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Thread: David Lynch

  1. #241
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    I think it's the most recent European release, yes. Found it online actually...
    Last edited by botley; 08-13-2017 at 09:25 AM.

  2. #242
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    Weeeeeeee, just bought a cheap blu-ray copy of Blue Velvet this week. Can't wait to get it in the mail.

  3. #243
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    Just watched Blue Velvet for the first time. Wow, Dennis Hopper was great. That ending was fucked to. Something about the detective standing there completely out of it with his head bashed in just gave me the creeps.

  4. #244
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    Blue Velvet is probably my favorite. Or, it's at least tied with Eraserhead. It's so good. Hopper just killed that role and was an absolute nut job. It was wonderful.

  5. #245
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    Inland Empire seems impossible to find (legally) online. I'm toeing a line right now, so that's important. I just want to say though that making things so difficult for someone with three different services to find makes wanting to find alternate routes more appealing. That's the one people talk about the most that I haven't yet seen. (I've seen the rest.) My favorite remains Eraserhead. I watch it every few years, and I interpret it completely different, each time. I don't think there's any other movie I can say that about.

  6. #246
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    I am a long time fan of Lynch's work and found this just recently:


    after finding out about this festival, im delved into reading into the Lynch Foundation.
    (and more recently have found myself in a position to play more of an advocate role for, and court appointed legal guardian to my brother who is severely mentally ill)


    the particular fund raising purpose for this show is tied in with PTSD (being a veteran myself, and knowing other veteran's who suffer from PTSD)
    i want to know more about this ambient therapy i read on the foundation website:

    DLF, dedicated to eradicating post-traumatic stress and trauma in at-risk populations through the evidence-based Transcendental Meditation technique..."

    Does anyone know what this 'DLF' therapy is?
    I am intrigued and considering making the trip to see this, though the only tickets still available are pretty steep..
    anyone else interested, or already going..?
    Last edited by muse-lyre candy; 09-23-2017 at 06:52 PM.

  7. #247
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    Quote Originally Posted by Eichalvindore View Post
    I am a long time fan of Lynch's work and found this just recently:


    after finding out about this festival, im delved into reading into the Lynch Foundation.
    (and more recently have found myself in a position to play more of an advocate role for, and court appointed legal guardian to my brother who is severely mentally ill)


    the particular fund raising purpose for this show is tied in with PTSD (being a veteran myself, and knowing other veteran's who suffer from PTSD)
    i want to know more about this ambient therapy i read on the foundation website:

    DLF, dedicated to eradicating post-traumatic stress and trauma in at-risk populations through the evidence-based Transcendental Meditation technique..."

    Does anyone know what this 'DLF' therapy is?
    I am intrigued and considering making the trip to see this, though the only tickets still available are pretty steep..
    anyone else interested, or already going..?

    lynch is also into transcendental meditation which, while it seems like it works for a lot of people, is also somewhat time consuming and very expensive to learn how to do.

  8. #248
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    ty for the link/info

    was really set on this event (festival of disruption) until i found that the cheaper tickets are SOLD OUT, n i can't swing the the pricier tickets- bummer deal.
    Last edited by muse-lyre candy; 10-05-2017 at 04:40 AM.

  9. #249
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  10. #250
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    About time

    Wild At Heart has a new blu-ray release hitting stores May 22nd by Shout! Factory

    How funny I complained about this at the start of this page.

  11. #251
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    Quote Originally Posted by Space Suicide View Post
    About time

    Wild At Heart has a new blu-ray release hitting stores May 22nd by Shout! Factory

    How funny I complained about this at the start of this page.
    i wonder how this will differ from the Twilight Time version we got...

  12. #252
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    Quote Originally Posted by Prettybrokenspiral View Post
    Is this from the German box set that also includes Inland Empire and Mulholland Drive?

    I ask because I ordered this and am hoping the films will contain heretofore unseen supplemental material (especially Lost Highway)
    I own the German Blu Ray of Lost Highway (STILL waiting on a proper US release) and it does contain interviews with Lynch in the supplemental material.

  13. #253
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    New book. A memoir/biography. I'll probably buy it sometime at Barnes & Noble.

  14. #254
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    I've been listening to the audio book at work. It's 15 hours long. Think I have 6 hours left, it's pretty great and goes into detail more than you think it would for Lynch.

  15. #255
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    Trent's gonna have kittens over this

  16. #256
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    Yeah...I feel like Lynch was trying to do a glass half full approach and say well he's not being a do-nothing politician. That said, it doesn't take much to notice that Trump is a raging narcissist and alas, he would use this as propaganda.

  17. #257
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    I saw some folks say they'd burn their Lynch movies now, i say not so fast!

    Have you guys read the source article at all?

    If not it's here: https://www.theguardian.com/film/201...ish-twin-peaks

    Here are some things to keep in mind before you start sending Lynch some hate mail.

    (below something i posted on twitter)

  18. #258
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    Quote Originally Posted by thelastdisciple View Post
    I saw some folks say they'd burn their Lynch movies now, i say not so fast!

    Have you guys read the source article at all?

    If not it's here: https://www.theguardian.com/film/201...ish-twin-peaks

    Here are some things to keep in mind before you start sending Lynch some hate mail.

    (below something i posted on twitter)
    yeah, i mean i hadn't even read the source article but knew that lynch wasn't really saying that trump was doing a good job. he's not an idiot. glad you clarified for people!

  19. #259
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    Quote Originally Posted by eversonpoe View Post
    yeah, i mean i hadn't even read the source article but knew that lynch wasn't really saying that trump was doing a good job. he's not an idiot. glad you clarified for people!
    Yeah no worries, man the click baity headlines trying to rile people up and copy-paste articles omitting information in order to spin it a certain way are not helping. OF COURSE Trump would zero in on a Breitbart article with a headline crafted to kiss his ass, it's probably all he gets off on.

  20. #260
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    He's definitely an idiot. What he said about Trump was still immensely stupid and deeply disappointing, and unfortunately I'm no longer in a place where it can make excuses for people, even if they're are a former hero to me like David Lynch

  21. #261
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wretchedest View Post
    He's definitely an idiot. What he said about Trump was still immensely stupid and deeply disappointing, and unfortunately I'm no longer in a place where it can make excuses for people, even if they're are a former hero to me like David Lynch
    I think the real idiots are people who overreact to such a fucking nothing comment. Seriously, what a load of horseshit. It'd be one thing if he said "go Trump, you the man" but this has gotten ridiculous. His comment is basically a backhanded compliment. There is no implication that he supports any of his policies.

    I'm on a phone, so I suck at typing and I apologize if there's hostility in my post, but I find this whole situation is completely blown out of purpostion, especially when a guy like Lynch clearly has difficulty articulating himself in interviews, especially since he hates them.
    Last edited by Frozen Beach; 06-26-2018 at 12:48 AM.

  22. #262
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    Lynch didn't praise Trump. If people actually READ the interview (and not another site's interpretation of it), they would understand what he was saying, and it was certainly not praise. Instead, news sites take "great" and "Trump" and make headlines out of them, and you've already got it in your mind that Lynch said something that he didn't say. "Great" in this context doesn't mean "good". It's meant to describe the impact that Trump will have once he's gone. I mean, shit, does "The Great Destroyer" describe something awesome or something terrifying?

    For the record, I'm not a Lynch fanatic, so this has nothing to do with being in denial or anything like that. If Lynch came out as a Trump supporter, I'd have no trouble calling him out on it. That said, I read the interview, and unless you only know one meaning of the word "great", it's not hard to understand what he meant. It's just easy to get people riled up right now, and some news sites know that. Don't fall for the bullshit.
    Last edited by BRoswell; 06-26-2018 at 12:48 AM.

  23. #263
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    I did read the interview. What he said amounts to a middle ground view of Donald Trump. An admiration for the way he disrupted things.

    The comments are awful. I get that his personal is ambiguous and mysterious, but this is not a mysterious or ambiguous issue, it's not a topic to fuck around about.

    At one point in the interview he muses that he "may have voted libertarian," it's immensely disappointing.

  24. #264
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wretchedest View Post
    An admiration for the way he disrupted things.
    It's not admiration for the man though. It's admiration for the situation we are in. Now, instead of talking about taking action, we're actually seeing people take action. Just look at how many people have decided to run for office who, two years ago, probably had no intention of doing so and were content to just sit on the sidelines. Granted, that's also meant that we've had to deal with some real nutjobs getting their faces out there, but at least we're trying to get beyond the standard issue suits that we're used to seeing.

    Beyond all that though, it's not the end of the world even if he did end up being a Trump supporter. I was pretty bummed when I found out that Richard James (Aphex Twin) was a conspiracy theorist, but I still listen to his music. I like Johnny Cash, but I highly doubt I would have agreed with his views while he was alive. Beck is someone I really like too, and he's a Scientologist. I guess what I'm trying to say is that, just because I like an artist's work, I shouldn't just believe that they share the exact same views that I do.

    As far as who he voted for in the past, he also said that he voted for Bernie Sanders, so I think it's safe to say that he doesn't just stick to one party like a lot of people do.
    Last edited by BRoswell; 06-26-2018 at 01:17 AM.

  25. #265
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    That is all still terrible.

  26. #266
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    Well Lynch questioned the official narrative of 9/11, so there's that. So this isn't the first time he's expressed ideas that piss a lot of you off.

    A couple more thoughts:
    there are some libertarian ideas that are attractive to me and I also agree with a whole lot of bernie's ideas. This whole bullshit where you're required to believe either THIS list of things or THAT list is ridiculously reductive. Also, some people voted libertarian partially because they didn't appreciate either candidate.

    Secondly, Lynch said trump ISN'T DOING A GOOD JOB but it's possible that his disruption of the system will create a space where others might. While I'm more pessimistic, what Lynch is saying here IS possible: Trump COULD be remembered as a great president for ending the status quo. He MIGHT be paving the way for someone with radical GOOD ideas that would have been considered outlandish before trump. I can't wait to see what OUR new guy is like when the pendulum swings back the other way

    And thirdly, who gives a shit?!?!

    I REALLY don't care about an artist's political affiliation unless the art itself comes off as political. Otherwise, seriously, why in the holy hell does it matter what this or that celebrity thinks of this or that politician?
    Last edited by elevenism; 06-26-2018 at 05:32 AM.

  27. #267
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    He supported Gary Johnson ffs. He's a creative guy and has made some good films, but I wouldn't go to him for political insights or analysis.

  28. #268
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    Quote Originally Posted by RhettButler View Post
    He supported Gary Johnson ffs. He's a creative guy and has made some good films, but I wouldn't go to him for political insights or analysis.
    Absolutely, @RhettButler . That, to me, is the most important thing here. That's what renders this pretty meaningless. He's NOT who I go to for political insights.

    I go to him for bat shit crazy surrealism.

  29. #269
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    Quote Originally Posted by RhettButler View Post
    He supported Gary Johnson ffs. He's a creative guy and has made some good films, but I wouldn't go to him for political insights or analysis.
    TBF, if you sat down with a lot of men in Hollywood, they'd line up perfectly as Libertarians, even though they seem to champion socially progressive causes. Don't you dare try to fucking tax them.

    I read this interview and Ira Madison had a good point about people who came for Susan Sarandon also sticking up for David Lynch's comments. He's right. This is dumb, and very privileged to champion the "new world order" while glossing over the fact that over 2,000 migrant kids are still separated from their families right now.

  30. #270
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lt. Randazzo View Post
    TBF, if you sat down with a lot of men in Hollywood, they'd line up perfectly as Libertarians, even though they seem to champion socially progressive causes. Don't you dare try to fucking tax them.

    I read this interview and Ira Madison had a good point about people who came for Susan Sarandon also sticking up for David Lynch's comments. He's right. This is dumb, and very privileged to champion the "new world order" while glossing over the fact that over 2,000 migrant kids are still separated from their families right now.
    Susan Sarandon is the worst. Hope she is enjoying the "revolution" she said Trump would usher in.

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