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Thread: The Trayvon Martin killing

  1. #61
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    Quote Originally Posted by Deus Ex Machina View Post
    This 1000 times. Black assailants get arrested, go to trial, and face the full force of the justice system. The police, more or less, covered for Zimmerman, and didn't care to arrest or investigate the issue. There's outrage because that's what it took to get the system to act. That's why the Martin case is different, that's why people are upset.
    Well his position and his initial posted reason of being there is why he has gotten away with it so far. It is unfair and justice has yet to be fullfilled. I may have not stated it as blatant as I did earlier but you get my idea of what I was trying to say earlier - this is about the act, the crime and the morality. This isn't a racial based case as much as it could be. It involves discrimination and race and even if it was race for his reason of death I think the main issue is the aftermath and shouldn't be spotlighted on the race issue. That was the reason of my NAACP comment earlier.
    Last edited by Space Suicide; 04-02-2012 at 10:11 AM.

  2. #62
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    Quote Originally Posted by Space Suicide View Post
    Well his position and his initial posted reason of being there is why he has gotten away with it so far. It is unfair and justice has yet to be fullfilled. I may have not stated it as blatant as I did earlier but you get my idea of what I was trying to say earlier - this is about the act, the crime and the morality. This isn't a racial based case as much as it could be. It involves discrimination and race and even if it was race for his reason of death I think the main issue is the aftermath and shouldn't be spotlighted on the race issue. That was the reason of my NAACP comment earlier.
    I understand what you are saying. I really do. But, think of it this way: How much 'worse' was it supposed to be? Given that this involves discrimination and race, but not to a sufficient degree, how much is necessary before you'd permit a reaction of this nature from the NAACP and others? I think you might find you have difficulty defining your standard.

    The Martin case is an example of how racism and prejudice rear their head in the modern world. Zimmerman was not some Klansman. There was no white power rally beforehand. It's not like that. It's not overt. And in some ways it's not even intentional. But it's still there. It's subtle, and you have to think about it. But we're all capable of understanding how race and prejudice played a role and we should point it out. What, really, should the NAACP do? Wait for something more obvious or egregious? I don't think anything more obvious or egregious is on the way (or at least I hope not). Even if there were, that wouldn't change the part that race and prejudice played in the way things happened. I think we should be glad that organizations like the NAACP have (among other things) taken on the responsibility of pointing out the presence of racism and prejudice, even when when that presence is nebulous and hard to detect.
    Last edited by Deus Ex Machina; 04-02-2012 at 11:15 AM.

  3. #63
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    Post-shooting 911 call got me down.

    Edit: Realized it was a call made during the altercation.
    Last edited by Amaro; 04-03-2012 at 05:46 PM.

  4. #64
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    Quote Originally Posted by Deus Ex Machina View Post
    I understand what you are saying. I really do. But, think of it this way: How much 'worse' was it supposed to be? Given that this involves discrimination and race, but not to a sufficient degree, how much is necessary before you'd permit a reaction of this nature from the NAACP and others? I think you might find you have difficulty defining your standard.

    The Martin case is an example of how racism and prejudice rear their head in the modern world. .
    EXACTLY. This is what racism looks like today. It is subtle, and takes effort and a better understanding of society to fully realize it but it is racism plain and simple.

    People of privilege in this day and age assume that racism, sexism etc. is as blatant as wearing a KKK costume or litearlly saying you hate women but that's not how it is in the vast majority of cases. People are not even aware of their own prejudices and if you note reality people jump on you saying you are the one stirring things up when to you its clear as day.

    Zimmerman was suspicious of Martin because of the way he LOOKED. I'm surprised people think the hoody thing makes this less racist, if anything it confirms it 100%..... LOL

  5. #65
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegro View Post
    I love how the article hints at the larger forces going on in the town (really at this point it could be anywhere, USA). Crammed populations, economic insecurity, scarce physical resources, all combine to put people increasingly on edge and looking out only for themselves. After reading this, I felt just a sliver of compassion for Zimmerman. The article’s chronicling of his past makes him sound more or less like a good person who was falling victim to these large societal issues, but combined with a pathological desire to have official power/authority. They had better get these stand your ground laws fixed because there are going to be a lot more instances of them as the economy continues its slow grind towards collapse.

    Also: Funeral director says Trayvon showed no signs of a struggle.

  6. #66
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    Such a mess. The fact that Zimmerman said "Fucking Coons" or whatever on the call is no surprise there that this has everything to do with race... and a hoody lol. I live in a pretty populated area with many races. Where I live there are a good amount of african americans and whites in my neighborhood that I see walking up and down the street day by day. Yes some may come off as suspicious, they wear hoodies, they smoke cigarettes, but that doesn't give me any reason to say let me call the cops on them because they "seem" like they are up to something. Shit, cops have told me and others that I know that they pulled me or them over soley because I had my hood up in the car! This country is so fucked up to the point that I am considered suspicious because of an article of clothing I may be wearing. And this is not only in New York obviously.

    Martin was minding his own business. Wasn't sitting out there staking out the place or waiting for a long amount of time.. he was walking home and talking to his girlfriend on the phone telling her he was just going to start walking faster because Zimmerman started to follow him. Seems like he was pretty much fighting for his life for no reason and Zimmerman just popped him because of his race. It is so obvious it is almost sensless to even fight and debate about it. Yes there may be factors that come into play... but it is just ridiculous that the lead investigator of this case said the night this happened he wanted to charge Zimmerman with Manslaughter. That was pretty much over looked until it was leaked last week.

  7. #67
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    Quote Originally Posted by chris View Post
    So Zimmerman had a right to stand his ground from Martin? OK, I want you to think slowly and carefully about this. Do you also then acknowledge Martin had a right to stand his ground from Zimmerman? Or is Martin already guilty because of his other crimes which you have so graciously enlightened us on? Do you see how the ambiguity in the law can make for a more dangerous society when anyone can claim self defense for anything, especially in a society where we are encouraged to walk around carrying concealed handguns?
    Martin was the suspicious individual, Zimmerman was the neighborhood watch captain. In a neighborhood that had apparently suffered several robberies I think following and approaching Martin to see what was up was justified. If it was my neighborhood and there was a rash of unsolved robberies I would be just as vigilant when it came to someone who Zimmerman said looked high and definitely out of place. On approach if said person turned to attack me I would defend myself as well, again, Martin was the out of place person here. Change either of their skin colors and give them different clothes and the situation is the same.
    What about calling him a coon?
    I don't hear it. Even Jon Stewart, who is basically a jester for liberals doesn't hear it.
    Are you capable of acknowledging that both clothing AND RACE appear to play a part in this? That it was not simply one or the other?
    You better tell theruiner this, because he seems convinced the hoodie played no part, and I've already stated my position on the race aspect of this. That is that there is none.
    Attacking a dead kid to avoid admitting to political critiques is a straight up piece of shit move.
    Neighborhood suffers rash of robberies, kid is caught and punished at least once for theft, I'm not saying he's guilty of any of the robberies in the neighborhood, but I have a feeling someone with a past is going to act the way he did against Zimmerman.
    This is the same defensive tactic as attacking Obama/Occupy for “creating” class resentment. The fault doesn’t lie with the person pointing out the problem. In fact, the whole strategy of the modern GOP is to create resentment, and your bullshit typifies what makes it sadly successful on the internet. It is the perfect medium to spread lies and disinformation because there are no consequences to it. You don’t have to answer to the person you’re slandering. If you’re pointed out as being wrong, you can simply choose to ignore it and wait it out until the subject changes, or move on to some other hole on the web.
    Haha, ya, the GOP creates resentment, that's a good one, seriously. I guess if you hate the rich and think Wall Street is despicable then you might side with Occupy pointing out a "problem" but really Occupy and Obama have done all they can to incite division everywhere they can.

    Theruiner, you still don't see your own hypocrisy, and that's fine, it's like when you couldn't see the difference between lynching black people and blowing up black churches and gays not being able to marry, one is undeniably on an entire different spectrum than the other, but yet you treated me as if I was okay with both for being indifferent to gay marriage. I understand it's your bias that makes you somehow condone one being less worse than the other when it comes to the WI Lt. Governor and her children, even though you could not do so in the matter of gay marriage.

  8. #68
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    Quote Originally Posted by 50 Volt Phantom View Post
    Martin was the suspicious individual, Zimmerman was the neighborhood watch captain. In a neighborhood that had apparently suffered several robberies I think following and approaching Martin to see what was up was justified. If it was my neighborhood and there was a rash of unsolved robberies I would be just as vigilant when it came to someone who Zimmerman said looked high and definitely out of place. On approach if said person turned to attack me I would defend myself as well, again, Martin was the out of place person here. Change either of their skin colors and give them different clothes and the situation is the same.
    So...are you just going to ignore the mounting evidence that Martin didn't attack Zimmerman? That it was the other way around? Just going to keep living in fantasy land? Actually, why the hell am I even asking that?

    You better tell theruiner this, because he seems convinced the hoodie played no part, and I've already stated my position on the race aspect of this. That is that there is none.
    Wow. So now you're making up stuff in your head about me, too.

    The fact that he's wearing a hoodie means nothing. It may have meant something to Zimmerman because he's a delusional crackpot. But to any rational person, a hoodie doesn't mean someone is trouble, just like any other article of clothing. Misquoting me and trying to put words in my mouth only makes you look like a desperate moron.

    Neighborhood suffers rash of robberies, kid is caught and punished at least once for theft, I'm not saying he's guilty of any of the robberies in the neighborhood, but I have a feeling someone with a past is going to act the way he did against Zimmerman.
    Completely ignoring the fact that there is absolutely nothing on his record about violence. And, to the best of my knowledge, he was never punished for theft, because they couldn't prove there actually was theft. And, apparently, you're also, again, completely ignoring the increasing evidence that Zimmerman attacked Martin.

    Haha, ya, the GOP creates resentment, that's a good one, seriously. I guess if you hate the rich and think Wall Street is despicable then you might side with Occupy pointing out a "problem" but really Occupy and Obama have done all they can to incite division everywhere they can.
    My God.

    Theruiner, you still don't see your own hypocrisy, and that's fine, it's like when you couldn't see the difference between lynching black people and blowing up black churches and gays not being able to marry, one is undeniably on an entire different spectrum than the other, but yet you treated me as if I was okay with both for being indifferent to gay marriage. I understand it's your bias that makes you somehow condone one being less worse than the other when it comes to the WI Lt. Governor and her children, even though you could not do so in the matter of gay marriage.
    Once again misquoting me and trying to make me look bad. Except one of us has a history of making stuff up and misconstruing things to try to "win" the argument, even if he's completely and utterly wrong in his facts. Take a wild guess which one of us that is.

    Anyway, whatever. I've put you on my 'ignore' list. I don't even think you're a troll anymore. I think you really are that delusional (and I'm being kind there). There's no point in debating with someone who doesn't understand or use facts and who misconstrues what other people say and then tries to make them look bad. You just keep doing what you do.
    Last edited by theruiner; 04-02-2012 at 09:05 PM.

  9. #69
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    Quote Originally Posted by theruiner View Post
    So...are you just going to ignore the mounting evidence that Martin didn't attack Zimmerman? That it was the other way around? Just going to keep living in fantasy land? Actually, why the hell am I even asking that?
    Ya, the wounds on him and the eyewitnesses say otherwise.

    Wow. So now you're making up stuff in your head about me, too.

    The fact that he's wearing a hoodie means nothing. It may have meant something to Zimmerman because he's a delusional crackpot. But to any rational person, a hoodie doesn't mean someone is trouble, just like any other article of clothing. Misquoting me and trying to put words in my mouth only makes you look like a desperate moron.
    Said by you: "Actually, considering hoodies still have nothing to do with it (they were wearing slacks! Slacks are bad!) I'm going to say that it's not really all that ironic." And this: "Anyone with even half a brain can see that hoodies had nothing to do with it. At all."

    Obviously some people believe the hoodie played a part, even your cohorts here can accept that.

    Completely ignoring the fact that there is absolutely nothing on his record about violence. And, to the best of my knowledge, he was never punished for theft, because they couldn't prove there actually was theft. And, apparently, you're also, again, completely ignoring the increasing evidence that Zimmerman attacked Martin.
    I don't see this increase in evidence that Zimmerman attacked him anywhere, and if there's any credibility to some of the images floating around from an Anon hack into his facebook then his past is just as questionable as has been suggested. Someone who has been suspended multiple times is bound to have some bad decision making skills.

    My God.
    Yep, you're one of the Wall Street/rich hating folks, I know.

    Once again misquoting me and trying to make me look bad. Except one of us has a history of making stuff up and misconstruing things to try to "win" the argument, even if he's completely and utterly wrong in his facts. Take a wild guess which one of us that is.
    And here you are in the indecision thread implying that my indifference towards gay marriage is the same thing as condoning segregation, lynching, etc:

    "Oh, so THAT makes it ok. Alright. By that logic, if black people weren't allowed to get married (or interracial couples, taking it out of the hypothetical), then THAT would be ok. They're not hurting black people, just saying they shouldn't be allowed to get married to each other. I get it now. Thanks for clarifying.

    And by the way, apparently you've never heard of someone being beaten up for being gay. Maybe you should check the newspaper every now and again.

    It's not the amount of hatred one group experiences (although, in the case of the gay community, they have certainly experienced a LOT of it) or the amount of hate crimes committed against them (though, again...) but the fact that you are singling out a single group of people and denying them equal rights. And you're defending that. Jesus."

    And this:

    "See, here's the thing- I'm cool with other people having different opinions. What I'm not cool with is bigotry. So, if you're a bigot, I'm going to call you one. If you're against gay marriage, I'm going to call you out on that, too. And since you're defending these idiots who are against gay marriage, that doesn't make you much better, 50 Volt. And acting indifferent toward it is just as fucking bad. And not seeing it for the giant civil rights issue that it is is pretty bad, too."

  10. #70
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    Edit: Alright, this is the last thing I'll say. I apologize to everyone for contributing to taking this off-topic. I didn't feel a Shitlist was quite warranted here, but I couldn't just sit by and let someone misconstrue things I've said or take things out of context to try and make me look bad. But I've made my point and, again, sorry for veering things off topic.

    ON topic: In other news, here are three cases that prove the Stand Your Ground law lets cold-blooded murderers off the hook.

    Yeah- 'cause murdering an innocent person who accidentally knocks on the wrong door looking for a Halloween party is totally ok.
    Last edited by theruiner; 04-02-2012 at 09:06 PM.

  11. #71
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    The alternate reality crowd talk like an innocent kid on his way home wasn't shot dead by a man who was told by the police not to get involved.

  12. #72
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    Quote Originally Posted by 50 Volt Phantom
    Haha, ya, the GOP creates resentment, that's a good one, seriously
    The modern GOP has been exploiting white backlash under the banner of states’ rights since the 1960s, and conservatism for as long as progressives have been promoting the interests of the disenfranchised.
    Quote Originally Posted by 50 Volt Phantom
    I don't see this increase in evidence that Zimmerman attacked him anywhere.
    Yep no evidence whatsoever. Let’s recap:
    1.) Zimmerman ignores a dispatcher order to not follow him.
    2) The kid showed no signs of a struggle to the coroner.
    3) Zimmerman shows little signs of a struggle on intake video taken 45 minutes after the shooting. He shows no cuts, no dirty or ripped clothes, his shirt is still tucked in. He doesn't appear disoriented or distraught.
    4) Audio analysis shows the voice crying for help on the 911 call more likely to be Martin, and they suspiciously stop immediately following the gunshot.
    5) Some of the eyewitness reports have Zimmerman on top.
    6) The lead detective recommended charging him with manslaughter, but was overruled by the State Attorney's office, hopefully not because of racism but because of this fucked up stand your ground law.
    Quote Originally Posted by 50 Volt Phantom
    Neighborhood suffers rash of robberies, kid is caught and punished at least once for theft, I'm not saying he's guilty of any of the robberies in the neighborhood, but I have a feeling someone with a past is going to act the way he did against Zimmerman.
    So now you’re insinuating that the kid was the one responsible for the crimes in the neighborhood? Even if he was, how would Zimmerman have any way of knowing that? Because he was wearing a hoodie? Because he looked high? Because he was black? Not even licensed law enforcement can play judge/jury/executioner but Joe Citizen with his pistol can?

  13. #73
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    ^^Don't forget that one of the witnesses has said that Zimmerman was on the grass when the fight occurred, not on the sidewalk, as Zimmerman claims.

    That being said, enhanced video has come out showing an apparent head wound on the back of Zimmerman's head.

    Although, the doctor they talked to for the article noted the following:

    "If somebody had been beating his head against concrete I'd think we'd see more obvious scrapes," Friedman said. He also said he would expect to see bandages on Zimmerman's head.
    More significantly for Friedman was the condition of Zimmerman's nose.

    "All of the ridges in his nose are clearly defined. You would expect significant swelling in the hour or two after a break. There appears to be none. It doesn't look like his nose was broken or badly broken," Friedman said.

    Quote Originally Posted by chris
    So now you’re insinuating that the kid was the one responsible for the crimes in the neighborhood? Even if he was, how would Zimmerman have any way of knowing that? Because he was wearing a hoodie? Because he looked high? Because he was black? Not even licensed law enforcement can play judge/jury/executioner but Joe Citizen with his pistol can?

    And Zimmerman has a long history of calling 911 for every little thing, including people leaving their garage doors open and kids playing in the street. Whether or not his suspicion was racially motivated, I highly, highly doubt Martin was doing anything suspicious. He absolutely had every right to be there, as that's where he was staying. And even if he WAS acting suspicious, it is absolutely, positively not ok in any way, shape or form for George Zimmerman to follow or confront him, especially with a God damn gun. He wasn't a police officer, he was a God damn neighborhood watch captain who thought he was a freaking cop. Whatever happened after that can be debated, but he never should have done any of that in the first place.
    Last edited by theruiner; 04-03-2012 at 03:20 AM.

  14. #74
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    I was under the impression that Martin crying for help was due to having been shot. And when he stopped, it was due to being dead. I don't remember catching a gunshot sound in the clip.

    Edit: But now I'm remembering the witness on the phone with 911 distanced herself from the scene further from within her house...gradually making it more difficult to hearing Martin. Still, though I should listen closely again to the sequence in the audio, it sounded like a painful yelling from the beginning.

    Edit: Nevermind. I hear it correctly now... God, I hate listening to the clip.
    Last edited by Amaro; 04-03-2012 at 01:58 PM.

  15. #75
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    Saw this in my newsfeed this morning and it instantly reminded me of this thread:

  16. #76
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    Am I the only one that thinks Zimmerman was in the right to do what he did? I mean, come on, Trayvon was wearing a hoodie! What did he expect?

  17. #77
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    Quote Originally Posted by chris View Post
    Saw this in my newsfeed this morning and it instantly reminded me of this thread:
    I hate to keep banging this same nail on the head over and over, but the two narratives are not equivalent. Zimmerman can say what he likes. Martin can't say anything.
    Even if Martin is a tough thug and a thief, what Zimmerman did was wrong, unjustified, and to my mind murder. Even if Martin is walking in and out of houses with flatscreen TVs hidden under his hoodie, this is still no justification for killing him.
    Last edited by aggroculture; 04-03-2012 at 03:57 PM.

  18. #78
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    Quote Originally Posted by imail724 View Post
    Am I the only one that thinks Zimmerman was in the right to do what he did? I mean, come on, Trayvon was wearing a hoodie! What did he expect?
    I'm not condoning it and I don't agree but the notion of a hoodie usually signals crime and people that like to conceal their identity when doing a wrongful deed. That's why I think the hoodie being in the picture came into play

  19. #79
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    A hoodie signals that someone likes hoodies. Period. Or, in this case, that it was raining outside and Trayvon probably didn't want to get soaking wet. That's it.

  20. #80
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    The fact that Zimmerman went against what was said to him by the cops (caught on record), armed, approached someone who was NOT threatening to him, or anyone else (that much would've been described by Zimmerman upon calling the cops if it were so), ended up killing him...I can't fathom a ruling other than murder/manslaughter.

    Anything else is bullshit to me. He should at least get many years in prison.

    Check this compilation of 911 calls from witnesses at the site...a LOT I've never heard or even heard of before now:

    I wanna know what's going on with the phone conversation with Trayvon's girlfriend.

    Zimmerman's brother is a hoot. That motherfucker.
    Last edited by Amaro; 04-05-2012 at 08:39 PM.

  21. #81
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    Another aspect of this I hadn't thought of. I was just reading an article on this (which I would link to but almost all of it was rehashed information, so it's not even work linking to), where they made a good point: the apparent gash on the back of Zimmerman's head does not mean that he was necessarily being attacked. That could have happened while Trayvon was trying to defend himself from Zimmerman.

  22. #82
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    I think we should all reseve judgment until HOPEFULLY a grand jury is assembled and HOPEFULLY this case goes to trial. I think, really, what the protesters are hoping for, desire, is that a grand jury determines whether or not this case falls within the realm of the "Stand Your Ground" law.

    In effect, it TESTS the Stand Your Ground law in Florida, and could possible either change it or repeal it.

    Laws are just words on paper until they are tested with real-life situations and are defined, revised or repealed via case law.

    The only info we're getting, now, is from the media. Honestly, the media is the LAST place we should go to get real information.
    Last edited by allegro; 04-04-2012 at 04:27 AM.

  23. #83
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    Quote Originally Posted by aggroculture
    I hate to keep banging this same nail on the head over and over, but the two narratives are not equivalent.
    The point of the article was merely to ask how and why the media is putting forth multiple ways of framing the story, not to say that the two are equivalent. Since the entire thread seems have devolved into these two narratives bashing away at each other, I thought it relevant.
    Last edited by chris; 04-03-2012 at 07:46 PM.

  24. #84
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    Quote Originally Posted by theruiner View Post
    ^^Don't forget that one of the witnesses has said that Zimmerman was on the grass when the fight occurred, not on the sidewalk, as Zimmerman claims.

    That being said, enhanced video has come out showing an apparent head wound on the back of Zimmerman's head.

    Although, the doctor they talked to for the article noted the following:
    NO WAY! Oh my god, they quickly deduced there were no injuries from the video, then upon cleaning it up had to admit they were a bunch of dumbfucks, and then they brought a doctor on to downplay the wounds? WOW, that is crazy!
    And Zimmerman has a long history of calling 911 for every little thing, including people leaving their garage doors open and kids playing in the street. Whether or not his suspicion was racially motivated, I highly, highly doubt Martin was doing anything suspicious. He absolutely had every right to be there, as that's where he was staying. And even if he WAS acting suspicious, it is absolutely, positively not ok in any way, shape or form for George Zimmerman to follow or confront him, especially with a God damn gun. He wasn't a police officer, he was a God damn neighborhood watch captain who thought he was a freaking cop. Whatever happened after that can be debated, but he never should have done any of that in the first place.
    A. I highly doubt racism had anything to do with this incident at all, so you all can stop trying to find a way to fit it into the story.
    B. If someone is acting suspicious in my neighborhood, that has been robbed numerous times with no arrests, I AM going to go out and confront them, for the sake of myself and my neighbors, I would also call the police as well, but with the robbers continuing to get away I might follow the person too. Unless you enjoy your neighborhood getting robbed a bunch and not doing anything about it.
    C. I'm sure it's not at all possible for an eyewitness to make a mistake in positioning where a fight is taking place at night, or even missing some of the fight, OR that Zimmerman himself might get some facts wrong after being involved in a traumatic event. I'm sure if you got into a fight with someone and felt the need to fire a gun which led to the death of someone you might get some details a little bit incorrect.
    D. Is it really so difficult for you to realize that wearing that hoodie up may have set up Trayvon to be seen as suspicious, I mean my middle school and high school didn't ban them without reason, and the killers in the Bobby Rush district wearing hoodies as well as most gas station robbery videos just proves that hoodies with the hood up create a negative reaction in certain individuals.

  25. #85
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    Quote Originally Posted by theruiner View Post
    A hoodie signals that someone likes hoodies. Period. Or, in this case, that it was raining outside and Trayvon probably didn't want to get soaking wet. That's it.
    You can't state that a majority of robbery perps don't wear hoodies and masks. You get the occasional guy that wears a ski mask once in awhile. I'm not saying he deserved this trouble by wearing the hoodie but I'm stating why I believe 'suspicion' arose.

  26. #86
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    I think I've changed my tune.

    I just took a picture of this guy walking around my neighborhood. I'm pretty sure he's up to no good. I'm going to follow him and confront him, because I don't like the look of him. Plus, he's got some M&M's in his hand, and I don't know what the hell that's all about, but it can't be good news. I heard of a murderer last week who had M&M's in his pockets (apparently he had to keep his blood sugar up; murder will do that to you) so it made me extra suspicious. I'll report back as soon as I find out anything.

  27. #87
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    Quote Originally Posted by Space Suicide View Post
    You can't state that a majority of robbery perps don't wear hoodies and masks. You get the occasional guy that wears a ski mask once in awhile. I'm not saying he deserved this trouble by wearing the hoodie but I'm stating why I believe 'suspicion' arose.

    That is WHY it is racism! A white kid in a hoody would have looked completely innocent. THAT IS THE POINT.

    I wear hoodies on a daily basis. In fact it is my clothing of choice and guess what I am also African American and like to wear the hood up! This is all so upsetting for me I can't even tell you.

    50 you didn't address ANY of my last points. Even if Zimmerman's actions had nothing to do with race WHICH THEY DID the way the case was handled did! How can you even argue against that?

    Why do I even bother when you are someone over the age of 5 who asked why people can't celebrate BEING WHITE! Not being Irish, not being German or Lithuanian BUT BEING WHITE. How about we start celebrating BEING heterosexual and being not disabled!? I mean its not fair that we can't when they have stupid gay pride parades!

    Something else you can't wrap your minds around, racism is hardly ever conscious! Don't you people understand the nature of prejudice at all? You are completely clueless. Can we all just take a field trip to our local library, take out a sociology book and READ?
    Last edited by littlemonkey613; 04-03-2012 at 08:21 PM.

  28. #88
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    Quote Originally Posted by littlemonkey613 View Post
    That is WHY it is racism! A white kid in a hoody would have looked completely innocent. THAT IS THE POINT.
    Did I say that was the reason? Stop saying something I didn't. I didn't name race in any shape or form when it comes to that. I'm talking ANY anon criminal I've seen videos of.

    Quote Originally Posted by theruiner View Post
    I think I've changed my tune.

    I just took a picture of this guy walking around my neighborhood. I'm pretty sure he's up to no good. I'm going to follow him and confront him, because I don't like the look of him. Plus, he's got some M&Ms in his hand, and I don't know what the hell that's all about, but it can't be good news. I heard of a murderer last week who had M&Ms in his pockets (apparently he had to keep his blood sugar up; murder will do that to you) so it made me extra suspicious. I'll report back as soon as I find out anything.
    You're missing my point to be sarcastic. I'm not in any shape or form of being on the side of Mr. Zimmerman of this but all I'm stating is a stereotype I know of when I come to hoodies. in my area anyways.

  29. #89
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    ^^I actually wasn't directing that at you. I didn't read your follow up post until AFTER I had posted that. Though I still think my point stands that stereotyping people based on the clothing they wear is absurd, and anyone who finds someone suspicious because they're wearing a certain type of jacket is a moron. I'm not including you in that because I know you're just trying to point out the way other people are seeing it, not that you yourself have a problem with hoodies.

  30. #90
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    Quote Originally Posted by theruiner View Post
    That's utterly absurd. Ski masks are one thing, because most people don't just wear ski masks when they're not, you know, skiing. But hoodies are a type of jacket. And anyone who finds it suspicious that someone was wearing a certain type of jacket needs to get their head examined (I'm not talking about you, Space Suicide...I know you're not saying you personally find it suspicious).
    Good because I'm not.

    As for the topic, I'm going with public opinion, myself, that I have seen in various videos and surveillance. Stuff like this, I'm not saying I agree with it -

    By the way, don't take me out of context because of this video either.

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