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Thread: Slipknot

  1. #61
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    Official site has gone entirely black, as well as their Facebook. I assume they're about to (if not already) begin solid work on the album. I also assume they're going to do something along the lines of making something appear in the black on their sites as they go along, piece by piece or something like that.

  2. #62
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    Yea I feel the same. Its not unusual for them to do shit like this.

    I really hope this one is great and its their curtain call as I think its time for them to hang up the overalls.

  3. #63
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  4. #64
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    So who's drumming on the new album? Meg White?

  5. #65
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    Better be someone that can hold the grail with Joey.

  6. #66
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    Quote Originally Posted by october_midnight View Post

    I cant tell you how many times ive heard musicians say "it sounds like x or y album that we did in the past," only to have it sound nothing of the sort.
    Quote Originally Posted by Self.Destructive.Pattern View Post
    Better be someone that can hold the grail with Joey.

  7. #67
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    Quote Originally Posted by october_midnight View Post
    Soooo it's going to sound like All Hope Is Gone. YAWN.

  8. #68
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    I didnt think it sounded like neither of those albums. It just was a lazy album

  9. #69
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    Quote Originally Posted by Conan The Barbarian View Post
    I didnt think it sounded like neither of those albums. It just was a lazy album
    That's the point.

  10. #70
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    I thought All Hope Is Gone was pretty dam good for a metal album. Vol.3 will always be my top Slipknot album.. start to finish.

  11. #71
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    Quote Originally Posted by Deepvoid View Post
    So who's drumming on the new album? Meg White?
    Lol, I would love for her to be Joey's replacement just to witness the massive amounts of bitching that would come from their core fan base. And hey, at the very least the new album would have a different sound. All Hope Is Gone was so boring to me. Nothing new, nothing interesting, and nothing exciting happened on that album. Which I think is funny considering I've seen and read die hard Slipknot fans praise the album like the damn thing reinvented heavy metal.

    That said, I do consider myself a fan of Slipknot. They were one of the first metal bands I ever got into back in the good ol' days and they were the "gateway" for my introduction to heavy metal. I love their first three albums. Iowa is my favorite of the bunch and I want these guys to come out with something that pushes the bar a little. They're a band that's seemed unsure of themselves for awhile. Ever since Paul Gray's death it seems like they've feared moving on, and I'm glad they're finally in the studio again. It's also been interesting to see them over the past few years heightened to a level few metal bands ever see. I wish the remaining seven members the best of luck and quite frankly I hope their new album, whenever it comes out, kicks everyone's ass.

  12. #72
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    Quote Originally Posted by mrselfdestruct94 View Post
    Lol, I would love for her to be Joey's replacement just to witness the massive amounts of bitching that would come from their core fan base. And hey, at the very least the new album would have a different sound. All Hope Is Gone was so boring to me. Nothing new, nothing interesting, and nothing exciting happened on that album. Which I think is funny considering I've seen and read die hard Slipknot fans praise the album like the damn thing reinvented heavy metal.

    That said, I do consider myself a fan of Slipknot. They were one of the first metal bands I ever got into back in the good ol' days and they were the "gateway" for my introduction to heavy metal. I love their first three albums. Iowa is my favorite of the bunch and I want these guys to come out with something that pushes the bar a little. They're a band that's seemed unsure of themselves for awhile. Ever since Paul Gray's death it seems like they've feared moving on, and I'm glad they're finally in the studio again. It's also been interesting to see them over the past few years heightened to a level few metal bands ever see. I wish the remaining seven members the best of luck and quite frankly I hope their new album, whenever it comes out, kicks everyone's ass.
    Fully agree with you. First three albums are great. Didn't get into their last one.
    They are still a force to be reckoned with live. Saw them for the 2nd time, last year at Heavy MTL. It was amazing.

  13. #73
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    I'm really excited for this to happen. Don't get me wrong, I've been digging all the Stone Sour music over the last few years, but I feel that it's time for Slipknot. The chorus from Gravesend just screams slipknot.

  14. #74
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    Quote Originally Posted by Self.Destructive.Pattern View Post
    I thought All Hope Is Gone was pretty dam good for a metal album. Vol.3 will always be my top Slipknot album.. start to finish.
    Agreed. I actually liked All Hope Is Gone a little bit more than Vol. 3: (The Subliminal Verses), so it was quite the pleasant surprise for me.

  15. #75
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kris View Post
    Agreed. I actually liked All Hope Is Gone a little bit more than Vol. 3: (The Subliminal Verses), so it was quite the pleasant surprise for me.
    Really? It comes close... but Vol.3 is just so diverse and different, it really separates itself from the pack like Iowa and it's craziness. All Hope Is Gone is just a solid release from a great metal band. I like almost the entire album.. and the beginning of "This Cold Black" hits so hard... "Mother nature is a coward!!!!".. ugh I love it.

    I'd say for me:

    All Hope Is Gone

  16. #76
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    It's actually nice to sometimes not see Slipknot being deemed the best Slipknot album. And yes, I certainly see what you mean too.

  17. #77
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    I'd rank them:
    1. All Hope is Gone (Gematria may be my all time favorite slipknot song ever.)
    2. Slipknot (Prosthetics, Diluted, and Only One are fucking amazing.)
    3. Iowa
    4. Volume 3.

  18. #78
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    I hope this guy becomes their new main drummer. If these are anything to go by, there will be no issue with this guy taking on Joey's mantle.
    While I'm at it, I'd rank them like this (although I like them all).
    1. Iowa
    2. Vol. 3: The Subliminal Verses
    3. All Hope Is Gone
    4. Self-Titled

  19. #79
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    Krimh is awesome. He did a fantastic job filling in for Inferno for Behemoth.

  20. #80
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    Pretty shitty on how the band completely ignored her calls for help.

    Makes me look at them at a different light and complete hypocrites

  21. #81
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    Quote Originally Posted by Conan The Barbarian View Post

    Pretty shitty on how the band completely ignored her calls for help.

    Makes me look at them at a different light and complete hypocrites
    It may seem like that, yet we have no idea how long his addiction was going on. In situations like that, working closely with someone you know is an addicted, at some point you make a choice. Out of selfprotection.
    But on the other hand here I am making assumptions that are not mine to make, maybe (some of them or) they are pricks.

  22. #82
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    I understand.

    But it makes the whole tribute to Paul and that whole press conference after the death seem so fake to me.

    Whatever. The music still has a place in my heart and a place I'm my old teen years.

    I shouldn't get involved emotionally like that, but metal music is one of my hobbies so.

  23. #83
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    From meeting them a handful of times (having drinks, meeting a few of their families) I can personally vouch that there are some of them that are genuine, nice people....and a few that are pricks to no end.

  24. #84
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    The Clown is a douchetruck extraordinaire: he tries very hard to be an ass, and for the most part succeeds. Corey's OK, a little full of himself. Joey was fine with me, Sid was a little weird, I never really interacted with the others.
    At the end of the day none of these guys was going to save Paul: you can't save people from that. He had a loving wife and baby on the way, and that couldn't save him. Of course his wife is angry and wishes they could have done more. But it's all academic at this point.

    I still think the band should have quit when he died. It would have been the honorable thing to do, and would also have taken them to a higher place in the eyes of the world, and cemented their legend. Going on now, especially without Joey, is small-time.

  25. #85
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    But they always post pics with her and she posts photos with them too, so she doesn't seem to hold anything against them.

    edit: I've met several members of the band, and had a few conversations with clown and Corey. Yes, clown is full of himself, but he's actually a really coo guy. Corey is one of the most down to earth and genuine famous people I've met.

  26. #86
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    Not entirely Slipknot news, but Stone sour fired Jim Root.

    Interestingly enough however...

    @CoreyTaylorRock: Jim and I are still working together in Slipknot and the album is almost done.

  27. #87
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    Wonder what happened. Them two were usually the closest in both bands.

  28. #88
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    Seems like the band is coming to a very awkward end. Maybe it's for the best if they put out 1 last album and close on that, but somehow that doesn't seem likely.

    Are they going to make whoever takes over the drumming hide offstage for live shows?

  29. #89
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    I've been listening to a lot of Slipknot lately, so I'm digging up this old thread. Apparently the new record is almost done according to Corey, so I'm really hoping to see something new in the next couple of months. Plus they just announced Knotfest here in the States, so it would seem that there should be some momentum here soon.

    As far as ranking the albums, I'd have to say

    1) All Hope Is Gone
    2) Slipknot
    3) Iowa
    4) Vol. 3

    I hadn't listened to much Slipknot in awhile and used to regard Vol. 3 as my favorite, but upon revisiting all of the records lately, it really didn't do a lot for me. I know Corey has said he wasn't particularly happy with the vocals as he was pretty heavy on the booze during its recording, and I have to agree. Vol. 3 is definitely a shift in vocal styles, but it's an extreme shift, and most of the heavy vocal tracks have the same "start with an almost speaking voice and progress into a scream" structure which I found kind of annoyed me by the end of the record. I do like the acoustic/quiter tracks quite a bit, and a few of the songs are definitely quality Slipknot tracks.

    All Hope Is Gone I'm finding is a great return to form in terms of the dense, heavy sound and heavy vocals, but with a good balance of clean vocals as well. Gematria is probably my favorite Slipknot track right now. I love Snuff, although I wasn't surprised to see in reading about the record that Corey brought it to the group almost finished, as it would fit in perfectly well on a Stone Sour record. Dead Memories is the only track I don't care much for.

    Anyway . . . I've rambled enough. I'm hoping to see some news and/or new music soon.
    Last edited by MrSlfDstruct; 07-14-2014 at 01:07 PM.

  30. #90
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tortfeazor View Post
    I've been listening to a lot of Slipknot lately, so I'm digging up this old thread. Apparently the new record is almost done according to Corey, so I'm really hoping to see something new in the next couple of months. Plus they just announced Knotfest here in the States, so it would seem that there should be some momentum here soon.

    As far as ranking the albums, I'd have to say

    1) All Hope Is Gone
    2) Slipknot
    3) Iowa
    4) Vol. 3

    I hadn't listened to much Slipknot in awhile and used to regard Vol. 3 as my favorite, but upon revisiting all of the records lately, it really didn't do a lot for me. I know Corey has said he wasn't particularly happy with the vocals as he was pretty heavy on the booze during its recording, and I have to agree. Vol. 3 is definitely a shift in vocal styles, but it's an extreme shift, and most of the heavy vocal tracks have the same "start with an almost speaking voice and progress into a scream" structure which I found kind of annoyed me by the end of the record. I do like the acoustic/quiter tracks quite a bit, and a few of the songs are definitely quality Slipknot tracks.

    All Hope Is Gone I'm finding is a great return to form in terms of the dense, heavy sound and heavy vocals, but with a good balance of clean vocals as well. Gematria is probably my favorite Slipknot track right now. I love Snuff, although I wasn't surprised to see in reading about the record that Corey brought it to the group almost finished, as it would fit in perfectly well on a Stone Sour record. Dead Memories is the only track I don't care much for.

    Anyway . . . I've rambled enough. I'm hoping to see some news and/or new music soon.
    My guess is that we'll know more about the new album (title, track listing, etc.) and have the single by late August, early September. Since every person who buys a ticket to Knotfest in the US gets a free digital copy of the new album, I think it'd be a good move to release the album either the week before or the week after the music festival. It looks like Knotfest is going to be the big celebration that ushers in the new album and the new era of Slipknot. It's good from a marketing stand point too because the band will get massive amounts of exposure and hordes of people will get excited and go out and purchase the new album, even if they already get a free digital copy.

    Which has me wondering, will every ticket sold also count towards the album's initial first week sales?

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