll they'll get to play JJJ (even if he's not in this one, he's gotta show up in the next one). IMO J.K. Simmons was perfect.

    You said it about Simmons, that guy was born to play JJJ. I can't see how they'd leave em out

  10. #40
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    And the viral marketing continues...

    The geeks over at the Slash Film comments section already decoded the clues. I'll put spoiler tags so I don't spoil it for anyone who wants to figure it out for themselves. Spoiler: Basically, they figured out that the new page of the Mark of the Spiderman website is And then someone figured out that this new page seems to be showing what order to click the boxes on the main page of the site, though nothing happens when you do that (yet).

  11. #41
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    4 minute preview. Looks pretty dam good if you ask me.

  12. #42
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    The more I see of this movie, the more excited I get. There was a new TV spot for it tonight that aired during SNL, and I'm just loving the dynamism they're giving Spidey's web-slinging and body language. I read an interview with Marc Webb, and he dropped Mark Bagley's name as inspiration for that stuff, which made me really happy - he and Bendis did great work on Ultimate Spider-man.

    Seeing the latest trailer in 3D in front of The Avengers was a thrill, too, of course. In regards to 3D, Webb also mentioned that they made a conscious decision to a.) keep Spidey's entire body within the frame when swinging, and b.) maintain longer shots of the swinging because it supports the illusion more that way. Sounds like a great, practical approach! I'm psyched for those POV sequences, too. I wasn't sure if that was going to be exclusive to that first trailer or not.
    Last edited by Deadpool; 05-20-2012 at 12:31 AM. Reason: grammar

  13. #43
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    I saw the trailer in front of the Avengers yesterday and was surprised by how much it intrigued me. "Oh no, you found my weakness! My weakness is small knives!" I will see this one for sure whenever it comes out. Maybe not opening weekend, but not long after. It helps that Andrew Garfield is so much more likable than Tobey Maguire. And it's also very colorful and futuristic looking, it seems like it will be a real treat for the eyes.

  14. #44
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    Only a few days left! I bought my advanced tickets today for the first screening in Vancouver. 8pm Monday evening! I havn't been this excited for a new release in the theatre in a LOOOONG time! Spider-man is my faviourte of all the superhero's, so I have high hopes for this one!

  15. #45
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    I was pretty disappointed with it, not that I had HUGE expectations or anything, but I at least hoped it'd be fairly decent with Marc Webb directing.
    If anyone is interested, here's my review:

  16. #46
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    Quote Originally Posted by richardp View Post
    I was pretty disappointed with it, not that I had HUGE expectations or anything, but I at least hoped it'd be fairly decent with Marc Webb directing.
    If anyone is interested, here's my review:
    I started reading your review, But I had to stop quite early as I feel I was treading into a spoiler minefield, so I stopped. I'll probably go back and read it after I see it. I read enough where you indicated you weren't (aren't) really a Huge spider-man fan (growing up) and are more of a Batman guy. So i'm going to go ahead and still have strop hopes for this one, as I am a HUGE spider-man fan, and I actually enjoyed the 3rd movie alot. People say it's bad, but It's really not that bad, I actually really enjoyed it, so, you kind of compared this one to being no better or no worse than the original so I think i'll like this movie, as I thought the original (3) were pretty darn good superhero movies.

    My final note would be, I'm more of a spider-man guy than a Batman guy. Like you said, apples to oranges.

  17. #47
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    I try to keep my expectations at bay, but I can't help it, they're pretty high! The cast is great, and I like the little elements that are revealed (the web shooter instead of an organic whatever, the fact that he's actually wanted by the police, etc), I feel that they tie back to the comics nicely.

    And the Lizard was one of my favorite villains, so that's a win.

  18. #48
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    Quote Originally Posted by Self.Destructive.Pattern View Post
    I second this. I think a lot of people forget about how good they were in their time because everyone is on Nolan's dick these days. Batman Forever had some moments....
    Agreed! I fucking love Batman and Batman Returns. Those movies rule(d)! The Penguin was so morbid in Returns, I love it.

    I have zero interest in this Spider-Man reboot. Feels kinda odd for a reboot this early on, as 3 came out in 2007.

  19. #49
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    Quote Originally Posted by Space Suicide View Post
    I have zero interest in this Spider-Man reboot.
    The great thing about cinemas is you don't actually have to go to them if you don't want to watch what they're showing.

    My friends are all pretty big into Marvel and DC so I don't think I'll have any trouble finding somebody to go with the way I did with The Dark Knight. Can't wait!

  20. #50
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    Andrew Garfield is charming and manic and better by far than soggy seat cushion Tobey Maguire (sp?). Emma Stone lights up the screen but doesn't have a whole lot to do, really, which is to be expected.

    The pacing is terrible, especially at the beginning; I often wanted to punch the editor. The score was fucking atrocious, like I imagine there was a meeting near the end of the project where someone had to decide whether to go with what's there or delay this thing and miss summer box office. It's just so tone-deaf and out of sync and over the top; the score leaves the movie with no room to breathe and prods and underlines every development like Navi from Ocarina of Time in Hollywood blockbuster music form. The direction and script feel like the products of a marketing committee (though the first-person sequences—awkward and off-putting and seemingly intended only to placate 3-D audiences and probably test the waters for longer such sequences in a sequel or other movie entirely—were mercifully brief, maybe less than half a minute all together), though there were a few moments that got some genuine laughs, and the actors carried their lines better than the lines might really have deserved (well, Garfield and Stone did, anyway). The web-slinging sequences are excellent.

    It was okay. I had a good time. I wasn't excited about it going in and didn't come out disappointed, but I won't be back for seconds. The second one should be a lot better (as long as they don't kill Gwen Stacy).

    The Lizard's face looks like one of the goombas from the Super Mario Bros movie. The instant you recognize this you won't through the duration be able to get it out of your mind.
    Last edited by Corvus T. Cosmonaut; 07-03-2012 at 01:28 AM.

  21. #51
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    Quote Originally Posted by Space Suicide View Post
    Feels kinda odd for a reboot this early on, as 3 came out in 2007.
    Except 3 was the Ultimate train wreck of a movie. Rebooting was the smart thing to do, for sure.

    Except that so far it sounds like this thing is lackluster all over the place.

  22. #52
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    Quote Originally Posted by Corvus T. Cosmonaut View Post
    The Lizard's face looks like one of the goombas from the Super Mario Bros movie. The instant recognize this you won't through the duration be able to get it out of your mind.
    LOL that pretty much ruined the movie before I ever see it haha...anything slightly resembling anything from SMB is reason enough to possibly avoid it.

  23. #53
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    I know it's pretty hard to get a character like this right and they did a good job to let Ifans' face shine through, but at least someone must've warned the executives that it just looks like another Goomba or even Killer Croc from Batman TAS. They should really have showed some balls and alienate his appearance even more, especially his teeth. Not such a huge letdown like Venom was in Spiderman 3, but still...

  24. #54
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    Probably going to be some light spoilers in here... read at your own risk.

    Well, I enjoyed the movie for that it was. And it was better than the original Sam Raimi Cut, that's my opinion.

    The overall movie had a darker more mature feel to it, and to me that's exactly what I wanted in a spider-man flick.
    The original trilogy was too cartoony and too over the top. It worked for it's time, but if you try watching those movies again, you realize they are just one big cheese fest.

    The new one has it's flaws as well of course, not saying it's perfect. But it's a step in the right direction. They did alot better job with the story this time around.
    Just like Corvus T. Cosmonaut said, the pacing was TERRIBLE! They crammed way too much into the first half of the movie. Like the way Peter transitioned from human into Spider-man, was just too quick. There was no build up. No, hey whoa... why is this happening to me, and then... oh this is happening as well? It was all just way too sudden.

    Also, as metioned above, the first thing that came to mind with the look of the Lizard was the Goomba from the Super Mario Bros. movie. It almost ruins it, but when I consider how bad they butchered the Green Goblin from the first movie, I'll forgive them for this as well. He was alot better of a villain than the green gobin and his power rangers suit was in the other spider-man movie.

    The actors were spot on, Andrew Garfield stold the show as Peter Parker. Emma store was pretty good as Gwen as well.
    There were a couple continuity errors that bothered me, like how after the big night where peter parker saved the city from the Lizard, he came home super bruised and battered to the point he had like 6 inch gashes along the side of his face, and then the next day Gwen shows up at his door and he was all clean and perfect and had no marks or cuts on him?? That was totally unbeleiveable.

    Spoiler: So for the "hidden" end scene at the end, with Dr. Connors in his jail cell and the mysterious man shows up asking him if he told Peterthe truth about his father, any speculation on how that man is? Is he in the jail cell next to him, or is he just a visitor? I'd say if he was just a guy visiting Dr. Connors it's probably Norman Osborne. But that wouldn't make much sense, as throughout the whole movie they kept saying he was terribly ill and about to die at any point unless they found a cure for his condition... So that kind of rules him out, as he wouldn't just go for a stroll to the local prison to chat to an inmate.

  25. #55
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    I'm too tired to read through all the other posts right now, but I just got back from a 12:01 IMAX 3D screening (once again, exclusive poster in tow), and I enjoyed the hell out of it. I thought the Lizard looked amazing, even though they didn't do the badass McFarlane "snout" version. Garfield and Stone were awesome and have great chemistry, and as expected, I loved Martin Sheen as Uncle Ben. More than anything else, it just felt really, really good to be back in the Spider-Man universe. I had a blast. Also worth mentioning that I felt more emotional watching The Amazing Spider-Man than I did watching any of the Raimi films, but then again, I'm a big softie. Though, honestly, this one really balanced the light-heartedness with the melancholy very well.

    I haven't seen any of the Raimi movies in years, but (like Ebert) I'd say Webb's take is at least equal to Spider-Man 2 which I always considered my favorite of that series.

  26. #56
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    It was soooo meh.

    They really just took the original first movie and swapped out certain characters/actors while rehashing the same tired plot.

    Andrew Garfield performs well ajd the action scenes are pretty good too, but there were many kissed oppurtunities tobplease fans that they passed up. Like the stinger... they just dont know how to tease and hint like Marvel does, they cant tell a story like the batman movies do, and it doesnt know how to he all out fun like the avengers did. It tries all of those things and in the end feels very unspirited.

  27. #57
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    I thought it was good, liked it better than Raimi's first one and third one, Spidey 2 is still the dopest, but as a whole Andrew Garfield killed it, never thought Tobey Mag was a believable or even good Peter Parker. I disagree with whoever said that the transformation was too quick. I thought they did it just fine with all the build up. I mean I would've preferred it if it were just beginning with Spidey and his powers already, but I realize they have to add some development and all that shit. Straight up though, I noticed how the film stole a huge chunk of it's plot from this.

  28. #58
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    They could have easily started spiderman with his powers already. Im all about development, but it worked for the burton batmans..

  29. #59
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    I have to agree with an earlier post that the score was a little misplaced at times. Also... The post about the lizard looking like the Goomba... I'll agree with that too.

  30. #60
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wretchedest View Post
    They could have easily started spiderman with his powers already. Im all about development, but it worked for the burton batmans..
    This is a very good point. We don't need another origin story, everybody already fucking knows who and what Spiderman is! Especially considering this is following Raimi's trilogy so closely.

    Quote Originally Posted by october_midnight View Post
    anything slightly resembling anything from SMB is reason enough to possibly avoid it.
    I'll not tolerate any badmouthing of SMB. That movie is comedy gold.

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