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Thread: Stephen King

  1. #121
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    So are you guys digging Mr Mercedes and Finders Keepers?

    I just got them recently.

    In my mind i've cast mandy patinkin (from criminal minds and homeland) as Hodges.

  2. #122
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    I dug Mr Mercedes. I bought Finders Keepers but haven't read it yet. I think I can't be bothered with it because Brady Hartfield doesn't return until End Of Watch and I just want to skip it and read that, haha

  3. #123
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryan View Post
    I dug Mr Mercedes. I bought Finders Keepers but haven't read it yet. I think I can't be bothered with it because Brady Hartfield doesn't return until End Of Watch and I just want to skip it and read that, haha
    Ryan did you read finders keepers yet?
    i liked it BETTER than Mr M, and Brady is in there a little bit

  4. #124
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    Quote Originally Posted by elevenism View Post
    Ryan did you read finders keepers yet?
    i liked it BETTER than Mr M, and Brady is in there a little bit
    Not yet, I'm still slowly getting through The Bazaar of Bad Dreams.

    Just finished Herman Wouk Is Still Alive, just started Blockade Billy.

  5. #125
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    I finished reading TBOBD but skipped Blockade Billy because that baseball stuff doesn't really interest me.

    Really loved Drunken Fireworks. And Summer Thunder was depressing as all hell.

  6. #126
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    Little Bad Kid was almost vintage King, the rest not so much.

  7. #127
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryan View Post
    I finished reading TBOBD but skipped Blockade Billy because that baseball stuff doesn't really interest me.

    Really loved Drunken Fireworks. And Summer Thunder was depressing as all hell.
    man there was a version of Drunken Fireworks released with this northeastern american humorist reading it and doing the voices. It was fucking HILARIOUS. Since you just read it, you probably don't want to hear it again right away, but i HIGHLY suggest listening to it on down the line.

    I also suggest reading Blockade Billy, because even though it is baseball themed, it's still PURE stephen king.
    @decadent , you didn't like the collection then? i see it as king trying some new directions, definitely, but good GOD i loved it, as i love everything he's ever written.
    The only king i didn't love was Cell and From a Buick 8.

  8. #128
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    so what do you guys think of Idris Elba cast as roland?
    I think it's kind of cool, although my wife and i REALLY wanted Viggo Mortenson.

    Elba just MIGHT be great, though.

    Oh, and hey, did you guys like 11.22.63? It was a Hulu original mini-series, and while it wasn't faithful to the book, it was pretty damn good.

    One more thing: does anyone need a paperback copy of finders keepers? i will send it to you for the cost of shipping. I thought i had lost my hardback with 50 pages left to go, so i bought the paperback and read it. But last night i found the hardcover.
    @Jinsai @mrselfdestruct94 @Ryan @miss k bee @decadent @fillow @onthewall2983 @frankie teardrop @NYRexall @The_Prowler @slave2thewage @aggroculture @Pillfred @tommygunn @Aywok

    if you are in the us and want it, just paypal me $4. And if you are on hard times, just send me $1 or $2. If you are having a REALLY hard time financially and want the book, fuck it, i'll cover the shipping. And that goes for any ets folk-i just mentioned most of the people who have posted in this thread, but i'm not doing this all day
    Last edited by elevenism; 04-16-2016 at 05:27 PM.

  9. #129
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    I can see Idris doing just fine he's got the right look about him and he's a good actor. I haven't watched the Kennedy show yet but it's on my dl list.

  10. #130
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    Do people in America in general know the date of JFK shooting? Whenever I think or talk about 11.22.63, I always just call it 'that JFK book'

  11. #131
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    Quote Originally Posted by fillow View Post
    Do people in America in general know the date of JFK shooting? Whenever I think or talk about 11.22.63, I always just call it 'that JFK book'
    Not really. It's not like 9/11/01 where everybody gets it, I would be surprised if 1 out of 10 people know the JFK date...

  12. #132
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    Any and all concerns I have with TDT movie have zero to do with the casting choices so far that all seem great. Who's directing, who's writing, what order are the books being adapted, how much are they going to try and cram into one film, how are you going to handle how much of the series relies on other books, etc. That worries me more than anything. Most of Wolves of the Calla would need to be changed dramatically because of Doctor Doom, 'Salem's Lot and that Harry Potter thing in it. King's self-insertion worked in the book but would feel incredibly dumb in a movie. Things like that.

    The biggest thing for me is that within the first thirty seconds I want to see Elba walking through the desert and reaching down for a canteen or something and the camera following his hand, panning over his body and going across the Horn of Eld secure at his hip. That's all it's going to take to either make me feel like I'm in good hands and not complain about most narrative changes or make me terrified and far more critical of the overall thing.

    To me TDT is so incredible because of the entire journey around it literature-wise, not just the journey in those seven books themselves. It being King's magnum opus, it being the literal center of the multiverse of his fiction, the series being the literary equivalent to the Tower itself, the way that you'd read a random novel of his and suddenly spot different references and connections and tie it all back in your head to the series, the way that so much of the series involves bring in elements of his other work -- all of that makes it feel like this genius, organic sort of artifact of a story that makes being a Stephen King fan obsessive in a way. I remember having some "guide to the Stephen King universe" book growing up and that being this fantastic reference point that went out of its way to show how literally no story he had told in a novel couldn't somehow be connected back to the series, and it was fantastic. it was the DC or Marvel comics of literature in a sense to me. It was his own Lovecraftian thing, realizing that the monster from It was even more terrifying and had even bigger implications, that kind of thing.

    Absolutely zero of any of that can translate on screen in any meaningful way that has any similar impact. So at best I'm hoping for a visually stunning epic of a series that tells the basic story and tells it well with lots of weirdness and grit beneath it's fingernails but I don't expect anything close to the book series that moved me and made me an obsessive King junkie for years and I don't expect it to be the amazing force of nature those books were at all.

  13. #133
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    @kleiner352 , you were that kid at school who was given a 3 page essay and you wrote 30 pages, aren't you?

  14. #134
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    I'm confused, are we getting a movie or a series? (TDT)

  15. #135
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryan View Post
    @kleiner352, you were that kid at school who was given a 3 page essay and you wrote 30 pages, aren't you?
    Maximum word counts were my enemy

  16. #136
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    Quote Originally Posted by hellospaceboy View Post
    Not really. It's not like 9/11/01 where everybody gets it, I would be surprised if 1 out of 10 people know the JFK date...
    On the other hand, we'll see if the average citizen of 2061 remembers the twin towers at all...

  17. #137
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    Quote Originally Posted by fillow View Post
    Do people in America in general know the date of JFK shooting? Whenever I think or talk about 11.22.63, I always just call it 'that JFK book'
    Quote Originally Posted by hellospaceboy View Post
    Not really. It's not like 9/11/01 where everybody gets it, I would be surprised if 1 out of 10 people know the JFK date...
    Quote Originally Posted by Khrz View Post
    On the other hand, we'll see if the average citizen of 2061 remembers the twin towers at all...
    Right. The number of those who remember or know the 11/22/63 date rises dramatically if the people you're asking are old enough. My dad says that every generation has 1 or 2 dates during their lives when events happened that you will always remember. And not just the date, but where you were and what you were doing. For us, it's 9/11/01. Even though I was only 4, I clearly remember first hearing about it. For those old enough to be living then, JFK's assassination is one of those moments. My grandfather told of when he first heard about Pearl Harbor. Disasters or traumatic events imprint strongly in the memory if you're living through them. Reading about them in a history book, not as much.

  18. #138
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    @elevenism - I'm starting Finders Keepers tonight.

  19. #139
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryan View Post
    @elevenism - I'm starting Finders Keepers tonight.
    you know, i finally figured out what i don't like about those books, and that's that a lot of it is in present tense.

    but FK has a lot that's in past tense, and it reads more like the rest of his work.

    The parts with Brady seem like SK is revving up for an epic finale to the trilogy.

  20. #140
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  21. #141
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    Recently finished Dr Sleep.
    Boy, that was a lazy book. I'm trying hard to remember, but I don't think there was ever a SK book where main characters resolved their conflict with evil forces so goddamn easy. Not one casualty, mutilation or any spilled blood whatsoever, a goddamn walk in the park.

    On the other hand, I'd like him to write another sequel Spoiler: where adult Abra turns evil and fucks shit up

  22. #142
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    So End of Watch went hard as FUCK.
    @Ryan did you read it yet?

    Hey check this out-words you can make from Hartsfield-

    Farts. Lies. Lie. Die. Dies. (Fart)Shield.
    Rat. Deal. Dare. Lard. Dire. Drift. Ash. Filth. Hate. Dirt.
    Last edited by elevenism; 12-28-2016 at 10:14 AM.

  23. #143
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    Haven't read it yet but I will soon. Does it leave room for a fourth?

  24. #144
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    Goodness no.

  25. #145
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    yeah @Ryan . Not exactly. So you are an SK fan too @allegate ?

  26. #146
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    I've been a Constant Reader for decades now.

    When I saw this thread on the top of the page I - thinking of what 2016 has wrought thus far - assumed he had died so was relieved it was just a question about a book.

  27. #147
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegate View Post
    I've been a Constant Reader for decades now.

    When I saw this thread on the top of the page I - thinking of what 2016 has wrought thus far - assumed he had died so was relieved it was just a question about a book.
    i, too, am
    a constant reader. i have read ALL of it. i fucking love his "voice."
    And he better be writing, fast.

    Stephen King books are one of my greatest joys in life, ever since i read Skeleton Crew when i was FIVE.

  28. #148
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    I love stuff like this...

  29. #149
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    So have any of you guys read Sleeping Beauties, the collaboration SK did with his son Owen? @allegate ?

  30. #150
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    Quote Originally Posted by elevenism View Post
    So have any of you guys read Sleeping Beauties, the collaboration SK did with his son Owen? @allegate ?
    I just bought it from Barnes & Noble for 60% off with lots of sales and coupon vouchers. I'll read it sometime soon. It's thick.

    Some more meandering,

    As a "noob" I've wanted and have been intrigued by his books for a long time but never much actually attempted to read them. I enjoy to read but a lot of his books as fat as fuck and those take me forever and I'm poor at keeping up, even if a book is THAT good. I have always enjoyed his film adaptations as well as his original works for the screen such as Creepshow. After seeing IT I said fuck it and decided to delve into his bibliography. I've been snatching up his books left and right every week during lunch hour from B&N. 8.99 a book isn't bad. I'm getting quite a big catalog and am starting to thrust forward with actually reading what I'm buying. I have bought a lot of books the past 2 months...

    • The Dark Tower Series (Currently own I-V)
    • Dreamcatcher
    • The Tommyknockers
    • The Shining
    • Doctor Sleep
    • Under the Dome
    • IT
    • Cujo
    • Four Past Midnight
    • Skeleton Crew
    • Different Seasons
    • The Bizarre of Bad Dreams
    • 11/22/63
    • Sleeping Beauties
    • Pet Semetary
    • The Green Mile (currently starting to read this one!)

    Last edited by Space Suicide; 11-03-2017 at 08:47 PM.

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