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Thread: Drugs! Thread!

  1. #61
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    now here is a thread i can get behind! my people! LSD! Shrooms! Love! Weed! Cocaine!

  2. #62
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    Been having my first taste of oxies recently. Been prescribed both regular oxycodone and the slow release ocycontin. Doctor's arent giving me enough though, only 10mg pills. I've gotten a couple of random highs from them, but for the most part they barely take away the pain. I would pop a bunch at once but I kinda need them to not become crippled. Just today I got put onto a Buprenorphine patch which might be even less fun. At least if it works I'll have 30 or so spare oxies.

  3. #63
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    Quote Originally Posted by sa_nick View Post
    Been having my first taste of oxies recently. Been prescribed both regular oxycodone and the slow release ocycontin. Doctor's arent giving me enough though, only 10mg pills. I've gotten a couple of random highs from them, but for the most part they barely take away the pain. I would pop a bunch at once but I kinda need them to not become crippled. Just today I got put onto a Buprenorphine patch which might be even less fun. At least if it works I'll have 30 or so spare oxies.
    A Buprenorphine patch? For pain? First time I've heard of that. Usually, Buprenorphine is used to treat opiate addiction but I guess it would work as a pain med if the dose was high enough.
    To get a more immediate/stronger high from your pills (especially the slow release oxycontin), chew them. I usually chase pills back with a strong drink but I'm not encouraging anyone to do the same. *cough*

  4. #64
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    Quote Originally Posted by Miss Baphomette View Post
    A Buprenorphine patch? For pain? First time I've heard of that. Usually, Buprenorphine is used to treat opiate addiction but I guess it would work as a pain med if the dose was high enough.
    To get a more immediate/stronger high from your pills (especially the slow release oxycontin), chew them. I usually chase pills back with a strong drink but I'm not encouraging anyone to do the same. *cough*
    Yeah, I sometimes get really bad pain in the middle of the night. That's when I have the slow release ones on standby, ready to be chewed. Took 20mg instant and 30mg slow release then went to a friends, had a few shots and a couple bongs and man i was fuuuucked up in an awesome way. Usually I'll go through 6 or so bongs in a few hours but all i needed last night was the two.. Good times.

  5. #65
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    I want to post A Perfect Circle lyrics all night. Maynard was always better at lyrics than Trent was.

  6. #66
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    Pregabalin + Valium + Fentanyl + Oxycodone + a tenth of the weed i usually need = Awesome.

  7. #67
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    What is the legal age to smoke pot in Colorado now that it is legal? 18? 21?

  8. #68
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    Quote Originally Posted by imail724 View Post
    What is the legal age to smoke pot in Colorado now that it is legal? 18? 21?
    It's age 21, but it's not legal yet.

    It will only become legal when the governor formally signs the amendment into law, which could be as late as Jan. 5. County clerks have until the end of today to send in vote tallies, and the Sec. of State has until Dec. 6 to certify. Then the governor has up to 30 days to sign.

    Or so my handy Google search of the Internet tells me.

  9. #69
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    I began in my teens smoking weed, dropping E's, acid, coke, speed, downers all that sort of shit. I lived in a small town with a big drug culture, it was part of life back then. We were doing this stuff on a daily basis, it was as normal as having a cup of tea.
    I'm glad I got out. Still have a Guinness and a couple of spliffs every now and and again though.
    Last edited by Camille; 12-09-2012 at 09:17 AM.

  10. #70
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  11. #71
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    Can we talk mushrooms for a minute?

    I've done them twice, and both times I was already under the influence of other substances. First time I was stoned and a bit drunk, it was pretty good. Second time I was drunk and on MDMA, it made me sick. I don't know how much I took either time, it wasn't much though, maybe 1.5-2 grams. I'm planning on taking them completely sober soon with a few friends who want to try it out, how much should we each take for a good effect? *edit* Also, I've only eaten them on their own before. Would the effects be any different if we ate them with food or made tea?
    Last edited by ibanez33; 12-21-2012 at 04:08 AM.

  12. #72
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    I've never done mushrooms, but I would assume that making them into a tea would dillute the active compounds somewhat.

  13. #73
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    pcylocibin is water soluble and heat resinsant, hence making a tea out of it will work. but I figure it might not taste good, bitter somewhat. swallowing as a whole appears to be the most comfortable way.

  14. #74
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    Aaaaaaaah....... "marihuana".

  15. #75
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    Totally forgot to update after that shroom post. It was pretty good, Christmas lights were badass.

  16. #76
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    -White Russian

    Hands down #1 in my book.

    That is all.

  17. #77
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    Smoked marihuana for the very first time last Friday and Saturday. It was good...effective...interesting...Lavender, apparently (supposedly some of the good stuff!). Bowl, and bong. One bong hit I got a burned sensation down my throat/upper my friend put ice cubes in it for the next day for me. No burn. I played drums and guitar for hours and recorded it. Very interesting.

    I don't know why but still I feel this mellow barrier in my seriously... But I love it. I don't know if it's deeply mental, or what...what the fuck... I simply talk to people more openly, I look them in the eyes...say pretty much what's on my mind...and it all comes across how I intend. (Normally I overthink like a mohegfucker) Monday through this day, just ins and outs of significant mood changes...really, all for the better. I almost completely tolerate work now (fingers crossed), mentally, my head isn't so filled with angst to get out of the building, and various negativity. I'm simply focused more, but aware that something's different. By what I hear about acid, you'd think I took that, or something.

    In the last hour at work today there was hustle and bustle I got to experience (I'm new) and I was looking at people in action and it was as though it was almost in slow motion. In a weird way. Today is Thursday...I last smoked *Sunday* afternoon. Wtfs okay! I operate fine at work, even having learned something brand new on Tuesday, nobody questions the look on my face or anything, but I feel I have my doubts for myself. It's the strangest thing. My sense of time is whoaaaa hard to tell.

    After that I talked to my manager about requesting time off and it was for almost 15 minutes though it felt like 40 minutes... This HAPPENS often now.

    Then I left the building and felt kinda dazed/peaceful, sat in my car for 30 minutes, trying to find my center (not trying too hard)...couldn' just enjoyed the spring air coming into my car with Deerhunter.

    Is everyone's effects that different? After almost a week? I just wasn't expecting this. But I'm pretty sure I appreciate it all.

    Of course, I nagged my friend about the legitimacy of the bud...he continually says there was nothing else in it. I'd remember if there was a chemical smell... I just recall the smell being quite stinky. I go in and out of kinda worrying about it... But I dunno. I'm a total noob. Is my ego just feeling way suppressed all of the sudden? lol Is this what I've been missing from life? Lol
    Last edited by Amaro; 04-04-2013 at 09:02 PM.

  18. #78
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    That's never happened to me. I've woken up the next day still feeling muzzy, but never for longer than a day... And I don't know what it could have been sprayed/mixed with that would cause such a prolonged effect! Weird...

    I remember one time having a couple hits of some serious coma-weed... STRONG shit. Friends and I were headed to an all-you-can-eat sushi place, I destroyed their stock of beef teriyaki.

  19. #79
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    Re: Drugs! Thread!

    You are OK. Stop being so paranoid. Its just bud. Hell I get some good shit, and some of my pals who really don't smoke swear up and down that I give them laced bud when it is just good bud.

    Finally had the acid trip I was expecting after all these years. Visuals galore. Quad dipped stamps. Took two. Looking forward to watching evil dead on another two.

  20. #80
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    Enjoy the ride...

  21. #81
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    Quote Originally Posted by Conan The Barbarian View Post
    Looking forward to watching evil dead on another two.
    This sounds like a terrible plan...

  22. #82
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    Drugs! Thread!

    re @Magrão - some people have profound drug experiences and the residual isn't from the drug, itself, but the kind of "awakening" or increased awareness that people acquire after this/these profound experience(s). It's like when you have a really profound mind-blowing dream and it stays in your memory for a long time.

    This happened to me on Mescaline; I still credit my relatively-few Mescaline experiences for who I am, today. Tim Leary (and Steve Jobs) thought the same way about LSD. If you have a mind-blowing experience on weed, it's probably not the weed, itself, but the way that the weed enabled you to bring down some barriers, think differently, open your mind, etc. If that all sticks with you, that's you being open to a profound experience.

  23. #83
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai View Post
    This sounds like a terrible plan...
    Unless it's the original...
    Other fun movies to consider:
    - 2001
    - First Blood (just put this on 20min ago...)
    - 300
    - Blade
    - Shaft (Samuel L Jackson version)

    Quote Originally Posted by allegro View Post
    It's like when you have a really profound mind-blowing dream and it stays in your memory for a long time.
    This is true, I didn't think past the physiological effects... I still recall a vivid dream from childhood that resonates with me.
    Last edited by Fixer808; 04-04-2013 at 10:35 PM.

  24. #84
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fixer808 View Post
    I remember one time having a couple hits of some serious coma-weed... STRONG shit.
    Couple hits of the BC Hydro, eh? But seriously, one major gripe I have with the weed around here is it always just put me on my ass, I could never find any of the good "hey let's get stoned and go for a hike" smoke, I always just parked myself in front of the tv and stared at a movie. Gave it up almost a year ago when I realized I wasn't enjoying it anymore.

  25. #85
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    Exactly... But it's a good relaxation thing sometimes, despite the high power.
    Well, barring paranoia, which I'm kinda having right now...

  26. #86
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    I've been wanting to do shrooms again sometime, the last time I did them was in 2011 and it was one of the craziest experiences of my life. The first time I felt like I had died and my soul was just walking around at one point...but the second time, I was in my room and had an out of body moment listening to Emeralds "Does It Look Like I'm Here?"

  27. #87
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fixer808 View Post
    Unless it's the original...
    Other fun movies to consider:
    - 2001
    - First Blood (just put this on 20min ago...)
    - 300
    - Blade
    - Shaft (Samuel L Jackson version)

    Also Watch:

    -Sin City
    -The Cell
    -Lost Highway
    -U Turn
    -Altered States
    -Natural Born Killers

    And of course all the other known trip flicks.

  28. #88
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    Re: Drugs! Thread!

    The big lebowski is also a fav of mine on cid.

  29. #89
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    Quote Originally Posted by Conan The Barbarian View Post
    You are OK. Stop being so paranoid. Its just bud. Hell I get some good shit, and some of my pals who really don't smoke swear up and down that I give them laced bud when it is just good bud.
    Just so it's clear...I'm not as paranoid about the aftermath as it may's just that it was the very first time and I'm feeling all kinds of new feelings, even after days, so I thought it'd be smart to check in proper. Today's a different day from yesterday overall, so far...I suppose more "normal", but still I haven't felt quite like I did before the weekend activity.

    Does anyone have experience with "Lavender"?

  30. #90
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    I wouldn't worry about just smoked pot for the first time. Nothing will ever be the same again.

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