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Thread: Drugs! Thread!

  1. #331
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    Speaking of ketamine, I just tried it for the first time last night. Fucking outstanding, 10/10 will do again.

  2. #332
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegro View Post
    Hey, speaking of altered consciousness, that reminds me ... remember that book / movie, "Altered States?" In the book and movie, he's doing some kind of peyote-like substance, like Carlos Castaneda, and then floats in a sensory deprivation tank, but I had friends who used to go float in those tanks with no substances at all, and they had some pretty cool experiences. I was afraid of it, personally, I was afraid of sitting inside a dark tank for a long time listening to music, mostly because I was afraid of getting pretty claustrophobic in there, and of salt getting in my hooha, but even my stepdad used to do it sometimes and everybody I knew said it was a really positive experience.
    The movie was based on Center of a Cyclone by John C. Lilly the drug is suppose to be Ayahuasca. I did smoke DMT a few times, which was very intense experience and needs to be supervised. When done right with people that know what they are doing, it can be the most mind expanding 30 minutes of your life,N-Dimethyltryptamine
    Last edited by Louie_Cypher; 02-12-2015 at 02:03 PM. Reason: added link

  3. #333
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    Quote Originally Posted by Louie_Cypher View Post
    The movie was based on Center of a Cyclone by John C. Lilly the drug is suppose to be Ayahuasca. I did smoke DMT a few times, which was very intense experience and needs to be supervised. When done right with people that know what they are doing, it can be the most mind expanding 30 minutes of your life,N-Dimethyltryptamine
    Ahhhhhh, so it is similar to peyote in that it's not synthetic, interesting.

    The movie is actually based on this book by Paddy Chayevsky, who also wrote the screenplay for the movie. (He hated the director, Ken Russell, so much he had his name taken off of the credits.)

    This Roger Ebert review says that Chayevsky's book is based on the experiments of Dr. John Lilly.

    It looks like Dr. Lilly did use ketamine in deprivation tanks at some point during his experiments.

    In Chayevsky's book and movie, they definitely go to Mexico for an Ayahuasca ceremony.
    Last edited by allegro; 02-12-2015 at 04:24 PM.

  4. #334
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegro View Post
    Ahhhhhh, so it is similar to peyote in that it's not synthetic, interesting.

    The movie is actually based on this book by Paddy Chayevsky, who also wrote the screenplay for the movie. (He hated the director, Ken Russell, so much he had his name taken off of the credits.)

    This Roger Ebert review says that Chayevsky's book is based on the experiments of Dr. John Lilly.

    It looks like Dr. Lilly did use ketamine in deprivation tanks at some point during his experiments.

    In Chayevsky's book and movie, they definitely go to Mexico for an Ayahuasca ceremony.
    Here is a pdf of Center of the Cyclone it's a pretty interesting read. Maybe sometime if anyone is interested I'll put down my experiences with Peyote and DMT both done in a ritualistic environment. Not that I haven't done my share mescaline, shrooms & LSD for just happy fun time

  5. #335
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    Quote Originally Posted by Louie_Cypher View Post
    Here is a pdf of Center of the Cyclone it's a pretty interesting read. Maybe sometime if anyone is interested I'll put down my experiences with Peyote and DMT both done in a ritualistic environment.
    You mean like Castaneda's Don Juan? ;-). man, we were really into the teachings of Don Juan in high school, we wanted to go sit in the desert and be like Carlos. We even took an Anthroplogy class!! lol.

    This is interesting:
    Last edited by allegro; 02-12-2015 at 05:23 PM.

  6. #336
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    One of a handful of books my counselor recommended to me was Tales of Power. I'm a terrible student, but I did get somewhere in it. Maybe I'll finish it someday. Just was cool to read Carlos' name in here! @allegro

    On the drug front, I vaped a teensy bit of hash in early November, went into total peace mode on the front porch, was loving it before I realized all really swept up on me leaving me no time to interrupt this goodness. Unfortunately, not far into it the environment and *company* changed, and I may as well be referencing the commentary above about the "trapped head" highs for how the rest of it was. Pretty much. Goddamn annoying...particularly because I started very well. That's been the case before with me and weed, but this had a particularly elevated start. I can only imagine if I had continued in that headspace for the rest of the high. I can sorta bring myself to having that sense of peace sometimes while sober though, so for that I'd say it was all worth it.

    I've been clean ever since (unless you count CBD wax, which was excellent, I need to get more, it's like the feeling after a THC high). Although now I have a fresh bottle of Percocet for a kidney stone... I haven't had to take any so far, and I don't think I've had it before. The Toradol in the ER was some kind of bliss though.

    edit: Okay, first Percocet down.

    edit: I liked it. And the super vivid underwater world dream.
    Last edited by Amaro; 02-19-2015 at 03:04 PM.

  7. #337
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    Wow I guess I'm having an opposite Weed experience.

    During High School I would smoke it all the time and not give a damn about anything (because you're in high school and lifes not real yet). Then in College I started to slow down because I started getting paranoid and questioning things negatively and feeling bad about things I shouldn't have been etc. etc. like you guys were saying above.

    I'm in Graduate School now while still doing freelance music production and songwriting, sample libraries etc. lotta projects I work on. And with Grad School being so draining its hard to get into a "creative" space easily and feel creative and want to do things after a long day. So I've started smoking a lot of weed again in my down time and it really shoots me into not giving a damn about making some music or working on things I want to work. It breaks the anxiety barrier of me feeling like "Oh you should be doing something more productive" and prevents me from quitting so easily when sitting down to do something creative. Like I work for a beat factory where we pump out beats for hip hop artists and I got high this past Wednesday and pumped out a beat in less than 24 hours. I really do give credit to the weed for that.

    It might also be that I'm in NYC and the weed delivery services bring some serious quality shit. But anyway, thank you weed, I love you again.

  8. #338
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    It can definitely be nice in that sense. I smoked hash for the first time and holy shit, it's so much better- smoother- than smoking the plant itself. I wish I was on the west coast in the sense that it's easier to get that. I've actually made my own edibles a couple times and I was super happy with that. It would be the only way I'd get high now if I were to put down money for the stuff.

  9. #339
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    Quote Originally Posted by halloween View Post
    It can definitely be nice in that sense. I smoked hash for the first time and holy shit, it's so much better- smoother- than smoking the plant itself. I wish I was on the west coast in the sense that it's easier to get that. I've actually made my own edibles a couple times and I was super happy with that. It would be the only way I'd get high now if I were to put down money for the stuff.
    I did a shitload of Blonde Lebonese hash back in the day, and eventually it always tripped me the fuck out in a scary way and not in a peaceful creative way so I swore it off. I'm more creative on WINE than that shit.

  10. #340
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    Never heard of that but I assume it's hash? I mean, like I explained before I also like to be creative in more sober moods simply because it does allow my critical thinking skills to be activated when I need it! I'm not a musician though so I'm sure it's different.

  11. #341
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    Quote Originally Posted by halloween View Post
    Never heard of that but I assume it's hash? I mean, like I explained before I also like to be creative in more sober moods simply because it does allow my critical thinking skills to be activated when I need it! I'm not a musician though so I'm sure it's different.
    Yes, hash. We used to do tons of it "under glass" -- a rock of it stuck on a pin stuck through a piece of cardboard then you set the rock of hash on fire like incense under a drinking glass and you lift up the glass and inhale the smoke. The buzz was similar to "Thai Stick" in intensity.

    I think sometimes my over analytical conscious brain ruins things (even a hash buzz) and a glass of wine shuts off that sharper edge. But a lot of writers and artists and creative types know how badly that can go ....
    Last edited by allegro; 02-23-2015 at 11:42 PM.

  12. #342
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegro View Post

    I think sometimes my overanalytical conscious brain ruins things (even a hash buzz) and a glass of wine shuts off that sharper edge. But a lot of writers and artists and creative types know how badly that can go ....
    So bad...ugh the horror.

  13. #343
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    Quote Originally Posted by R-Dot-Yung View Post
    So bad...ugh the horror.
    Yeah rehab ain't on the fun list.
    Last edited by allegro; 05-17-2015 at 09:03 AM.

  14. #344
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  15. #345
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    Dude, I had a friend that on regular weed was convinced that I was a boy in her 2nd grade class room. I was stoned too but all I could say was "What do you mean? That's impossible." I don't know what it is with some people and their neurons...

  16. #346
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    I had a friend and she and her two other friends did blotter and the one friend looked at the other friends and said "YOU ALL HAVE GIANT HEADS!" and the power of suggestion was such that the other two became convinced that everybody did in fact have GIANT HEADS.

    This shit never happened to me on acid; one time me and my friend saw pretty pink beams of light shooting from the clouds at night, and I'm still not convinced that wasn't some kind of meteorological phenomenon and not the purple microdot.

  17. #347
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    My big dose of acid made it hard for me to look at people's faces because their facial proportions did go out of whack, particularly the eyes. When the peak intensity was over, I saw maori tattoo lines all over my boyfriends body temporarily. When I took a better more manageable dose, all I saw was people's coloration be very pretty and attractive. The rosy cheese and lips, the color of their eyes, etc. without crazy distortions.

  18. #348
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    Quote Originally Posted by R-Dot-Yung View Post
    It might also be that I'm in NYC and the weed delivery services bring some serious quality shit. But anyway, thank you weed, I love you again.

  19. #349
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    Quote Originally Posted by halloween View Post
    My big dose of acid made it hard for me to look at people's faces because their facial proportions did go out of whack, particularly the eyes. When the peak intensity was over, I saw maori tattoo lines all over my boyfriends body temporarily. When I took a better more manageable dose, all I saw was people's coloration be very pretty and attractive. The rosy cheese and lips, the color of their eyes, etc. without crazy distortions.
    I think quantity is probably the key; I always stuck to small amounts.

    We used to swear we could see the inner workings of the TV when we were really high on weed. We'd tune in to a non-working channel with static snow and we saw all kinds of shit in that static.
    Last edited by allegro; 03-04-2015 at 09:16 PM.

  20. #350
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegro View Post
    I had a friend and she and her two other friends did blotter and the one friend looked at the other friends and said "YOU ALL HAVE GIANT HEADS!" and the power of suggestion was such that the other two became convinced that everybody did in fact have GIANT HEADS.

    This shit never happened to me on acid; one time me and my friend saw pretty pink beams of light shooting from the clouds at night, and I'm still not convinced that wasn't some kind of meteorological phenomenon and not the purple microdot.
    This seems relevant...

  21. #351
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai View Post
    This seems relevant...

    That's funny, but I was NEVER hungry on acid.

  22. #352
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    Im sure this has been discussed already so i apologize. Does acid go bad? SWIM had two hits of some really really good blotter, stored at room temp for about a year. Just waiting for the right time, which has not come yet and may not in the near future. But its nice to know SWIM has it just in case.
    Last edited by EndlessLoveless; 03-06-2015 at 11:22 AM.

  23. #353
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  24. #354
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    SWIM's drug story (because SWIM need to vent right now)...struggled with additiction to painkillers from 1999 to 2008. Very addictive personality. I had a job at a medical warehouse in 99 and moved up quickly. Eventually was in charge of the controlled stuff. This was 1999 so things werent monitored like they are now. I could order anything, adjust inventory, whatever i wanted. Quit over unrelated shit a year later, and then got it from whoever i could for next 8 years.

    Eventually, i made the choice, after trying it once, to switch to H because it was cheaper (at the time), and easier on the body (was taking around 10-15 norcos a day, not good for your insides). Wasnt shooting but snorting. Struggled with that for another 4 years. Constantly lying, cheating, stealing, fucking over everyone in my path. Did some fucked up shit to make money my family and wife didnt know about. Somehow managed to keep my main job the whole time (been at the same place for 12 years). But my job duties include me driving around alot so it worked out...leaving in a company vehicle everyother day to run to the west side of chicago. Never got busted, luckily. Tried to get off it a few times. Took weeks off work to detox on the couch, only to be miserable. Never felt better, even weeks later. So i would return to it. My wife had no clue so i had to tell her i had the flu or someother bullshit to explain why i couldnt move/eat/sleep/do anything for weeks. Finally clicked one of the times, but a month later, got a kidney stone. Used that as an excuse to relapse. Things went even more downhill and finally broke down and told my wife and family everything. It all made sense to them...all the missing money and stolen/pawned shit.... Went into rehab for a week and then aftercare for a month. Wife got pregenant right after i got clean. It all finally clicked and made sense to me. Drs put me on suboxone, which made it almost too easy to stay clean. I didnt want to be dependant on anything at all though, so it was a struggle getting off that, but i did.

    Somehow my wife stuck around thru it all. Been clean for over 2 years now. I dont really agree with all of the 12 step shit. I think you have to do what works for you. Everyone is different. I still have a few drinks here and there and a few puffs here and there. I would even do a psychedelic if the timing was right (hard to find 12 hours to kill when you have a kid and both of us work). But one thing i know for certain, opiates are OUT. I liked them way too much. They filled a hole in me i never knew i even had till i tried them. Im 33 right now so the way i look at it is, i fucked around alot up to my 30's, but now ive got my shit together. Its been one hell of a ride but wouldnt change a thing because it brought me to where i am now=happily married with a son i love more than anything in the world and i still have my job. My friends and family were great and i couldnt have done it without them. I didnt have to cut anyone out of my life, except my dealer, because i was the type that did my drugs alone. It was my thing, my secret. No one knew.

    I still will go to a meeting here and there but its hard to find time for anything anymore. I just want to hang at home with my family and when my son and wife go to sleep, i record, record, record. Every step along the way has been 'documented' sonically. The one thing that helps though, is talking about it. I think thats the whole basis of 12 step programs. It feels good to get it out. Everyones story is pretty similar. Anyways, thanks for letting me get it out ETS. If anyone is struggling with addiction and needs to vent or to be pointed in the right direction, I am here. Im def not sponsor material but, you need to end the cycle. I waited so long because i was scared of never feeling happy again. And it took awhile, but it HAS happened. I feel naturally happy again. And naturally sad. It happends. Its life. But it IS possible to overcome.

    tl;dr: used to be an addict, now im not

  25. #355
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    Yo. The way music sounds when I'm high... I wish it sounded that way when I was sober. That would be the raddest.

  26. #356
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    Quote Originally Posted by ibanez33 View Post
    Found a fantastic quote about salvia on reddit:

    now I want to do it again. It's been like 3 or 4 years.
    nn-DMT might be a better suggestion. Your uh... trip.. can go about as "far" as salvia, but the destination is different.

    Salvia is pretty neat though, if used maturely. I found it very helpful for understanding quite a few areas of psychology and child development. It sounds weird, but its true.

  27. #357
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegro View Post
    I think quantity is probably the key; I always stuck to small amounts.

    We used to swear we could see the inner workings of the TV when we were really high on weed. We'd tune in to a non-working channel with static snow and we saw all kinds of shit in that static.
    i got to where i STARTED with 10 strips. and later, i might take another 10. and another.
    THAT'S when the insane visuals occur.

    As far as the weed switching gears on us, i think the "hyper-analytical mind" argument you brought up is probably right.

    And as for me and drugs right now, sigh, my opiate tolerance is way, way, way to high.

    I want it back so bad. I need to nut up and just not take any of it for about a week.

  28. #358
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    Quote Originally Posted by ibanez33 View Post
    Speaking of ketamine, I just tried it for the first time last night. Fucking outstanding, 10/10 will do again.
    I've done it a few times over the few months since that post and I have to say it's definitely my favorite. I just wish it wasn't so damn expensive.

  29. #359
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    Quote Originally Posted by ibanez33 View Post
    I've done it a few times over the few months since that post and I have to say it's definitely my favorite. I just wish it wasn't so damn expensive.
    dude my ketamine days, the early 2000s, it was still legal. i have a little to say about it because it's one of the few things that i can say that ive done way, way more of than most.
    we ordered pounds of it from germany.
    even back in 98 when we were still in high school, the cop at the high school caught us with a bunch of it and knew we were insanely fucked up, but when they had it tested there was NOTHING they could do to us, lololol.

    when my clique stopped getting hold of it legally, i quit fucking with it.
    i mean my people sold it CHEEP cheep cheep.

    also shnm (some of my homeboys not me) lolol started breaking into veterinary clinics and getting hold of it when the overseas thing dried up (the degenerate fucks.)

    Seriously, SERIOUSLY not's just the SWIM thing cracks me up. MNLNM (my nigga leroy not me)

    Anyway @ibanez33 i;m not trying to front but seriously, seriously, there was a point in time where we literally had POUNDS of K. Pure, fucking uncut K.
    it was insane. and it seemed safe enough that i REALLY took it to the edge experimenting with it. i would snort, say, a gram of it, and from what i understand, just be screaming the whole time...shit like that.
    You can't explain ketamine to the's like reality rolls up into a little ball and implodes and what's left is a new reality.
    either that, or your senses are taken away and you get new senses.
    i hope you are doing enough of it to get the full effect.
    JESUS this is making me want some of it. it's probably been 12 years since i had any.

    When it became illegal and my people stopped getting it, i bought some ONCE and was like WTF?!?! because what i got for $20 we used to sell for $5.

    but i long for the days man. we had this invincible crew, like 20 of us, who were always together as much as possible when i was in my late teens/early twenties, and we did it to DEATH. it was during MDMA 2.0 ...the second big wave in 2000 or so.
    and honest to god, we had house parties that were all you can eat k. i miss it, and those days, and those people.

  30. #360
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    I don't do drugs but without a fault whenever drugs go missing at the vet clinic its the Ketamine.

    also we have this fun little cocktail for cats called "kitty magic" (ketamine+buprenorphine+dexdomitor) when we reverse the dex all thats left is the ketamine and the cats are tweaked for the rest of the day. Sometimes its entertaining but lots of cats thrash around when coming down from it. I think it would be scary to see a person in the same situation

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