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  1. #1
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai View Post
    This was literally the first time I have actually bought shit like this, and I definitely super overdosed on it. It was awful, and it went on for days.
    Then, the other day I went to a local place to grab some pick up curbside food, and they are actually selling this shit behind the counter. It's some soda version, so I guess maybe the dosage is regulated, but it's definitely the same company/logo.

    If you're asking about the Kratom stuff that made me sick, that I bought in a store. Yes, it was a headshop, but still...
    I must be confusing you for someone else, sorry.

    It looks like the main active ingredients of this stuff is 5-HTP, GABA and L-Theanine.

    Which you can buy at a grocery or health food store.

    So, yeah, it does appear that you may have gotten too much.

    But serotonin syndrome is pretty serious; maybe you’re just having anxiety over what happened?
    Last edited by allegro; 01-28-2021 at 01:04 PM.

  2. #2
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    There are SO MANY storefront cannabis stores in Toronto. It's ridiculous. Art galleries, restaurants, theatres, music venues — all going out of business due to the pandemic, but you want a pack of edibles and a couple strains of flower? Three shops open in a five-block radius. No problem!

    Not easy for someone who gave it up to be an attentive parent and wants to keep working. Because it's literally everywhere.
    Last edited by botley; 01-28-2021 at 08:06 AM.

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by botley View Post
    Not easy for someone who gave it up to be an attentive parent and wants to keep working. Because it's literally everywhere.
    It's certainly possible to combine the two! For me, becoming a parent prompted me to get on top of my habit. And - after making a few simple changes (different strains and delivery method) - it's become this really nice, positive thing in my life. The times that I spend with my kids when I'm a little high are always really fun and special - I connect with them in a different way; very loving and playful.

  4. #4
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    @allegro , they DO still give out ativan and librium for alcohol tapers. It's the safest way to do it.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by elevenism View Post
    @allegro , they DO still give out ativan and librium for alcohol tapers. It's the safest way to do it.
    Yeah but he wasn’t saying he was kicking alcohol, did he?
    Last edited by allegro; 01-31-2021 at 10:01 PM.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegro View Post
    Yeah but he wasn’t saying he was kicking alcohol, did he?
    OH. Fuck.
    I misunderstood what @Jinsai was saying. I was half assed speed reading, and saw the word "alcohol."
    And then, there's the part where I'VE been through so much alcohol detox bullshit, that I guess I tend to project sometimes.

    Sorry for the misunderstanding.

  7. #7
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    I'm still contemplating my mushroom experience from the other night.

    I hit a point where it felt like I was breathing, tasting, feeling and seeing the "spirit of the plant" or whatever. It was beautiful.

    I took about four grams of Golden Teachers, and three grams of another strain.

    It was SO gentle on my mind. I used to be a hardcore acid head. But, acid is more like a "chemical" feeling sort of thing. I had pseudo religious experiences on it when I was younger, but, it's just different.

    These mushrooms: they feel more like you're SUPPOSED to eat them- like they're safe to eat. It was SO gentle. And it sort of made me reevaluate everything in my life.

    Has anyone else eaten psilocybin lately?

  8. #8
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    I had the same experience with Mescaline. Organic, natural, not speedy, and it made me see the world totally differently and it stuck with me forever. And you don’t need to be a pig about it to get this experience, meaning more isn’t better.

    BUT, let me add this: Once I did Mescaline a few times, I felt it adequately "taught" me how to "become" natural, myself, or be "one" with nature, or to at least really appreciate it, the value of it. And the beauty of so many other things.

    After knowing that, being on the top of a mountain in the Sierra Nevadas in the snow, where the silence is so intense that it's really difficult to explain, and there's often nobody else around for 20-30 minutes at a time, and you're up at 10,000 feet, and sometimes it's snowing, and you're in the evergreens, and the air is crisp, and there's just NOTHING like that. It's just so profound.

    Or even listening to the Chicago Symphony Orchestra perform Beethoven's 5th Piano Concerto ("Emperor").

    You no longer NEED any drugs to achieve that level of "nirvana."

    Maybe that's why that is called the "golden teacher."
    Last edited by allegro; 02-02-2021 at 01:46 PM.

  9. #9
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    We would do shrooms and head to a hill in Calgary and just yap about life, and watch the stars and the planes fly in closer overhead.

    Think Wayne's World, but way deeper in conversation... and no discussion about if we found Bugs Bunny attractive.

  10. #10
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    I'm not even sure where to get shrooms at this point, but I'm sure I could hunt some down if I tried. I used to be really into psilocybin. I've had enough experience with it to know that now is probably not a good idea for anything other than a micro-dose. You just don't want to take trips when you've got a cluttered head or stressed out.

  11. #11
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    I think that’s the case with ANY hallucinogen; you have to go into it with a totally relaxed headspace or the infamous “bad trip” ensues (typically coupled with way too much dose). I used to love microdot, but I’d do really small doses ... and STILL be tripping for eight hours; usually laughing so much my face hurt.

    I’m a firm believer that there comes a time when you’re just way too old for that shit. I get high on nature, now. Our minds are capable of amazing things.
    Last edited by allegro; 02-02-2021 at 02:39 PM.

  12. #12
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    Shrooms + Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas is quite the experience. Have that first cup of shroom tea, hit play, and sip another half cup the rest of the night.

    I co-sign with you, allegro, I can literally just go out back of my building and just watch the sky at night. Getting out into the open is even better around here. Grab the Skyview app (there's a free and paid version), and you can find the planets, the constellations, the Hubble, ISS. I like to make it a little game to find the latter two each time.
    Last edited by poinoup; 02-02-2021 at 03:12 PM.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by poinoup View Post
    I co-sign with you, allegro, I can literally just go out back of my building and just watch the sky at night. Getting out into the open is even better around here. Grab the Skyview app
    I have SkyGuide! It’s so fucking awesome! I LOVE it! I use it all the time.

    I’m studying mindfulness like it’s my JOB.

    Now I want a HOT TUB IN MY BACK YARD omg lol.
    Last edited by allegro; 02-02-2021 at 10:53 PM.

  14. #14
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    I miss shrooms. Would love to get my hands on them. Such a peaceful, blissful way to spend some time.

    I remember my best time was when I learned not to fear death. That feeling stayed with me for a year, but it's been over a decade since that night.
    Maybe one day we'll be free to roam, and I can figure out how to get my hands on some again.

  15. #15
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    I mean come to Oregon where they just legalized everything!*

    Spoiler: *I totally know that's not what they did but it's not as funny.

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegate View Post
    I mean come to Oregon where they just legalized everything!*

    Spoiler: *I totally know that's not what they did but it's not as funny.
    Once it's relatively *safe* to travel again, I'll be open to all options for finding psilocybin. I would like a spiritual reset. The last decade of my life has been fatiguing.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Magnetic View Post
    Once it's relatively *safe* to travel again, I'll be open to all options for finding psilocybin. I would like a spiritual reset. The last decade of my life has been fatiguing.
    I wish I could locate good old-fashioned mescaline, again. But I don’t want street drugs. Not with all that fentanyl shit going on. At this point, I’m also kind of afraid of my brain health. I’m limiting SUGAR because of brain health (Alzheimer’s is considered “Type 3 Diabetes”).

    This may sound coo-coo to some, but what I really want, once Covid is over, is a trip to Hawaii that involves horseback riding and beaches and boogie-boarding. *sigh*
    Last edited by allegro; 02-04-2021 at 10:21 PM.

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegro View Post
    I wish I could locate good old-fashioned mescaline, again. But I don’t want street drugs. Not with all that fentanyl shit going on. At this point, I’m also kind of afraid of my brain health. I’m limiting SUGAR because of brain health (Alzheimer’s is considered “Type 3 Diabetes”).

    This may sound coo-coo to some, but what I really want once Covid is over is a trip to Hawaii that involves horseback riding and beaches and boogie-boarding. *sigh*
    20 years ago, I spent a good year having access to pure MDA, straight from a prevalent (Ivy league) university on the east coast. The same group had some 2CB which was fun, but not amazing. The MDA was the "16 hour train ride" but it was such a pleasant, amazing experience. Mushrooms were great, and this stuff was fantastic, but I'm not sure I'd ever trust street drugs. The only reason I took this stuff was due to knowing the people producing it were legit scientists and not street dealers. Oh halcyon days....

  19. #19
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    I don’t even wanna admit what we found in a cut pressed pill after my friends and I partied on it... with a “holy CHRISTmas” hangover. It had basically traces of everything in there.

    I REALLY wish I could get these things they call shroom truffles or “philosophers stones” in Amsterdam. When they shut down the fresh mushroom shop stuff there, the industry found a loophole with truffles. I hope these are still legal and I can go back and do it again cuz that shit was amaaaaaaaazing

  20. #20
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    maybe my most "fun" drug memory.. I was at a Halloween party, early 20s, completely wrecked out of my mind, and there's this guy dressed like Jesus in a loincloth dancing around with a giant wooden crucifix. And so, naturally, at first I assume, well I'm incredibly fucked up, this must be a hallucination. So I walk over to Jesus, and he indeed does seem to have this huge, very very heavy looking wooden cross on his back as part of his Halloween costume. So I ask him if I could look at the cross, and he says "sure!" and I do, and it's not a joke, it's all wood and not some IKEA wood, like real wood. And so I asked him how he could dance around carrying that, and he said "Well, my son, before I came here, I shoved three pills of ecstasy up my ass" and then he went right back to dancing. I was too stunned by how perfect the moment was, I couldn't even laugh.

  21. #21
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    If we're sharing "best" drug memories... The setting is summer in a mostly empty college town in the middle of nowhere. I was one of 3-4 goth kids in the town, so I stuck out. All of my friends were the stoners.
    I was given a large, dried mushroom (2.5g?) I ground up chugged with some fruit juice a friend had. Everyone else was sick and threw up, but I hate doing that, and just weathered the storm. Everyone warned me I was going to trip harder. An hour later I was in the bathroom and of course got stuck looking at myself in the mirror - I had blue butterfly wings that moved with me. They even dropped when someone knocked on the door.

    As the night carried on, most of my friends wanted to go to some other event that I wasn't interested in, some sort of rave. I walked home, only to find I had locked myself out. My roommate was out as well. I intercepted two other friends who were going to another apartment to smoke, so I joined them. I kept asking them if they liked my wings - I swore I could feel them attached to my shoulders.

    I didn't know anyone in the apartment other than my friends, but they knew I was tripping my ass off and let me sit next to their aquarium to watch the fish. A girl was really nice to me and made me feel more at ease considering I was locked out of my apartment and tripping like crazy. I could see the colors of genuine care she had wash over me. Eventually the new group took their dose of whatever, and we departed again. I just followed along until I realized we were all going to the rave in a field. It was actually amazing, and I connected with my original mushroom group.

  22. #22
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    My best friend and I were on purple microdot and he was driving us back home from ... somewhere? (Gack) And we both looked over at the side of the road, night time, and we saw PINK LIGHT BEAMS coming from the sky. We stopped and marveled at them, got out, tried to figure it out, he drove me back home, and we ran in and woke my Mom up to try to alert her to the pink light beams coming from the sky.

    Yeah ...

  23. #23
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    Talked to my doctor about cialis.

    I've never had erections this hard before...jesus fuck, this is amazing. I feel fucking indestructable.

    EDIT: On the downside, I'm having some side-effects that I needed to manage. Lots of heartburn and some muscle pain in my thighs.

    But, from what I've been told all that means is that my dosage is too high, so this week I'm trying a lower does to see how it goes.
    Last edited by M1ke; 02-11-2021 at 12:50 PM.

  24. #24
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    Stay away from drugs, or you will wind up like Blue Boy.

    "Marijuana is the flame, heroin is the fuse, LSD is the bomb."

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    I for one welcome our new @Soma overlords.
    Last edited by allegate; 03-12-2021 at 11:54 AM.

  26. #26
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    i'd watch it

  27. #27
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    A friend told me it's really easy to get your MM card in Florida. He's taking edibles to sleep at night, and I'm seriously tempted to go that route. The CBD oil isn't cutting it.

  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by Magnetic View Post
    A friend told me it's really easy to get your MM card in Florida. He's taking edibles to sleep at night, and I'm seriously tempted to go that route. The CBD oil isn't cutting it.
    Do it, @Magnetic . I've told you about my issues & the weed helps some. I'm still on a plenty of other stuff but the weed has helped slow down the progression on the other front. If you can get it, we have a company (& other similar companies) making a weed infused lemonade that works well for me. I"ve found for the most part that edibles are a bit of a crap shoot but this stuff is very consistent if you follow the directions. I'm not looking to get my head ripped off anymore. Strangely I'm more interested in being non polluted as its hard for me to accomplish. Good luck & feel better!

  29. #29
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    it's not all candy canes and rainbows, m'k.

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by chuckrh View Post
    Do it, @Magnetic. I've told you about my issues & the weed helps some. I'm still on a plenty of other stuff but the weed has helped slow down the progression on the other front. If you can get it, we have a company (& other similar companies) making a weed infused lemonade that works well for me. I"ve found for the most part that edibles are a bit of a crap shoot but this stuff is very consistent if you follow the directions. I'm not looking to get my head ripped off anymore. Strangely I'm more interested in being non polluted as its hard for me to accomplish. Good luck & feel better!
    I went ahead and did! Waiting for my card to go through, but the dr I saw was very understanding/ compassionate about chronic insomnia. The patient advisor gave me a lot of information as well, so I feel good about it. Just have to wait another week or so. Everything in my state is tightly regulated, so dosing via edibles should just take a little trial and error.

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