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Thread: Drugs! Thread!

  1. #181
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    Vaporizing it on a hot nail? That doesn't make any sense to me. Like...a nail that you use to hang a picture on? Or is this more slang I'm unfamiliar with? Either way, sounds interesting!
    Last edited by halloween; 11-24-2013 at 09:40 AM.

  2. #182
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    Drugs! Thread!

    You can get pieces for a bong I would think those pen things work also. It's kinda like a knife hit if you've ever tried that. You basically torch the "nail" metal till it's hot then when you dab it it smokes just like really hit oil in a pan, sort of. Also if you happen to have a lot if leaf laying around it's pretty easy to make. I'd say it's a bit of a cleaner high. Wish this shit was more common back when I was kid doing my stoner phase.

  3. #183
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    you can vaporize it on a glass, titanium or quartz nail. here's a link to one of the more popular companies who make titanium products.

    then you would use an oil rig like this with a male joint instead of a female (like a bong)

    overall the high is much cleaner, and A LOT stronger, and if you're a heavy smoker you'd prob love it. it seriously cuts back on the amount of wear and tear on your lungs through smoking.
    Last edited by TheyCallMeDrug; 11-24-2013 at 02:01 PM.

  4. #184
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    Artist does 25 different Drugs in 25 days and draws self portrait when high on each different drug.

    I only done a few of the Drugs on this list, some seem a bit forced but oddly the one here that appears the most accurate to my mind is the Crystal Meth one. Obviously a horrible drug and a heavy, extremely hard, utterly overwhelming (mostly nasty) experience when i did it once but its weird how much his drawing reminds me so much of my experience of when i was on it, the approach to the come down phase from it mostly, confused, oddly ambient,wired, this sort of frantic manic foggy haze. Captured the contradictions of it! I dont know its weird!
    Also i think he illustrated a few of the Antidepressant's pretty accurate too. Zoloft in particular.
    Apparently he suffered Brain Damage after conducting this experiment!

  5. #185
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    I did 6 hits of acid at the Portland NIN show. It was a blast.

  6. #186
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    First bowl in my own place. Feels like victory.

  7. #187
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    Quote Originally Posted by zombielynx21 View Post
    First bowl in my own place. Feels like victory.
    congrats man, that's always a great feeling.

  8. #188
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    Ok. I haven't dabbled into anything in YEARS but I kinda wanna roll. I've only done it once before 11/12 years ago at a rave (duh). I'm a little on the fence because I am in my early 30s and think I'm too old to do that stuff. Plus, I wanna do it with someone I trust. If I do end up doing it, it will be just me and one other person probably in the middle of the desert. I know that it is a "social" thing, but do you think that is okay to do with just two people involved?

  9. #189
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    Talkin' MDMA? I'm sure it'll be fine. I've only done it once, a couple years ago. To me, it was a lot like pot, only without the paranoia I usually get. Drank a shitload of water whilst on it. I'd say don't go into it with preconceived notions of it being a "social thing", just roll with it (pun not intended but maybe kinda).

  10. #190
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fixer808 View Post
    Talkin' MDMA? I'm sure it'll be fine. I've only done it once, a couple years ago. To me, it was a lot like pot, only without the paranoia I usually get. Drank a shitload of water whilst on it. I'd say don't go into it with preconceived notions of it being a "social thing", just roll with it (pun not intended but maybe kinda).
    No. Ecstasy.

  11. #191
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    MDMA is ecstasy. Although I wouldn't compare to cannabis, personally.

  12. #192
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    Quote Originally Posted by DF118 View Post
    MDMA is ecstasy. Although I wouldn't compare to cannabis, personally.
    I'm soooooo out of the loop. But, yeah......

  13. #193
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    Just remember to drink a lot of water during. I didn't drink any booze the whole night. As it was my first time I think it was a lower dose. Friend had me hang on to her second pill but I put it in my pocket and lost it at some point pulling my wallet out (I think) to buy bottles of water... She said the next day that it was probably a good thing that I had lost it, she wanted to take it later in the night and said it would probably have been a tactical error.
    It was mellow, for me, I felt quite happy the whole time.

    Next day, however, I woke up around 9am, felt a bit shitty, decided to sleep a little while longer, woke up again and looked at the clock, "5pm?! Holy shit!" Luckily I didn't have anything to do that day, so you shouldn't plan to either!

  14. #194
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    ^Thanks for the heads up. Like I said, it has been 10+ years since I've done it but I feel the need to have a total sensory experience.

  15. #195
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    I fucking love that stuff, but I haven't touched it in a while. Might be nice to pick up some more for New Years or something... Last time I had any was at Squamish festival when I was seeing Madeon, fuck it was awesome. I went on a 2-month coke/mdma/liquor binge in '11 though and pretty much wrecked myself, so ever since then I just stick to the beers and sometimes bring out the drugs for special occasions but very rarely.
    Last edited by ibanez33; 12-11-2013 at 01:27 AM.

  16. #196
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    Quote Originally Posted by Charmingly Miserable View Post
    Ok. I haven't dabbled into anything in YEARS but I kinda wanna roll. I've only done it once before 11/12 years ago at a rave (duh). I'm a little on the fence because I am in my early 30s and think I'm too old to do that stuff. Plus, I wanna do it with someone I trust. If I do end up doing it, it will be just me and one other person probably in the middle of the desert. I know that it is a "social" thing, but do you think that is okay to do with just two people involved?
    If you haven't taken Molly in years I would suggest just a gram to yourself. I have taken a good amount this year since I have been to a record breaking 17 shows this year (Not all on Molly) so my tolerance is up there. When I get it in powder form, I like to just lick the end of my pinkie finger and cover just about half of the tip to see how it feels.. (reliable sources let you stray away from testing it of course) Then I'll periodically take one here and there.. you can feel when you start to come down do if you do.. take it intervals. People tend to feel the come down and take more in each dose and they end up in lala land, or they get sick and vomit for a bit. If it is in crystal form, I like to take a decent sized rock and just chew it with some water. Clear, Foggy White, Pink, and even a faded yellow are all good colors... stray away from the darker colors like red or brown.

    As long as you keep yourself hydrated which is the most important aspect about taking MDMA, you will be fine. I like to be with at least 3 to 4 people when I'm on it.. 2 is even fine but more is better, especially with friends

  17. #197
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    Quote Originally Posted by DF118 View Post
    MDMA is ecstasy. Although I wouldn't compare to cannabis, personally.
    As I understand is, ecstasy is MDMA (aka molly) usually cut with something else, usually a speed of sorts. Atleast in my circle of friends, Molly/MDMA refers to the pure version of it.

    I took half a pill of E once. I've yet to take just purified Molly, but the E had notable effects. I talked a lot more to people, not in a caffeinated sense, just felt more open to share and comfortable. I felt connected to people and it honestly did leave me vulnerable to becoming too physical with some people, which when I was sober I really didn't want that to happen. All this is what cannabis does NOT do to me. I become less confident in talking, I'm prone to being more silent because I start experience things in a very visual way, I don't have verbal thoughts per se- however, when it comes to writing, my best poetry came from being high because when I focused quietly in the thoughts in my head, the vocabulary came out a lot more creatively. Ultimately, with cannabis I always feel more introspective and in such a highly creative space where I don't want to spend my time watching music or a movie, I usually want to take photographs, write, go out exploring the world and my mind. I sometimes wonder if this is just my personal inclination to perceiving the world and drugs can just heighten those personal preferences. Unfortunately, there are preferences and then there is, as Jung would say, "the shadow". I can get particularly anxious and paranoid on cannabis- nothing that wouldn't happen normally, it's just amplified waaay too much. If I'm already in a stressed mood, smoke cannabis around people, I start percieving everyone as, literally, wild animals- all a threat to me, their words, their actions, secretly making fun of me/my sense of self (or ego!) since I know I wasn't physically in danger....anyways. I've talked about this before so I'll stop now. I'm ranting because I'm "drugged" with alcohol- another drug that makes me talk more, not less!! Woohoo, breaking down of inhibitions!
    Last edited by halloween; 12-20-2013 at 11:31 PM.

  18. #198
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    buddy from cali came by since he's home for the holidays. has an e-cig filled with banana og x kush cross oil good for about 100 drags. flew it out with him on person. technology is unbelievable, only if most states ok'd this stuff.

  19. #199
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    I had a really, really bad experience last night with some White Widow (hybrid strain)...a single but rather big bong rip. The whole thing may have been set by the fact I coughed pretty bad from the start, but this grew to be unlike any other undesirable experience I'd had before. Easily the most frightening thing my consciousness has ever gone through. It was like a bad trip (if I had to guess what that's all about), a "hell"...and I wouldn't use that word to describe it if I really didn't mean it.

    The effects were locking in very fast from the one rip. I had time to wash my throat up under the running water right after the rough intake, and once I did all I could with that I was standing next to the stove, just staring down at the stove top, feeling the weight set in. Around this point I knew it was gonna only get heavier so I lied down on a couch, onlooking my friends playing some music at a weird angle (which was the only kinda cool aspect of this whole experience). It was a manageable yet still confused state I was in. I wish I could've just stayed right there for the night instead of going out to eat, looking back, and I should have, seeing as it was a calmer/quieter setting, but I wonder if the feelings would've even stayed that manageable had I stayed there during the whole experience. Who knows what the peak feelings would have brought me had I been there alone. We had planned earlier that we'd go out to that's what I went on with.

    The car ride is pretty suppressed in my head, for whatever reason. I think I just remember trying to hold of my shit together in case I would throw up. Arriving at a bar/restaurant, I took my seat and almost immediately rested my head on my folded arms on the table. From what I can now recall my one friend woke me up out of being upset for doing that...and I'm beginning to wonder now if that's what really made it turn really bad. *sigh* From that moment onward till the comedown back at the house...the one sure thing is my head was literally constantly unraveling, in fast-forward, but just "slow" enough to "read" a thought, never anything very substantiated or "new" to me, and then it was *snap*--right to the next...and the next... Repeat this process, over and over and over. Haywire, is another way of putting it. It would affect my line of sight, which was sorta warped to the level of intensity of my head at a given moment; sensations of needing to throw up, slight shaking and grinding of my limbs, which I remember scared me once I noticed it was affecting me so physically. I felt the utter fear of going insane, and had a belief of going or having gone insane...that I would never leave this pace of mental activity. At times the public voices in the restaurant grew so loud in volume in my foreground perception and my friends' voices went clear to the background...and "I" told myself this is where I would start always hearing voices for the rest of my life. On one occasion I forced myself to get up and go outside to get away from the noise. I tried so hard to fight this frenzy in general, but my best wasn't having it. During eating pizza I was trying to cut a little slice atop the whole pizza as I was staring at another point of the table for however long, making a mess of cheese, which my same one friend mentioned earlier sort of scolded me for doing. *shakes head* My hands just did circle motions with the knife and fork, over and over. In general I was often staring somewhere on the table, only answering any questions my friends had usually with a "yeah" or "no"...*after* I'd already answered the question multiple times in my head. I realized this in the moment of it happening after enough questions...and found it troubling and further thought I was going insane or already had gone insane. My friends weren't of any help, not the other one either, but I don't think they'd ever gone through something like that. *shakes head*

    It was truly borderline zero control...for however long that actually was.

    I'm most likely taking an indefinite break. Too much shit in my life to figure out...apparently.
    Last edited by Amaro; 01-02-2014 at 07:46 PM.

  20. #200
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    I had a bad experience from something called "Monkey Paw," once, some of which included what you described, and it pretty much ended any smoking pot for me, too. It didn't help that I was at a gay bar for a birthday party and I was followed into the ladies' room by a stalker biker lesbian and I was having flash-forwards from a Linda Blair prison movie, trying to figure out how to fashion a shank out of a toilet paper holder.

  21. #201
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    Drugs! Thread!

    Had a similar experience the first time eating brownies. I put an ounce of the most expensive CA medical weed into a tray of like 4 brownies. Ate them 30min before going into a huge art exhibit that had nothing but plasticized cadavers throughout a dark building.

    We only made it through the first room before trying to backtrack when my girlfriend was no longer able to actually walk. The straightest path back resulted in us "hiking" through a ton of planters while holding my girlfriend up. Then we made it into the parking lot which was now experiencing a torrential downpour. Somehow a guy from McDonalds followed us to the parking lot trying to give my wife water. There were a few security guards following along too. We laid down in a safe part of the parking lot for what felt like hours until our ride made it out the other end of the exhibit. The rain didn't stop and it resulted in the flooding in LA that hadn't happened for ~70 years and killed a few people. I wasn't lying about the torrential rain!

    I've consumed my share of psychedelics. Nothing has ever matched the intensity of those brownies other than Salvia or DMT.
    Last edited by DigitalChaos; 01-04-2014 at 04:27 AM.

  22. #202
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    Quote Originally Posted by halloween View Post
    As I understand is, ecstasy is MDMA (aka molly) usually cut with something else, usually a speed of sorts. Atleast in my circle of friends, Molly/MDMA refers to the pure version of it.
    Nope. MDMA is ecstacy. Molly is ecstacy. Ecstacy cut with speed is bad ecstacy. The high odds of finding yourself with bad ecstacy is one of the reasons why it's such a shitty drug.
    Last edited by DF118; 01-07-2014 at 04:53 PM.

  23. #203
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    This is EXACTLY why I don't smoke weed very often anymore! 2-3 times a year! BC pot is COMA weed... Christmas party, 2012, this video was basically what I went through (except for the driving part, I'm not THAT much of an asshole):

    I had a couple hits, then after maybe ten minutes I had to go out and take a breather in the alley, short walk, cool down. Go back inside, friends are like "Where WERE you?! You've been gone for 45 minutes!"
    Then I did that thing where I try to contribute in a meaningful way to a conversation and it's a train-wreck of "you know" and "like........... ahhhhhhhhhh.............", and all spoken at a high volume, where you say something really loud and then think "SHIT... now they know you're high."

  24. #204
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    Going through that right now wow

  25. #205
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    What do you guys do when your friends have stopped partying? Gone are the days where we used to get fucked up 3 or 4 times a week, but I'd be happy to go out and have a *really* good night once a month or so and it kinda sucks that they don't want to do that anymore?

    It's no where near as fun to take anything when I'm by myself, or if I'm the only person in the group on something. It's like I'm forced to be sober. Urgh.

  26. #206
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fixer808 View Post
    This is EXACTLY why I don't smoke weed very often anymore! 2-3 times a year! BC pot is COMA weed... Christmas party, 2012, this video was basically what I went through (except for the driving part, I'm not THAT much of an asshole):

    I had a couple hits, then after maybe ten minutes I had to go out and take a breather in the alley, short walk, cool down. Go back inside, friends are like "Where WERE you?! You've been gone for 45 minutes!"
    Then I did that thing where I try to contribute in a meaningful way to a conversation and it's a train-wreck of "you know" and "like........... ahhhhhhhhhh.............", and all spoken at a high volume, where you say something really loud and then think "SHIT... now they know you're high."
    Jesus, somehow I'd missed this post and this video, but I was just laughing at this video so hard just now I actually had one of my cats concerned and meowing at me! It's fucking true, especially the 70s weed part!

    Edit: I've gone back and watched this, shit, at least 4 times now and now my abs hurt from laughing so hard.

    It's really true, though; like you said, the last time you did weed was pretty much exactly like the last time I did weed; I didn't contribute to any conversations, I was just wondering how long this was gonna last, I was wondering if I could go lie down somewhere. Shit, the moment I realized I was high, I had actually FORGOTTEN I HAD SMOKED WEED for about 10 seconds and I had just done it about 2 minutes ago. And I did NOT take giant 70s hits like Louis CK, I was very cautious knowing that this new shit ain't like our 70s "I have an Oh-zee of weed in my purse all the times" Columbian Gold weed. But even my childhood friend, who still smokes all the time, was really fucked up, she says this shit is still really strong for her. We were together last Christmas and some of us went to this Christmas thing in Detroit and I looked over at her and realized that she was high and, suddenly, we were 15 again and she was doing that grin you do when you're high and trying not to look high.

    And then I was glad I don't do that anymore.
    Last edited by allegro; 04-18-2014 at 12:37 PM.

  27. #207
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    Quote Originally Posted by ophelia_ View Post
    What do you guys do when your friends have stopped partying? Gone are the days where we used to get fucked up 3 or 4 times a week, but I'd be happy to go out and have a *really* good night once a month or so and it kinda sucks that they don't want to do that anymore?

    It's no where near as fun to take anything when I'm by myself, or if I'm the only person in the group on something. It's like I'm forced to be sober. Urgh.
    if that's what you want, find new friends

  28. #208
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    All I wanna do lately is smoke... But I hardly know anyone here, and I would probably be doing it all alone.

    And I don't wanna slippery slope myself back into damaging habits.

  29. #209
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    Quote Originally Posted by screwdriver View Post
    if that's what you want, find new friends
    Yeah, pretty sure that's what I'm going to have to do... I love my mates but I also wanna have a good time while I'm young enough to get away with it, haha.

  30. #210
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    Quote Originally Posted by ophelia_ View Post
    Yeah, pretty sure that's what I'm going to have to do... I love my mates but I also wanna have a good time while I'm young enough to get away with it, haha.
    It's not like you have to replace your current friends, just make a few more who are still into partying.

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