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Thread: Drugs! Thread!

  1. #481
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    Outside of the whole rape debate thing for a second, but cocaine on weed didn't actually work, right? Something about the temperature and the fact that cocaine needs to be vaporized and you can't smoke it? Somebody please correct me if I'm wrong with any actual evidence, buy my understanding is that cocoa puffs are all just placebo.

    Is there actually anything you can put on weed to "lace" it, other than like cannabinoid research chemicals or like salvia? There's not actually any sort of date rape drug that can physically be smoked while hidden on pot, right?

  2. #482
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    Quote Originally Posted by Harry Seaward View Post
    Outside of the whole rape debate thing for a second, but cocaine on weed didn't actually work, right? Something about the temperature and the fact that cocaine needs to be vaporized and you can't smoke it? Somebody please correct me if I'm wrong with any actual evidence, buy my understanding is that cocoa puffs are all just placebo.

    Is there actually anything you can put on weed to "lace" it, other than like cannabinoid research chemicals or like salvia? There's not actually any sort of date rape drug that can physically be smoked while hidden on pot, right?
    You can actually put PCP in weed, it was done (albeit fairly rarely) in the 70s and worked. Dunno about any date rape drugs. Didn't think coke would be effective in weed but cocaine isn't a date rape drug.

    It's weird, back in the 70s-80s, we used to pass joints all the time or get joints passed TO us all the time and it was like fucking Cheech and Chong's UP in Smoke, nobody cared. Then, I was at a Lollapalooza in the early-90s with my best friend and he still smoked a lot of pot and his 70s sensibilities considered it rude not to offer a joint to his neighbors so he did and nobody took up his offer, but I'm guessing this was more fear of getting AIDS on a joint than anything.

    Here, I found this. Ha, the only thing we did back in the day was remove seeds from weed using an album cover. Ah, the simple life. Oh, but there was the dreaded PARAQUAT.
    Last edited by allegro; 02-10-2016 at 11:08 AM.

  3. #483
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    i've often wondered if it was salvia in the bucket, back in uni. based on accounts i have read of it, it seems the most likely culprit for what i experienced after smoking it. i kept a drug journal in university (the valium entry was the best: just took a valium. let's see what this is about. (8 hours later) just woke up. i guess alcohol was the missing ingredient. ???), and my salvia page could've taken up the whole damned book..had i known i was on it. i even wondered if it was pcp, but i am thinking probably not.
    the coke: i don't know if there is any actual point to it (oh god, i forgot they called it coco puffs) in terms of effect, but i promise that the smell alone was enough to cancel out any possible joys it might have added. it was rude and raunchy.
    drugs tally: all forms of marijuana, acid, mushrooms (ah how i miss them), heroin (smoked it in a joint. did fuck all for me, praises be. stupid decision with, thankfully, no fall out), mescaline (snorted it. nothing happened), bennies, coke (i STILL don't get the point of this. i have never seen so much talking and so little communicating. i only did it twice. second time, in london uk, i sorta got a hint of why people like it...but i like stuff that slows me down mostly).
    i wish i had tried: opium and peyote. i find some of the reports on ahyuasca (sp?) fascinating, but now that i have kids i won't touch any hallucinogens. maybe when they move out? lol.

  4. #484
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    Smoking hash gave me the craziest fucking buzz ever, that and "Thai stick" back in the 70s.

    I have taken Valium and Xanax many times, mostly for dental or medical stuff, anxiety (they have to give me Valium for a friggin' MRI, LOL), never got THAT buzzed on it for THAT long.

    The only thing that got me buzzed for a REALLY long time (8 hours) was microdot (acid + speed). Speed used to make me buzzed for a pretty long time too (we used to buy "Christmas Trees" in the 80s for a buck a hit at the bar from Chris the Coke Dealer).

    The only drug I miss is mescaline in pill form, which I guess you can't even find anymore. Such a beautiful, mellow, wonderful experience.

    I never ever did cocaine, and I'm glad I didn't.
    Last edited by allegro; 02-10-2016 at 11:07 AM.

  5. #485
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    On the flipside, as far as "ruining it for everyone else" is concerned, the situation presented in the open letter sounds a LOT like you went to a cafe that was basically made for smoking weed, a nice guy offered you a hit of good weed, accepted your refusal...and then you went and made a big deal about it, asking people to tell their bros not to be friendly and generous with their weed, lol.

    And, incidentally, I've done all the drugs listed above plus more. Great times! Weed with PCP is AWESOME. You pretty much feel like you dropped a few hits of good acid for an hour or two and then it's back to normal. Granted, smoking enough essentially puts you in a K-hole, but I've literally done it hundreds of times and that only happened once. On a related note, I also never felt like cutting my own face off, attacking or killing anyone else, and I was never raped.

    Which generally leads me to believe that it's not really the DRUG that's responsible when people go crazy, they were just crazy already and the drug just got them high enough to let it out.

  6. #486
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    That's interesting. We always wondered why somebody would decide to go from pot to PCP, but then go ROB THE NEIGHBOR? AND THEN FLIP THE FUCK OUT AND STAB HER 18 TIMES? Obviously he was already borderline something and the drug triggered ... er, something.

  7. #487
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    I mean, I don't mean to speak ill of your classmate, but, yeah. I understand the truth is likely more nuanced, but I mostly feel like that's the long and short of it.

    (And mescaline can still be found, kicks ass, and is actually among my favorite drugs. That said, OMFG I've had some absolutely HARROWING experiences with it. Seriously thought it might kill me once, lol.)

    Quote Originally Posted by Harry Seaward View Post
    Outside of the whole rape debate thing for a second, but cocaine on weed didn't actually work, right? Something about the temperature and the fact that cocaine needs to be vaporized and you can't smoke it? Somebody please correct me if I'm wrong with any actual evidence, buy my understanding is that cocoa puffs are all just placebo.

    Is there actually anything you can put on weed to "lace" it, other than like cannabinoid research chemicals or like salvia? There's not actually any sort of date rape drug that can physically be smoked while hidden on pot, right?
    Weed can pretty much be laced with ANYTHING, with varying degrees of difficulty. Hell, years ago people were spraying microscopic glass shards onto weed so it would weigh more and they could charge more. Dick move and dumb business strategy since there's no repeat business when all your clients have shards of glass in their lungs, but w/e.

    And weed-with-coke is a thing. Ideally, it would be freebase otherwise, yeah, you're basically wasting it. But some people still sprinkle powder on bowls and in blunts and stuff. It's not COMPLETELY a placebo effect because it does work as a local anesthetic at that point, numbing the lips and tongue. But it's worthless as a psychoactive drug that way.

    I've heard quite a few people refer to it as "snowcapping," btw...the lyrical imagery of which I've always thought was beautiful. I keep drug journals too and dabbling in that left me with THIS bit of poetry:


    So I call it a WIN.


    Quote Originally Posted by Lew View Post
    i've often wondered if it was salvia in the bucket, back in uni. based on accounts i have read of it, it seems the most likely culprit for what i experienced after smoking it. i kept a drug journal in university (the valium entry was the best: just took a valium. let's see what this is about. (8 hours later) just woke up. i guess alcohol was the missing ingredient. ???), and my salvia page could've taken up the whole damned book..had i known i was on it. i even wondered if it was pcp, but i am thinking probably not.
    the coke: i don't know if there is any actual point to it (oh god, i forgot they called it coco puffs) in terms of effect, but i promise that the smell alone was enough to cancel out any possible joys it might have added. it was rude and raunchy.
    drugs tally: all forms of marijuana, acid, mushrooms (ah how i miss them), heroin (smoked it in a joint. did fuck all for me, praises be. stupid decision with, thankfully, no fall out), mescaline (snorted it. nothing happened), bennies, coke (i STILL don't get the point of this. i have never seen so much talking and so little communicating. i only did it twice. second time, in london uk, i sorta got a hint of why people like it...but i like stuff that slows me down mostly).
    i wish i had tried: opium and peyote. i find some of the reports on ahyuasca (sp?) fascinating, but now that i have kids i won't touch any hallucinogens. maybe when they move out? lol.
    Sooo...I gather a "bucket" is a large bowl for smoking? How long did the effects last, btw? Salvia should generally wear off VERY quickly, although it feels like an eternity, lol.

    Oh, and opium and peyote are GREAT. Someday I hope to try them together, w00t!

    And if you've done mescaline then you've basically done peyote, maybe better than. It's basically a concentrated extract from that.
    Last edited by Hazekiah; 02-10-2016 at 11:57 AM.

  8. #488
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hazekiah View Post
    (And mescaline can still be found, kicks ass, and is actually among my favorite drugs. That said, OMFG I've had some absolutely HARROWING experiences with it. Seriously thought it might kill me once, lol.)
    REALLY? I thought those were the most mellow beautiful life-changes buzzes I've ever had. I mean, microdot was so SPEEDY for me, with my scalp fucking tingling for hours on end, whereas mescaline was so mellow and relaxed and "wow, look at all the beautiful [insert something inane here that probably wasn't all the beautiful but became really beautiful to me while high on mescaline]."

    One time I spent what was probably at least thirty minutes (but seemed like seconds, because of course you have no concept of time on that shit) staring at some plain old clover in the dark in a really old cemetery under some moonlight and it appeared to me to be beautiful pastel colors of all kinds glowing gently under the moonlight until my friend came over and said, "WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU STARING AT, THAT'S JUST CLOVER" and ruined my Thoreau moment.

    Mescaline in pill form is probably the only drug I'd gladly do again without reservation or hesitation.

    Of course, any of these sorts of drugs can go from "wow, beautiful, life-changing" to "what-the-fuck horrifying" depending on the AMOUNT YOU INGEST. I always did the smallest recommended amount, LOL.

    I did wayyyyy too much hashish once and while hash seems like a fairly innocuous drug it isn't when you do way too much of it at around dusk and you get these weird visuals and everything is in black-and-white at dusk and I had a hard time in the woods and the clearing differentiating between the ground and the sky, it was the weirdest fucking thing, like this "am I dreaming or awake?" experience and I had to hang onto somebody to get out of those woods because I couldn't logically walk out normally, all from smoking wayyy too much Blonde Lebonese hash. I'll never forget it, ever.

    I also smoked this shit called "Monkey Paw" a long time ago that made me so fucking paranoid, ugh, wtf.
    Last edited by allegro; 02-10-2016 at 01:33 PM.

  9. #489
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    Honestly, a clover in a moonlit cemetery sounds FUCKING AWESOME even I'm having trouble with the entire premise of appreciating that being a problem in the first place, lol.

    And "microdot" doesn't specifically mean acid and speed, btw. It really just means a concentrated dose of whatever in some kind of tiny form.

    Also, yeah, the mescaline was SUPER mellow! Right up until I hit a gravity bong, hit the floor, forgot about the weed and thought I was overdosing on mescaline, lol. Which isn't exactly the mescaline's fault, but it's worth noting that I've NEVER thought weed would kill me otherwise.

  10. #490
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hazekiah View Post
    On the flipside, as far as "ruining it for everyone else" is concerned, the situation presented in the open letter sounds a LOT like you went to a cafe that was basically made for smoking weed, a nice guy offered you a hit of good weed, accepted your refusal...and then you went and made a big deal about it, asking people to tell their bros not to be friendly and generous with their weed, lol.
    i am sorry it came across that way. i wasn't trying to make it a bigger deal than it was: to be smart and safe, in our current culture, i had to pass up a nice social opportunity..and some oddly named crazy jamaican weed.
    the deeper truth is that it was the friend i was with who was upset. the dude was with a friend and they came out to the patio. my back was to them. my friend whispered "they are giving me bad vibes. can we go back in', then said out loud "oh, man, i am cold. let's go in." they came in pretty shortly after. that was when the one offered. out of respect for her feelings and sense of comfort and safety, i let it be. i wasn't the one who said it could be laced, either. that was the dude who offered it to me. when i declined *he* said; i get it. you never know, right? i could have put something in it. i replied that i was grateful he understood, and he was so lovely about it. not all dudes are nice about stuff like that. if you are lucky, the worst you get is called names. this is reality for a lot of women.

    bros on the board: i am not trying to make this into anything more than what i attempted (and apparently failed miserably at) to articulate: if all men made it clear that they don't think slipping shit into whatever substance, with ill intentions, to women is ok then it would taper off. hell, maybe that is just my wishful thinking theory. all *i* know is that i am making sure my two sons truly get that concept, get the concept of consent, and do their best to make sure to intervene if they see something like this happening. (and that in itself brings huge carry weapons now. are my kids going to get hurt in trying to do the right thing? i know i have been. i know my father has been attacked twice, after trying to help women in public who were being beaten up by partners...he got thumped by both the man and the woman. and PLEASE do not say to mind your business. i will not be a bystander, nor will i raise bystanders. and NO i am not bagging bystanders lol. to each his own.)

    hazekiah: the ruining it for everyone else literally refers to the universal culture of paranoia that has sprung up because of things being slipped into drinks and food and drugs. i truly don't understand why mentioning this is a big deal? i want it to go away. i don't want to hear about men inventing nail polish that detects rape drugs in alcoholic drinks, though that was a clever and lovely thing to, i want to hear about people just being decent, and not having to worry on a night out about being drugged...or worrying about offering to buy a drink for that lovely lady in the corner, because of her worrying about it being drugged...i just want the collective conscious to drop behaviours that are non consensual.

    i guess i will chalk it up to poor articulation on my part, and call it a day.
    Last edited by Lew; 02-10-2016 at 01:32 PM.

  11. #491
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    For the record, this doesn't just happen to women (date rape drugs), it happens to guys, too. They get assaulted, rolled for cash and valuables, my husband's friends call these assaulters the "kidney thieves" and they never leave their drinks unattended in bars, either. Everybody is careful these days, men and women.

  12. #492
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    Well, that sounds reasonable enough.

    Again, personally, I'm more of the persuasion that Halloween treats generally don't have razorblades or roofies in them, but I fully appreciate the cause for caution, too.

    (It should also be mentioned that friends of mine have roofied themselves in the care of their lovers, Real Doll style, had a BLAST, and even roofies can be enjoyed properly, lol.)

  13. #493
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    h: bucket is an elaborate ridiculous contraption that blows your mind. lol. take a 2L pop bottle. cut the bottom off. put a tinfoil filter in the spout (hello, alzheimers...i thought, every single time i did a bucket..and still fucking did them. my gods.). fill it with combustibles. weed and hash together were my faves. place it in a bucket of water. once you light the weed, you slowly draw the bottle up and out of the water. the inside fills with smoke. then take off filter, put mouth over spout and push the bucket down fast.
    trip the light fantastic. laugh like a monkey in a barrel of fermented bananas. bad for the health, great for the high.

    you lucky dogs, by the way...allegro and haze (excepting the horror trip, that is)...i had heard mescaline was lovely...i was so disappointed. now reading your account, allegro, i am super disappointed.
    haze: if you do opium and peyote together, and don't turn into a rainbow or unicorn...please do report back about it. i would think they would kind of counter act each other, no? isn't opium like floating in clouds with your brain on stand by? that is what i heard. peyote, or so i was told, is more like dancing with all of your greatest fears and demons...actually, ahyuuascca (ffs i give up on trying to spell today. sorry.) sounds similar to what i was told peyote was like.

    here, for a laugh: the first time i ate weed i was sure i was over dosing. it was a family party (yes, always the best place to try something for the first time) and my aunt found me hiding between a speaker and a wall unit...rocking myself and muttering "i am not over dosing. you can't over dose on pot. i am breathing. i am breathing. i am not over dosing. i am not going to the hospital'. she asked if i needed help and i told her "shhhhh...i am over dosing. but i am not. it's ok. don't tell anybody. you need to leave now. i am not over dosing on pot". yep. high five! lol.

  14. #494
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hazekiah View Post
    Honestly, a clover in a moonlit cemetery sounds FUCKING AWESOME even I'm having trouble with the entire premise of appreciating that being a problem in the first place, lol.
    Yeah, thanks! I thought it was a super mind-blowing experience, especially since this was a really old old cemetery, but this friend can be a buzzkill, LOL!

    Quote Originally Posted by Hazekiah View Post
    And "microdot" doesn't specifically mean acid and speed, btw. It really just means a concentrated dose of whatever in some kind of tiny form.
    In this case, it was Purple Microdot circa around 1981, and it was acid and it was not mellow at all, and I was speeding like a frigging Indy Car Driver (as somebody who ingested enough speed to be friggin' anorexic) for hours, but it was a great buzz, lots of fun, not tripping in a horrifying way, no terrible hallucinations, just fun. I'd do it again, LOL. Except for the laughing so hard for so long that my face literally hurt the entire next day. I did a QUARTER HIT!! It was SO FUCKING SMALL, you had to be careful not to drop the thing or you'd lose it in the carpet and never see it again.

    Last edited by allegro; 02-10-2016 at 03:49 PM.

  15. #495
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    oh yes. yes yes yes. it is not just women who get drugged and raped or drugged and hurt or robbed. no. i know for men this kind of thing has been drastically under reported.
    ultimately, i want a culture of trust for all.
    and a never ending, self refilling bag of primo weed.
    in that order.

  16. #496
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    i can't like your posts. all on offer is a black triangle with an exclamation mark in it. i assume that is the self destruct button. i won't push it. but i am liking the conversations above and appreciate the info.

  17. #497
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hazekiah View Post
    Well, that sounds reasonable enough.

    Again, personally, I'm more of the persuasion that Halloween treats generally don't have razorblades or roofies in them, but I fully appreciate the cause for caution, too.

    (It should also be mentioned that friends of mine have roofied themselves in the care of their lovers, Real Doll style, had a BLAST, and even roofies can be enjoyed properly, lol.)
    thanks. i was hoping to properly get across what i meant.

    i used to be really trusting of the universe. then i had kids. being, temporarily, responsible for other lives really tweaked my sense of security and caution. i tend to err on the side of caution. once the kids grow up and leave, though,'s back to normal. i hope. lol.

    is real doll style, like floppy and all? lol.
    Last edited by Lew; 02-10-2016 at 01:55 PM.

  18. #498
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    I can't smoke pot anymore because I'm from the 70s and we smoked what we THOUGHT was good pot that came from Colombia and cost 40 bucks per ounce but we needed, like, a whole joint to get high, and we always carried around an ounce of weed on us all the time, and head shops (pot paraphernalia stores) were so plentiful they were like 7-11s, and I knew a few people who carried around a bag FULL OF various pot-smoking shit like Glass Head carburetors and expandable hemostats and roach clips and these plastic bottles you could put a joint into and throw it around the room.

    But now there's the REALLLLLLLLY GOOD pot where one fucking hit kills you for the whole night.

    And @Fixer808 posted this Louis CK video some time ago and it made me laugh so hard I almost peed my pants and, yeah, this is pretty much me with pot, now:

  19. #499
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lew View Post
    i can't like your posts. all on offer is a black triangle with an exclamation mark in it. i assume that is the self destruct button. i won't push it. but i am liking the conversations above and appreciate the info.
    Because you have to wait for a certain amount of time for the board to kinda "catch up" and allow the "like" thing to be possible.

  20. #500
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegro View Post
    Because you have to wait for a certain amount of time for the board to kinda "catch up" and allow the "like" thing to be possible.
    darn it...i was digging the idea of a self destruct button...very nin-ish
    thank you, allegro <3

  21. #501
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    that louis ck skit is epic.
    i wish dope had that effect on me. i am too chronic at this point.

  22. #502
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegro View Post
    For the record, this doesn't just happen to women (date rape drugs), it happens to guys, too. They get assaulted, rolled for cash and valuables, my husband's friends call these assaulters the "kidney thieves" and they never leave their drinks unattended in bars, either. Everybody is careful these days, men and women.
    a female friend just told me that she knows of cases where teen and young adult men were passed out at parties and women got them hard and used them. wtf??? and the saddest thing is that i bet the attitude toward that would be "wow, dude, way to go". i truly don't understand any gender wanting sex with a jelly fish..even if said jelly fish got hard or wet...i mean, physiologically the body often will react...even if the mind is not on board...but WHY/ anyway, i am done highjacking this thread with head scratching over sexual assaults and physical assaults.

  23. #503
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    ive had horrible sleep patterns for the past 20 years of my life. heavy thc consumer to help with it, drinking never helped. tried ambien and always set me up for a dopey high more than anything.

    recently a single nyquil zzquil mixed with some hash and a drink has made me a more regular sleeper than ive ever been before.

    my patience has gone way up and time is more tolerable in general. sleeping ftw.

  24. #504
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    An OUNCE for $40... I would never ever not be high.

  25. #505
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sarah K View Post
    An OUNCE for $40... I would never ever not be high.
    yeah, well, that was pretty much the story of our existence; we were high all the fucking time. We smoked in the parking lot before class, in between class, after class, we had OhZees on us at all times; I went from pretty much an all-A student to being voted "Class Skipper" in my Senior year of High School. I finally quit when the paranoia and self-consciousness consumed me.

    It was easier to be high back then, too, because EVERYBODY smoked pot. Then the "war on drugs" started.

    Thing is, you need so LITTLE of today's (higher grade expensive pot) to get a really good buzz that it all works out about the same way. We'd wipe out an ounce of pot in about a week, individually. I have a friend who buys a half-ounce of pot for personal use and he says it takes him FOREVER to go through it. Like, A YEAR.

    Back in the 70s, some of us would sell a quarter of a pound of Colombian for a dealer and the dealer would let us keep 1/4 for free just for selling the other 3/4. LOL. (My brain is currently screwed up by Imitrex, but I believe that's 1 oz, because a 1/4 pound of pot is 4 ounces, and we all had scales and shit, so you got 1 oz for free. That was gross weight with all the seeds and the baggy and shit, natch.)
    Last edited by allegro; 02-12-2016 at 01:18 PM.

  26. #506
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    Nothing eased my anxiety/relaxed me more efficiently than pot. I miss it just for that alone.

    I have such a sensitive stomach that pharmecuticals just aren't worth the side effects.

    Stupid Indiana.
    Last edited by Swykk; 02-12-2016 at 01:28 PM.

  27. #507
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    Being high is just so much more preferable than not. Feels better than real life but in a pure way, not like being drunk. Does that make sense?

  28. #508
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    being drunk requires me to take at least a 3 hour nap and a shower to get back to a socially acceptable state

    i can take 5 dabs then go out into the world with no problem. i know my tolerance has a lot to do with that tho, but still the point is valid.

  29. #509
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    Quote Originally Posted by Harry Seaward View Post
    I am so fucking sick of the media demonizing every drug that isn't weed and I'm sick of people believing these lies without a second thought. I don't do these drugs, but things like acid, cocaine, meth, and heroin aren't life-ending bringers of death like everybody seems to think. Every drug has its pros and cons
    To each their own I GUESS. I've had good times on cocaine, and acid especially... but I've seriously lost too many fucking good friends to heroin and meth. They are a slippery slope for most people. Its so easy to go overboard. There are far less lethal medications that exist & do the same fucking thing for your brain.
    Probably one of the only pros of big pharma is that at least speed & opiates are regulated, not made in a fucking bathtub, & not made out of fucking drain cleaner & battery acid.

    Sorry to bring this old post up but godDAMNIT. I've been losing too many friends to this stupid bullshit. I've seen meth & heroin drain the life out of friends, even before they put in the ground. FUCK THAT SHIT

  30. #510
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tasisity View Post
    To each their own I GUESS. I've had good times on cocaine, and acid especially... but I've seriously lost too many fucking good friends to heroin and meth. They are a slippery slope for most people. Its so easy to go overboard. There are far less lethal medications that exist & do the same fucking thing for your brain.
    Probably one of the only pros of big pharma is that at least speed & opiates are regulated, not made in a fucking bathtub, & not made out of fucking drain cleaner & battery acid.

    Sorry to bring this old post up but godDAMNIT. I've been losing too many friends to this stupid bullshit. I've seen meth & heroin drain the life out of friends, even before they put in the ground. FUCK THAT SHIT
    I've dealt with the same thing. I live in a small town and crank is rampant. I've had many close acquaintances go completely down the toilet, or worse.

    But I'm of the opinion that for every OD death and every thieving scheming tweaker, there are 10 people who just enjoy their drugs responsibly and without harming themselves or anyone else.

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