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Thread: The Fucking Thread

  1. #2701
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    Well she thinks I dont find her tits attractive anymore, which is the complete opposite. And she cant get passed that she misunderstood what i said.

  2. #2702
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    Quote Originally Posted by theimage13 View Post

    If your wife knows that you're not comfortable with something and is still asking you to do it...well, to be honest, that falls in the "not cool" category. I admire and respect that you want to please her, but she needs to respect your comfort zone as well. I can't imagine I'd feel great about my partner doing something to/for me if I knew she wasn't enjoying it.
    Interesting. Would this be the case of a woman said, I don't really like giving blow jobs? Serious question.

    As for boobs. I didn't know all that about interfering with milk production, but it would surprise me.

    Why it would be a turn off rather than a turn on is an interesting question to explore. I thought everyone liked boobs.

  3. #2703
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dra508 View Post
    Interesting. Would this be the case of a woman said, I don't really like giving blow jobs? Serious question.

    Why it would be a turn off rather than a turn on is an interesting question to explore. I thought everyone liked boobs.
    More like a woman saying "I don't swallow"... And even if "no blowjob" is totally okay, "no swallow" is even okayer in my book.
    I like boobs as a general rule, but maternal milk itself and the whole symbolic thing, huge turn off. Well, at least how I personally feel and perceive such an act on my end makes me uncomfortable. That goes against everything I seek in a relationship and how I envision sex.
    Boobs yay, milk booh.

  4. #2704
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dra508 View Post
    Interesting. Would this be the case of a woman said, I don't really like giving blow jobs? Serious question.
    Serious answer: same thing, yes. If my partner didn't like going down on me, I would be disappointed - but I'd be more disappointed in myself if I asked her to do something she didn't like.

    But I also agree with what Khrz said - this particular example is more like "I don' swallow" versus "my mouth never touches your dick". There are a myriad of wonderful fun things that you can do to / with tits that don't involve breastfeeding. Saying you don't want to drink your wife's milk doesn't mean you're not comfortable giving her dirty pillows some serious attention.

    That's beside the point though. The point is yes - your partner should not be doing things that they don't enjoy. And this is exactly why I am so anti-"waiting until marriage". Sexual health is an EXTREMELY important part of a relationship, and compatibility is not a guarantee. Fuck each other six ways from Sunday, let your freak flag fly, and figure out your likes / dislikes and needs long before you've committed to each other.

  5. #2705
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    So interesting you'd bring up the wait till marriage crap. I'm with you on that, but there are so many people who want there sons and daughters to wait. It's retahded (/spoken in Boston accent otherwise using that word is offensive.

    Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

  6. #2706
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    I had a girlfriend who was completely grossed out by sperm. No swallow, no contact, "quick get it off me" grossed out. It's a little bit disheartening but well I wasn't going to end great sex on a repugnant note for her.

    The breastfeeding thing sounds a whole lot more affectively loaded though, it doesn't sound like a mere kink (forgive me if I'm using the wrong term here). I'd try to have the conversation, but I'd tread lightly, I'd choose my words carefullydand do my best to spare her feelings.

    You shouldn't be strong-armed into it, but it's important to communicate why tactfully in this instance. Not an easy task I'm afraid...

  7. #2707
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    Yeah, same here, but I think a lot of guys are actually like that. I see it as a nice foreplay, but I get way more excited about giving than receiving.

    I think it has a lot to do with the passive stance you have to take in this situation, in my case anyway. I'm really not into blowjobs, but face fucking is actually nice, so I guess being active is the key...

    Edit : I swear I was replying to an actual message, I'm not talking to myself Bates-style pondering about the merits of irrumation...
    Last edited by Khrz; 05-07-2016 at 06:21 PM.

  8. #2708
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    Quote Originally Posted by Khrz View Post
    Edit : I swear I was replying to an actual message, I'm not talking to myself Bates-style pondering about the merits of irrumation...
    hahahahahaha this made me laugh pretty hard

    my wife and i fooled around first thing in the morning both days this weekend, making up for the fact that there were two weeks since our last sexual encounter. i wish her job didn't make her so miserable so that she NEVER felt like getting swirly during the week. but hopefully she's getting a new job soon, so that might change.

  9. #2709
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    I would just like to state that I will never understand the obsession with giant dicks. There is an ongoing joke in my circle of friends that my vagina is "short" because I see big ones and I'm just like NOPE NO THANK YOU. And the guy I've been with lately has the biggest penis I've ever encountered in real life. I like him a lot, but his dick is exhausting.

  10. #2710
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    The entire fraction of the non-centaur male population would really like to hug you right now.

  11. #2711
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    Hahaha. My friends are size queens!

  12. #2712
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sarah K View Post
    And the guy I've been with lately has the biggest penis I've ever encountered in real life. I like him a lot, but his dick is exhausting.
    You were supposed to keep that on the low low you bitch.

  13. #2713
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    Lol. Yeah, Tony. LET'S ADD FUEL TO THAT FIRE.

  14. #2714
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  15. #2715
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    the breast milk thing: my husband and i both tried my milk, with each child. not lounging around, snacking, by any means lol...but a healthy taste of it. once.
    i don't see anything wrong with a milk fetish (for lack of a better description), but have to agree with (i think playwithfire...) the post regarding the customizing nature of breast milk. yes, chemical signals between her and the baby will determine exactly what goes into each milk, it isn't unreasonable to suppose that you getting in on the deal could change the composition of the milk. no bueno for baby. no beuno for wifey. but for the time being wifey has to take a back seat. when the baby is starting on to some solids, get in there and go crazy. can't imagine how hard it is for you right now, op, what with her being in a chemical likely in that odd place in between "i am me" and "i am a mother" and "hey, who the fuck am i????" and all the other things that go along with having a tiny human in arms. hang tight, don't take anything personally right now, and keep in mind that she is likely going to be shifting gears all over the place for the next year. (not in bad ways, either)

    short vag's unite! sarah k, i am making a tshirt to celebrate short vag women ;p i kind of never understood the hunger for a penis so large it makes you bleed. ???? to each her own, though, i guess. lol. i could be generalizing but i always found that the overly hung man seems to think all he has to do is show up and smile...ladies, and gents, anyone weigh in on this one? from my experiences: the closer to average, or even below average, seems to lead to an increase in creativity and effort. apologies to any well hung man who gives his everything lol! i am not slighting horse cocks, with this generalization...

    anyway, milk and sex in one post. ;p

    oh fucking i have horse cock milk stuck in my head and i think i won't be having dinner tonight. or sleeping. lolololololol. ugh.
    Last edited by Lew; 05-09-2016 at 02:36 PM.

  16. #2716
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    I also have an IUD so I think I'm way more sensitive to the big dicks. I can feel them ramming that thing around(they can also sometimes feel the strings jabbing their dick), and I'll be damned if I have to go in and get that thing readjusted before my 12 years are up. Getting it put in was a pretty terrible experience for me!

  17. #2717
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    I've read numerous times that despite what you see on dating sites in terms of taller women wanting taller men, taller women very often find themselves being attracted to shorter men. Not just shorter than them, but shorter than average. The reason cited: the shorter men feel the need to compensate their "undesirable" height by just being fucking awesome people to be around. And hey, you know what? Most of the guys I know who are on the shorter end of the height spectrum are great guys who really stand out personality wise.

    So: IF there is indeed truth to this, then I think it's not much of a stretch to say that men can either feel the need to compensate for shortcomings, or conversely, stroll through life expecting things to go their way because they're above average Meaning in terms of dick length, guys with the long dong may very well be thinking "I'm big, you ladies should be begging for this" while average guys are thinking "shit, I'd better really know what I'm doing so I won't get left due to lack of size".

    Personally, I do feel bad for women who are with a guy who's actually TOO well endowed to fit their bits. I've never really had a time in my life - when I'm WITH my partner - where I've looked down and thought "damnit, I wish I was longer". And I've actually been told "I'm really glad you're not any bigger than this". I've never whipped it out and compared it to anyone else's, but I'm pretty sure I'm staggeringly average. And I'm a-ok with that.

    What's the point of owning a limousine if you've got a one car garage?

  18. #2718
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    My first serious boyfriend was way above average in the penis department, not good for a first time. It took forever to actually make it to penetrative sex since it just hurt way too damn much. He also took a really long time to finish citing that it felt like he was only getting stimulated halfway up the flagpole. We eventually figured out a vibrating cock ring worked for taking care of the base but sex that way was never really that enjoyable for me. Since then I have been with average sized guys and it is so so much better.

    He never used his size as a selling point, if anything he was embarrassed by it. His brothers were also similarly endowed and both were very proud and vocal about their size. They were never without girlfriends but the girls also never stuck around long.

  19. #2719
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lew View Post
    but have to agree with (i think playwithfire...) the post regarding the customizing nature of breast milk. yes, chemical signals between her and the baby will determine exactly what goes into each milk drop
    (that was me not lyd)

  20. #2720
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    Yeah, good for whatever works for people but I want 200% nothing to do with this topic.

  21. #2721
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    Quote Originally Posted by eversonpoe View Post
    (that was me not lyd)
    lol, sorry!!! i ate my brain for breakfast in the third grade. nothing has been quite the same since...

  22. #2722
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    Quote Originally Posted by playwithfire View Post
    Yeah, good for whatever works for people but I want 200% nothing to do with this topic.
    ah, thank you for the giggle!
    i guess you won't be investing in the breast milk ice cream shop?

  23. #2723
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sarah K View Post
    I also have an IUD so I think I'm way more sensitive to the big dicks. I can feel them ramming that thing around(they can also sometimes feel the strings jabbing their dick), and I'll be damned if I have to go in and get that thing readjusted before my 12 years are up. Getting it put in was a pretty terrible experience for me!
    God, IUDs are the worst, although my last encounter with one of those dates back to when I was with a woman whose uterus was retroverted. Apparently in some cases, penetration can feel deeper in this configuration, this would explain that...
    Anyway, although I'm stupid average, I kept ramming in the damn thing and let me tell you, those bits really don't appreciate bumping into unexpected non-organic matter with every thrust. Nath didn't quite believe me at the time, but there were only two options, both problematic : either I was playing snooker with her IUD, either her vagina had fishbones.

  24. #2724
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    Yeah. I kinda have a love/hate relationship with it. I love that it is super fucking reliable. I love that it is good for so long. I love that it just chills in there and doesn't need any upkeep or whatever.

    I hate that it jabs dicks. Haha. But it's my only option. I cannot take hormones, as I was in the hospital once for about a week due to birth control. So that left me with the copper IUD, because there is no way I'm relying 100% on condoms to not get knocked up. Nope. Nope. It is good until right after I turn 40, if it stays where it is supposed to be. So hopefully by that time I will find someone who will agree to tie my tubes instead of telling me BUT YOU MIGHT CHANGE YOUR MIND.

  25. #2725
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    The Fucking Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Sarah K View Post
    I also have an IUD so I think I'm way more sensitive to the big dicks. I can feel them ramming that thing around(they can also sometimes feel the strings jabbing their dick), and I'll be damned if I have to go in and get that thing readjusted before my 12 years are up. Getting it put in was a pretty terrible experience for me!
    12 years?! What did you do, put two in? I didn't think they lasted that long. I'm pretty mine is about to expire so I'm really looking forward to that like labor pain contraction when they take it out.

    Back to fucking. Yes, this will happen tonight.
    Last edited by Dra508; 05-14-2016 at 02:36 PM.

  26. #2726
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    Copper ones are good for 12! Hormonal I think are 3-5.

  27. #2727
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sarah K View Post
    So hopefully by that time I will find someone who will agree to tie my tubes instead of telling me BUT YOU MIGHT CHANGE YOUR MIND.
    Please don't read this the wrong way - I do not mean to insinuate that you're doing something wrong or anything like that. But is it really that hard to find someone to do that? I've read stories about people having issues - doctors telling them just what you've said, etc. How many different people have you asked? Are we talking one or two people turning you away and you just saying "okay fuck this, I'm not dealing with this crap", or are we talking "I've spoken with literally every damn doctor that will take my insurance and not one of them will actually do this procedure"?

    I know this shouldn't be an issue. Literally the first doctor you ask should say "sure, when would you like to schedule it?". Just trying to get my head wrapped around how difficult it actually is for a woman to find someone to respect her decisions.
    Last edited by theimage13; 05-14-2016 at 05:46 PM. Reason: removed double negative in the first sentence

  28. #2728
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    Quote Originally Posted by theimage13 View Post
    Please don't not read this the wrong way - I do not mean to insinuate that you're doing something wrong or anything like that. But is it really that hard to find someone to do that? I've read stories about people having issues - doctors telling them just what you've said, etc. How many different people have you asked? Are we talking one or two people turning you away and you just saying "okay fuck this, I'm not dealing with this crap", or are we talking "I've spoken with literally every damn doctor that will take my insurance and not one of them will actually do this procedure"?

    I know this shouldn't be an issue. Literally the first doctor you ask should say "sure, when would you like to schedule it?". Just trying to get my head wrapped around how difficult it actually is for a woman to find someone to respect her decisions.
    People change their minds. I'm curious if you asked a doc : how many people you have come in asking to reverse stuff.

  29. #2729
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dra508 View Post
    People change their minds. I'm curious if you asked a doc : how many people you have come in asking to reverse stuff.
    Sure, some people do. But your body and your mind belong to you, not your doctor. If you're perfectly healthy and have stated quite clearly that you do not want to bear children, that doctor is being extremely disrespectful if they outright refuse to honor your wishes.

  30. #2730
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    I think it would likely be easier in New York. However, at this time, I lived in Nebraska where getting married, having kids, and loving Jesus is basically the only option.

    I tried from the age of about 20 until 26 to get my tubes tied. I would say I visited about 12 different doctors in that time. I then went on hormonal birth control, and in less than six months, I was in the hospital. Even with that complication, and being told oak on a lifetime ban from hormones, my regular Doctor would not place an IUD, since I had never had a child. I ended up having to go to Planned Parenthood to get it placed, even though I worked for the state at that time and had fantastic insurance.

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