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Thread: Arrested Development

  1. #181
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    I'd love if they went back to the original format. I just started watching the older seasons again and it is so refreshing!

  2. #182
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    I finally decided to watch this show after repeated mentions of it being one of the best comedy shows ever. And I've got to say I now know there was a void in my soul before AD came to fill it up. What an amazing, refreshing, fun, intelligent show!

    As for Season 4, I enjoyed it from start till end. It probably helped that I had previously watched Seasons 1-3 back to back and all four seasons within a month or so, because I wasn't at all put off by the change in the show's structure; I didn't have to wait for several years to get new episodes and didn't have the time to get all nostalgic. For me, Season 4 is right up there with the best of them, and the setup is simply brilliant. The way the puzzle pieces all fall into place as we see the events from the point of view of each character was a joy to watch. I am running out of superlatives here!

  3. #183
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  4. #184
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    Egh... Sounds like the same thing as before. They all want to do it, etc etc. Still isn't green-lit. Until that happens, it isn't moving forward. He's probably working on the screenplay before pitching it.

  5. #185
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    Leaked Teaser Trailer for Season 5, I don't know if this is legit but if it is then we can expect it to arrive early next year!

  6. #186
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    Faker than a 3 dollar bill

  7. #187
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  8. #188
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    Guess I know what I'll be watching this weekend. Hopefully it's better.

  9. #189
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    Awesome! Love Arrested Development and been waiting for season 5 and have been interested in the season 4 recut since Mitch mentioned his intentions to re-edit a while ago. Finally! Guessing season 5 will be here in the summer or perhaps fall. Netflix need to fill the gap left from no Stranger Things this year.

  10. #190
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    FYI, it's been confirmed that Tambor is part of Season 5.

  11. #191
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    Two episodes in. Much better than the original season.

  12. #192
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    Hopefully it is better than that abortion of last season. That was truly horrible.

  13. #193
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    Quote Originally Posted by Piko View Post
    Two episodes in. Much better than the original season.
    Agreed. Im 3 episodes in and it's so clear now that the pacing was way off originally. This is how it should have been from the beginning.

  14. #194
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    Didn't really mind S4 originally, although with the format it was a touch weird, this re-cut seems to have hit the nail on the head though! Really really enjoying it.

    Noticing things I didn't see last time and getting hyped for S5

  15. #195
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    S4 was not utter shit, just hit and miss. And I'm glad Tambor returned.

  16. #196
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    Quote Originally Posted by Volband View Post
    S4 was not utter shit, just hit and miss. And I'm glad Tambor returned.
    Same. I felt sad about the sexual assault accusations, and it remains to be seen whether or not he's actually guilty- I'll be pissed if it does come out eventually that it's true - however AD wouldn't be the same without him and I'd be a little put off watching if they'd have sacked him too.

  17. #197
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  18. #198
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    The Men Of Arrested Development Sound Like Schmucks

    well, if i was on the fence about watching the "remix" of season 4 and then checking out season 5, i am definitely no longer interested. it's bad enough that tambor harassed someone on Transparent, but these fucking dudes defending him verbally abusing jessica walter is abhorrent.

  19. #199
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    Quote Originally Posted by eversonpoe View Post
    The Men Of Arrested Development Sound Like Schmucks

    well, if i was on the fence about watching the "remix" of season 4 and then checking out season 5, i am definitely no longer interested. it's bad enough that tambor harassed someone on Transparent, but these fucking dudes defending him verbally abusing jessica walter is abhorrent.
    Exactly. Again, there is context. What we do for a living is not normal, and therefore the process is not normal sometimes, and to expect it to be normal is to not understand what happens on set.
    Fuck Jason Bateman. Sweetie, what I do for work is not normal either. I frequently work longer days than you do, in more trying and stressful conditions than you. I go longer without seeing my family than you do. And if I exploded to the point that it brought a grown woman to tears talking about it years after the fact, you'd better believe my ass would be fired on the spot.

    And I know professional actors. They all have their processes. Some of them make me laugh a little. Some of them just make me tilt my head and go "huh?" But none of them make me cry because that process resulted in a massive verbal assault directed at me. Because they're all good people who know that no one deserves to be screamed at like that for anything short of maybe physically attacking somebody.

    Here's the thing: I'm already a Netflix subscriber and will continue to be. So I'm likely going to give the show a chance anyway because frankly, the company already has my money. But I've had artists that I've had to stop listening to after their actions have been brought to light, and it's entirely possible that I won't be able to put this out of my head while watching and, as a result, will turn it back off.

  20. #200
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    @eversonpoe @theimage13 @thevoid99
    The New York Times article and interview doesn't sound nearly as bad as Spin is making this out to be. Walters said she would work with Tambor again in a heartbeat in the Times interview.

    Something else I wanted to add...

    Honestly, I wish we had complete audio/video of the interview. I've learned transcripts aren't always the best ways to judge a conversation and seen transcripts used as weapons by the Times before. I'm not defending Tambor or anything. But actually hearing and seeing a conversation can completely change you opinion of the exhange. You don't pick up on inflections, the little nuances, pauses, and sounds people make.

    Not to bring up politics here, but the NY Times pulled something mischievous during the primaries with Bernie Sanders. They purposely shared the transcript of an interview first and when you read it Bernie sounded like he couldn't complete a thought and unable to convey what he was trying to say. It looked bad going by the transcript. But when the Times finally released the audio and you actually heard the interview, you discovered it was the journalist constantly cutting off Bernie and interjecting before he could complete his thought and leaving out moments. The Times made sure to share the audio a couple of weeks later after people already made up their minds on the interview. Meanwhile the audio of the interview showed a completely different interaction where Bernie was trying to share his ideas and thoughts, but was being cut off by the interviewer. I learned to beware of journalists and many times they have an agenda.

    All I'm saying is I much rather hear the full and back and forth without edits. Even that 1 minute audio of Walters sounds like there is a cut in there.
    Last edited by neorev; 05-23-2018 at 09:34 PM.

  21. #201
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    Quote Originally Posted by neorev View Post
    @eversonpoe @theimage13 @thevoid99
    The New York Times article and interview doesn't sound nearly as bad as Spin is making this out to be. Walters said she would work with Tambor again in a heartbeat in the Times interview.

    Something else I wanted to add...

    Honestly, I wish we had complete audio/video of the interview. I've learned transcripts aren't always the best ways to judge a conversation and seen transcripts used as weapons by the Times before. I'm not defending Tambor or anything. But actually hearing and seeing a conversation can completely change you opinion of the exhange. You don't pick up on inflections, the little nuances, pauses, and sounds people make.

    Not to bring up politics here, but the NY Times pulled something mischievous during the primaries with Bernie Sanders. They purposely shared the transcript of an interview first and when you read it Bernie sounded like he couldn't complete a thought and unable to convey what he was trying to say. It looked bad going by the transcript. But when the Times finally released the audio and you actually heard the interview, you discovered it was the journalist constantly cutting off Bernie and interjecting before he could complete his thought and leaving out moments. The Times made sure to share the audio a couple of weeks later after people already made up their minds on the interview. Meanwhile the audio of the interview showed a completely different interaction where Bernie was trying to share his ideas and thoughts, but was being cut off by the interviewer. I learned to beware of journalists and many times they have an agenda.

    All I'm saying is I much rather hear the full and back and forth without edits. Even that 1 minute audio of Walters sounds like there is a cut in there.
    I'll listen with an open mind if I ever hear a full version, but here's what I heard / read:

    -Walters clearly not okay with what Tambor did, but trying to be the bigger person and putting it in the past.
    -Basically every male cast member going "yeah, whatevs, Tambor blows up at people all the time but he's an actor so it's okay".

    No, it's not fucking okay.

  22. #202
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    Quote Originally Posted by neorev View Post
    @eversonpoe @theimage13 @thevoid99
    The New York Times article and interview doesn't sound nearly as bad as Spin is making this out to be. Walters said she would work with Tambor again in a heartbeat in the Times interview.

    Something else I wanted to add...

    Honestly, I wish we had complete audio/video of the interview. I've learned transcripts aren't always the best ways to judge a conversation and seen transcripts used as weapons by the Times before. I'm not defending Tambor or anything. But actually hearing and seeing a conversation can completely change you opinion of the exhange. You don't pick up on inflections, the little nuances, pauses, and sounds people make.

    Not to bring up politics here, but the NY Times pulled something mischievous during the primaries with Bernie Sanders. They purposely shared the transcript of an interview first and when you read it Bernie sounded like he couldn't complete a thought and unable to convey what he was trying to say. It looked bad going by the transcript. But when the Times finally released the audio and you actually heard the interview, you discovered it was the journalist constantly cutting off Bernie and interjecting before he could complete his thought and leaving out moments. The Times made sure to share the audio a couple of weeks later after people already made up their minds on the interview. Meanwhile the audio of the interview showed a completely different interaction where Bernie was trying to share his ideas and thoughts, but was being cut off by the interviewer. I learned to beware of journalists and many times they have an agenda.

    All I'm saying is I much rather hear the full and back and forth without edits. Even that 1 minute audio of Walters sounds like there is a cut in there.
    totally see where you're coming from, however, with the two trans actresses that tambor sexually harassed on Transparent, he clearly has some issues beyond just anger management, no matter what the context is.

    also, i'm really proud of alia shawkat for standing up for jessica walter in the midst of all that.

  23. #203
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    Quote Originally Posted by eversonpoe View Post
    totally see where you're coming from, however, with the two trans actresses that tambor sexually harassed on Transparent, he clearly has some issues beyond just anger management, no matter what the context is.

    also, i'm really proud of alia shawkat for standing up for jessica walter in the midst of all that.
    I wasn't trying to defend Tambor. He obviously has issues.
    Last edited by neorev; 05-23-2018 at 11:01 PM.

  24. #204
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    Quote Originally Posted by neorev View Post
    I wasn't trying to defend Tambor. He obviously has issues.
    oh, i didn't think you were! sorry, tone is never properly conveyed through text, it's endlessly frustrating!

    i mean in response to you wanting to hear the audio instead of reading the transcript. i don't know how much it would change, given that tambor clearly has...issues. but it would still probably make more sense of a few things.


  25. #205
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    Did y'all listen to the audio where she starts crying? It's so gross and sickening. Fuck Bateman. Fuck Cross. Tambor is human garbage.

  26. #206
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    That interview was a really uncomfortable read. It won't affect my enjoyment of the show but it was a tough one to get through.

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  28. #208
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    My hope, even though it doesn't need to be publicized, is that he called Jessica up and told her this directly.

    I'm still not watching season 5.

  29. #209
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    Quote Originally Posted by neorev View Post
    @eversonpoe @theimage13 @thevoid99
    The New York Times article and interview doesn't sound nearly as bad as Spin is making this out to be. Walters said she would work with Tambor again in a heartbeat in the Times interview.
    I came in here to check that people were actually reading the original article and not some chinese whispers version. I saw a Jezebel version this morning which was just as offensive to Jessica for twisting her words.

    It's fine if you want to boycott the fifth season, but please do it as a result of reading the original words - Jessica's original words in which she's mad at the interviewer for asking - and not something written by someone fapping over the topic.

  30. #210
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    Quote Originally Posted by icklekitty View Post
    Jessica's original words in which she's mad at the interviewer for asking
    I'm confused by this. Are you talking about this exchange? Because I read this as Jessica asking what the question was going to be before she interrupted the Times interviewer and was putting it back on topic.

    From the Hollywood Reporter interview, you talked about how you yelled at directors, assistant directors, the “Transparent” creator Jill Soloway. You even said at one point you lashed out at —
    WALTER Jessica Walter.


    WALTER [TO THE TIMES] What was your point about that, though?
    If someone approached you and said, “O.K., here’s an actor that admits he routinely yells at directors, at assistant directors, at co-workers, assistants,” would you hire that person?

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