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Thread: Drugs! Thread!

  1. #271
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    Yall are really doing the whole hyperbole thing about cut MDMA. Yeah, there's lots of fake shit going around. Just get a test kit. Lord almighty, folks.

    Boy that documentary was annoying. I get that these kits aren't specific enough to distinguish individual cathinones, but using the term "bath salts" kind of cuts into your whole "let's use science to provide harm reduction" angle. Methylone specifically is actually less neurotoxic than MDMA.
    Last edited by nobies; 10-21-2014 at 11:19 PM.

  2. #272
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    Stumbled upon a bunch of gabapentin and pregabalin. Anybody ever use this stuff recreationally? It's very comparable to alcohol, but without the typical negative side effects. One of the best downers I've ever tried. Much preferred to benzos/opiates imo.
    Last edited by nobies; 10-22-2014 at 11:48 AM.

  3. #273
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheyCallMeDrug View Post
    welcome to modern day marijuana. dabs have been the norm for a few years now, and the quality keeps improving in most situations ive seen.
    Its cool to see. 10 years ago BHO was only used to rub on the inside of blunts/joints or knife hits.
    At the same time, the culture that seems to surround it seems very... similar to crack culture. It's weird.

  4. #274
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    Quote Originally Posted by nobies View Post
    Yall are really doing the whole hyperbole thing about cut MDMA. Yeah, there's lots of fake shit going around. Just get a test kit. Lord almighty, folks.

    Boy that documentary was annoying. I get that these kits aren't specific enough to distinguish individual cathinones, but using the term "bath salts" kind of cuts into your whole "let's use science to provide harm reduction" angle. Methylone specifically is actually less neurotoxic than MDMA.
    I actually used to run a forum with a focus on harm reduction many years back.
    Most people don't even know about test kits despite them being around for such a long time. They never did and they still don't. They also don't realize that simply calling your pill a "molly" means jack shit. It's getting increasingly hard to find street sourced pills that contain MDMA, let alone only MDMA.

  5. #275
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    similar because of how the rigs look or how people act? people i know typically tend to eat a lot and pass out on dabs, lol

  6. #276
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheyCallMeDrug View Post
    similar because of how the rigs look or how people act? people i know typically tend to eat a lot and pass out on dabs, lol
    All of it really. Basically, if you reference the vaporizing culture of 5-10 years ago as a baseline, everything the "dabbers" have added reminds me way too much of crack use.

    The gear used, the way the talk about it and act, some of the terminology, etc.

    I'm not saying that is everyone though. There are plenty of people who throw extracts into portable vapes and things like that who don't bring the crack thing over.

  7. #277
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    well the problem is pens suck. there are very few that are worth the money and effort needed for maintenance.

    i think people get hung up on the torch aspect. people you normally wouldn't trust around dangerous things all of a sudden using blowtorches is a shock to many peoples system.

    thats where electronic nails come in

    and obnoxious people who use too much "lingo" exist everywhere, in and outside of whatever culture you're mentioning.

  8. #278
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    Hey kids. Like LSD? Don't like being buttfucked by law enforcement?

    AL-LAD is pretty cool.

  9. #279
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheyCallMeDrug View Post
    well the problem is pens suck. there are very few that are worth the money and effort needed for maintenance.
    i endorse this one
    but you can make your own super badass ones

  10. #280
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    Quote Originally Posted by nobies View Post
    Hey kids. Like LSD? Don't like being buttfucked by law enforcement?

    AL-LAD is pretty cool.
    Alexander Shulgin used to be my neighbor. I'm glad his works are becoming more common

  11. #281
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    pends with cotton wicks like this will always have issues. there's at least 2 companies Ive seen using ceramic wicks, but I haven't tried any of them personally.

  12. #282
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    I had a dream I took LSD. I was laying in the grass watching the clouds move around. It was fun until my dad came into the scene. Stupid guilty conscious of a brain ruining a perfectly fun dream.

    The last time I did LSD was months ago. I was an arts festival in the woods and the highlight of that night was when I was with my friend (we took it together) lying in the grassy field star gazing. We had what seemed like a 20 minute giggle fest as we just star gazed and I babbled away, narrating our "light show" partly becuase out of nervousness partly because I was getting energized. We then just walked around and after passing a stressful moment with too many people and too many bright LED lights, we went to a place that had hammocks and watched the sun rise, and at this point the LSD was wearing off but the colors of those morning hours were so beautiful. I had to stop myself from staring at my friend's face too, because I was so enthralled by her rosy cheeks and lips, red hair and beautiful blue eyes, and I think she had some really pretty subtle makeup on- like blue eye shadow. It was a lot less freakily hallucinatory than a previous experienced I had.

  13. #283
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    Quote Originally Posted by nobies View Post
    Stumbled upon a bunch of gabapentin and pregabalin. Anybody ever use this stuff recreationally? It's very comparable to alcohol, but without the typical negative side effects. One of the best downers I've ever tried. Much preferred to benzos/opiates imo.
    HELL yes. My wife and i LOVE lyrica. I like to take about a gram of it...we do it once a month.
    It's more than just a downer for me. I get opiate style euphoria, dissociative hallucinations, an insane body high...

    How much of it did you take? It's AMAZING at higher doses.

    But @nobies , i have to sternly disagree with you about the MDMA thing. I have come across pills that were QUITE LITERALLY a mixture of ketamine and meth.

    And there are way more impure tabs out there than there are pure.

  14. #284
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    Pregabalin feels like a weird mixture of alcohol, xanax and ecstasy. made me feel drunk more than anything, like being drunk without drinking. Odd. i could not walk in a straight line when i took it, and like ecstasy my inhibitions dropped, i was having conversations with strangers and stuff. Music sounds awesome on pregabalin too, I was also more perceptive, i would be fascinated by things i never normally gave a shit about, like i would notice architecture and stare at it for ages, and read loads of books i never normally would, i read a massive book about ancient China, its weird, it does have a real nice warm sort of ambient feeling at high doses. When i stretched my body it felt so nice.
    Much prefer it to xanax, with xanax i felt like someone had put a blanket over my face, and i was not present never liked it, with pregabalin despite feeling high i felt in control and present.

  15. #285
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    So I gave a boyfriend of a trusted friend $80 for some marijuana LAST DECEMBER and after months of nagging I finally ran into my trusted friend (I live a few hours away from them) and she said "I know exactly where the money is, don't worry- I'll take it and get stuff for you." The fucking boyfriend was too much of a pothead to remember shit, but I'm so glad she finally got it done in three weeks time. I'll be getting it from her this weekend, woot! Fucking finally.

  16. #286
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    Quote Originally Posted by Exocet View Post
    Pregabalin feels like a weird mixture of alcohol, xanax and ecstasy. made me feel drunk more than anything, like being drunk without drinking. Odd. i could not walk in a straight line when i took it, and like ecstasy my inhibitions dropped, i was having conversations with strangers and stuff. Music sounds awesome on pregabalin too, I was also more perceptive, i would be fascinated by things i never normally gave a shit about, like i would notice architecture and stare at it for ages, and read loads of books i never normally would, i read a massive book about ancient China, its weird, it does have a real nice warm sort of ambient feeling at high doses. When i stretched my body it felt so nice.
    Much prefer it to xanax, with xanax i felt like someone had put a blanket over my face, and i was not present never liked it, with pregabalin despite feeling high i felt in control and present.
    isn't it fucking great? i don't think a whole lot of people know about it. It makes me want to talk a lot also...some of the nights where i post on ets non stop are pregabalin nights. How much did you take and how often?
    Now i love xanax, but a good high dose of pregabalin is SO much more interesting and lasts SO much longer.
    @nobies , are you getting this?

  17. #287
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    Quote Originally Posted by DigitalChaos View Post
    Here is the millennium falcon made out of shatter for anyone who is into such things...
    sorry for the double post, but i have to know, do you or did you own that thing? it's SO fucking awesome.
    i don't get into thc but my brother, wife, best friend and sister in law are all gonna shit when they see this pic (they all smoke)

  18. #288
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    Quote Originally Posted by elevenism View Post
    isn't it fucking great? i don't think a whole lot of people know about it. It makes me want to talk a lot also...some of the nights where i post on ets non stop are pregabalin nights. How much did you take and how often?
    Now i love xanax, but a good high dose of pregabalin is SO much more interesting and lasts SO much longer.
    @nobies , are you getting this?
    I was on 600 MG a day for a while. i really took a liking to it, i would take 4 ×150 mg pills a day. Sometimes i took more just to see what it was like, but i felt totally fucked on higher doses, as in i could not stand up! Its legal and prescribed by doctors in the UK. in the US its hard to get i believe ? Oddlly my partner who is from Los Angeles was the one who introduced me to it, partner had to go underground in LA to get it. Its a new drug only came on the market in 2007 i think.
    Weird its strictly controlled in the US, your doctors dish out heavy drugs more frequently than here usually, i still really want to try vicodin or even fuckin Oxycontin... for my back pain wink wink... Like trying everything once. None of that stuff is in the UK at all.

  19. #289
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    Quote Originally Posted by Exocet View Post
    I was on 600 MG a day for a while. i really took a liking to it, i would take 4 ×150 mg pills a day. Sometimes i took more just to see what it was like, but i felt totally fucked on higher doses, as in i could not stand up! Its legal and prescribed by doctors in the UK. in the US its hard to get i believe ? Oddlly my partner who is from Los Angeles was the one who introduced me to it, partner had to go underground in LA to get it. Its a new drug only came on the market in 2007 i think.
    Weird its strictly controlled in the US, your doctors dish out heavy drugs more frequently than here usually, i still really want to try vicodin or even fuckin Oxycontin... for my back pain wink wink... Like trying everything once. None of that stuff is in the UK at all.
    well that sucks balls. what the fuck do they give you for pain?
    Lyrica (pregabalin) is a schedule V drug here...not that hard to get. It's just expensive...$50 even with insurance. i get 90 of the 50 mg ones a month.

    One thing that sucks, however, is that there was a recent change in the scheduling of vicodin.
    Now you have to get a triplicate prescription, which means many drs are backing off of it. Thank god my dr isn't, but i have to go to a special pain clinic and have surgical procedures and shit.

    There is going to be a MASSIVE blowback from this shit though...they were already talking on the news about all these vicodin patients getting on heroin...normal, average people who never dreamed of being junkies.

    This new development also makes my painkiller script worth about $1080 on the streets. I get it for ten. But i eat the motherfuckers.
    But yeah, a LOT of people here love vicodin and are used to buying it all the time. That shit just changed in a massive way.

    Come to texas and i'll feed you some vicodin, or if i ever make it to london. I really don't trust mailing them overseas.

  20. #290
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    Quote Originally Posted by elevenism View Post
    But @nobies , i have to sternly disagree with you about the MDMA thing. I have come across pills that were QUITE LITERALLY a mixture of ketamine and meth.
    This kind of shit confuses me. Why would anyone call something MDMA when it's cut so hard, had a completely different effect, and especially when they shit that's in it could be sold as what it actually is and probably make an even better profit? It's just stupid in every way, it's harmful to the consumers, a loss for the sellers, a waste of time for the manufacturers, and it just stirs up more anti-drug propaganda. Shit like this is why prohibition keeps taking 2 steps forward and 1 step back. Any progress towards legalization or acceptance for medical use is completely offset by fucking idiots who make and sell this fake garbage, and while I get than it's beneficial to them in a way because it keeps them in business, in the same turn it harms their consumers and their image and negatively affects their business. I'm sure the scene is different everywhere, but a couple years back when I was doing MDMA all the time, anyone who was outed as selling fake or heavily cut shit lost their entire customer base over it. MDMA and sources for it are so abundant that I can't imagine why a dealer would even risk cutting it. It nets them a bit more profit, but as soon as someone put it to a test kit, all of their customers are gone.

  21. #291
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  22. #292
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    Oh mah lord. I just laughed WAY too much at that.

    This weekend, my friend is getting high for the very first time with his girlfriend and me. He is in the Marines, and gets tested about once a month. But his girlfriend is buddy buddy with the guy who conducts the testing for them, so she is getting him out of his December test. This is going to be rad... He is 30!

  23. #293
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    It's the greatest thing the internet has given us in a long time.
    At first, I was a little disappointed that they didn't them so high they started hallucinating or were unable to form sentences... but then that would be kind of mean for a first time with grandmas.

  24. #294
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    and that sounds like it will be a very memorable time.

    That video makes me want to get my parents high, even though I know they used to smoke decades ago.

  25. #295
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    Vape Pens. Not even fair. I'm okay with that.

  26. #296
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    i flipped out on the pregabalin today, whoo hoo.
    i ate a good solid gram of it and rolled my ass off.

  27. #297
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    Quote Originally Posted by elevenism View Post
    i flipped out on the pregabalin today, whoo hoo.
    i ate a good solid gram of it and rolled my ass off.
    You're gonna end up in dialysis, my friend. Maximum dose (which is rarely prescribed) is 600/mg. And not only will it fuck up your kidneys, it can screw with your nervous system.

    I had to make a drink after I read you post, @elevenism. Oh, the irony.
    Last edited by Baphomette; 11-28-2014 at 01:37 AM.

  28. #298
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    Quote Originally Posted by Miss Baphomette View Post
    You're gonna end up in dialysis, my friend. Maximum dose (which is rarely prescribed) is 600/mg. And not only will it fuck up your kidneys, it can screw with your nervous system.

    I had to make a drink after I read you post, @elevenism. Oh, the irony.
    but i eat it only once a month.

    strictly, precisely.

    lots of people eat that amount in 48 hours, every 48 hours.

    i'm a little more concerned about the 60 mg of vicodin i'm prescribed every day, on top of all the drinking i used to do.

  29. #299
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    31... Getting high for the first time all this week. You can't call yourself a music lover if you've never listened high. This is amazing!

  30. #300
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    Stopped taking drugs a long time ago, but had a lot of fun during those years. Still drink though, right now actually.

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