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Thread: Drugs! Thread!

  1. #151
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    I did green rolex at belfast and started tripping during gave up, the inside of my head turned red and blue hnnnnnnn

  2. #152
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegro View Post
    Oh Jesus. Do a HALF! It's a nice, light, interesting experience.
    Well, the only reason I did three was because the "first" time I did it, the first tab did nothing so after an hour we took a second one, which after another hour was alright but nothing major, so we took a third one and finally stuff started having effect but all it did was make me want to dance a bit more and feel a little giggly. We weren't sure of the strength of the tabs when I did it the second time so all three at once was the decision...and boy was it the wrong decision! I don't regret it though- it was kind of like learning to swim by being pushed into the deep end!! Now though I want to go back to it through a lighter, more navigable mental space than the mindfuck I experienced, hehehe.

  3. #153
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    Holy balls, ive never had the nerve to take 3. I took 2 once, years ago, at a Mastodon concert. Bad idea, i could hear people whispering all around me the whole time. Got the fear, and it ruined the show. They even played Seabeast, my favorite song! And i just cowered in terror! My only saving grace was that i was familiar with the venue. I wasnt able to even listen to them for years after wards.

    Last time i touched the stuff, i took one, and proceeded to play Halo Reach connected to my computer monitor. For about 5 hours solid, it was like i had the 1000 yard gaze. I saw somebody move, booom headshotz! A hell of a body buzz, but no visuals. The best experience I had with it was seeing Tool on the first leg of the 10000 Days Tour, with the lasers during Wings For Marie/10k Days, and shit. I dont have words for it, but it was THE definitive acid experience for myself. Everything since then has just been chasing the high, and honestly, i think im past hallucinogenics. I havent touched them in years, im too old for that shit, lol
    Last edited by SM Rollinger; 08-30-2013 at 10:01 PM.

  4. #154
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    I took some 25i with a friend of mine a few weeks ago and we kept blowing each other's minds because somehow we had nearly the same hallucinations.

  5. #155
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    Last edited by aggroculture; 12-05-2013 at 07:09 PM. Reason: paranoia

  6. #156
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    did a little over an eighth of shrooms yesterday. Best night of my life.

  7. #157
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    Drugs! Thread!


    #ihavethebestgirlfriend #organic #homegrown

  8. #158
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    At 30 and never having done any drugs, I must say I'm a bit jealous of all your stories. Never too late to experiment, right? Someone mail me some acid or something! ;p

  9. #159
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wolfkiller View Post
    At 30 and never having done any drugs, I must say I'm a bit jealous of all your stories. Never too late to experiment, right? Someone mail me some acid or something! ;p
    "So then, he tried to get me to sell him some LSD or some grass or somethin'. Pigs must be low on their quotas they gonna try and jive us like that, y'know?"

  10. #160
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    Smoke pot. Start listening to the new NIN album on headphones. Loving it. Suddenly realize that I should be watching Tim and Eric. Now watching Tim and Eric. Nice.

  11. #161
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    Quote Originally Posted by SM Rollinger View Post
    Holy balls, ive never had the nerve to take 3. I took 2 once, years ago, at a Mastodon concert. Bad idea, i could hear people whispering all around me the whole time. Got the fear, and it ruined the show. They even played Seabeast, my favorite song! And i just cowered in terror! My only saving grace was that i was familiar with the venue. I wasnt able to even listen to them for years after wards.
    Ha! i HAD to comment on this because the same thing happened to me at a tool show when i was a teenager. i was on a headful of acid, and tool finally came out...and maynard was wearing that awful orange leotard thing with and orange wig and white facemask. and the guitar player was fucking painted like a blue man from blue man group. i split! i went out to where you could buy a hot dog. i was utterly terrified. So i bought a hot dog and looked up and there was a monitor with tool on it. I got the fear again! i was finally able to get it together and go back into the main arena area, but good lord, Aenima has held some DARK vibes ever since then.

    As for the rest of drugs, i'm one of those guys who has tried all of them. a LOT.
    it turns out that the best thing is pharmaceutical grade opiates...
    that's just me.

    oh. and it turns out that if you eat about 600 mg of lyrica, it's somewhere between mdma and ghb.
    just sayin.

  12. #162
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    Been to two shows on acid, Korn back in '98 and ozzy a few years ago. Korn wasn't bad even though my friends were no where around, I just lost myself in the bass. Ozzy was unnerving at first but once every one was shit faced I felt almost sober in comparison.

    One of the worst decisions I made was going to see Saw #? with my ex. As soon as that face peeled of the skull in full extreme screen WTF! I was on the edge of my seat forcing myself not to leave.

    Other than a couple mindfuck sessions I've greatly enjoyed acid.
    Last edited by Pillfred; 10-14-2013 at 07:04 PM.

  13. #163
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    Ex is going to bring some pot truffles or cookies to the Halloween party on the 26th. I can see this shaping up to be an enjoyable night.

  14. #164
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    Last edited by aggroculture; 12-05-2013 at 07:09 PM. Reason: paranoia

  15. #165
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    Lyrica is SO...fucking strange. You should start with like 600 mg. but i worked my way up to gram and a half. it is a very strange, long trip and not for those who want to "get high real fast" and then be done. you will be throwed for 16 hours or so. at first you think you're fine but then you get up and realize you cant walk. you move like fucking jack sparrow, and are inclined to talk and talk and talk. your sense of where your body is in space is distorted. i dont know how to explain it all except to say i would put it somewhere between mdma and ghb. Holler at me if you get hold of some and want to try it....i am experienced.

  16. #166
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    I took 160mg of Adderall throughout the day during Lollapalooza. The rain felt awesome... And then I cried like 4 different times while NIN was on. It was a really strange day for me.

  17. #167
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    Quote Originally Posted by elevenism View Post
    Lyrica is SO...fucking strange. You should start with like 600 mg. but i worked my way up to gram and a half. it is a very strange, long trip and not for those who want to "get high real fast" and then be done. you will be throwed for 16 hours or so. at first you think you're fine but then you get up and realize you cant walk. you move like fucking jack sparrow, and are inclined to talk and talk and talk. your sense of where your body is in space is distorted. i dont know how to explain it all except to say i would put it somewhere between mdma and ghb. Holler at me if you get hold of some and want to try it....i am experienced.
    Damn, i didn't know it could get you so fucked up by itself. I was on it for months, taking it mostly as prescribed, 300mg (sometimes 600mg) twice a day. I'm pretty sure it was the main prescription drug effecting the kind of high I'd get when I had weed in this period. I was also on a 200 microgram fentanly patch, 200-260mg of oxycodone a day and some anti-inflamatory that probably did nothing. But yeah, when I had weed I got insanely high very fast and would get minor optical hallucinations with my eyes open and just fall into worlds of patterns when my eyes were closed. On the downside it made me really fucking tired, but it was worth it.

  18. #168
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    Heh movies, do Eraserhead with a head full of acid, well any Lynch movie, concerts on shrooms are delightful, oh I miss you Silk Road

  19. #169
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    going to seattle this summer for the first summer of legalization. cant wait to dab legally.

  20. #170
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    I had a pot brownie for my birthday, it was so awesome! It was gifted to me by a guy I met at a party the previous night (my friend had a "wine and cheese adult dinner party", it was fanstastic!) It was such a treat and I can't WAIT to start cooking my own edibles.

  21. #171
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    Friend made some gluten free pot cookies one time, but she used unsweetened chocolate. They literally tasted like dirt, but goddamn did they get the job done!

  22. #172
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    Last edited by aggroculture; 12-05-2013 at 07:09 PM. Reason: paranoia

  23. #173
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    are you guys onto dabbing yet in your area or still smoking flowers?

  24. #174
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    I'd say it's pretty much everywhere at this point.

  25. #175
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pillfred View Post
    I'd say it's pretty much everywhere at this point.
    say it to people in some places on the east coast and they look at you like you have two heads. even in the nyc area.

  26. #176
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    I have to say, being on the East coast, I have no idea what "dabbing the flower" means.

  27. #177
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    Drugs! Thread!

    Hash oil. Then again a lot of kids here in town have been out west, Montana Oregon.... I guess I can't speak for east.

  28. #178
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    Definitely in these days. Along with vaping the concentrates/oils.

  29. #179
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    Quote Originally Posted by halloween View Post
    I have to say, being on the East coast, I have no idea what "dabbing the flower" means.
    dabbing is basically taking full melt hash (nothing left to burn) and vaporizing it off a hot nail. unfortunately it looks kinda like smoking meth to the unknowing eye.

    flowers (buds) are typically 15-25%thc and concentrates can be 60-90% thc. even a heavy smoker will get that 'first time high' feeling if they take a dab.

    i personally find dabbing much smoother on my lungs and more thoroughly medicating. been doing exclusively for about 2 years now. can be impossible to find out east unless you're making your own though.
    Last edited by TheyCallMeDrug; 11-23-2013 at 11:53 PM.

  30. #180
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    Over the last 3-6 months shit has been been spreading like wild fire around here (East Coast/Toronto). Never heard it called dabbing the fucking flower but whatever. It seems like every person I know who smokes pot on the regular is asking me "hey have you tried this yet" or saying "I basically only smoke hash oil now". Haven't gotten around to it yet personally, but I imagine I'll indulge sooner than later. I doubt I'll transition or even do it semi regularly regardless of my experience though. Not that I haven't heard great things, I have, but I enjoy the process with weed, from start to finish. The breaking it up, the rolling, the physical act of holding the joint, toking it, etc. I rarely use pipes or bongs. I need that spliff. I should probably be getting a vaporizer because I can't smoke in my apartment anymore and it's cramping my fuckin style these days but I'd definitely be sad to lose my whole rigmarole process that goes along burning, so that's probably why I'm slacking on that. Either that or also just possibly because I'm a stoner. Ha.

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