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Thread: The Fucking Thread

  1. #2461
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sarah K View Post
    I haven't *used* them yet. But I just got a some of them. I was telling my friend who is a sex educator my condom woes and she gave me a bunch. They're the Skyn brand, which I believe is made by Lifestyles. I've taken them out and messed around with them. They seem kinda thick. But I had previously used like ULTRATHIN shit or whatever. The lube on them is sparse and gets tacky quickly. So plan for that accordingly, if necessary.

    I've heard good things about the brand. I just can't bring myself to use the lambskin ones so I'm hoping that my vagina accepts these better than the latex ones.


    As I was typing this, I was messing around with one. I put it over three fingers, something a condom should fit over easily, and it got a decent sized hole in it. The hole is at the base of the condom, so it wasn't torn by a fingernail or anything.

    So that is ummm... concerning.
    Somehow I missed your edit. That is concerning. But hey, the FDA put their stamp of approval on it! :P Hopefully it's just a rare flaw though. I've seen latex do similar.

  2. #2462
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    Quote Originally Posted by playwithfire View Post
    For the record I have used polyisoporene condoms when I bought like a 3 pack of the Skyn ones years ago but don't remember them being remarkable.

    Durex Ultra Thin are my go-to's.

    What are y'alls?
    Anything but LifeStyles. Maybe I managed to get some bad boxes, but every 2 out of 3 seem to break.

  3. #2463
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    It for sure could have just been a one off thing that happened.

    The lube thing must be a consistent issue with them because I saw a box yesterday that was like SUPER EXTRA LUBRICATED or something.

    I'm going to try to put one on a Hitachi tonight. Will report back!

  4. #2464
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    The Fucking Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Sarah K View Post
    It for sure could have just been a one off thing that happened.

    The lube thing must be a consistent issue with them because I saw a box yesterday that was like SUPER EXTRA LUBRICATED or something.

    I'm going to try to put one on a Hitachi tonight. Will report back!

    Fuck yeah, science!

    I'm now imaging their lube machine as an intermittently drooling mentally challenged mess.

    I'll have to try those out. They seem interesting. I was comparing against lambskin because those are best in terms of strength and sensation. Every time a new synthetic comes out I am hopeful of it matching or beating that mark. Bonus points if they are cheaper.

    I'm guessing most of the sensation improvement is noticed by the wearer though. My wife says she doesn't notice much difference.

  5. #2465
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    Quote Originally Posted by elevenism View Post
    you can't trust people who knowingly give other people HIV.
    I unfortunately know someone who did that. He's a PoS as far as I'm concerned even if he's found "redemption" through NA and activism (I have no idea for what as I stopped talking to him soon after he told me about it.) He even tried painting HIMSELF as the victim, saying the woman he'd infected was "a piece of work" and "if you'd met her, you probably wouldn't feel sorry for her." VILE.

  6. #2466
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    Quote Originally Posted by DigitalChaos View Post
    Anything but LifeStyles. Maybe I managed to get some bad boxes, but every 2 out of 3 seem to break.
    I was about to defend their Kiss of Mint condoms (it's rare, but I have used condoms for oral in the past and I'm sure I will at points in the future) but apparently they were discontinued so NEVERMIND LIFESTYLES SUCK

  7. #2467
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    I dunno if I should ask this question here or in the equality thread or what. I think it'll get ignored in the equality thread, since there is a shitstorm there right now... so I'm going to try it here.

    A couple of weeks ago, I was sitting around with two friends. These are two women that I've met in the kink scene - very open minded, and both identify as bisexual.

    We were just talking about sexuality, and I mentioned I used to see a guy who was bisexual. They both thought that this was so weird, and both stated that they would never date a bisexual man. I was like... WHAT?! YOU'RE BOTH BI?!?!@?13L?J3 I told them that I thought that was really weird, and asked them why. They both just kinda mumbled around and said that they couldn't be with a guy who was "like that".

    What the shit is this? These are two very open minded and liberated women. Is there still a stigma about bisexual men to where they are seen as odd, but women are accepted(I know this has been common beliefs among bros, but two bisexual women?)?

    I don't understand how two bisexual people can reject someone... for being bisexual. I cannot wrap my brain around this.

  8. #2468
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    Ugh, it's a THING. My boyfriend doesn't identify as straight, but the backlash from women towards queer men has been something that has actually dissuaded him from thinking of pursuing guys more. Even though I would counter that he shouldn't want to be with someone who would be that shitty towards him.

    I think it's homophobic and terrible and ugh.

    (For the record, my boyfriend not being straight is a HUGE BONUS to me and something I'm actually very happy and proud of.)

  9. #2469
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    Quote Originally Posted by playwithfire View Post
    I think it's homophobic.
    Me too. Are they really bi or have they just been conditioned into girl relationships because p0rn says it's ok?

  10. #2470
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    Does this go back to the whole belief that being bisexual isn't real, and that bisexual men are secretly gay?

    I dunno about their sexuality. I've never seen either of them with women, but that doesn't mean anything.

    There is even more pressure in the kink community for women to be bisexual. So maybe it's just caving to that. But I also feel like then I'm doing the same thing.. OH, YOU AREN'T REALLY BI. You know? I know I should accept how people identify, I just don't understand this, and I'm trying to get a better grasp on it.

  11. #2471
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    It's cultural. Pop media and porn shows WAY more girl on girl stuff compared to guy on guy. Granted, you have to be a slave to cultural bullshit to buy into it... but there are a ton of people in that category.

  12. #2472
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sarah K View Post

    There is even more pressure in the kink community for women to be bisexual.
    This is my mother's theory.She thinks society puts pressure on people to do things they might not otherwise do. Mind you she's a pretty accepting person while growing up in a prudish Catholic family. Her other theories include that more than 50% of priests are gay....and that's ok. /driftttttttt

  13. #2473
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    I posted this in the feminism thread but this belongs here too:

  14. #2474
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    (I felt the urge to tell someone this and remembered that this used to be my go-to place for overshare)

    I've just had my first internal orgasm for two years!!!

    In a testament to compersion, both Daddy and my sex libidos have been pretty shot for around two years (between my biodad being arrested for trying to kill my mum, a bunch of scary shit on the news that clashes with our kinks, and his cancer scare/reconstruction surgery), but since January (post-surgery for him) we've been meeting up regularly to build things up very slowly and do cuddly stuff like go for dinners and cuddle with cats along with lots of talking. It had got to the point where I was bone dry and nothing could go inside my vagina without me developing tears; my brain was desperate to do things but my vagina just wouldn't listen. It was a slow process of rubbing things on my vagina, searching for and writing something that might trigger us, and sitting for up to an hour at a time with one of those vibrating bullet things in (vibrations have never done it for me but I've read that this method of stretching is very useful for people who have suffered vaginismus and/or sexual trauma). Over the past two weeks I've started to feel mild tingling in my genitals that I haven't felt in a very long time, and tonight, with the help of a glass dildo, I had an orgasm. I was so relieved that I cried afterwards!

    Ah, I will sleep well tonight.

  15. #2475
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    Congratulations on your orgasm!

  16. #2476
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    That is great! I recently have had the opposite happen, I had gotten so used to internal orgasm that trying to stimulate just the clitoris was doing nothing. Uuuuntiiiiil I started masturbating more often because for a year there I didn't masturbate at all, then I found pleasure again in non-penetration sex! The downside has been that I'm not on birth control so my female musk has been too intense for my partner to go down on me...super lame I know. I'm making up for it by having more masturbating-while-he-watches-and-caresses sessions and more doggy style where I get to stimulate my clitoris at the same time- something that never had much appeal to me before. It's great because having clitoris orgasms is the only way for me to have multiple orgasms.

  17. #2477
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    Whaaat @ female musk. If everything is healthy otherwise, whaaaat. Does he know how jizz tastes?

  18. #2478
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    My latest rendezvous took place on my birthday 20 days ago. Lets just say it involved a bottle of 1980 Yellow Tail Merlot and anal intercourse.

  19. #2479
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    Quote Originally Posted by playwithfire View Post
    Does he know how jizz tastes?

    lolololllllll I'm dying.

    Also - the guy I moved to NYC for was at your party tonight, even though he was supposed to come beat me. What a bitch.

  20. #2480
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    Quote Originally Posted by playwithfire View Post
    Whaaat @ female musk. If everything is healthy otherwise, whaaaat. Does he know how jizz tastes?
    Seriously, the amount of guys who think women should taste like honey and roses is frightening... And indeed, it's not like our cock is anything close to little bags of lavender...

  21. #2481
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    Quote Originally Posted by playwithfire View Post
    Whaaat @ female musk. If everything is healthy otherwise, whaaaat. Does he know how jizz tastes?
    Or furthermore the general ballsack area. It's like shoving your nose into a very moist empty peanut pack.

  22. #2482
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    Quote Originally Posted by Khrz View Post
    Seriously, the amount of guys who think women should taste like honey and roses is frightening... And indeed, it's not like our cock is anything close to little bags of lavender...
    I've never come across this in my life.

  23. #2483
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    You've never read Reddit hen.

    Then again, I still wonder why I do.

  24. #2484
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    I spend half my screentime on the dinosaur reddit, and I don't remember ever discussing football-target-zone aroma (archosaurian or otherwise).

  25. #2485
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    I mean, from what I've experienced, I generally far prefer how pussy tastes to jizz. But yeah. So like... even if stuff is strong down there, I'm kinda like ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

  26. #2486
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    Quote Originally Posted by playwithfire View Post
    I mean, from what I've experienced, I generally far prefer how pussy tastes to jizz. But yeah. So like... even if stuff is strong down there, I'm kinda like ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
    Well, you're comparing membranes and fluids here. Cocks don't constantly taste like jizz... Usually...

    Edit : Anyhow, taste isn't really the point, there's no good reason to go all gourmet, you're not here for a tasting.... Usually...
    Last edited by Khrz; 07-26-2015 at 07:53 PM.

  27. #2487
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    Quote Originally Posted by icklekitty View Post
    Or furthermore the general ballsack area. It's like shoving your nose into a very moist empty peanut pack.
    That doesn't sound unpleasant at all, honestly. Maybe I've just never smelled a peanut sack that was that moist.

  28. #2488
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    I mean, I don't find it unpleasant, but at the same time I don't know if I can dispute it.

    Quote Originally Posted by Khrz View Post
    Well, you're comparing membranes and fluids here. Cocks don't constantly taste like jizz... Usually...
    Oh yeah, totally. Saying like... vaginal excretions sounded weird. But yes, generally you spend a lot more time with it going down on someone with a pussy than a dick.

  29. #2489
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    He does know how terrible it tastes (his smell even extra like bleach too, it's weird) and I never swallow jizz and sometimes the smell of his balls is too much that even I decide not to really spend time down there. He never asks me to go down on him so it's not like it's an unfair thing. I think I will ask him to go down one day immediately after showering though because I miss it...

  30. #2490
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    Quote Originally Posted by halloween View Post
    immediately after showering though
    This makes me sad/mad. Can I punch your boyfriend in his stinky smelly crotch?

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