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Thread: Drugs! Thread!

  1. #91
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    Quote Originally Posted by Magrão View Post
    Does anyone have experience with "Lavender"?
    You won't get any satisfying answers from this. There's probably a thousand different strains called "trainwreck"
    Everything's going to be fine.

  2. #92
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    Quote Originally Posted by aggroculture View Post
    Nothing will ever be the same again.

    Now drop some cid and come tell us how you feel after that.

  3. #93
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    Quote Originally Posted by Conan The Barbarian View Post
    The big lebowski is also a fav of mine on cid.
    We need some true mind fuckery in the mix. If you're going to make a movie night out of it, I'd recommend buying a few really intricate jigsaw puzzles, mixing them up, pouring them out on the ground in front of the tv, and then watching a marathon of Logan's Run -> Liquid Sky -> a collection of Stan Brakhage shorts. You'll be singing this song for days/years

  4. #94
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    Frankly, throw in as much early 70's sci fi as possible. Fully agree with Logan's Run, but best chase it with Zardoz, The Omega Man, Planet of the Apes, Rollerball, Death Race 2000, and if you can find it, the non-Director's Cut of THX 1138. THAT will bend some brain-stems.

  5. #95
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    Movies? Go outside!

  6. #96
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    Quote Originally Posted by jessamineny View Post
    Movies? Go outside!
    That's inevitable. You can't take 12 hours of 70s sci fi without a break outside... with or without hallucinogenics.

  7. #97
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    Yeah but sometimes it goes the other way where you look in the mirror and those eyes dont belong to you, and someone is running out of the walls after you with a machete. And the cracks in the door need to be filled up with toilet paper so the killer who is definetly coming wont see. And draw the curtains in case of the telescopes from neighbors. And the room is getting smaller by the second.

  8. #98
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    ^^ Jesus, if anything like that had ever happened to me on Mescaline or acid, I'd never do it again! (Which wasn't the case because I did it a lot.) You bring your own baggage on your trip.

    Any TV-watching, for me, clearly falls into the "I'm too lazy to get off the couch because I smoked pot" trip. The remote control was invented for pot heads. In the 70s, we didn't have remote controls and sometimes we'd watch some shit like the Farm Report because none of us felt like getting up to change the channel. We had this thing called a "power hitter," which was basically a plastic bottle that a joint fit into so you could shotgun each other or yourself but you could also throw the thing across the room to pass the joint, thereby eliminating the need to stand up. Oh, and we had those roach clips that extended, like, a foot.

    Quote Originally Posted by aggroculture View Post
    I wouldn't worry about just smoked pot for the first time. Nothing will ever be the same again.
    What he said.
    Last edited by allegro; 04-06-2013 at 10:03 AM.

  9. #99
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    Re: Drugs! Thread!

    Quote Originally Posted by jessamineny View Post
    Movies? Go outside!
    I do go out. I'm not a hermit on this drug.

  10. #100
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    Quote Originally Posted by fixer808 View Post
    Zardoz speaks to you...the gun is good...the penis is evil.

  11. #101
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    Quote Originally Posted by Magrão View Post
    Smoked marihuana for the very first time last Friday and Saturday. It was good...effective...interesting...Lavender, apparently (supposedly some of the good stuff!). Bowl, and bong. One bong hit I got a burned sensation down my throat/upper my friend put ice cubes in it for the next day for me. No burn. I played drums and guitar for hours and recorded it. Very interesting.

    I don't know why but still I feel this mellow barrier in my seriously... But I love it. I don't know if it's deeply mental, or what...what the fuck... I simply talk to people more openly, I look them in the eyes...say pretty much what's on my mind...and it all comes across how I intend. (Normally I overthink like a mohegfucker) Monday through this day, just ins and outs of significant mood changes...really, all for the better. I almost completely tolerate work now (fingers crossed), mentally, my head isn't so filled with angst to get out of the building, and various negativity. I'm simply focused more, but aware that something's different. By what I hear about acid, you'd think I took that, or something.

    In the last hour at work today there was hustle and bustle I got to experience (I'm new) and I was looking at people in action and it was as though it was almost in slow motion. In a weird way. Today is Thursday...I last smoked *Sunday* afternoon. Wtfs okay! I operate fine at work, even having learned something brand new on Tuesday, nobody questions the look on my face or anything, but I feel I have my doubts for myself. It's the strangest thing. My sense of time is whoaaaa hard to tell.

    After that I talked to my manager about requesting time off and it was for almost 15 minutes though it felt like 40 minutes... This HAPPENS often now.

    Then I left the building and felt kinda dazed/peaceful, sat in my car for 30 minutes, trying to find my center (not trying too hard)...couldn' just enjoyed the spring air coming into my car with Deerhunter.

    Is everyone's effects that different? After almost a week? I just wasn't expecting this. But I'm pretty sure I appreciate it all.

    Of course, I nagged my friend about the legitimacy of the bud...he continually says there was nothing else in it. I'd remember if there was a chemical smell... I just recall the smell being quite stinky. I go in and out of kinda worrying about it... But I dunno. I'm a total noob. Is my ego just feeling way suppressed all of the sudden? lol Is this what I've been missing from life? Lol
    I had anxiety and one of the ways I've worked through it is through smoking. I would smoke and I would get what you're describing, feeling just good, calm for day afterwards/ It can be a real medication for that kind of stuff, and now I haven't smoked in months and I know how to get myself feeling that calm again without it. Granted, after I started smoking I was also able to start meditating more successfully, so now I do that every so often and just in general have learned what it's like to be in the moment every moment. Marijuana definitely taught me how to be in the moment without paying attention to time passing. Some people might see this as weed having "damaged me" but i think it healed me in a way.

    PEACE LOVE AND UNDERSTANDING. Ok, enough hippy shit, I'm out.

  12. #102
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegro View Post
    re @Magrão - some people have profound drug experiences and the residual isn't from the drug, itself, but the kind of "awakening" or increased awareness that people acquire after this/these profound experience(s). It's like when you have a really profound mind-blowing dream and it stays in your memory for a long time.

    This happened to me on Mescaline; I still credit my relatively-few Mescaline experiences for who I am, today. Tim Leary (and Steve Jobs) thought the same way about LSD. If you have a mind-blowing experience on weed, it's probably not the weed, itself, but the way that the weed enabled you to bring down some barriers, think differently, open your mind, etc. If that all sticks with you, that's you being open to a profound experience.
    I think it also has to do with imprinting ideas that might not be so "heavy" otherwise. Steve Jobs never did tell the world what his mind blowing experience on LSD actually was. However, I strongly suspect it was this "one simple fact" mentioned in the video below. He has mentioned this idea many times as being incredibly life changing.

    It's one of those "well, no shit!" types of ideas that most people wouldn't give much thought. However, if something causes you to hold onto it and really dwell on it... it can be pretty life changing.
    Last edited by DigitalChaos; 04-21-2013 at 07:06 PM.

  13. #103
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    I ate, snorted, smoked, and shot all the drugs.
    Thank god i'm alive, as half my friends kinda got stuck on the heroin portion of the drug experimentation journey and wound up in boxes. And i had goddamn near (LITERALLY) drank myself to death by the time i was 25. I was having seizures from NOT drinking. It sucked. it REALLY sucked.

    Now, i have a pretty decent sized morphine prescription and a medium sized xanax prescription, while the mrs. has a fairly good sized klonipin prescription, and this works for us. I did the whole bat-country, tell me about the fucking golf shoes thing in the late 90's and early 2000's. For some reason, weed just quit working for me and started making me feel BAD instead of GOOD about ten years ago. And i stopped drinking or shooting heroin!
    These days, i am generally (legally) on one of the above mentioned opiates or benzos, trying to dose infrequently enough to keep from getting a physical habit. I do love some hydrocodone when i can get my hands on them, and i love the SHIT out of fentanyl (but i am by no means advocating the use of it; it'll kill you FAST if you don't have a BIG tolerance and know EXACTLY what you're doing.) Right now i am actually kicking a little bout with fent. it fucking hurts, but, you know, buy the ticket, take the ride.

  14. #104
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    I gotta stop sharing joints before I try to do any kind of work that requires brainpower.

  15. #105
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    Saturday night was pretty cool. On my lunch hour I took my coworker home and we drank some tall boys and smoked two bowls, so for the last four hours of work, I was more relaxed than usual and was eating pastries like crazy while making my coworkers listen to Tame Impala on an endless loop. I then dropped another coworker off after work and smoked another two bowls while watching Tosh.0 and talking about work. I smoke maybe every other week now, but man, work is better when you're faded, I understand why most of my coworkers do it.

  16. #106
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    Rolled out on my good lady Molly this past weekend for a festival up in New Paltz... shit, my brain was not functioning well at work I must say.

  17. #107
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    i used to LOVE x, but i find that i get INSANELY depressed afterwards...for a week or two.

  18. #108
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    I read some very interesting articles about opium and opium dens recently, for anyone that is interested here you go:

  19. #109
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    crazy. i've gotten hold of opium ONE time in my 33 years, and it was SO...FUCKING...WONDERFUL.
    Every hit of it made you immediately feel like you were experiencing the peak effects of a handful of 10mg norcos.
    With each hit, the opiate intoxication built. it was so clean and natural and tasted like flowers, and it just made me SO FUCKING HAPPY. I've looked for opium ever since with no luck.
    Smoking fentanyl gel is fun but very dangerous and WAY more "chemically" if you know what i feels unnatural.
    I guess the closest thing you can do is smoke tar, which is mostly raw opium...but ive never been any good at chasing the dragon, and it's kind of a waste (compared to other routes of administration.)

  20. #110
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    Not sure why it took me 34 years to put riding bike (pedal) and dropping acid on a nice day could one of the best trips i have ever had. Besides the fact that anymore acid trips are even fewer and farer between nowadays than they were prior. I used to walk all over town back home but always felt susceptible to random bouts random of intently staring random things such say a fire hydrant. However, on a my bike i was just some guy with a big cheesy grin coasting through the neighborhood. That and the bike trails along the river make for a good time.

  21. #111
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    The thing about even slightly synthetic LSD...the real thing must be hard to attain than it'd seem. Right? How can you know it's really IT if you didn't make it yourself? I wouldn't want anything but the real thing.

  22. #112
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    But even "natural" substances can be what we used to call (do they still say this?) "stepped on" - meaning somebody has added something not-natural (and sometimes really bad) to fake the weight. Or "laced" which is adding something bad that makes the drug seem a lot better than it really is. Like adding PCP to weed (laced) or adding baby laxative to heroin (stepped on). The purely synthetic stuff is often more "pure" than the allegedly natural stuff.

    And with stuff like heroin or even psilocybin, the strengths are so different you never know what you're going to get. With drugs, you're always taking some kind of risk - which is why you should always have a REALLY GOOD relationship with your dealer.

    But with LSD, the "bad trips" you hear about are 99.9% the fault of the user and not the dealer and especially not the drug. If you buy Ibuprofen at Walgreens, you're not going to worry about the synthetic Walgreen's brand being more harmful than synthetic Motrin. Because it's all synthetic, unless some asshole psycho adds some stuff like the Tylenol Killer.

    The thing that sticks in my mind is "don't eat the brown acid" from Woodstock. There is this legendary implication that the brown acid was hurting people. But, in fact, the brown acid wasn't very "good." Or something. The general consensus, years later, was that there were SO many people selling acid at Woodstock (the original one, not those later ones) that there were acid connoisseurs and why waste your time and money on the white zinfandel when you could go for the really good cabernet? There is also the theory that a lot of people ate way TOO MUCH acid and blamed the ensuing bad trip on the acid, itself. But, "not very good" implies more "don't drink the boxed wine, people."

    That being said, while I did my share of acid (synthetic), I had some WONDERFUL experiences on mescaline (natural) and it's a damned shame that mescaline isn't really available anymore because if everybody did that we'd surely have world peace and love.
    Last edited by allegro; 06-18-2013 at 08:28 PM.

  23. #113
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    Well, for one thing I'll be getting a test kit. Without a doubt. It seems like a must, unless I know the chemist.

  24. #114
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    Quote Originally Posted by Magrão View Post
    Well, for one thing I'll be getting a test kit. Without a doubt. It seems like a must, unless I know the chemist.
    It couldn't hurt, that's for sure.

  25. #115
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    So... is a former coke and heroin addict who does LSD considered someone that fell off the wagon?

  26. #116
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    Drugs! Thread!

    "Clean" means clean.

    Though it's mostly up to the person on the wagon.

    edit: and really none of our business
    Last edited by allegro; 06-20-2013 at 12:18 AM.

  27. #117
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    IMO it's best not to make judgments or assumptions about another person's sobriety. It's often subjective and always highly personal.

  28. #118
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    Drugs! Thread!

    yeah those are my thoughts, too

  29. #119
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    Ok, so I need a place to vent about about what I experienced last night...It starts with a backstory of course.

    I can be shy around people, especially in crowds bigger than 5 people. I used to have a lot of anxiety, anxiety related to being around several people, ESPECIALLY if I don't know them that well or at all. I've had panic over it in the past as a teenager, but now I'm pretty much learned how to cope with it. Except that it WILL make me extremely exhausted, because it takes energy to talk to people. It takes particularly more mental energy to speak when I know more than 5 people are listening to me, it becomes public speaking in a sense. I have no fear, when sober or buzzed with alcohol, of socializing with new people!

    Introduce cannabis. I smoked lightly a couple weeks ago with just two people that I felt completely relaxed around, I became more silent but I was calm, I didn't feel like I had to talk and but I did occasionally and it was fine. I was just feeling the sun, enjoying the greenery, and enjoying these two people's presence. It probably helped that one of those two people had very visible anxiety so it kind of forced me to be even more calm so that they could feel safe, you know? Anyways...last night. I was around too many people that I didn't know, some drunk, some stoned, some both, most were strangers,, half of them being extremely loud, only a few close and trusted friends. I smoked a bit more than I had been used to because they were being offered by a person I newly met and really liked, so I don't know, it was like it felt rude to reject it as it felt like a token of friendship in a way because they came to me first to share. Anyways, I hadn 't smoked for months prior a couple weeks ago so I wasn't quite used to what cannabis does to me and my psyche and last night I just completely fell into social anxiety mode. I overthought my thoughts, I couldn't focus on one conversation because all the sounds around me became overwhelming which happens even if I've just been drinking, and I think I sat around with these people completely mute for a good few hours. I thought about what I could say, I thought about what I could do, but ultimately just felt scared, afraid things would come off wrong and misinterpreted. All at the same time, I realized it was all irrational and I was stoned and so ultimately I was calm in the sense that I felt completely fine just sitting there mute, but still reacting to people and conversation simply in a non-verbal way. Body language is 70% of communication anyways, which is what I kept thinking about during the whole thing.

    It was so interesting that on one hand, I was having fun just being an observer and watching the scene unfold around me but at the same time I was having all the classic anxiety diologue in my head and even wondering if people were secretly critizing me for being quiet. I kept wondering if what people said had some sort of secret sarcasm towards me even when they weren't even adressing me! I later had a bit of a cry as I was trying to sleep as a way to release energy after the weed effect wore out completely. It was triggered by the fact that I was exhausted from just the long day of physical activity prior to this social gathering but then on top of that mental exhaustion and frustration at the fact that I wasn't able to socialize the way I wanted too, by talking and getting to know some of the really cool people I was around.

    I think back on it though and realize that I did in fact get to know a lot about these people because I did observe them, even if I wasn't fully aware of what they were talking about. It's just that I guess I got worried that they weren't getting to know me and were making judgements or assumptions. In reality I'm sure no one was doing that because everyone was sort of involved in their own world at that time and it was all a product of the cannabis.

    Conclusion....I really LOVE cannabis as a introspective tool just as people use alcohol as a tool for being outgoing. When I'm by myself doing things like photography or just cleaning, getting high gets me really involved on a level of presence. I simply don't like using language when I'm high....unless I'm writing poetry... and well, I've learned that I need to be cautious with using it in a social situation.
    Last edited by halloween; 06-30-2013 at 09:19 PM.

  30. #120
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    I get the exact same way when I'm baked! Christmas party at friend's place, had a couple tokes of some super-strong stuff and it hit me like a sack of mugs (ton of bricks is overused...). Anyway, I was in the same head-space, and when I DID try to add to conversations I'd say something really loud and then in my head it'd be "SHIT... now they know you're high!" (as though they would actually CARE).

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