Quote Originally Posted by elevenism View Post
No stand out book? Under the Dome blew my fucking mind. Hell, it's just about my favorite. There are only a couple i wasn't totally in love with...Cell and From a Buick Eight. Oh yeah, and Colorado Kid. Mr. Mercedes was sub-par too...i hope he cools it with the sam spade bullshit.

But a new one in November?
Hot damn!
A new King book for me is like a new NIN album. I do NOTHING but read when they come out and they rarely take me more than a couple of days.

I can't wait.
I did mention 'Dallas '63' as a stand-out, and I did enjoy 'Under The Dome'. I enjoy pretty much all of his books, just meant that he hasn't written something that will probably be remembered as a classic in a while, save for two books.

Also, you might already know this but there is another book (and possibly 2) that will deal with the Mr. Mercedes story. Evidentally, King has something "epic" planned for this when it's all done.