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Thread: Controversial Music Opinions...

  1. #301
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    I think Tool has an interesting style, but they don't venture off into other territories often. I thought A Perfect Circle had a good thing going, it's a shame the project ended early. It really get's under my skin when people try to compare Maynard to Trent. I then say well Trent does Pop, Rock, Metal, Dance, Industrial, Jazz, Classical, Blues, experimental, pretty much a hint of every style other than country. What does Maynard do? Heavy or mildly relaxing prog metal tracks. Does Tool do beautiful orchestral/piano pieces? No. Do they ever get funky? No. Can they rock it out synthesizer style? No. Enough said.

  2. #302
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    I'd really like to have the word 'overrated' stricken from the record when talking about music, unless it can be qualified by stating which party is doing the overrating. Examples: Animal Collective is overrated by Pitchfork, the Rolling Stones are overrated by baby boomer rock critics, Nirvana is overrated by rock fans who don't listen to much outside rock, Death Grips is overrated by my friend Big Fat Dave (he seriously thinks they're the new Beatles). If you're not giving your statement a context, you're making a strawman argument, saying that a band is overappraised by some nameless, faceless public that can't be addressed directly, and that you're too smart to be a part of.

    If we can get rid of that, and get rid of 'pretentious', except in cases where an act is demonstrably pretending to be something they're not (example: Fred Durst's thug posturing), we'll be in great shape.

  3. #303
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    Well said. I'm glad you're contributing to this sub-forum.

  4. #304
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    I think this whole conversation is pretentiously over rated. by mostly every body here.

  5. #305
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    Quote Originally Posted by Senateguard33 View Post
    What does Maynard do? Heavy or mildly relaxing prog metal tracks. Does Tool ever get funky? No. Can they rock it out synthesizer style? No. Enough said.
    No, but Puscifer can. 'nuff said.

  6. #306
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    Quote Originally Posted by joymode View Post
    I think this whole conversation is pretentiously over rated. by mostly every body here.
    Thanks for that. Has anyone ever told you that you could probably do standup?

  7. #307
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kid Charlemagne View Post
    Wrong, it would be Josh Freese. Josh Freese is the Zelig of rock.
    Nah, your perspective is too limited to certain genres.

  8. #308
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    I hate how this thread has become a semi shitlist.

  9. #309
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    All conversations on the internet eventually become semi-shitlists.

    Off-topic, but is that just something we're not doing anymore? The old shitlists were comedy gold. I'd start one myself, but I don't have anyone to shitlist!

  10. #310
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    Quote Originally Posted by BlueCalx View Post
    All conversations on the internet eventually become semi-shitlists.
    I guess your right. I might as well add something to the pot. Hey BlueCalx, I prefer yellow and green calx over blue. In your face

  11. #311
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    I hate how this thread derailed at all. It was going beautifully.

    Get back to work, people.

  12. #312
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    Quote Originally Posted by Senateguard33 View Post
    I think Tool has an interesting style, but they don't venture off into other territories often. I thought A Perfect Circle had a good thing going, it's a shame the project ended early. It really get's under my skin when people try to compare Maynard to Trent. I then say well Trent does Pop, Rock, Metal, Dance, Industrial, Jazz, Classical, Blues, experimental, pretty much a hint of every style other than country. What does Maynard do? Heavy or mildly relaxing prog metal tracks. Does Tool do beautiful orchestral/piano pieces? No. Do they ever get funky? No. Can they rock it out synthesizer style? No. Enough said.
    I agree, it's wrong to compare a singer (the greatest rock singer of his generation, incidentally) to a producer/multi-instrumentalist/songwriter. And if you think Tool don't do funky, you haven't heard Jambi. Or Prison Sex. Or The Grudge. Or Rosetta Stoned. It's a twisted sort of a funk, but it's funky nonetheless.

  13. #313
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    Quote Originally Posted by icklekitty View Post
    Arcade Fire: I don't get it.
    I'm in your boat. Whereas there's one song of theirs I effing LOVE (Rebellion, Lies...I know, I know...) the rest just leaves me unimpressed. Not that they're not talented, together they do what they do and I say rock on, they're entertaining live (scored a free ticket through a friend and still quite enjoyed the show) but yeah...some people swear by them and I find them kinda ho-hum.

  14. #314
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    Quote Originally Posted by ambergris View Post
    Nah, your perspective is too limited to certain genres.
    No it isn't. He drums for everyone. He'll drum for everyone.

  15. #315
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    Quote Originally Posted by Magtig View Post
    This is usually the case though, isn't it, especially with music that falls outside one's generation/upbringing? It has been with me, anyway. At one point long ago the Rolling Stones, Beatles, Led Zeppelin, Bob Dylan, and especially Credence Clearwater Revival all just sorta sound like, "eh" to me. I didn't hate them, and I recognized their importance, but I really just wasn't in the mood to like them. At some point in time it did just click, and I went through a big classic rock phase. That happened to you with NIN, so don't worry about it too much. Just keep those bands on the back burner, and maybe they'll really become appealing at some point for you (which will wind up being a very rewarding experience).
    That's exactly how I was with Led Zeppelin. Only with them, I was mainly annoyed by the people cramming them down my throat saying "THEY'RE CLASSIC, YOU MUST LIKE THEM." I didn't care for any of the songs people showed me (mainly singles I'd heard hundreds of times before." Then one day I listened to "No Quarter" completely at random, just to listen to a song of theirs and see if I might like it, and it really resonated with me and helped me "get" them in a way I could more appreciate. Now, they aren't quite a favorite, but I do enjoy them. So I completely agree that in time, things could change. I don't even listen to the same bands I did 5 years ago. Who knows what I'll like in 5 more years?

  16. #316
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    Am I the only one here who thought Gotye's Making Mirrors was a solid album?

  17. #317
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    Quote Originally Posted by october_midnight View Post
    I'm in your boat. Whereas there's one song of theirs I effing LOVE (Rebellion, Lies...I know, I know...) the rest just leaves me unimpressed. Not that they're not talented, together they do what they do and I say rock on, they're entertaining live (scored a free ticket through a friend and still quite enjoyed the show) but yeah...some people swear by them and I find them kinda ho-hum.
    That's definitely how I feel. I'm quick to point out that I have a huge amount of respect for AF, even though most of their music doesn't do it for me. I think they're very talented and they seem sincere, which is enough to earn my respect. I sort of have them on the back burner (like Magtig mentioned earlier about classic rock) where I will give their albums a spin from time to time hoping maybe it'll click with me somewhere down the road.

  18. #318
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    When I was 18 I bought the vinyl of 'The Wall' expecting a religious experience, but I wasn't into it at all and found it boring. I think I should give it another listen, I was probably too young to appreciate it at the time

  19. #319
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    Quote Originally Posted by WorzelG View Post
    When I was 18 I bought the vinyl of 'The Wall' expecting a religious experience, but I wasn't into it at all and found it boring. I think I should give it another listen, I was probably too young to appreciate it at the time
    A friend of mine said that it's an album for angry people.

    Quote Originally Posted by Kid Charlemagne View Post
    No it isn't. He drums for everyone. He'll drum for everyone.
    Herbie Hancock collaborates with each and everyone, too, he's older, his career is longer and he goes beyond english-speaking artists. Just check out the collaborations on his previous three albums: John Mayer, Santana, Christina Aguilera, Paul Simon, Annie Lennox, Sting (that connects him to Josh Freese, too!), Norah Jones, Tina Turner, Joni Mitchell, Leonard Cohen, Pink, India Arie, John Legend, Juanes, Dave Matthews, Chaka Khan, and many, many more from all over the world, and that's just the last three albums!

  20. #320
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    Jane's Addiction: so overrated (by rock consumers born after 1960); they had a couple of good songs back back in the day, but musically they were really nothing new, being pretty much a souped-up, hippied-out Led Zeppelin. They should have let the sleeping dog lie: I've seen them twice since 2003 and both shows were impossibly awful: glossy, bombastic, soulless corporate rock - exactly the kind of music I would have thought old Jane would be vehemently against.

  21. #321
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    there's no such thing as guilty pleasure in music, is there?

  22. #322
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    Jane's ended their Manchester ninja tour show early, after several comments and complaints about the crowd. That was that as far as I was concerned. They didn't get people pumped and that's their own fault.

  23. #323
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    Quote Originally Posted by BenAkenobi View Post
    there's no such thing as guilty pleasure in music, is there?
    I was the one who got into a long-winded discussion over that on old ETS with a couple of others, or at least Jinsai. I don't think I really need(ed) to argue, everyone has it all laid out different. I know for me personally I really don't have any such music OR movies in my collection. Some things are pure nostalgia, and there's that whole classification for that. But growing up, I don't remember acknowledging the term "guilty pleasure" more than once or twice (particularly with music), I just grew to like whatever I liked. If the song is tweeny, I could call it out for that. But it may be a well done fun song. And it may actually brighten my day.
    Last edited by Amaro; 05-20-2012 at 06:55 PM.

  24. #324
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    Quote Originally Posted by Magrão View Post
    Am I the only one here who thought Gotye's Making Mirrors was a solid album?
    Not alone! I hate the praise, attention and grief he has taken due to the success of Somebody I Used To Know. It's a good song, yeah, but he's been around for years and now everyone is hating or loving on him for that song even though he's been in the business for sometime. I've been a fan since 2009, Imma pissed haha.

  25. #325
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  26. #326
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    Quote Originally Posted by Magrão View Post
    I was the one who got into a long-winded discussion over that on old ETS with a couple of others, or at least Jinsai.
    Interesting, because I'm not sure what I would have said about the subject.

    I guess if I found myself liking a Nickelback song, I would feel really lame. Luckily, I never have.

  27. #327
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    Quote Originally Posted by orestes View Post
    The descriptor for Garbage fans, "Girls who are generally awesome but still somehow seem to have really terrible relationships", describes two of my friends (both big Garbage fans!) to the fucking letter. This is very, very on everywhere else as well.

  28. #328
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    Quote Originally Posted by orestes View Post
    Damnit no Tool.

  29. #329
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    Quote Originally Posted by BlueCalx View Post
    The descriptor for Garbage fans, "Girls who are generally awesome but still somehow seem to have really terrible relationships", describes two of my friends (both big Garbage fans!) to the fucking letter. This is very, very on everywhere else as well.
    The inclusion of Catatonia I find bewildering. I mean, were they really that popular outside of the UK?

  30. #330
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    Yeah, ditto Republica. I would've said that Republica's hardcore fanbase is comprised of out-of-work tv ad directors; "Ready to Go" was fucking inescapable in commercials for a few years. I'm guessing the writer either lives in the UK, lived in the UK or is a monster anglophile.

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