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  1. #1
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    Drugs! Thread!

    formerly known as DO YOU PARTY? if i remember all feels like a far distant memory...

    What's your story, bro?

    (I just tried shrooms for the first time today. I didn't take very much, so I didn't have too crazy of a "trip".
    And now to complete my holiday day, with some weed!)
    Last edited by halloween; 11-24-2011 at 06:46 PM.

  2. #2
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    I'm sober as fuck. I'm not even drunk :/ But that's about to change tomorrow..

  3. #3
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    The comics/games shop I frequent to play Magic had a customer appreciation night last weekend with a comedian performing and snacks and shit. The wife of one of the owners, my friend, and I got preeeeeety stoned before the show. Good times.

  4. #4
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    Discovered I still had a very small amount of pot in a six month old zip lock bag in a drawer. Hello "All music is good and JESUS that album just sounded better than I've ever heard it before!!" mode.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by johnbron View Post
    Discovered I still had a very small amount of pot in a six month old zip lock bag in a drawer. Hello "All music is good and JESUS that album just sounded better than I've ever heard it before!!" mode.
    "It's like... it's like they KNEW what I would love, even though they wrote it in 1968! I wasn't even BORN yet, man!"

  6. #6
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    It's all about the quality of company. I don't really ever get high or drunk unless I'm with amazing persons.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by botley View Post
    It's all about the quality of company. I don't really ever get high or drunk unless I'm with amazing persons.
    Pretty much this. I've noticed I've been smoking more, but it's always with a group of people I've grown incredibly close to. And I'm generally someone who prefers the people over the experience itself anyway, but I find this really true.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by botley View Post
    It's all about the quality of company. I don't really ever get high or drunk unless I'm with amazing persons.
    I've been realizing this myself, that i only like to smoke with certain people. My dealer/friend is one of them! Last time we hung out, he put on some beach boys and he told me all about them, so much fun! And i only drink (to the point of feeling intoxicated) with close friends as well, because i feel more comfortable.

  9. #9
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    Alc&pot is fine, but I don't get it why you would want to take other drugs. In the gay scene you always see guys taking drugs on parties, but the amount of people that do it is what makes me wonder.. can't they get over the fact that they like it in the butt?

  10. #10
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    Last time I got drunk and then smoked, I didn't get high at all. Waste of good weed.

    Quote Originally Posted by dominik View Post
    Alc&pot is fine, but I don't get it why you would want to take other drugs. In the gay scene you always see guys taking drugs on parties, but the amount of people that do it is what makes me wonder.. can't they get over the fact that they like it in the butt?

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by dominik View Post
    Alc&pot is fine, but I don't get it why you would want to take other drugs. In the gay scene you always see guys taking drugs on parties, but the amount of people that do it is what makes me wonder.. can't they get over the fact that they like it in the butt?
    QFT. I generally hate the whole gay scene anyway and avoid it like the plague, but this is one big reason why I'd rather get beat up in a normal bar for being gay, then socialise with a bunch of rabid horny gays on hard drugs in a gay one. On another note, I've been smoking a lot of weed lately, but I generally don't enjoy joints, because I don't smoke tobacco regularly so it gets a bit much. I've been using a pipe, but I was wondering if anyone can recommend anything else I could smoke it with in a joint?

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by dominik View Post
    Alc&pot is fine, but I don't get it why you would want to take other drugs.
    drugs are awesome

  13. #13
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    Legally prescribed narcotics for pain. Certainly can't complain about the euphoria.

    edit: Yup, I sure love hydrocodone. I'll miss it when I finally pass this kidney stone.
    Last edited by Clownboat; 12-02-2011 at 01:58 PM.

  14. #14
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    Beer and some vodka...that´s it...ah and cigs.
    Pot and all the other stuff made me feel I stopped smoking it...I´m not interested in chemical drugs like Meth and cocaine so I just have to drink

  15. #15
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    Babysat some strangers last Saturday at a club. They were rollin' way to hard, helped 'em keep cool until their sober friend got them a cab. Keep your doses low, folks!

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fixer808 View Post
    Keep your doses low, folks!
    THIS! I was rolling at a party on Friday, but I seemed to be the only person there capable of controlling their dosage. I still got wasted beyond all reason, but I put it all into 8 parachutes that I stretched out over 4 hours (hard an alarm on my phone to tell me when it was OK for another one) instead of my whole nights supply in 2 or 3 rails like a couple of other guys.

  17. #17
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    I'm curious as to WHAT did that for such a short time.

    LSD makes you high for, like, eight HOURS.

  18. #18
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    I started smoking weed like 11 years ago and have done so on and off since then. In the last few years I tried other things, though, like mushrooms and LSD. I've eaten shrooms 4 times, but they only took hold twice. I just tried LSD for the first time this past summer, but it was incredible. I only did one tab since I didn't have any experience with it. I definitely prefer it to shrooms. There is a controllable, lucid aspect to LSD that just isn't there with shrooms. At least not for me. The first time I ate shrooms and they actually affected me, I pretty much couldn't do anything. I was just there, but the music was amazing. Maybe since I've done it and I know how to handle it, my friend will finally agree to do LSD with me.

  19. #19
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    ive tried almost all of them minus heroin and crack.

    15 years later, herb all day and some others. ive been lucky to have only been gettin sour d for the past year now.

    many many mushrooms as well. learned how to grow them recently and have been enjoying since. grown/tried 5 strains so far and my favorites so far are golden teachers.

  20. #20
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    Golden Teacher? I'm afraid if I grew and ate my own mushrooms I'd be in a golden urn.

  21. #21
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    That's what we said!! Totally!

  22. #22
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    Weed is alright, and I'll smoke it now and then if the mood is chill and everyone else is (I feel weird doing it alone. I just jam out to loud music and eat myself into a coma). Alcohol is something I have come to like a little too much. I don't really drink to be drunk anymore, I just drink because I enjoy most beer/booze I've had, and end up getting drunk (which is probably a bad thing, and something I need to evaluate... but, I'm 24, so I figure, if there's any time to be a sloppy lush, it's now, yeah?).

    My favorite drug, however, is MDMA. I don't buy it very often, and when I do, it's usually for a dance party, or as a party favor for a large group. (We have a sexy club here called The Inferno that's very dark/creepy/gothy and there's a large underlying BDSM theme and a *GREAT* place to go to on drugs.

    A couple of times we've done ecstasy in pill-form, which I don't care as much for, because I don't really have any desire to do anything laced with cocaine, heroin, whatever. Typically we get it from people who we believe to be refutable enough to give us good stuff. There was only one time that we all took something, and I had a different pill than the rest of the group had, and I wound up having a dreadful Fear and Loathing type night that lasted well into the next day. That's a story in and of itself, though...

    Other than that, I have done acid once, and it was ok, I guess. I was in weird company, and it turned into a really weird night.
    Last edited by iamanexit; 12-11-2011 at 03:32 PM. Reason: Proofreading, lol.

  23. #23
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    Good old Ecstasy was my*favorite, will never forget the first time i tried it, i think its the only drug that had a positive effect on my personality.*
    Before i took it i was all tense and moody, and i think it*definitely*made me come out of myself a lot more. I just*didn't*know those types of feelings were capable of existing, its the only drug other than weed which i could see being*legalized*if there were strict rules and it was safe. Its*relatively*safe. *the high was wonderful. However stopped taking it around 2002 did a few too many and the comedowns were getting pretty horrific. and this was when the quality of it went bad. It was mixed with all kinds of crap specifically strong amphetemines which i never liked as they used to make me feel like the walls were closing in.*

    But yeah crap music sounds amazing on it, good music specifically electronic dance music makes you feel like jesus. The constant euphoric build up, everyone is beautiful.*

    I would never in a million years go near LSD. It scared the shit out of me, the amount of stories i have heard about people having bad trips, and never being the same and seeing all kinds of stuff and hearing voices chilled me to the core. I didnt like feeling too out of control on drugs. And when i think of LSD i just think of Syd Barrett.

  24. #24
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    I'm so fuckkkkking seriously grass-lifted right now. Firrealz I'm currently living at a speed of 2 frames/second. If anyone's up for some blunted philosophizing(???), I'm your host!


  25. #25
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    Well then. There we go! Blunted philosophizing.

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by halloween View Post
    Well then. There we go! Blunted philosophizing.
    Man I just saw Anthony Bourdain's Ozark episode of No reservations. Man is that place beautiful. The constant sensation of autumn, the wildlife, the very primitive and down to earth way of life, harsh people. It's such a lovely mixture of strong identities. Love it.

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    A few weeks ago I had a fairly mind-altering experience (not intentionally, mind you; what I did was fail to sleep all weekend long and then accidentally ingest some hashish brownies that my roommates didn't properly label). It could've been the suggestive influence from listening to all of Tool's Ænima immediately prior, but I felt some very strong, real sensations: those of my third eye being re-opened, of my thoughts having material form, of my inner bodily workings being interconnected with the energy they used. It prompted a feeling of profound inner peace and more than a few insightful moments of clarity and wisdom. I believe this is cause for further investigation.

  28. #28
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    (not sure where to put this, so put it here)

    open letter to the young man wanting to share his crazy strong jamaican stuff at the hot box cafe last night:

    your offer was very kind, and generous. i also appreciate that you understood *why* we chose not to partake. yes, there are still men out there who will not bat an eyelash at the idea of slipping things into anything (drinks or drugs or food), to incapacitate a woman. do i think you were one of them? no. but can i take that chance? no. so i ask all of you men out there, please stop your fellow bros from doing things like this. if you see or hear a fellow bro who seems in ANY way to think this is ok, tell him why it is NOT. tell them how they are royally fucking things up for the bros out there who would not only never consider doing this, but who wouldn't want to touch a woman who is not into them or into sex or is literally walking unconscious. do i believe that there are more men who are trust worthy, than not? yes. i could be wrong, naive or just simply too invested in the idea that respectful behaviour is more instinctive than not...but i really implore all the men i KNOW, to be part of the solution. no matter how hard it is...because the next step is a culture and energy where nobody can move forward due to suspicion and fear. i salute those of you who truly don't understand why anyone would want to touch an unconscious or clearly incapacitated human, and ask you to make sure ALL of your friends KNOW that you don't find that acceptable.
    thank you

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lew View Post
    (not sure where to put this, so put it here)

    open letter to the young man wanting to share his crazy strong jamaican stuff at the hot box cafe last night:

    your offer was very kind, and generous. i also appreciate that you understood *why* we chose not to partake. yes, there are still men out there who will not bat an eyelash at the idea of slipping things into anything (drinks or drugs or food), to incapacitate a woman. do i think you were one of them? no. but can i take that chance? no. so i ask all of you men out there, please stop your fellow bros from doing things like this. if you see or hear a fellow bro who seems in ANY way to think this is ok, tell him why it is NOT. tell them how they are royally fucking things up for the bros out there who would not only never consider doing this, but who wouldn't want to touch a woman who is not into them or into sex or is literally walking unconscious. do i believe that there are more men who are trust worthy, than not? yes. i could be wrong, naive or just simply too invested in the idea that respectful behaviour is more instinctive than not...but i really implore all the men i KNOW, to be part of the solution. no matter how hard it is...because the next step is a culture and energy where nobody can move forward due to suspicion and fear. i salute those of you who truly don't understand why anyone would want to touch an unconscious or clearly incapacitated human, and ask you to make sure ALL of your friends KNOW that you don't find that acceptable.
    thank you
    It's so depressing that we live in a world like this, vs. the world I grew up in where joints were regularly passed around without fear of getting diseases or raped.

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lew View Post
    (not sure where to put this, so put it here)

    open letter to the young man wanting to share his crazy strong jamaican stuff at the hot box cafe last night:

    your offer was very kind, and generous. i also appreciate that you understood *why* we chose not to partake. yes, there are still men out there who will not bat an eyelash at the idea of slipping things into anything (drinks or drugs or food), to incapacitate a woman. do i think you were one of them? no. but can i take that chance? no. so i ask all of you men out there, please stop your fellow bros from doing things like this. if you see or hear a fellow bro who seems in ANY way to think this is ok, tell him why it is NOT. tell them how they are royally fucking things up for the bros out there who would not only never consider doing this, but who wouldn't want to touch a woman who is not into them or into sex or is literally walking unconscious. do i believe that there are more men who are trust worthy, than not? yes. i could be wrong, naive or just simply too invested in the idea that respectful behaviour is more instinctive than not...but i really implore all the men i KNOW, to be part of the solution. no matter how hard it is...because the next step is a culture and energy where nobody can move forward due to suspicion and fear. i salute those of you who truly don't understand why anyone would want to touch an unconscious or clearly incapacitated human, and ask you to make sure ALL of your friends KNOW that you don't find that acceptable.
    thank you
    Maybe I'm confused. You thought the weed might be... spiked with roofies? And as a man, you want me to remind my fellow male friends to stop spiking their weed with the intention of raping girls? Do you not realize how completely delusional and sexist this is?

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