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Thread: Blame Canada, eh?

  1. #61
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  2. #62
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    Quote Originally Posted by october_midnight View Post
    What the fuck? I drink Coor's Light like it's water and you poutine eating bastards get this before us yanks? This sounds so awesome almost as awesome as platinum Bud Light, which was as awesome as Crystal Pepsi, which was as awesome as New Coke.

  3. #63
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kid Charlemagne View Post
    I drink Coor's Light like it's water
    Fun fact: You can't get drunk off either one. After 15 Coors Light you may begin to feel the effects of alcohol affecting your body, but those feelings of drunkenness are actually caused by the placebo effect.

  4. #64
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kid Charlemagne View Post
    What the fuck? I drink Coor's Light like it's water and you poutine eating bastards get this before us yanks? This sounds so awesome almost as awesome as platinum Bud Light, which was as awesome as Crystal Pepsi, which was as awesome as New Coke.
    Not as awesome as the Bud Light and Clamato juice combo I saw in Texas. Bet dem Canucks don't have that choice combo.

  5. #65
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    So starting in the fall, Canada will stop production of the penny, and we will be rounding to the nearest nickel now on all purchases after tax.

    "The solution Ottawa is proposing is to do away with the penny in cash transactions. Instead of fiddling with a few cents at the cash register, prices will be rounded up or down to the nearest five-cent increment.
    That rounding will happen after any applicable sales taxes have been implemented.
    Take a cup of coffee in Medicine Hat, Alta., that currently costs $1.80 and is subject to five per cent GST. A consumer today would pay $1.89 for that drink. Once the penny plan is implemented, that price would be rounded up to $1.90."


  6. #66
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    Odd that they name dropped the city I'm from out of all the crapholes to choose from. MOOOOOOSE JAWWWWW!!! As for the penny, good riddance!

  7. #67
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    But I like the penny...

  8. #68
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    Yeah, that's probably a good idea. Guess what's not? EVERYTHING ELSE IN THIS NIGHTMARE SLASH AND BURN FEDERAL BUDGET.

  9. #69
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    Quote Originally Posted by marodi View Post
    But I like the penny...
    The penny is a nuisance, I find myself hucking them in the trash more than I actually use them. Nobody wants a handful of them weighing down your pocket.
    Last edited by ManBurning; 03-31-2012 at 02:47 PM.

  10. #70
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    Quote Originally Posted by ManBurning View Post
    The penny is a nuisance, I find myself hucking them in the trash more than I actually use them. Nobody wants a handful of them weighing down your pocket.

    Seriously, though, it's about time. The damn things cost more to make than they're actually worth.

  11. #71
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    But but but... I collect them!

    Seriously though; I've always wanted to start a coin collection and when I finally did a few years ago, I started with the penny. The oldest I have are in the 1890s and they are bigger than one of our quarters. Of course, I had to buy the oldest ones. My penny collection is pretty extensive (the only ones I'm missing are the rarest; they are worth near to a $100 or more each IIRC).

    I know they are a nuisance but still: I'm going to miss the little buggers. Maybe it's time to start a nickel collection?

  12. #72
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    Quote Originally Posted by marodi View Post
    Maybe it's time to start a nickel collection?

    Canadian Centennial coins, 1967. What I don't get is why the nickel has a rabbit on it. The nickel already HAD an animal on it! A way better animal, at that.

  13. #73
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    I have the cougar quarter, rabbit nickel and fish dime. The Animal selection on there is definatly odd.

  14. #74
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    Quote Originally Posted by october_midnight View Post
    I have a couple friends who work in liquor, they let me sample some of that stuff last Friday. You can get the same flavour from mixing Coors Light with Kool-Aid, taking a big swig and then biting down hard on a used teabag. So far, no one who they've experimented upon has been able to endure more than two strong pulls.

  15. #75
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    Late reply, sorry about that!

    I'm lucky enough to have all of those Centennial coins because 1967 is the year I was born and my mom saved them for me. I blame her for my love of small change.

    Speaking of my mom: Sunday (Jesus Zombie Day) was her I've-made-a-ton-of-food-for-Easter-so-you-better-come-eat-some-and-you're-going-to-leave-with-leftovers day. She had me eat eggs in maple syrup. It doesn't compute to her that I hate maple syrup. I took two bites to please her.

    It wasn't that bad but two bites a year is more than enough.

  16. #76
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    Plastic money, now getting rid of the penny. Well done, Canada: following the Australian example.

  17. #77
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    The plastic money is good (despite the odd fact that it has a window, and no vedning machines, ATMs, or self-checkouts recognize it yet), but it's about goddamn time we saw the ass-end of the penny. Maybe all that copper can be put towards something more useful, like ANYTHING ELSE.

  18. #78
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    I finally saw the new plastic money for the first time last weekend. I took money out of them ATM and it came out, I was surprsied.
    Took a few shots of it if anyone is curious or has yet to see it yet,

    Not sure what my feelings are of this, it seems like it costs more to print this over the old paper money.
    Personally, I miss it when the birds were on the back of the bills... fuck kids playing hockey and whatever other rand shapes are on the current money, the birds will always have a place in my heart on the money.

    Snowy Owl, Blue Jay, Osprey Balbuzzard...

    speaking of old money, anyone remember the $2 bill? God, do I ever miss this gem! I wonder what would happen if you tried using it now.

  19. #79
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    It may be plastic but those pictures just make it look like paper still if you ask me lol

  20. #80
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    Because I'm very old, I do remember those 2 dollar bills. In fact, I even remember this one:

    Even creepier, I've even come across these sometimes:

    And I still have a soft spot for these:

    I can't wait to see plastic money!

    On the same subject: does anyone remembers the 50 cents coins that were made when the Queen celebrated the 50th anniversary of her coronation? Those weren't just available for collecting; a large bunch of them were put in circulation. And since I had a cash register in my department at that time, I remember the nightmare that it was. First, you had to be careful not to confuse them with other coins and second, there was no place in the cash register to put them in. The coin collector in me was delighted though.

    And now for something completely different: do you ladies and gents keep your SIN card with you all the time? It's a silly question, I know. When do you need it, really? I don't need mine; the card itself I mean, since I've had it for over 30 years now and when I did get it, it took me ten minutes to memorize the number. So I haven't been asked for the card itself in a very long time now; in fact, the last time I saw it was 17 years ago. I know it wasn't stolen; it's just misplaced... Okay, the fucking thing is playing hide and seek and it's winning.

    The bottom line is that I've been asked for it 2 days ago. It's not enough that I know the goddamn number, no; they have to see the goddamn card. The lady who was asking for it (and whom I wanted to punch in the face) insisted that it was necessary that I showed it to her to prove my identity. Now I knew I was going to be asked something like that so I was prepared: I had with me my Sun card, my birth certificate, my passport and, by chance (because I just picked them up before going to see the nice lady) my tax return forms for Quebec and Canada which both have the SIN number proudly displayed on them. The birth certificate made her very happy but she still needs to see the damn SIN card. The irony is that I need it for something that has to do with a ministry of the great province of Quebec. It's not even the government of Canada that wants to see it, no! I wasn't even asked for it when I went to get my goddamn passport!

    So I will have to go order a new one and pay $10 for it. It's not the $10 that bothers me; it's the fact that I have to pay for a FUCKING PIECE OF WHITE PLASTIC WITH A RED BORDER THAT HAS A NINE DIGIT NUMBER ON IT THAT I'VE KNOW BY HEART FOR OVER 30 YEARS GODDAMN IT!

    I is not pleased.

  21. #81
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    I've actually got my hands on the new $50's and $100's for some time now, they're pretty cool but I get the feeling they're sort of...easier to misplace or lose. I don't know...they seem reeeaaally thin. I also have mint copies of all the old school $2 bills! I kept one of each for some unknown reason. The 2nd one Marodi posted that's like, red and green...always thought that looked badass for some reason.

    As for the SIN card, that's pretty fucked. I was actually taught and told early on to actually not carry it around in case of losing it or having someone jack your wallet. Mine has literally sat in drawers, etc. since I had it. I too have had my SIN number memorized for like 20 years, but nobody has ever asked me to produce it for identification purposes, especially when you have your effing passport, and other cards. The hell?

  22. #82
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    The pictures above make it look like paper, but in person they're very slippery and shiny. And my dad has a collection of old coins and bills, and while I get the reason they switched to $1 and $2 coins, I still liked that $2 bill!

    And I always have my SIN card on me, just switched it from wallet to wallet over the years without thinking about it, even though I too have the number memorized. Hell, I have my library card number memorized!

  23. #83
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    Quote Originally Posted by october_midnight View Post

    I was actually taught and told early on to actually not carry it around in case of losing it or having someone jack your wallet. Mine has literally sat in drawers, etc. since I had it. I too have had my SIN number memorized for like 20 years.
    Yeah, same. I was always told to never carry your SIN around, so i'm in the same boat as you, I always have it sitting on a shelf at home safe away.
    The only difference between you and I is, I never remembered my SIN number -- ever! I just never took the time to bother, never thought I would ever need it out and about.

  24. #84
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    And chances are unless you're traveling, or something that would ever possibly require identification like filling out a form of some kind, you never will. The ODD time I've been asked (for the life of me it was somewhere in like 2011), I just rattled it off and that was that.

  25. #85
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    The New Yorker cartoon.

  26. #86
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    Jesus, the guy's clothes are scarily accurate. He looks like a Molson's commercial.

  27. #87
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    Quote Originally Posted by ManBurning View Post
    The penny is a nuisance, I find myself hucking them in the trash more than I actually use them. Nobody wants a handful of them weighing down your pocket.
    Seriously? I was going to ask who still carries change, or cash at all for that matter, but I guess people with a bit a forethought carry at least some for little things like coffee, especially at those annoying shops who charge you to use the debit machine!

    On that note, I was recently told that Canada is a much more cash-free country than the US and uses plastic, especially debit cards, much more. I had no idea. Apparently debit cards are not all that commonly used? An American told me this. Personally I never carry cash anymore, so the penny was never really a hassle to me at all. I think there are like, 3, in my wallet.

    Quote Originally Posted by october_midnight View Post
    Yeah the uhh, winters up here are uhh....terrible. (snow once in a while that's gone within 24 hours). Try Alberta, son.
    As a Saskatchewan native living in Calgary, this makes me laugh. I freaking love winters here. I'll take unpredictable over constant cold and snow any day (ignoring this past unseasonably mild winter). I was just talking a Vancouver native who moved here in the fall and she was already sick of winters. Too bad for her, this winter was amazing compared to what normally happens.

  28. #88
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dra508 View Post
    The New Yorker cartoon.

    When I was shopping in Niagara Falls, NY last October, the cashier asked me where I was from.
    Blank stare.
    "It's in Alberta."
    Blank stare.
    "Alberta is a province in Canada."
    Yet another blank stare.
    "It's just somewhere in the middle of Canada, ok?"
    "Ohhh, ok!"


  29. #89
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    Man, you're just not Canadian unless you've had a genial pissing match with another Canadian about how bad the weather is where you're from. It's pretty much a handshake here.

  30. #90
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kid Charlemagne View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by october_midnight View Post
    Canada to get new Coors Light Iced Tea before the U.S.

    Suck it, America! I think......
    What the fuck? I drink Coor's Light like it's water and you poutine eating bastards get this before us yanks? This sounds so awesome almost as awesome as platinum Bud Light, which was as awesome as Crystal Pepsi, which was as awesome as New Coke.
    I just saw this, and I think the only reason they've gone this direction is for the acronym.
    Last edited by Fixer808; 05-16-2012 at 07:29 PM. Reason: Go hell, lack of quote-nesting

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