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Thread: Drugs! Thread!

  1. #121
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    Drugs! Thread!

    Pretty familiar... @halloween Interesting to read.

    I've had some really great experiences with marihuana since I began...really great. Social outings, for sure. But creatively speaking, mostly. I've made extremely focused strides on guitar...unbelievable, listening back. That was always inside me, I knew it, I just didn't believe in me?

    However, I have had a share of panic/anxiety attacks as well...and it ain't fun. One time in particular I think it was after I'd actually ingested smoke into to my stomach from a bong (fail), after already getting enough in my system from prior proper hits. I had to lie down for the rest of the live jamming as planned. I lied on my side on a memory foam mattress topper and basically started to trip a little with some paintings on the wall. Feeling sick to your stomach while fairly damn high is weird to feel. In general though, for other undesirable times, I realize now the amount of bud I took on had a big part in it, mind you. But yeah... Definitely learning a thing or two. So much to do with self...I don't wanna begin.

    I purchased my first glass bowl back in April (beautiful piece...did not skimp), and a Magic Flight Launch Box back in May...what a cool, great functioning tool. Fucking get that vaporizer, all of you. I'll probably get a second one someday.
    Last edited by Amaro; 07-01-2013 at 12:22 PM.

  2. #122
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    Ah yes, I smoked out of a vaporizer for the first time and I don't know if I just didn't take strong enough hits, but it was still nice! I was stoned but it was so different and it felt lighter.

  3. #123
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    Right on... Not all of the same cannabanoids get released when the plant is vaporized as they do when smoked...something along those lines to be learned. There's a graph I'll share soon laying it all down. It's arguably less potential to get trippy. But yeah, there's definitely a learning curve to the amount you take in, because a lot can be used from a traditional bowl's worth, also depending on your understanding of the vaporizer being used. I've been fairly damn high when trying solo, just going to it...watched a movie in theaters. It was pretty cray. It is a cleaner feeling high ("lighter" :0>) than from smoking (apart from the obvious), consensus seems to say. Ya definitely would wanna just vape and not smoke to get a full hang of everything...because it really pays off. You can be really cool and sly about getting your high on, too. ha ha
    Last edited by Amaro; 07-01-2013 at 05:06 PM.

  4. #124
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    Quote Originally Posted by halloween View Post
    Ah yes, I smoked out of a vaporizer for the first time and I don't know if I just didn't take strong enough hits, but it was still nice! I was stoned but it was so different and it felt lighter.
    Yes! Vaporizers for me really give me more of an "In the head" high. It makes me a little more light headed and loopy, but it has been a long time since I have smoked from one. I usually smoke bowls or joints.. but I smoke the occasional blunt or two. I have been smoking pot since I was about 14 so I have seen it all for the most part, but I have been kind of proud of myself that I haven't been smoking so consistently like I have been these past few years. I was going to respond to your post the other day, but I was wayyy too drunk and out of it to try... and I did .

    But what you were saying... I in the past have felt the same way you have and that stuck with me for a long time. I know some of my friends that have done it in the past and have stopped because they didn't like that feeling of being trapped in their minds the whole time and feeling vulnerable, anxious, and conscientiously unsocialiable. For me, I used to think when everyone looked at me as I entered a room that they were thinking bad of me or judging me, meanwhile I came to realize down the road that that is just a natural reaction to look at someone or the direction when someone enters the room lol. I used to be just like you when I first started smoking weed... but as I went along down the road and got a little more wise.. I changed a lot and I have come to the point where I can be so personable to a stranger when I am high and connect with them on a completely indifferent level which is a good thing. Now of course, everyone adapts and changes because we are all different to these types of situations.. but for me I just love the feeling when I am high and it just really levels me out sometimes. If I was at a party 6 years ago? I would be mute just like you were... but as a grew and smoked more... it formed into this whole new socialized monster and now I find myself talking to anyone that I don't know if I am at a party or something to that nature.

    Everyone finds their niche when smoking weed, and some find a way to either go on with it or not smoke at all. But there have been many times where people I don't know ask me if I was ok because I was so quiet.. but in a friendly way and I would always give one word answers and try not to be awkward lol. The more you smoke, the more you know how much you should and if you are in the mood matters as well.

    BUT, on vaporizers again.. I find it when you give it a decent hit and do not see much smoke come out after you are done hitting it gave me the best high... but like I said, it goes right to my head and I feel like i'm floating at some points

    And Magro.. did you get a case or pouch for it??

  5. #125
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    My buddy just showed me this pretty neat though not sure if i trust the smell proof-ness of it. Also on the topic of vaporizers i ran into this dude at teh bar the other night that had a small portable one that kinda looked like a highlighter seemed like a pretty neat idea.

  6. #126
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pillfred View Post
    My buddy just showed me this pretty neat though not sure if i trust the smell proof-ness of it. Also on the topic of vaporizers i ran into this dude at teh bar the other night that had a small portable one that kinda looked like a highlighter seemed like a pretty neat idea.
    I believe those are vapor pens.. (many different names). My buddy just started using one for hash oil and after about 2 hits I was done for hours.

  7. #127
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    Quote Originally Posted by Self.Destructive.Pattern View Post
    Yes! Vaporizers for me really give me more of an "In the head" high. It makes me a little more light headed and loopy, but it has been a long time since I have smoked from one. I usually smoke bowls or joints.. but I smoke the occasional blunt or two. I have been smoking pot since I was about 14 so I have seen it all for the most part, but I have been kind of proud of myself that I haven't been smoking so consistently like I have been these past few years. I was going to respond to your post the other day, but I was wayyy too drunk and out of it to try... and I did .

    But what you were saying... I in the past have felt the same way you have and that stuck with me for a long time. I know some of my friends that have done it in the past and have stopped because they didn't like that feeling of being trapped in their minds the whole time and feeling vulnerable, anxious, and conscientiously unsocialiable. For me, I used to think when everyone looked at me as I entered a room that they were thinking bad of me or judging me, meanwhile I came to realize down the road that that is just a natural reaction to look at someone or the direction when someone enters the room lol. I used to be just like you when I first started smoking weed... but as I went along down the road and got a little more wise.. I changed a lot and I have come to the point where I can be so personable to a stranger when I am high and connect with them on a completely indifferent level which is a good thing. Now of course, everyone adapts and changes because we are all different to these types of situations.. but for me I just love the feeling when I am high and it just really levels me out sometimes. If I was at a party 6 years ago? I would be mute just like you were... but as a grew and smoked more... it formed into this whole new socialized monster and now I find myself talking to anyone that I don't know if I am at a party or something to that nature.

    Everyone finds their niche when smoking weed, and some find a way to either go on with it or not smoke at all. But there have been many times where people I don't know ask me if I was ok because I was so quiet.. but in a friendly way and I would always give one word answers and try not to be awkward lol. The more you smoke, the more you know how much you should and if you are in the mood matters as well.

    BUT, on vaporizers again.. I find it when you give it a decent hit and do not see much smoke come out after you are done hitting it gave me the best high... but like I said, it goes right to my head and I feel like i'm floating at some points

    And Magro.. did you get a case or pouch for it??
    I definitely feel like this won't deter me from ever smoking again, but it's definitely back to a learning process for me- when and where and how much since my tolerance for it is back to zero! Taking it slow and it will probably take having to do it with less people, so I can re-learn my social confidence while stoned :P

  8. #128
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    Silk Road has warped my fragile little mind.

  9. #129
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    Quote Originally Posted by Miss Baphomette View Post
    Silk Road has warped my fragile little mind.
    That's still going?!?

  10. #130
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    Quote Originally Posted by Self.Destructive.Pattern View Post
    Magro.. did you get a case or pouch for it??
    Tin lunch box type case (black battery charger version) that fits everything and more, if you rearrange things right. My latest addition is an SD card case that has freshly ground herb fit for two Launch Box loads. The one I have is maple, which I may paint or do something to, and the next one I get will probably be walnut with an etched glass.

    The graph thingy...

    Edit: I can't get it to be appear full res after linking it (small text in it), and after saving it to my phone for proof? So here's the site link:
    Last edited by Amaro; 07-07-2013 at 01:49 PM.

  11. #131
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    Quote Originally Posted by Magrão View Post
    Tin lunch box type case (black battery charger version) that fits everything and more, if you rearrange things right. My latest addition is an SD card case that has freshly ground herb fit for two Launch Box loads. The one I have is maple, which I may paint or do something to, and the next one I get will probably be walnut with an etched glass.

    The graph thingy...

    Edit: I can't get it to be appear full res after linking it (small text in it), and after saving it to my phone for proof? So here's the site link:

    Haha, I like your creativity with the piece. I used to have a nice little bag made by "Bakoda" and it had the perfect space for everything you needed on the go and also had a waterproof zip bag lined with insulated foil, and came with a mini plastic tray to break your weed up on; the tray even had one corner etched out to safely get it off the tray. I like the diagram you posted since it gives a more in depth look at what's going on. I have done a lot of research in the past between burning and vaporizing weed so this is a pretty legit and accurate diagram. Vaporizers are just so damn expensive!

    I did however have a question about Cocaine since the net is really not useful on the subject. If there is anyone here that has dabbled with it on occasion, how do you know if it is really good or not that good? The only info I could find was if it burns stay away, but if it's smooth then it's pretty good. I am not a daily Coke user at all, but when I go out I like to take some lines here and there. Anyone care to share?

  12. #132
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    Quote Originally Posted by Miss Baphomette View Post
    Silk Road has warped my fragile little mind.
    Im still perplexed how on earth people get away with that. You can buy Heroin on the internet. Crazy.

  13. #133
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    Lost another high school friend this weekend due to overdose. He had purchased what he thought was heroin, and it ended up being fentanyl. Please be careful, folks; I love you all.

    If there's something good in all this it's that this happened in the Peoria County Jail. The person who sold my friend the powder is now facing a first-degree murder charge (up to life without parole), and a charge for smuggling narcotics into a secured facility (up to 1 year).

  14. #134
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    I ate three hash brownies yesterday afternoon and I still have a small haze going through me. It's been insane, I've been eating a lot, which I normally don't do under the influence, I saw Pacific Rim in Imax 3D, and kept on having repressed memories of being in grade school. It's not as bad as it was last night when I almost freaked out but this is easily as high as I've ever been.

  15. #135
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    I haven't had edibles in quite a while but the best time I ever had on them was when I made a half-batch for a few casual pot-smoker friends and myself a couple years ago with a 1/4 ounce of weed, we only had 1 each and the peak lasted for like 4 hours. We were taking turns playing Peggle on my buddies Xbox and we were getting into it like it was game 7 for the Stanley Cup. I stepped out for a smoke and stayed out for like half an hour watching a plane go by off in the distance.

  16. #136
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    ok, I took acid for the first time through out the past week and I have mixed feelings about it. The giggly parts were awesome and had some really awesome conversations with the friends I took with, but physically I felt way too heavy, way too queezy and pretty much felt like I was hung-over. And it also didn't "expand my mind" like everyone said it would.

  17. #137
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    I can't wait to move into my new place...I'm going to make all my (to be bought in the future) cannabis into edibles! I've made cannabis oil a couple times now and it's the best alternative I have to smoking until I get my hands on a vaporizer.

  18. #138
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    Quote Originally Posted by ComaAlpha View Post
    ok, I took acid for the first time through out the past week and I have mixed feelings about it. The giggly parts were awesome and had some really awesome conversations with the friends I took with, but physically I felt way too heavy, way too queezy and pretty much felt like I was hung-over. And it also didn't "expand my mind" like everyone said it would.
    I've not tried it... But I'd imagine everything has to do with your state of mind. And just...your mind. As well as the setting(s), of course. If you're sure it was pure LSD or can really trust that it was, don't think about expectations or much at all except the space around you, and if/when you feel best to--try it again, from the same source. I also wonder how much (or little) you took. And, as you describe, you also just may not have appreciated a lot of the feeling it gave you, so maybe the experience that time wasn't as positive to get you anywhere really new.


    I've laid off pot for at least 2 weeks because I need to be clean for any job coming my way. Just in case there's a test. It kinda sucks.
    Last edited by Amaro; 07-20-2013 at 03:58 PM.

  19. #139
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    Quote Originally Posted by ComaAlpha View Post
    ok, I took acid for the first time through out the past week and I have mixed feelings about it. The giggly parts were awesome and had some really awesome conversations with the friends I took with, but physically I felt way too heavy, way too queezy and pretty much felt like I was hung-over. And it also didn't "expand my mind" like everyone said it would.
    When I took acid a few months ago, it was intense in terms of visuals hallucination but as the for the mental perspective it reminded me of weed which may explain the giggly stuff for you. Maybe it wasn't very strong acid you took? But it does have a load on the body and the guy I took it with knew what to do so he had some vitamin/mineral that he gave me after we were coming down, I don't remember what it was but it's worth looking into because you want to help your body recover as best as possible.

  20. #140
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    dabs, dabs and more dabs of shatter is all i can say. after smoking for 17 years now i never thought my smoking game would get flipped so hard, but I'm glad it did. feel healthier every day and the high is amazing every time.

  21. #141
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    Oh, it was positive. It was all very positive. And I didn't take much at all. It was only a half of a hit. But I can't try the same source, 'cause the same sources makes it different every time he makes it.

  22. #142
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    Quote Originally Posted by ComaAlpha View Post
    Oh, it was positive. It was all very positive. And I didn't take much at all. It was only a half of a hit. But I can't try the same source, 'cause the same sources makes it different every time he makes it.
    Sounds like too small of a hit for anything to really take off, which was probably smart for a first time. But I'm failing to understand the last part about the consistency... Your source actually made it? If so, and if it's true acid being made, that should be doable again and again. Definitely take one whole hit as your next, whenever and wherever you get it, but take note of the sensation/"taste" on your tongue. I can never seem to get an absolutely straight answer for this from my reading, but generally from what I gather--if it's super bitter tasting I'd consider taking it out. If it's "metallic" tasting (trying to draw the line between that and bitter...), or it tastes/feels "electric", or it's just tasteless (and maybe sensation-less), then maybe you should keep that one hit there. In the end, everything's a risk to a degree, but while you could have a good time on a research chemical being passed as acid, it's my understanding that some research chemicals can be somewhat dangerous on the body, especially if you do them in a larger dose. So keeping it to a respectable minimum is pretty grave unless some clearing measures check out with the chemical, or you have all your trust in the source, in my opinion.
    Last edited by Amaro; 08-23-2013 at 09:53 AM.

  23. #143
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    I don't see myself paying for it unless I plan on taking some before a concert. To be clear I mean GOING to a concert. Not PLAYING a concert. I'd probably forget everything and fuck up everywhere if I took acid before playing a show.

  24. #144
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    I think next time I do acid, I`ll only take one hit as well. I took three tabs last time...

  25. #145
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    Acid is fucking crazy. Has anybody ever listened to nin on acid? I didn't when I dropped because the idea of it sounded like mental suicide.

  26. #146
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    Might as well add this tidbit here... Acid changed me for the better even though it was a generally shitty experience.

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    Re: Drugs! Thread!

    Quote Originally Posted by fuckit View Post
    Acid is fucking crazy. Has anybody ever listened to nin on acid? I didn't when I dropped because the idea of it sounded like mental suicide.
    Context is key. I've had it go both ways. Though anymore I probably wouldn't do it. Also extreme screen Saw movies I would advise against. Alice in Wonderland as well. Though mileage may vary on that last one.

  28. #148
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    i made it about 30 minutes into a scanner darkly on acid a couple years ago. had a nice mini-panic attack and turned that shit off quick.

  29. #149
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    Quote Originally Posted by fuckit View Post
    Might as well add this tidbit here... Acid changed me for the better even though it was a generally shitty experience.
    Interesting...that's cool though.

  30. #150
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    Quote Originally Posted by halloween View Post
    I think next time I do acid, I`ll only take one hit as well. I took three tabs last time...
    Oh Jesus. Do a HALF! It's a nice, light, interesting experience.

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