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Thread: Drugs! Thread!

  1. #601
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    Definitely has a point

  2. #602
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    Quote Originally Posted by RhettButler View Post
    I've known a few people who have died from this shit. Not to sound like a dick, but why does this thread exist? It's like it's celebrating something that really shouldn't be celebrated (and I'm not really including pot here). My 2 cents. Last time I'll post in this thread.
    What are your opinions on Alcohol and Alcholism....

  3. #603
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    Quote Originally Posted by Exocet View Post
    What are your opinions on Alcohol and Alcholism....
    Can be abused, obviously. I don't know if I would put coke and LSD in the same category as alcohol though. I am sorry if I came across as preachy.

  4. #604
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    Quote Originally Posted by elevenism View Post
    @Hazekiah i am shocked that you've never heard the term tab.

    Tabs. Rolls. Pressed, colorful pills with images of whimsical animals on them, or like CK logos or Motorolla logos or whatever.

    Like you know, ex pills. Tabs, man.
    I mean, I've heard it before, just not in relation to MDMA. I've usually heard the term used for acid, actually. Not really sure why now that I think of it, lol. But "tabs," short for tablets, as in pills. I gotcha!

    Now hand 'em over already, damnit.


  5. #605
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hazekiah View Post
    I've usually heard the term used for acid, actually. But "tabs," short for tablets, as in pills. I gotcha!
    Not with acid, no. Acid tabs are squares with images printed on them, like pieces of paper. Also known as "blotter" because the liquid is "blotted" onto the paper. But I know you must know this, LOL.

    Quote Originally Posted by RhettButler View Post
    I've known a few people who have died from this shit. Not to sound like a dick, but why does this thread exist? It's like it's celebrating something that really shouldn't be celebrated (and I'm not really including pot here). My 2 cents. Last time I'll post in this thread.
    Died from LSD???? Dubious.
    Last edited by allegro; 07-02-2016 at 10:46 PM.

  6. #606
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    Quote Originally Posted by richardp View Post
    The only time I've done LSD, it like immediately went south as soon as it was kicking in, so I was in a solid bad trip for like 4 hours before I pulled myself out of it. Once I was in a good mindset it was alright, but I don't know if I would ever take it again honestly. I really really didn't like how impossible it was to go to sleep even like 12 hours after taking it. And yeah, the physical and mental exhaustion the next day is awful. Maybe one day if I'm in a better place in my life, I'd try it again, but not anytime soon.

    Oh also, after I came out of the bad trip, we watched that new Pee-Wee movie on Netflix, which was a baaaad choice. The LSD had us CONVINCED that the plot was about a serial child molester who was praying on little Pee-Wee to be his sex slave for his birthday. It was hilarious and horrifying, and everyones limbs looked like fucking Slender Man. Terrifying.
    It's true, you have to go into it with a good mindset; no negativity at all. Also, SMALL dose. Nearly every "bad trip" that people have on LSD is because people go into it with a bad mindset and/or they took too much. I've done it several times in SMALL QUANTITIES and it's a speedy LOOOOONNNNNNNG buzz and I'll echo Steve Jobs: It was a positive and life-changing experience.

    Steve Jobs said he would have never started Apple if he had not have taken LSD. Steve Jobs' friend at Reed College: "I did LSD with Steve".

    Looks like Steve was doing something called CLEARLIGHT.
    Last edited by allegro; 07-02-2016 at 10:38 PM.

  7. #607
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    Quote Originally Posted by RhettButler View Post
    Can be abused, obviously. I don't know if I would put coke and LSD in the same category as alcohol though. I am sorry if I came across as preachy.
    Alcohol is a much more dangerous and deadly drug than coke and especially worse than LSD. I'm not sure that anybody has ever died of LSD, ever.

  8. #608
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    Agreed on all counts.

    And I know what LSD is, lol. We're QUITE well acquainted, believe me! But I'm guessing "tabs" is used in that context colloquially, meaning "dose" rather than "tablet." Except in the case of geltabs, of course! OMFG I MISS THOSE SO MUCH.

    If anyone ever sees me in the audience for "Jerry Springer" in my NEW KIDS SUCK shirt and bondage collar, I'm on two hits of black geltab acid, lol.

  9. #609
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    Did you see the above article re windowpane vs Steve Jobs dropping Clear Light? I never even heard of Clear Light.

    I actually used to do acid in pill form ... microdot. Although I used to do only 1/2 hit at a time.

    This guy talks about Purple Microdot and Clear Light:
    Last edited by allegro; 07-03-2016 at 01:00 AM.

  10. #610
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    At its very worst LSD enlightened me to things about myself I didn't want to see but needed to. Maybe I'm very, very lucky in that respect, but really, I don't see how just LSD -- if taken with understanding of what it is and the changes it can have on you with respect in your mind as it enters your system -- could possibly make anybody "die." Maybe your ego will, but you won't. There's almost no risk of a physical, chemical dependency on it unlike a million other drugs, there's no risk of a permanent tolerance and spacing it out will cause none to exist and in proper doses (above 400ug is, in general, for most, entering into less-than-stable territory) can't really cause any damage to you in any permanent way. The riskiest things with LSD come from it being demonized, made illegal and unregulated -- the risk of taking other things like 25i not knowing it's not LSD, and lacking an understanding and respect of the substance due to a lack of education. That's less a fault of the drug and more of the war on it that's failed an entire society majorly.

  11. #611
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    Quote Originally Posted by kleiner352 View Post
    At its very worst LSD enlightened me to things about myself I didn't want to see but needed to. Maybe I'm very, very lucky in that respect, but really, I don't see how just LSD -- if taken with understanding of what it is and the changes it can have on you with respect in your mind as it enters your system -- could possibly make anybody "die." Maybe your ego will, but you won't.
    Hahaha, WELL SAID.

    Also, I did some googling and apparently 25i and 2C-i are closely related in the family of phenethylamines, whatever the hell THEY are. So SAME DIFFERENCE, basically. Interesting! Had a blast on the one, can't WAIT to try the other!

    And I'd always heard the term "windowpane" used to refer to dropping liquid acid into eyeballs, rather than as an actual "brand" name of "acid." Now I'm wondering if I'd actually done that shit without realizing it!

    Same goes for "Clear View." Sounds a LOT like the shit I was on, w00t.



  12. #612
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hazekiah View Post
    Hahaha, WELL SAID.

    Also, I did some googling and apparently 25i and 2C-i are closely related in the family of phenethylamines, whatever the hell THEY are. So SAME DIFFERENCE, basically. Interesting! Had a blast on the one, can't WAIT to try the other!

    And I'd always heard the term "windowpane" used to refer to dropping liquid acid into eyeballs, rather than as an actual "brand" name of "acid." Now I'm wondering if I'd actually done that shit without realizing it!]
    Yeah it resembles a windowpane, gel tab. Although I used to hear stories of it in your eye too!!!!

  13. #613
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    @Hazekiah i ate enough of those green gel tabs to...i don't know...i'm sure i ate 500 of them.

    Okay, if you ever show up at my house with acid, i'll eat it. Up to 25 pieces. I'm just not gonna seek it out. I'm not "in the game" anymore.
    It sounds to me like you are on the fucking hunter s thompson program.
    I used to like to eat 10 or 20 hits of acid and go to six flags, but i've calmed down a LOT. Yes, opiates are, in theory, a lot more dangerous than hallucinogens, but my tolerance is...i don't even want to get into it. I know what it's going to do, and it is prescribed to me, along with xanax, so, you know.
    Oxycodone doesn't cause me to see myself in the context of infinite space-time or make the walls melt. Those things are amazing, and i used to LIVE there, but what did the stp song say..."too much trippin' and my soul's worn thin." Now i'm not going to lie, this opiate addiction bullshit is probably more terrible than wonderful, but it would take a major fucking life overhaul to pull out of it, and i'm not prepared for that shit just yet.

    Now. These terms, these are definitely a regional thing. @allegro and @Hazekiah , i probably ate like 2000 hits of acid and never once heard hits of acid called tabs. even those gel things we called "pyramids" or "gels."
    Meanwhile, in Texas, Tabs is/was not JUST short for tablets. Tabs MEANS/(meant? idk) ex pills.

    As in "Say maaaan, do you know where i could get any tabs, man?"

  14. #614
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    Also, sorry for double post, but Re: this clearlight thing...

    I'm sure that many of you acid people have heard of/eaten/drank fluff, amber, silver, etc (especially @Hazekiah )
    Part of me thinks that these are just like the names of ex pills-manufacturers slap names on them and they stick.
    But at the same time, i've had wildly, and i mean WILDLY different experiences on different "kinds" of acid (and i don't mean like different pictures on the paper.)
    It sucks that we won't know because sadly, this relatively safe compound is prohibited, so it's damn near impossible to get any fucking answers about it.

    Oh and also: AA founder Bill Wilson thought that lsd was a GREAT way to have a spiritual experience, and purportedly fed it to his wife and early aa benefactor Father Dowling (a priest,) among other people. He ate acid with fucking Aldous Huxley.
    The early AA community told Bill to go ahead and slow his roll on that.
    That just cracks me up, as someone who has spent years in recovery. I love seeing the looks on young, militant AA kids faces, the ones who think that Bill Wilson is jesus and never had a drink as an adult, when i prove this fact to them.

    For the record, LSD IS a good way to have a spiritual experience, but i'm not saying that it's a good idea to eat 8-10 pieces of it every weekend or so for years like i did. It makes things get really fucking strange. (like hazekiah :P ...and me, for that matter.)
    Last edited by elevenism; 07-03-2016 at 07:18 AM.

  15. #615
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    Yeah we called individual doses of acid "hits." I never heard anybody call it a tab, either, even though maybe technically that's what it was. I can't imagine dosing at those high levels, though. But you're bi-polar, @elevenism , so was my brother, he had no governor, he never did a small amount of anything. There must be some correlation. I always did the minimal amount required to have the experience. But, suddenly, it occurred to me to not do it anymore, intuitive, like my Kung Fu spiritual exploration was complete. And that was that.

    Mescaline was WAY better for the spiritual experience, though.

    LSD certainly is not without its dangers at excessive doses. Syd Barrett is an example (granted, Syd had problems already but excessive LSD use can be a catalyst to it getting worse). The drug was not invented to be used like that. Period.

    See also. Set and Setting.

    See also: Psychedelic Therapy.
    Last edited by allegro; 07-03-2016 at 10:04 AM.

  16. #616
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    There is also a correlation between acid and tinfoil hats, @allegro , as my first experience with tinfoil hats was with this dude who ACTUALLY WORE a tinfoil hat, because he thought that the cia distributed the acid and used it to get into his head, but the tinfoil hat would prevent it.
    This dude ate way more acid than me.

    I am fairly certain that i was permanently altered from lsd abuse. The same goes for mdma and ketamine.
    And you may be right about the bipolar correlation. Before i did the insane levels of drinking, it was insane amounts of drugs like that. If 1/20th of a gram was a dose, i wanted to try a gram.
    I saw myself as a, hmmm, a psychonaut.
    Acid at those levels can do wildly interesting things though. Like, on multiple occasions, i went to the movies on doses like that and thought i was IN the movie. My HS girlfriend took me to some star trek movie and i came out of it thinking i was a robot, like Data.
    Once i was able to "hear" inter-cellular communication throughout my body and spent hours experiencing myself as "we."
    My brother ate more acid than i did, and while he is fairly successful, we are both a little strange, and have the ability to be COMPLETELY open minded. I attribute a good bit of that to lsd abuse.
    Last edited by elevenism; 07-03-2016 at 10:07 AM.

  17. #617
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    Well but I think being open-minded comes from being intelligent.

    I don't know that any LSD studies have shown that it alters your actual personality or intelligence level; read the above link with the Leary quotes re Psychedelic Therapy.

    I saw the first Star Wars movie when it came out, and when I got in my car I thought it was a spaceship for a few seconds ... and I wasn't on any drugs!

    My brother called himself a "daredevil."
    Last edited by allegro; 07-03-2016 at 10:15 AM.

  18. #618
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    CHURCH: (images I could do without)

    Yesssssss. Thanks to a link in here @elevenism, leading me to that. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
    Last edited by Amaro; 07-03-2016 at 10:53 AM.

  19. #619
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    Quote Originally Posted by Amaro View Post
    CHURCH: (images I could do without)

    Yesssssss. Thanks to a link in here @elevenism, leading me to that. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
    Sweet serendipity, batman!
    The beginning is what has happened to a dear friend of mine who has become an ever more enthusiastic cult member

  20. #620
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegro View Post
    Well but I think being open-minded comes from being intelligent.

    I don't know that any LSD studies have shown that it alters your actual personality or intelligence level; read the above link with the Leary quotes re Psychedelic Therapy.
    but this is where qualitative experience overwhelms and transcends all data.
    i'm speaking in terms of ..hmmm. Like, i feel that it brought me to a point where i could take a further step BACK in my view of things, that i was previously unable to do, a step back that made me able to seriously consider things like "what if the entire universe was created five minutes ago?" What if we're dreaming right now?
    Of course, i could have arrived at that point WITHOUT hallucinogens. Who can tell?

    and i adore you a little more today after what you said about your car being a space ship. :P

  21. #621
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    Quote Originally Posted by elevenism View Post
    Like, i feel that it brought me to a point where i could take a further step BACK in my view of things, that i was previously unable to do, a step back that made me able to seriously consider things like "what if the entire universe was created five minutes ago?" What if we're dreaming right now?
    Yeah, but I've done that ON POT. Seriously. All the time. I was fucking SOCRATES on pot.

    What mescaline did was allow me to kind of SHUT OFF my head and allow me to just be in this kind of meditative state, like Ram Dass' "Be Here Now" or Aldous Huxley's "The Doors of Perception" (written on mescaline).

    On mescaline, I didn't "think" at all; I didn't even speak; I just observed and, I dunno, it was this beautiful transcending experience onto another plane where I felt like I could "see" things "better" (maybe like what Plato described in the Theory of Forms; that what we see here on earth is imperfect compared to the memory we have of the perfect form we saw prior to our birth and what we will see again after death).

    Me on LSD: Laugh. For 8 fucking hours. My best friend and I, each time, swore we saw some kind of pink lights; it was a recurring theme. One time, we swore we saw pink lights beaming down from the sky. Another time, we were headed to a club and we drove through a really thick pink FOG. LAUGHTER through the entire thing. I laughed so hard on acid, my face hurt the whole next day. I had to physically make myself NOT laugh. Every sound was amplified times 100. When the furnace turned on, my friend and I thought it was LAUNCHING. And then we LAUGHED OUR ASSES OFF. We went out to "eat" (who the fuck eats on that shit?) and my friend saw a guy sitting next to us with his balls hanging out of his shorts. Cue the laughter that didn't stop for, hell, who knows? You have no concept of "time" on that shit. Minutes? Hours? I dunno.

    Juxtapose that with mescaline which was mellow, soothing, a wonderful HUG.

    If I were to choose to do one drug again, KNOWING WHAT IT IS, it'd be mescaline, absolutely.

    It's natural, pure, not synthetic, and it's great stuff.
    Last edited by allegro; 07-05-2016 at 07:56 PM.

  22. #622
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    @allegro , i've never gotten ahold of any mescaline, but i would most certainly try it. speaking of be here now, i have a hoodie with this design. [IMG][/IMG]

    And while we're on the subject, who has ingested DMT, either by vaporizing/smoking it, or going the ayahuasca route?
    I've been scheming on trying it for like 15 years, but i've always been too scared. Smoking it seems safer because it's over fast, but others have told me that smoking it is less "natural" feeling, and some have even said that smoking it is morally wrong.

  23. #623
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    I posted this in another thread, but it seemed more appropriate here.

    I'm taking a trip to Colorado in October. I was curious what exactly the weed policy is over there. Is there a restriction for tourists? Are you allowed to smoke it anywhere or are there specific designated places for that?

  24. #624
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    have achaparone good setting some ho is expereinced watcher

  25. #625
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    probably going to grown mushrooms again when it cools off in the NE this year. all my friends are harassing me for halloween trips and its about time to settle that in.

    if it works out i'll try to post pics along the way. i know i have a ton of pics of old grows around somewhere.

  26. #626
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    Sorry guys I suck at searching on new ets :/

    So, not sure if this is an appropriate thread, but... need your opinion about `xanax` as a solution for a temporary unexpected swirl.
    Is it worth it?
    Or there's some better ideas?

    Not mine's idea, suggested by a close friend, but since i prefer _different_ drugs, would like to explore and experience some other stories before trying this old spam-related name.
    Last edited by Xvostya; 08-10-2016 at 02:12 PM. Reason: (i suck at spelling, also.)

  27. #627
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    i don't know what you mean by an "unexpected swirl", but it's like any benzo -- a sedative, basically. only a fool would mix it/them with booze or anything like that. also it's insanely addictive. i should stay out of this thread since i don't use drugs that aren't prescribed, but i advise you to think twice. unless you suffer from panic or severe anxiety attacks, it's nothing to fuck around with.

  28. #628
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    I wouldn't say that Xanax is "insanely addictive," it's not crack or meth. I took it for a year (Rx) then stopped, no big deal, you have to take a LOT of it to get dependent on it (or any Benzo). It's an anti-anxiety medication and of all the Benzos, it's pretty strong. My Mom is used to Valium and I gave her one of my 10mg Xanax and it was like she was totally drunk. My dog, on the other hand, was prescribed 10mg Xanax and it made her more wired. Xanax was the only drug that turned off the incessant chattering in my head when I had way too much shit going on and a shitload of anxiety. But then I discovered melatonin and that put me to sleep pretty well, too, so bye bye Xanax.
    Last edited by allegro; 08-11-2016 at 01:35 AM.

  29. #629
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    well, i *did* take a lot of it and got addicted quick. i went through a 90-day supply in three weeks (although they were low dose). the same thing happened with klonopin and ativan.

    good on you, allegro. i caution the op because they may be more like me than you, unfortunately.

  30. #630
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    Quote Originally Posted by c0f3d View Post
    well, i *did* take a lot of it and got addicted quick. i went through a 90-day supply in three weeks (although they were low dose). the same thing happened with klonopin and ativan.

    good on you, allegro. i caution the op because they may be more like me than you, unfortunately.
    I know somebody who was on Rx Xanax and after a while he ended up becoming addicted and had to be hospitalized to get off of them; I asked him how many he was taking, and he said SIX TO EIGHT 10MG PER DAY. When I took 1 per day or less for a year, my doc and I had a sit-down about alternatives.

    If you have the personality where the "feel good" will easily take control, it's best to avoid any drugs that make you feel good, for sure (including alcohol or even too much sugar which stimulates dopamine).

    There is such a problem with Benzo dependence in this country (and doctors handing them out like The Candyman in the past), the AMA now strongly frowns upon their sustained use and doctors limit their use. My Mom used to have doctors who'd give her Rxs for a 90-day supply of Valium like it was a vitamin. Now, only her dentist will prescribe TWO if she has an upcoming dental procedure scheduled.
    Last edited by allegro; 08-11-2016 at 02:55 PM.

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