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Thread: Drugs! Thread!

  1. #451
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    I got a Pax 2 a couple of weeks ago!

  2. #452
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    pax 2 is probably the best portable way to vape herb. still havent found my favorite oil pen yet. they all burn out the cartridges eventually and taste like shit.

  3. #453
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    lol, @ldopa is smart for actually being skeptical about the sources he uses and wanting to check for any counter examples. Places like the FDA have commonly had conflicts of interest that compromises the accuracy of their "official" position. I know of no parallels for NLM though. What @allegro said is about right. Both my parents are actually in medicine.

  4. #454
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sarah K View Post
    I got a Pax 2 a couple of weeks ago!
    How's the draw resistance on the new model? The original felt like trying to suck a thick milk shake through a straw.

    Let's get all get high and listen to Option Thirty together, live commentary!

  5. #455
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wolfkiller View Post
    How's the draw resistance on the new model? The original felt like trying to suck a thick milk shake through a straw.
    Yep. Sounds about right.

  6. #456
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    I think this will be the most appropriate place to write, though the drug of choice is alcohol.

    "I can feel their eyes are watching, In case I lose myself again..."

    I know I can not drink, and I don't. But on New Year's Eve I did, alone at home. And then continuosly January 1st. January 2nd, 3rd, 4th. I ran out one night and was not able to go anywhere for another bottle (I started with Pilsner beers, then switched to "Slivovica"), so suffered through the night, in the morning tried to focus sight on mobile phone - Tue? It is Tuesday already? What was I doing all the time...

    "I can not go through this again..."

    Then the withdrawal symptoms started, of course, as expected. Stupid song playing in head all the time. Disgusting taste in mouth all the time. Disgusting smell (which wasn't really in the room) all the time. Can not eat. Can drink, drink a lots of tea, but almost no pee. Sounds like bottling water very annoying. Trying to watch TV, but hardly understanding what I am seening or hearing, just waiting for commercial break to go to smoke, toilet is the place for me, there is a window. And that smoke, I knew I should not but that was the place where I for a while felt... safe? But, then I had to go back, right. Feeling so sleepy, but knowing going to bed will be the worst. Trying to sleep, but that random shakes of legs or hands, the most I got was like somebody was playing sequence of random meaningless pictures I've never seen, but I was NOT sleeping, just like paralysed. Did I hear some breath right next to me? Are the hallucinations starting? Am I going to go through delirium? I should call ambulance, but I don't want to, what would neighbours say? Is my heart going to stop? Fear of some brain problem, seizure? Fear of liver problem. Fear of sounds. Fear of what will happen at work. Fear of dying, of losing my mind. No, I can not stay here, I need to go to smoke one more. Turning computer on for a while, but eventually, with hesitation going to bed again, sometimes feeling like cold waves, is this ghosts checking me out? Please leave me alone. I don't believe in ghosts (cold wave), my God they can probably read my mind. Am I really losing it? Is this the end, what will happen with the flat, when will they found me, what about ex girlfriends, father, sister, I will make them so sad, fuck this, fuck this, fuck this, why I had to fuck everything up, fuuuuck... I need to go smoke. I try to eat something, but chewing so slowly and with disgust, but I need to, just a bit for now... Are also my teeth going to ache? I am so fucked up, what about ending it all. No no no no, no, focus, no thoughts like that, I don't want to think like that, at least get that song out of my mind... No please don't project that terrible pictures for me, nothing makes sense in them, let me sleep for a while... Is my heart stopping? Fuck, was I driving one night for another one, driving?? I am so thirsty, cooking more tee, what a fucking loud sound... I need to go to work on Thu, will I even remember where I work? What floor I am at? I will look terrible, everyone will know, everyone will be watching me, I will shake, my face is so dry, my brain will not work, I am so weak, can hardly walk, I will fall down somewhere, or maybe I will lose my mind and jump out of the window right there? No! I don't want to think like this. Focus, it will be OK. It will be OK. It will be OK... If there was at least someone next to me, holding hand and telling "you will make it, don't worry"... But no, I will not contact anyone, don't want to hurt... don't want to lie neither...

    "I've got to let it go, I've got to get straight, Why'd you have to make it so hard? Let me get away!"

    Well, I don't know with help of what, but I pulled through, but I think it's not possible to describe how awful such days are, but yes, we know who to blame. This is 5th day only, but already since 3rd I am eating better, walking here on my favourite mountain (it was always kind of "healing" place for me, and it is good to be outside), at work I am sure who knows me recognized I'm not OK but to my surprise I was able to perform even complicated computer tasks and I DID remember all the servers and passwords, and jokes with some people, though feeling so sleepy, going to lunch rather alone, very slowly, but at least I was eating without problems. Today I woke up at 10 a.m.! Amazing, sleep is amazing. Right now I am cooking dinner and making laundry, and I washed the stairs in house. There were no seizures, no heart attacks, it's amazing what body can do. Though of course, some damage inside is probably done and I will pay later.

    "I survived everything!"

    But I need to stay alerted, every day of my life. Never again "so what, it's the last day of year, just a couple ones". And I can't be alone, though, I should warn potential GF about me... or not and then potentially hurting her... well that is another big topic. And I need changes in my life, I already bought piece of land and house project and am close to getting mortgage (edit: way before this problem happened, so another fear: I will lose my job and my already started plan is gone), I need to leave this flat, I am here since child. But yes, you can't just leave your problems behind. And just not drinking is not enough, I need to change. Because that beast inside me is waiting... patiently... forever. (Edit: I have zero problems e.g. at parties etc, I am the driver, I don't want to drink. The problem can happen when I am home alone, for consecutive 1858th evening, so to speak.)

    tl;dr: I fucked up seriously, but survived. Sorry if this is disturbing or something.
    Last edited by Substance242; 01-09-2016 at 09:31 AM.

  7. #457
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    prob more fitting for the Metal Health Thread, but good luck man. we all struggle with demons sometimes.

    nys has 71 people signed up in the mmj program as of friday. i wish we could all just jump ahead 10 years and legalize marijuana already. the eastcoast has been clownshoes with getting their legalization efforts together compared to the west. i hear the pacific calling my name.

  8. #458
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheyCallMeDrug View Post

    nys has 71 people signed up in the mmj program as of friday. i wish we could all just jump ahead 10 years and legalize marijuana already. the eastcoast has been clownshoes with getting their legalization efforts together compared to the west. i hear the pacific calling my name.
    That's the problem in IL too. Took forever to get off the ground and it's hella restrictive. Shitbag governor vetoed adding PTSD and a few other recommendations from the medical committee. Up to 4000 people signed up total I think. Requires you to be finger printed for registration etc like you said, wish we could skip all this bullshit and just get to where we should be already.

  9. #459
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    Inhaling a huge lung full of vapor and holding your breath until Pinion is over is a meditative experience everyone should try at least once.

  10. #460
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheyCallMeDrug View Post

    nys has 71 people signed up in the mmj program as of friday. i wish we could all just jump ahead 10 years and legalize marijuana already. the eastcoast has been clownshoes with getting their legalization efforts together compared to the west. i hear the pacific calling my name.

    Yeah, I wish they were ran the mmj in NY the way CA started out. It helps with a few of my medical problems, but I would be turned down if I tried for it in NY because it's only for "serious conditions" and not "any medical condition that affects you every fucking day" (though since inflammatory bowel disease is on there, maybe it'd be worth checking in about once I get set up with a doctor in NY again).

  11. #461
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    SUCK is a trip with headphones on. I apologize for using annoying stoner words like "trip" but it was fitting.

  12. #462
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    chrones is an automatic card in every state. other IBD's aren't always accepted. also IBS is not covered since it's not an 'inflammatory' condition.

  13. #463
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheyCallMeDrug View Post
    chrones is an automatic card in every state. other IBD's aren't always accepted. also IBS is not covered since it's not an 'inflammatory' condition.
    Exactly why I might but probably don't have a chance. I was "sounds like probably this" diagnosed with IBS, but never went through any testing beyond bloodwork to rule out crohn's. I have meds for IBS flare ups that... I don't think actually help any.
    So if I found out that it's actually inflammatory, maybe I could get mmj, but since it's so new in NY I doubt I would be able to, even if I was diagnosed with it. Either way, I'll bring it up when I get situated with a doctor now that I'm back in NY, before I do that I still have to get medical insurance figured out, since I'm self employed.

  14. #464
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    good luck. i have a friend in michigan with chrones which sucks but he gets great meds!

  15. #465
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    First attempt at mushrooms wish me luck kiddos

  16. #466
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    Total let down. Either these are taking waaaaaaay too long to kick in or they are bunk.

  17. #467
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    12 years without cigarettes, 21 months without marihuana, about 5 weeks zero alcohol and since next week after carnival without chocolate...and oh yes: water without gas

  18. #468
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    Congrats on being sober! Although you might want to avoid this thread if you want to avoid triggers because people mostly talk in here about doing drugs.

  19. #469
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wolfkiller View Post
    Total let down. Either these are taking waaaaaaay too long to kick in or they are bunk.
    The first time I took mushrooms, I could see sound, and eventually wound up chilling on a cliffside, watching the sky turn into a giant jellyfish while it occasionally swept a tentacle down to grab the reflection of a star out of the ocean... It was one of the most beautiful things I've ever seen.

    Your shit was bunk.

    A word of warning though... I've also since had mushrooms deliver a profoundly scarring mental fuckjob that took months to get over. Impossible to explain, but proceed with caution. All of my friends who ate from the same batch share my terror, and shudder when it's brought up. One of the worst experiences of my life. Most of my friends who took off on that journey that day never touched them again.

    Imagine the worst fear you've ever felt, and amplify it by a thousand... with no attributable reason or sense behind the feelings of terror... then attribute wild sporadic visual hallucinations that operate like jump-scares, combine that with muddled brain function similar to being blackout drunk, all the while all sensations are amplified and uncomfortably sensitive... meanwhile you're constantly feeling ill to the point where you need to vomit but can't... at one point, once my mental faculties had recovered enough, I was convinced I never really existed... and as it faded away I could see ghostly corpses being carted away on transparent cables into the horizon...

    And that was the part that I can explain... the rest is a blur of horror. People think terms like "life-changing" in the drug sense are necessarily good things... that was definitely life changing... but if I had a choice, I think I'd opt to scrub that experience away. If my first experience with shrooms had taken that kind of turn, I am sure I would have jumped off that cliff to make it stop.
    Last edited by Jinsai; 02-07-2016 at 02:27 AM.

  20. #470
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    I purposely did a relatively small dose, I was trying to just barely break into the mild visual distortion range as opposed to full on hallucinations. Which I managed to reach for literally just a moment. The rest of the time I felt slightly buzzy. Talked to myself a lot. My brain was racing but was having trouble keeping up (was trying to Google 5 different things at once etc)
    i wouldn't call the experiment a total failure, just didn't reach the level I was hoping for.

  21. #471
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    @Jinsai 's story: damn. the first and last time i ate mushrooms was a living nightmare. i came *this* close to taking a baseball bat to my head just to make it stop. it was totally rational in that moment, whatever it would take for me to sleep it off and end the madness (umbilical cords coming out of electrical outlets, among other things).

  22. #472
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wolfkiller View Post
    I purposely did a relatively small dose, I was trying to just barely break into the mild visual distortion range as opposed to full on hallucinations. Which I managed to reach for literally just a moment. The rest of the time I felt slightly buzzy. Talked to myself a lot. My brain was racing but was having trouble keeping up (was trying to Google 5 different things at once etc)
    i wouldn't call the experiment a total failure, just didn't reach the level I was hoping for.
    probably stale shrooms. fresh shrooms usually never fail to hit within an hour. take them on an empty stomach next time, you should feel them within 30 min or so.

    and you'll have no trouble knowing whether or not your tripping with real shrooms, lol.

    side note - rosin has been fun recently, but back to bho.
    Last edited by TheyCallMeDrug; 02-07-2016 at 10:25 AM.

  23. #473
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    (not sure where to put this, so put it here)

    open letter to the young man wanting to share his crazy strong jamaican stuff at the hot box cafe last night:

    your offer was very kind, and generous. i also appreciate that you understood *why* we chose not to partake. yes, there are still men out there who will not bat an eyelash at the idea of slipping things into anything (drinks or drugs or food), to incapacitate a woman. do i think you were one of them? no. but can i take that chance? no. so i ask all of you men out there, please stop your fellow bros from doing things like this. if you see or hear a fellow bro who seems in ANY way to think this is ok, tell him why it is NOT. tell them how they are royally fucking things up for the bros out there who would not only never consider doing this, but who wouldn't want to touch a woman who is not into them or into sex or is literally walking unconscious. do i believe that there are more men who are trust worthy, than not? yes. i could be wrong, naive or just simply too invested in the idea that respectful behaviour is more instinctive than not...but i really implore all the men i KNOW, to be part of the solution. no matter how hard it is...because the next step is a culture and energy where nobody can move forward due to suspicion and fear. i salute those of you who truly don't understand why anyone would want to touch an unconscious or clearly incapacitated human, and ask you to make sure ALL of your friends KNOW that you don't find that acceptable.
    thank you

  24. #474
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lew View Post
    (not sure where to put this, so put it here)

    open letter to the young man wanting to share his crazy strong jamaican stuff at the hot box cafe last night:

    your offer was very kind, and generous. i also appreciate that you understood *why* we chose not to partake. yes, there are still men out there who will not bat an eyelash at the idea of slipping things into anything (drinks or drugs or food), to incapacitate a woman. do i think you were one of them? no. but can i take that chance? no. so i ask all of you men out there, please stop your fellow bros from doing things like this. if you see or hear a fellow bro who seems in ANY way to think this is ok, tell him why it is NOT. tell them how they are royally fucking things up for the bros out there who would not only never consider doing this, but who wouldn't want to touch a woman who is not into them or into sex or is literally walking unconscious. do i believe that there are more men who are trust worthy, than not? yes. i could be wrong, naive or just simply too invested in the idea that respectful behaviour is more instinctive than not...but i really implore all the men i KNOW, to be part of the solution. no matter how hard it is...because the next step is a culture and energy where nobody can move forward due to suspicion and fear. i salute those of you who truly don't understand why anyone would want to touch an unconscious or clearly incapacitated human, and ask you to make sure ALL of your friends KNOW that you don't find that acceptable.
    thank you
    It's so depressing that we live in a world like this, vs. the world I grew up in where joints were regularly passed around without fear of getting diseases or raped.

  25. #475
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lew View Post
    (not sure where to put this, so put it here)

    open letter to the young man wanting to share his crazy strong jamaican stuff at the hot box cafe last night:

    your offer was very kind, and generous. i also appreciate that you understood *why* we chose not to partake. yes, there are still men out there who will not bat an eyelash at the idea of slipping things into anything (drinks or drugs or food), to incapacitate a woman. do i think you were one of them? no. but can i take that chance? no. so i ask all of you men out there, please stop your fellow bros from doing things like this. if you see or hear a fellow bro who seems in ANY way to think this is ok, tell him why it is NOT. tell them how they are royally fucking things up for the bros out there who would not only never consider doing this, but who wouldn't want to touch a woman who is not into them or into sex or is literally walking unconscious. do i believe that there are more men who are trust worthy, than not? yes. i could be wrong, naive or just simply too invested in the idea that respectful behaviour is more instinctive than not...but i really implore all the men i KNOW, to be part of the solution. no matter how hard it is...because the next step is a culture and energy where nobody can move forward due to suspicion and fear. i salute those of you who truly don't understand why anyone would want to touch an unconscious or clearly incapacitated human, and ask you to make sure ALL of your friends KNOW that you don't find that acceptable.
    thank you
    Maybe I'm confused. You thought the weed might be... spiked with roofies? And as a man, you want me to remind my fellow male friends to stop spiking their weed with the intention of raping girls? Do you not realize how completely delusional and sexist this is?

  26. #476
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    Yes... If you know someone who is or thinks it is okay to be drugging people in order to rape them, I sure as fuck hope you would call that out...

  27. #477
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sarah K View Post
    Yes... If you know someone who is or thinks it is okay to be drugging people in order to rape them, I sure as fuck hope you would call that out...
    That's not what I'm referencing. Her tone and wording pretty clearly and heavily implies that drugging people to rape them is just a 'man thing' and that men need to just get that shit in check and talk to our "bros."

    "do i believe that there are more men who are trust worthy, than not? yes. i could be wrong, naive or just simply too invested in the idea that respectful behaviour is more instinctive than not..."
    Let me just reply to that with another timely quote: "[...] they’re rapists, and some, I assume, are good people.”

    "i really implore all the men i KNOW, to be part of the solution. no matter how hard it is"
    I mean, it's obvious how insulting that is, right? Implying it would be inherently difficult for us men to go against our nature and tell our bros to stop slipping women roofie-laced weed and raping them? Golly, I really hope I can muster up the courage to talk to my bros about this.

    This person truly seems to live in a separate reality. I understand using caution and not taking random drinks from dudes at bars. But writing an "open letter" on the internet about date rape after a guy offers you a hit of his weed at a weed smoking cafe, and urging us "bros" to be sure to take on some responsibility that's somehow belongs to all men now to somehow stop rape from happening? It really is delusional.

  28. #478
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    ^^the majority of rape is committed by men. asking all men to help make sure this goes away is not delusional.
    if more bros mustered the courage...particularly in college aged bros...there would not be an epidemic on campuses.
    your tone in no way leaves me feeling any need or urge to explain this letter, or your clear misinterpretation of it, beyond this.

    allegro, yes, it is sad that we can't share joints...and i wanted some of that. lol. i am glad he was cool about it.
    sarah k: this is what i am trying to get through to my 14 year old right now...for himself and to try and make sure he doesn't feel in any way bad or ackward or anything other than certain to intervene if friends are drunk or drugging and he sees something happening.

  29. #479
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    when nin played in hamilton a few years ago, a girlfriend and i made the trip out for it. i had dreamt, numerous times in the weeks leading up to the show, that some bad shit went down. so the night of the show i told her that a) i wasn't bringing any joints in b) i wasn't taking tokes from strangers and c) since i normally smoke a fair bit at concerts that i would share a joint with her before hand so i would be sober enough for both of us ( i wasn't about to make her change her normal concert experience because of *my* dreams, bad or not). so we shared half a joint, then stashed it for after the show.
    in the venue we were approached, shortly after nin had started, by two men who asked if we wanted a puff. they had a pipe. i said no, thank you. my friend said yes. we exchanged places, so she could share the pipe. i went back to dancing and singing and screaming. she, quite quickly, asked to change places again. i leaned over and asked her "was it good??". she said "i didn't smoke any. the one guy held the pipe up to his mouth, lit the bowl, DID NOT INHALE, then pretended to exhale and passed it to me. i told them i changed my mind'.
    when i was a teenager, a friend of the family was by. he was rolling a joint and asked if i wanted any. i said sure, as any little dope head would. he lit it, and when he exhaled i said "why does it smell so weird?" he replied "oh, there is just a little bit of coke in it". i declined smoking any.
    when i was in university, i went with a friend to her friends dealer. they offered us a bucket. i said yes. i spent the next 24 hours tripping. i don't know what was in that bowl, but it was NOT just weed. i was so off my rocker my room mate wanted me to go to the hospital.
    so, no, i don't feel that my concern is unjustified or paranoid or unfair.
    and if the confusion here is because of my use of the word "bros", i am not using it in a derogatory way. i am using it literally. bro is a term that has been in usage since i was a kid, and is a term i use to refer to males in the collective. i use "chicks" or "chicas" for the female collective.

  30. #480
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lew View Post
    "oh, there is just a little bit of coke in it"
    Even in the 70s, you had to be careful to know your dealer really well, because people were putting PCP in pot. Not to rape people, but to make really shitty pot "better" to sell it.

    We went to high school with a guy, no shit, he started deliberately eating PCP all the time, and one time while totally fucked up on PCP he went next door to rob the neighbors but the neighbor lady was unexpectedly home so he stabbed her EIGHTEEN TIMES and killed her, and then one of her little kids came home from school for lunch and found her on the kitchen floor. Ugh. This guy was just a normal quiet guy (aren't they all?), had been on the football team, nobody could believe he could do something like that but that's what PCP does. The cops found his bloody clothes in a dumpster behind a party store (liquor store) up the street.

    Edit: Wow, holy shit, he's looking pretty fucking old in prison, now, we were in high school when this happened. The Internet is a helluva thing. Date of Birth: 06/08/1960: Date of Offense: 11/16/1978, What a way to spend your whole life for freaking out on PCP.
    Last edited by allegro; 02-09-2016 at 02:46 PM.

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