Quote Originally Posted by ninmachine View Post
Wow. Have you ever listened to Year Zero??????? Have you listened to 'Capital G'?????? Or 'The Hand That Feeds'????? Have you watched the multiple interviews in which Trent rails against the Republican agenda of piousness and GREED??????? It's pretty clear what he stands for. Does him sitting at an apple event contradict all that? No, not really. It's just a bit odd is all I'm saying.
Him not being a republican doesn't really mean much, there's some pretty nasty democrats out there (and some very nice republicans).
Quote Originally Posted by ninmachine View Post
Trent didn't go to a major label to "make more money." He's said multiple times that the choice to go to a major label was so he could focus on making music and not have to worry about all the other stuff that comes with having to release a record on an independent label.
No he did. Like, TVT weren't hindering his music making, to be able to "focus on music" means he didn't have to worry about money. Not blaming the dude, I'd do the same, but it's hardly appealing to this idealised aesthetic you have.

Also how much of YZ's story was actually by Rob? Because comparing TR and RS's tweets and blog posts etc, the whole theme feels WAY more Rob than Trent, imo - and they both created the world.