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Thread: Drugs! Thread!

  1. #301
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    Gabapentin is less toxic for you than pregabalin, one nice advantage.

    Uh, you guys know you can get real MDMA from the darknet....right? Is this still a secret?

    Been fucking around a lot lately with gabapentin. It has huge potential as a big party drug. It's like courage in pill form that lasts 12-14 hours and potentiates cannabis extremely well. Dosing it effectively is difficult though, probably the most difficult I've ever encountered, but just requires getting the hang of. I usually hit around around 900mg, staggered thrice over 135 minutes and always taken with food and naproxen. Less is more with this drug, as it is with lyrica (@Exocet : 600mg/day? Too much!). Tolerance also goes up quickly, so you can only take this stuff around twice a week.

    This could certainly replace alcohol for me if I had a better supply.
    Last edited by nobies; 12-10-2014 at 11:48 PM.

  2. #302
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    Quote Originally Posted by nobies View Post
    Tolerance also goes up quickly, so you can only take this stuff around twice a week.

    This could certainly replace alcohol for me if I had a better supply.
    i've found that to REALLY get the full vibe, it's better to wait a few weeks between doses. once a month for me.

    but hell yes, it DOES have true potential as a party drug. somewhere between mdma and ghb with some opiate euphoria thrown in for good measure.

  3. #303
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    getting 7 varieties of oil from colorado and california tomorrow. expensive but worth it.

  4. #304
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheyCallMeDrug View Post
    getting 7 varieties of oil from colorado and california tomorrow. expensive but worth it.
    concentrates are fun!

    some recent shatter selections.
    Blue Dream is an awesome strain in general. Making it a concentrate is awesome.

  5. #305
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    My high school little brother gave me (GOOD!)weed while I was back.

    Not sure how to feel about this!

  6. #306
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    Always had the best trips eating mushroom, but LSD was a little tricky. Sometimes it was amazing, most of the time it was a freaking nightmare. Never on mushroom though, that is the perfect drug imo. I'm from Tx so there was never any chance of getting busted having to buy it, there were and still are pastures in ALL directions. Never got a chance to smoke opium, that was just too exotic for my neck of the woods, but I've drank so much hydrocodone and shot up ketamine enough to think I have an understanding of the effect. Still, would have been pretty magical to have the real thing.

  7. #307
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    i ended up getting blueberry, lemon blueberry, fire og, white fire, sour d, and octane. im set for a minute now

    and that stuff looks solid to me. im guessing you're in a med/rec state?

  8. #308
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    Went out to get truffles today in Holland. It's an alternative for shrooms since they banned them in 2008. Went for light ones to begin (it's been around 5 years since I tripped) and strong ones for a couple of weeks later. I won't be using them recreational, or at least that's not my goal. Is it really necessary to have someone sober with me when using the strong ones?

  9. #309
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    Quote Originally Posted by profane View Post
    Went out to get truffles today in Holland. It's an alternative for shrooms since they banned them in 2008. Went for light ones to begin (it's been around 5 years since I tripped) and strong ones for a couple of weeks later. I won't be using them recreational, or at least that's not my goal. Is it really necessary to have someone sober with me when using the strong ones?
    Edit: Apparently it doesn't matter how long ago my last trip was, the body and mind still know what to aspect. These mild truffles were obviously not potent enough. Some nice colors, dancing shadows and other minor visual enhancements. Also my cats looked even more beautiful. So I guess I'm more than up to the strong ones in a couple of weeks.
    Last edited by profane; 01-09-2015 at 05:03 PM. Reason: Lol ok double post, sorry!

  10. #310
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheyCallMeDrug View Post
    and that stuff looks solid to me. im guessing you're in a med/rec state?
    I assume you were responding to me, so... yes, california

  11. #311
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    Quote Originally Posted by profane View Post
    Edit: Apparently it doesn't matter how long ago my last trip was, the body and mind still know what to aspect. These mild truffles were obviously not potent enough. Some nice colors, dancing shadows and other minor visual enhancements. Also my cats looked even more beautiful. So I guess I'm more than up to the strong ones in a couple of weeks.
    i have no idea what truffles are, but psilocybin mushrooms can vary in potency depending on batch.
    Also, visuals tend to just be the periphery of the experience. It's much more mental than visual.

  12. #312
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    Quote Originally Posted by DigitalChaos View Post
    I assume you were responding to me, so... yes, california
    sorry that wasnt clear. im jealous. im over on the east coast getting cali/colorado oil shipped out. only way to get dewaxed product out here.

  13. #313
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    Quote Originally Posted by DigitalChaos View Post
    i have no idea what truffles are, but psilocybin mushrooms can vary in potency depending on batch.
    Also, visuals tend to just be the periphery of the experience. It's much more mental than visual.

  14. #314
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    Quote Originally Posted by profane View Post
    Oh, "philosopher's stones."
    Those aren't true truffles. Truffles, like mushrooms, are the sex organ responsible for spreading spores. This strain of fungi actually has it's own mushrooms. The "stones" are basically food reserves of the plants. They don't contain as much psilocybin as the mushrooms, but they work. I think I know exactly where this is going... and it probably parallels the legal status of spores in the US.

    I'm pausing it at the 1:30 mark for now, but will revisit because I love this guy's videos.

    edit: cmon Hamilton, these things were sourced from the US! Of course they exist in the US.
    edit2: hamilton's face/eyes at 7:52... loloolololol
    edit3: oh christ, they banned mushrooms the same way CA tries to ban certain guns (explicit list of names). I'm actually surprised someone hasn't simply pulled in some new strains to circumvent that. I guess the "stones" are a much safer route because of how visually different they are.
    edit4: this is actually a really solid video in terms of accuracy and detail. Most people have no idea how specific you need to control an environment to reliably grow a specific type of fungus.

    ok yeah, so in the US, we banned anything containing psilocybin. This includes mushrooms, "stones", and even they mycelium in a colonized chunk of substrate. However, spores do not contain psilocybin. So, unless you live in a state that has explicitly banned the spores, you can buy/sell/own them. Then people start growing their own... but that is where the law starts to be broken as psilocybin is produced. It's awesome that the stones are a fun workaround for the Dutch legal situation though.
    Last edited by DigitalChaos; 01-15-2015 at 01:31 PM.

  15. #315
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    Quote Originally Posted by nobies View Post
    Gabapentin is less toxic for you than pregabalin, one nice advantage.
    I want to reiterate this sentiment. Pregabalin has a list of approximately 12,000 serious side effects and is metabolized by the liver, whereas Gabapentin doesn't have any real negative side effects except for drowsiness, and is metabolized predominantly by the kidneys. This also obviously makes it better to mix other drugs with, as the probability of bombarding the liver is lower.

    Lately I've been really appreciating the anti-anxiety, almost drunk-like effects of Zolpidem for about half an hour before letting myself go to sleep. That's probably my new favorite.

  16. #316
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    Gabapentin is fantastic. I'd take 6g-10g and somehow be way the fuck out there but also right here talking your ear off for eight hours. It has like a dozen different things happening at once and just letting it take you wherever is a rad fucking ride.

    Vicodin and roxy are my latest babies. Maintained a 50mg-60mg/day Vic habit for a few months. Supplemented with methadone once or twice. Scary stuff. Mostly the Norco since I can get scripts for that since my back is fucked. I quit a job 4 months ago where I worked with a pill-billy who would give me Oxy 30s for $5... Shoulda just kept that job and stayed high and sold those on the side for $25-$30 a pop. Alas, no oxys for me in a long time. Got handfuls of tramadol from an acquaintance during this time. No recreational value but they help my back.

    Um. Nicotine obviously. Seesawing for 4 years between Newports, dip, high quality vapes, cold turkey, patches, etc. Just can't for the life of me make my mind up!

    Tried railing/eating ambien a few times over the past few weeks. The tiny lines feel cool for about half and hour and then nothing. Eating it does nothing to me. All normal doses though, one or two pills at a time. Wasn't really trying to get high since they belong to my girlfriend and she actually needs them.

    Also railed and ate some ativan. Small doses again, no fun at such small doses. I've only toyed around with serious doses of benzos once and got what is apparently referred to as xanax munchies and ate all the food and then suddenly woke up in my bed with no pants on, above the sheets. Also my bedroom was a walkthrough room for my roommates so I'm sure they enjoyed that.

    Tried vyvanse twice recently. Literally no effect. Maybe a bad batch. Never cared much for amps anyway. Did meth once and it was awesome, but I don't like the speedy feeling so meh. But this brings me to my main point and the reason I started this post...

    My beautiful aforementioned lady friend @FeedYourHead was like "Hey I have some old leftover narcolepsy pills that never did anything for me lol, you wanna try?" and now I'm 600mg (Nuvigil, 4x 150mg) deep in that hole atm... And uh. I'll just say, she really, really undersold this because it's... something. Maybe I'm really just upper-naive but it's going on like 37 hours without sleep with the time currently being 2am and they're certainly not showing, any signs that they are slowing. I laid in bed all last night reading single AskReddit threads for like 2-3 hours somehow. I can tell you all about the most evil corporations according to reddit, I watched the drama of a Smash Bros tournament host being ousted as a creep in real time to the community before he was let go (I don't care about Smash Bros at all why did I spend hours reading that), I browsed the Dark Net Markets subreddit and learned a ton about BTC and buying illicit substances online, etc.

    I know you guys can't tell from my short concise post, but this stuff has me going a million miles an hour inside my brain, yet I'm not getting any of jaw clench or fidgetiness or excess physical energy that comes along with uppers usually. I'd compare it to Gabby, if Gabby kept you wired until, well, presumably the heat death of the universe. None of the awesome other effects of Gabby though. =(

    In closing, I'd just like to clarify that this was a actually all a creative writing exercise and I've never done any drugs, officer. *cough*
    Last edited by Harry Seaward; 01-21-2015 at 01:24 AM.

  17. #317
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    I tried Methedrone (mccat) for first time the other week. Was Surprised how much i liked it. Was a like an uppier version of MDMA, people mention cocaine when referring to it, but i sensed way more in common with Mdma, your just more alert on it. i felt beautiful at points, so euphoric and really horny. I always expected it to be nasty and dodgy and weak. Kicking myself for not trying it years ago when it was legal and everyone was raving about it.

  18. #318
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    Jogging is my drug of choice. That sounds super lame, I know, but it's how I feel. A run in the morning really puts me in a good space for the day.

  19. #319
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    Endorphin buzz is a real thing.

  20. #320
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    I hit a blunt like 5 times last night, and I was just fucking DONE.

    Dis weed is getting toooo strong.

    I used to like smoking just a little and then continuing on with my day. This shit ensures that you aren't going to accomplish a goddamn thing.

  21. #321
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sarah K View Post
    I hit a blunt like 5 times last night, and I was just fucking DONE.

    I used to like smoking just a little and then continuing on with my day. This shit ensures that you aren't going to accomplish a goddamn thing.
    I fucking loathe when that happens, especially because there's nothing you can really do except wait it out. At least if you get too drunk you can try eating or drinking or vomiting or something. But with smoking it's just like, you crawl into bed and play you favorite music and still feel massively uncomfortable for the next 4 hours.

  22. #322
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    I was pretty drunk, too. In this crowded ass space. Kind of a recipe for a shitshow. Thankfully, my ride was ready to go like 30 minutes later.

  23. #323
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    it's so weird with me, i LOVED smoking weed growing up.
    but when i hit about 22 or 23, it just started treating me differently.
    i used to be stoned ALL the know, an ounce a week for personal use.

    but gradually it started to kind of put an "edge" on things, and finally, it straight up started giving me a strange type of introspective panic attack.

    i still try it now and then but i regret it every time.

    i HATE that i quit liking it because it seems like the safest thing to do for sure...definitely way better for your life and health than alcohol and the other bullshit i used to piss away my life with.

  24. #324
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    Quote Originally Posted by elevenism View Post
    it's so weird with me, i LOVED smoking weed growing up.
    but when i hit about 22 or 23, it just started treating me differently.
    i used to be stoned ALL the know, an ounce a week for personal use.

    but gradually it started to kind of put an "edge" on things, and finally, it straight up started giving me a strange type of introspective panic attack.
    That same thing happened to me, and pretty much everybody I knew. It went from high all the time for years, to "ugh, this is no longer a pleasant experience." I only have ONE friend from back in the day (the 70s) who still smokes weed, and I guess she just never had those adverse problems with it. Each time I've done it, since, it's not some happy fun time experience anymore; and now it only takes one hit and I'm kind of locked in my own head and questioning everything in this not-positive way. And I know what you mean, it's healthier than most everything else, I wish I liked it. But it just makes me too uptight or something, I dunno. Back in the day, it got to "the cops are coming" or "everybody's staring at me" kind of paranoia and it's not that way now, but it's still not a "wow, the earth is beautiful," it's a shitty stuck-in-my-head bullshit thing that I want to stop. I certainly don't need to PAY to feel that way and then go sleep it off to get away from it, LOL.

    You know what was a great drug, though, back in the day? Mescaline. Pure unadulterated, natural mescaline. Pretty flowers, peace and love, 8 hours seemed like 5 minutes, I was one with the universe, my own mind melded with the trees, there was no ego, it was wonderful.
    Last edited by allegro; 02-09-2015 at 07:38 PM.

  25. #325
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    @allegro , i have a few friends who have been through the same situation too.

    for me, i'm locked in my head and questioning every aspect of my life and my worth and everything is unpleasantly strange.
    and yes, i want it to stop too! i run off to bed to the guest's dismay, you know? to be alone.

    Now mescaline, that was one thing i never got hold of.
    I've eaten lots and lots of acids...probably a good solid 1000 pieces of it.
    I LOVED it, got comfortable on it. I doubt my soul could take any more of it though.

    I also had a wild love affair with MDMA during the second big wave of it, the last of the renegade rave parties. Good GOD i loved that shit and i wouldn't be opposed to taking it now (ONCE maybe) except for my antidepressant will keep it from working.
    I've tried it. When they say ssrINHIBITOR, they mean INHIBITOR.

  26. #326
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    @elevenism , I used to love microdot, did it a bunch of times, was one hell of a ride, but I'm not interested in that, again, now, either. Too looooooooong and speeeeeeedy ugh.

    I never did MDMA but I suspect I would have loved it way too much.

    My brain chemistry is just fine unadulterated right now, thanks. I don't want to fuck with it anymore without a doctor's supervision, LOL.

    I am into "natural" stuff like meditation. Yeah, I know, boring, heh. But Shogun Warriors tapped that shit to sharpen brain function, anything that's thousands of years old must have some cool feature ...
    Last edited by allegro; 02-10-2015 at 08:29 AM.

  27. #327
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    I'm having a similar thing happen to me now with weed. I like to take it if I'm going to be alone, because I don't feel over analytical of peoples body languages and don't feel threatened. I do enjoy doing creative pursuits while mildly stoned but I honestly don't prefer it because I don't have the focus to finish something because at a certain point it will require analytical thinking, haha. Listening to music and dancing while stoned might be the only reason I'd smoke now probably. I don't enjoy how it disconnects my thoughts from the action of speaking though. I'll think something then it comes out as stoner disconnected speech, it's obnoxious.

    I REALLY want to try shrooms but as for a social drug, besides booze, I might be inclined to try molly one day.

    P.S. Since meditation was mentioned, I should say that during creative pursuits, I do enjoy being sober because it does put me into a longer term meditation-type altered consciousness. Now that I'm breaking out of my social fears, I really do appreciate being with people, what I would argue, without the filter of substances. I have to be very careful not to simply parrot others during a party by filling up my drink as often as everyone else is, because it catches up to me and I find myself acting too silly and outgoing in a way that I don't associate as ME and...then I fall back into my mind in an unpleasant way.
    Last edited by halloween; 02-10-2015 at 03:50 PM.

  28. #328
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    Quote Originally Posted by halloween View Post
    P.S. Since meditation was mentioned, I should say that during creative pursuits, I do enjoy being sober because it does put me into a longer term meditation-type altered consciousness.
    Hey, speaking of altered consciousness, that reminds me ... remember that book / movie, "Altered States?" In the book and movie, he's doing some kind of peyote-like substance, like Carlos Castaneda, and then floats in a sensory deprivation tank, but I had friends who used to go float in those tanks with no substances at all, and they had some pretty cool experiences. I was afraid of it, personally, I was afraid of sitting inside a dark tank for a long time listening to music, mostly because I was afraid of getting pretty claustrophobic in there, and of salt getting in my hooha, but even my stepdad used to do it sometimes and everybody I knew said it was a really positive experience.
    Last edited by allegro; 02-10-2015 at 09:15 PM.

  29. #329
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    Oh man! I've always wanted to experience being in a deprivation tank! Honestly, after I took LSD (the really heavy dose that was extremely overwhelming) it hit me just how expansive my mind can be, but instead of thinking "I should take more!" it gave me more of a desire to explore it on normal non-substance level (this is where creative pursuits come in again). It's so easy to let monkey-instinct-brain take over in the sense of chasing the temporary pleasures that'll alleviate my temporary mental distresses (work stress and loneliness being the biggest two of my issues in the past two years). I learned about a sound-proof room where the maximum amount of time people have managed to stay in it without feeling panic is 45 minutes- it's fascinating to me.

    (As for the Altered States movie, I've never seen it!)

  30. #330
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegro View Post
    Hey, speaking of altered consciousness, that reminds me ... remember that book / movie, "Altered States?" In the book and movie, he's doing some kind of peyote-like substance, like Carlos Castaneda, and then floats in a sensory deprivation tank, but I had friends who used to go float in those tanks with no substances at all, and they had some pretty cool experiences. I was afraid of it, personally, I was afraid of sitting inside a dark tank for a long time listening to music, mostly because I was afraid of getting pretty claustrophobic in there, and of salt getting in my hooha, but even my stepdad used to do it sometimes and everybody I knew said it was a really positive experience.
    i loved that fucking movie. the substance used made me think of ketamine, but that may be because i was consuming ridiculous amounts of it at the time
    Last edited by elevenism; 02-11-2015 at 01:57 AM.

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