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Thread: The Apple Thread

  1. #301
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    Quote Originally Posted by tony.parente View Post
    If you've ever seen an otterbox case you'll notice that the entire home button is blocked by a rubber gasket to keep it waterproof. If apple doesn't allow the fingerprint scanner to be disabled you're not going to be able to unlock your phone.

    EDIT: Take a look at the video for the Nuud unboxing, you'll see the home button isn't actually exposed at all, it's covered by the case.
    i'm almost positive you'll be able to disable the fingerprint scanner because its not like you HAVE to have a passcode on the current phones. its an option.

  2. #302
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    Quote Originally Posted by tony.parente View Post
    If you've ever seen an otterbox case you'll notice that the entire home button is blocked by a rubber gasket to keep it waterproof. If apple doesn't allow the fingerprint scanner to be disabled you're not going to be able to unlock your phone.

    EDIT: Take a look at the video for the Nuud unboxing, you'll see the home button isn't actually exposed at all, it's covered by the case.
    I really don't think they'd only allow phone access through fingerprint recognition.

    Quote Originally Posted by DVYDRNS View Post
    The more i think about this Keynote... the sadder it makes me. This feels like Apple officially not being on top anymore.

    The gold iPhone is just tacky as hell. I love apple for its extremely functional minimalism and their take it or leave it attitude. I dont see why they are trying to cater to tacky grandmothers and Jersey Shore wannabe's from Simi Valley.

    Looking at my iPhone 5 with iOS7 sitting next to my Nexus 7... It looks like Google is officially on top at this point.
    I suppose I'm looking past the lack of innovation and just taking the good over the bad ie a gold phone. Yeah, it's dumb, but the Space Gray ain't. I don't care about the race...I like my Apple devices...end of tale.

    blah blah blah I just want a cool new phone, for my needs (I'll be coming from an 8GB iPhone 4). I certainly don't want a phablet.
    Last edited by Amaro; 09-10-2013 at 03:02 PM.

  3. #303
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    My only point is that the "big seller" of this iPhone can't be used with a "mega" case.
    That being said i'll be buying one after the holidays.

  4. #304
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    If you're coming from the 4 its DEFINITELY worth the upgrade. You're talking to someone who upgrades every year. And this is the first time, that I'm not sure going through the selling process and buying process is worth it. I might just wait for the iPhone 6.

  5. #305
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    Quote Originally Posted by DVYDRNS View Post
    If you're coming from the 4 its DEFINITELY worth the upgrade. You're talking to someone who upgrades every year. And this is the first time, that I'm not sure going through the selling process and buying process is worth it. I might just wait for the iPhone 6.
    I would hold out for the 6 if I could... haha There comes a time, and that time is now...errr le 20th.

    Patience worn. Money right. Let's go.

  6. #306
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    Quote Originally Posted by tony.parente View Post
    My only point is that the "big seller" of this iPhone can't be used with a "mega" case.
    That being said i'll be buying one after the holidays.
    johnny ive cries every time someone put one of those big fat cases on the beautifully designed phones.

  7. #307
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    Quote Originally Posted by DVYDRNS View Post
    If you're coming from the 4 its DEFINITELY worth the upgrade. You're talking to someone who upgrades every year. And this is the first time, that I'm not sure going through the selling process and buying process is worth it. I might just wait for the iPhone 6.

    I'm stuck on an "s" cycle. I started with the 3gs, got the 4s and now i'll be hitting up the 5s.

  8. #308
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    Getting ready for the pre-orders to open up in ten minutes or so. My 3GS (yeah, that's right) is on its absolute last legs. Made it four full years, but it's time for a new one.

    That new one being the 5c. I don't need the M7 co-processor, that shitty gold color, or that fingerprint sensor. I need a 5 in pretty casing.

  9. #309
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    Quote Originally Posted by Final Destiny View Post
    Getting ready for the pre-orders to open up in ten minutes or so. My 3GS (yeah, that's right) is on its absolute last legs. Made it four full years, but it's time for a new one.

    That new one being the 5c. I don't need the M7 co-processor, that shitty gold color, or that fingerprint sensor. I need a 5 in pretty casing.
    How much of the 5c is internally upgraded from the 5? (iOS 7 doesn't count.) Since they've removed the 5 from the tech specs...I'm wondering if anyone can tell me here.

    That's pretty crasy @ your 3GS! One gen behind me.

  10. #310
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    Quote Originally Posted by Magrão View Post
    How much of the 5c is internally upgraded from the 5? (iOS 7 doesn't count.) Since they've removed the 5 from the tech specs...I'm wondering if anyone can tell me here.

    That's pretty crasy @ your 3GS! One gen behind me.
    I'm pretty sure nothing's been upgraded from the 5 hardware-side - it's all software-side. Except for maybe a better battery? I saw a 10% statistic being thrown around in regards to the 5c's battery improvement.

    Oh, and an improved antenna, with "the most LTE bands of any smartphone ever."

    Yeah man, it's been a rough couple months with my 3GS. Skype in particular likes to freeze for up to five minutes at a time, while the hardware buttons can sometimes take up to fifteen hits to work. Silencer randomly shifts on and off if I put too much pressure on that side of the phone, and now that's spread to the SIM tray. It's been upgrade time for a while.
    Last edited by gorast; 09-14-2013 at 01:54 AM.

  11. #311
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    So it's iOS 7 day.
    When is this sumbitch being pushed out?

  12. #312
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    Quote Originally Posted by tony.parente View Post
    So it's iOS 7 day.
    When is this sumbitch being pushed out?
    You can see it here:

    Really excited for it! I just hope I can get it downloaded tonight because I'm in a training and away from home and all I have is the shitty internet that is here. Luckily I have a WLAN spot over my room's door so it works quite okay.

  13. #313
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    Quote Originally Posted by Final Destiny View Post
    I'm pretty sure nothing's been upgraded from the 5 hardware-side - it's all software-side. Except for maybe a better battery? I saw a 10% statistic being thrown around in regards to the 5c's battery improvement.

    Oh, and an improved antenna, with "the most LTE bands of any smartphone ever."

    Yeah man, it's been a rough couple months with my 3GS. Skype in particular likes to freeze for up to five minutes at a time, while the hardware buttons can sometimes take up to fifteen hits to work. Silencer randomly shifts on and off if I put too much pressure on that side of the phone, and now that's spread to the SIM tray. It's been upgrade time for a while.
    Just get a 5s, brah. :0)


    iOS 7 is cool...

  14. #314
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    Downloaded iOS 7 directly from my phone. I had to retry pushing through the installation a few times, but otherwise, an easy and quick upgrade. Some of these features feel familiar to Android.

  15. #315
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    Quote Originally Posted by Magrão View Post
    Just get a 5s, brah. :0)


    iOS 7 is cool...
    Too late man. I already ordered it last week, and like I said, I don't want to pay the extra 100 for the co-processor and fingerprint sensor. I'm fine staying on the C upgrade route for a while, if this becomes the norm for Apple.

    In other news, my fucking phone needs to get here because I'm sick of everyone in the god damn world having fun with iOS 7 without me.

  16. #316
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    Quote Originally Posted by Final Destiny View Post
    Too late man. I already ordered it last week, and like I said, I don't want to pay the extra 100 for the co-processor and fingerprint sensor. I'm fine staying on the C upgrade route for a while, if this becomes the norm for Apple.

    In other news, my fucking phone needs to get here because I'm sick of everyone in the god damn world having fun with iOS 7 without me.
    Well, it's the camera related upgrades and the actual processor speed I'm going the extra 100 for.

    I wish I was just joining Sprint, because, dang--99.99 for the 16GB 5s, I'd easily drop 199.99 for the 32GB in that case. AHHHH I want moar! Honestly, I think I'm gonna try the ole Family Plan loophole. This is the opportunity to seize.

    I almost held off on getting the new iOS today, since Friday is the big day... Enjoy that feeling.
    Last edited by Amaro; 09-18-2013 at 11:35 PM.

  17. #317
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    Considering I'm usually pessimistic about these things and have made it through an hour without wanting to smash my iphone, it must be pretty good. Just using it so far:

    - Biggest con is this fucking browser. I like to see what page I'm on, not just the main web site (for instance it's just showing at the top that I'm on not necessarily what section I'm in. Moving the page up/down seems to have a mind of its own as to what feature is and what feature is not displayed.

    - biggest pro is the quick swipe control center kicks fucking ass. I used tis a lot for travel, and it's a metric shit ton better. Also seems like the keyboard is much more accurate for my 5 now. Constantly misspelled stuff in the past when trying hard to type it correctly.

    Not a fan of the Easter Bunny pallet color look, seems "cheaper".

    My my guess is Ill like it a lot, just need to get used to it.

  18. #318
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    Quote Originally Posted by Magrão View Post
    Well, it's the camera related upgrades and the actual processor speed I'm going the extra 100 for.
    Fair enough, and that makes sense - but the 8 MP/whatever aperture size it has that's not as good as the 5s is just fine for me, especially considering I'm moving up from the grainy-as-shit 3GS camera. Same thing for the processor - A6 is going to blow my fucking mind coming from the 3GS not-even-A-branded processor. Plus, four times the RAM.

    Apple sent it today, they probably did expedited shipping which means tomorrow will be the day. I'm already shaking with excitement. My roommate kept bragging about iOS 7 and shoving it in my face, that bastard.

    Krazy: maybe look into using Chrome instead of Safari, if the new address bar bothers you? I haven't used Safari in over a year on iOS, even with the stupid lack of integration that Apple forces on Chrome.

  19. #319
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    i don't think the gold was really for the us. analysts seem to think the gold if for the japan/china market. it's supposedly popular there. all i can offer to that is my friend who teaches in japan told me that his students do seem to put phones in gold cases more often then not. i will be trying to get my 5s tomorrow. new camera and processor are enough for me.

  20. #320
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    Got my hands on the 5s and 5c today. If unboxing is a big deal for you, prepared to be underwhelmed by the 5c. I thought I was opening an iPod touch at first.

  21. #321
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    iOS 7 pros outweigh cons...

    - Feeling a little slow on my iPhone 4 was expected and that is the case, though it's faster than I figured it'd be on this model.
    - The folder groupings show 9 app icons on one folder "page" instead of the 12 it used to be (I believe it was), albeit only on the one folder "page" that was available then. That's something I gripe about because I use folders on the dock of the phone with all my go-to apps, nothing except the wallpaper picture on the first desktop, and now I've had to divvy the apps up across 3 folders down there, next to the Phone icon on the far right. It just seems the app icons in a folder are separated by an unnecessarily larger space than if they weren't in folders. I may have to make adjustments to my setup.
    - I wish there was an appropriate Music button in the new Control Center drop-up. I gotta hit the play button, pause, then press the artist name of whatever was playing randomly to go to Music. Hmph...
    - On the Music subject--it's a bit Beats color schemed, no? I don't like how bright it is in general.
    - Also in Music--in Artists view you have to cycle through one album after the other. What the shit is that? Come on.
    - Fairly minor gripe: multitask view, when you're cycling for a particular app to switch to or drop/quit--you gotta wait for the reel to come to a complete stop to drag that one app up. I guess like the old multitask function more.

    I believe that's it, at least for now.
    Last edited by Amaro; 09-19-2013 at 10:41 PM.

  22. #322
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    Anyone update their ipad to the new operating system? I'm scared. I have lot of synths and music production apps I don't want to mess up.

  23. #323
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    The Apple Thread

    Haven't yet, no. I'm back to using my first gen iPad because my iPad mini is pissing me the fuck off. I will be first in line for the new full-size iPad. I liked the mini for a while but its shit wifi and processor speed sucks, I'm gonna give it to my mom so she can play Wheel of Fortune.

    Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD

  24. #324
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    Urgh iOS7 wtf

  25. #325
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    5c is here, can't set it up because no SIM card yet. The worst sort of tease ever.

  26. #326
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    Quote Originally Posted by Final Destiny View Post
    5c is here, can't set it up because no SIM card yet. The worst sort of tease ever.
    Wow. I don't even know what that's all about...had no idea.

    I ended up loopholing it, using a track phone to port into a new line, for a 32GB Space Gray 5S at 230.00. Crazy day, almost didn't make it happen... Severely low stock in my general area. Faraway small town Sprint store to the rescue.

    Thing is amazing. Running the new iOS the right way. Goodbye, iPhone 4.
    Last edited by Amaro; 09-21-2013 at 08:12 AM.

  27. #327
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    Yeah, apparently a SIM card needs to be popped in for you to set up anything, even if the SIM's already been deactivated (needed to use my old one to wipe my 3GS and turn it into a music hub).

    Anyway, the 5c with iOS 7 is seriously like using a completely different operating system. I can't believe I let myself miss out on such a gorgeous screen for so, apps that actually open within a second of touching the icon! It's a whole new world!

    One thing that I noticed, though, is that the design of the OS feels very Galaxy-like. Not Android-like, but specifically Galaxy-like. Except, of course, that it doesn't look completely horrendous like the Galaxy's UI overlay. Very, very happy with this purchase.

  28. #328
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    Quote Originally Posted by Final Destiny View Post
    Yeah, apparently a SIM card needs to be popped in for you to set up anything, even if the SIM's already been deactivated (needed to use my old one to wipe my 3GS and turn it into a music hub).
    It didn't come with one?

  29. #329
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    Quote Originally Posted by Magrão View Post
    It didn't come with one?
    Nah, I bought my 5c unlocked because I don't do contracts (for now, mostly because I can't guarantee that I'll keep up with payments). I have a GoPhone SIM, so I had to get that converted to nano size before I could start.

  30. #330
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    Quote Originally Posted by ericy210 View Post
    Anyone update their ipad to the new operating system? I'm scared. I have lot of synths and music production apps I don't want to mess up.
    I updated my iPad2 several days ago. Everything went smoothly & I haven't had any issues w/anything so far...

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