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Thread: Blade Runner 2049

  1. #151
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    Quote Originally Posted by Haysey View Post
    I've been listening to the score all afternoon, it's very VERY good stuff.
    Sea Wall at maximum volume is unreal. Its an incredible piece of music.I'm still curious about Johan Johansson's score, but fuck, Hans and Wallfisch really knocked it out of the park with this one. My only wish is that the soundtrack album itself would have been presented a bit abstract like the original.

    As for the movie itself, I'm still amazed this turned out to be as great as it did. This could have easily been a mess, but Villeneuve truly made a sci-fi masterpiece here. Everything about it was great.

  2. #152
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    just got home from finally seeing blade runner 2049. after i left the theater i turned the background world on in my car for the ride home.

  3. #153
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    Such a relief that they had the balls to do this movie properly and not cater to the masses by shitting all over the original. Saw it on Saturday and still thinking about it now. Can't wait to see it again.

  4. #154
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    Watched it in Berlin in IMAX 3D with my friend who is Bladerunner mad. Was good but a bit overlong for me.
    Last edited by miss k bee; 10-12-2017 at 07:53 PM.

  5. #155
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    Saw it in IMAX last night and it was fantastic. Yeah a tiny bit overlong, but not that I wanted it to end at all haha...loved it.

  6. #156
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    loved it! period. loved pretty much every actor (could have done without the Joi character), loved the pacing although it's a long ass movie and thought that the original was expanded on in an overall smart and exiting way.

    my only complaints, but no deal breakers:

    despite the fact that I find the soundtrack a tad boring in itself, it did wonders when hearing it in the movie. Very nice nod to the original in places and very fitting. But in the end I would have loved it to be a bit more eerie and less Inception-droney.

    other than that I found the movie to be a bit too bright for my taste and open worldly. I love the claustrophobic feeling of the original, the crammed streets and the city life in general. I was a bit dissapointed that we only get to see glimpses of this here and there. overall I found the building interiors too polished, but maybe that's due to the 30 years of developement. I also love the use of smoke in the original which was basically non existant in 2049. In itself the movie could have looked a whole lot darker for my taste and more "noire" if you want to call it this. It all does look stunning and beautiful, but some grittyness was missing that made the original so appealing to me.

    One of my favorite things about the movie was that they used the originally planned opening scene for the original in this one. A little bit altered but once I saw that cooking pot I knew what they were going for!

  7. #157
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    going to see it again right now. in 3D. I need to see it. again...

  8. #158
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    Yet again Hollywood sucks the soul out of an original authentic work. This movie sucked. The script was cheese. Who cares if Villeneuve is a great director. It can't change the fact that the script is weak. Plus, the soundtrack... awful and grating.... the most grating parts didn't seem to match the tone of the film.... like another version of this film was in the composer's mind.

    I'm so sick of Hollywood fucking original works.

  9. #159
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    Quote Originally Posted by cashpiles View Post
    Yet again Hollywood sucks the soul out of an original authentic work. This movie sucked. The script was cheese. Who cares if Villeneuve is a great director. It can't change the fact that the script is weak. Plus, the soundtrack... awful and grating.... the most grating parts didn't seem to match the tone of the film.... like another version of this film was in the composer's mind.

    I'm so sick of Hollywood fucking original works.
    What would you give it out of 10?

  10. #160
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    Quote Originally Posted by dlb View Post
    (could have done without the Joi character)
    I thought Joi added incredible depth to the film -- the Sync scene is the most emotionally strong thing I've seen a movie theatre this year, and the way that her character is used as a way for K to question what differentiates artifice from actual life and whether or not free will, independent action and thought/feelings can exist in something designed to be a certain way was fantastic.

    There were so many scenes with her character that deepened the sense of how AI/replicants are viewed within the world of Blade Runner, and when the replicant prostitute judges her for "lacking" depth it was a great articulation of how people, no matter how oppressed themselves, always find another class to hate and oppress as well.

  11. #161
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    Quote Originally Posted by cashpiles View Post
    Yet again Hollywood sucks the soul out of an original authentic work. This movie sucked. The script was cheese. Who cares if Villeneuve is a great director. It can't change the fact that the script is weak. Plus, the soundtrack... awful and grating.... the most grating parts didn't seem to match the tone of the film.... like another version of this film was in the composer's mind.

    I'm so sick of Hollywood fucking original works.
    Is that you, Armond White?

  12. #162
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    Saw it for a second time yesterday, this time in IMAX. Absolutely loved it again. Ryan Gosling and Harrison Ford's performances were absolutely wonderful. Not that his performance as Han Solo was bad or anything, but it really felt like Harrison gave it his all on this one. Really appreciated the score a lot more the second time around as well.

    My only real gripes with the film are minor: There are a lot of quieter scenes in the middle without music. I wish in at least some of those scenes there was something playing underneath them to help fill the gaps a little more. Also wish they showed more of the greasy, slummy, dark, claustrophobic, smoky inner city life that we saw in the original. There was some of that in 2049, but I could have done with more. Minor gripe though. What we did get was pretty gorgeous.

    Still loved it, though. Definitely a worthy sequel and I can't wait to buy the blu-ray. Picked up the score already. I love Hans Zimmer, and I like drony ambient music, so this is right up my alley.
    Last edited by Mr. Blaileen; 10-11-2017 at 09:30 PM.

  13. #163
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    Quote Originally Posted by cashpiles View Post
    Yet again Hollywood sucks the soul out of an original authentic work. This movie sucked. The script was cheese. Who cares if Villeneuve is a great director. It can't change the fact that the script is weak. Plus, the soundtrack... awful and grating.... the most grating parts didn't seem to match the tone of the film.... like another version of this film was in the composer's mind.

    I'm so sick of Hollywood fucking original works.

    I don't understand this criticism at all.

    I mean yes, I saw and absolutely loved the film, but I reserve room for anyone not to like it, just not on that premise. This was as original and authentic a film as there could possibly be for a 35 year old sequel.

    Take the underlying premise of the original film; what does it mean to be human? Not exactly a new conversation but an interesting philosophical one nonetheless, especially for its time - add in some great sound, visuals, and acting performances, and voila, a very solid sci fi work.

    Now take the sequel - which continues to toy with that idea, but also attempts to provide some semblance of an answer. An answer as pretty much non hollywood as you could possibly get.

    It takes the premise that we generally all feel that to be human means to feel special, to feel as though you have a purpose, to feel destined for something greater, to be a part of something greater (whether it be through religion or otherwise) - but this films underlying message is that in actuality you are not special, you are not destined for anything, you live out your days doing mundane tasks and then you die. With the only slight sense of optimism provided being that you can contribute something positive that effects another person in your limited window of opportunity if you so choose, despite any bleak circumstances you may have been dealt.

    Making a 3 hour sci fi film with limited dialogue, one that doesnt reintroduce Deckard until 3/4 of the way into the film, where the protagonist ends up being a replicant with no greater purpose whatsoever, where there is no climax, end to the war, final villain fight scene, or anything of that sort is the most anti hollywood move you could make.

    That kind of bold choice should be celebrated, even if you don't like the idea re-opening a franchise that had been closed for multiple decades.

    It's an absolute shame that it bombed, because all that means is likely more of the same formulaic crap coming our way instead.

    Critique this film all you want if you must (it's not flawless as much as I may call it a masterpiece) - but it certainly is relatively unique (especially for a "blockbuster") in its thematic nature, and I don't see how you can try to take away from that, outside of just being completely obtuse.

  14. #164
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    Quote Originally Posted by mfte View Post
    What would you give it out of 10?
    1/10 Same as I would give for Star Wars 7. In my mind the same thought popped out "worst movie I've ever seen"...I felt like walking out...

    @valiantseed there was a final battle..with that replicant angel. It wasn't the boss of Wally Corp or whatever the hell it was, but it was still a boss.. they didn't kill the big guy because of course THEY WANT A SEQUEL... HOLLYWOOD....
    Last edited by cashpiles (closed); 10-12-2017 at 01:20 AM.

  15. #165
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    Booked my ticket to see it again this weekend (along with LEGO ninjago...i hope that's better then LEGO Batman)

    Everyone i recommended to go see it either loved it or enjoyed the cinematography and atmosphere of the whole thing

  16. #166
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    Quote Originally Posted by kleiner352 View Post
    I thought Joi added incredible depth to the film -- the Sync scene is the most emotionally strong thing I've seen a movie theatre this year, and the way that her character is used as a way for K to question what differentiates artifice from actual life and whether or not free will, independent action and thought/feelings can exist in something designed to be a certain way was fantastic.

    There were so many scenes with her character that deepened the sense of how AI/replicants are viewed within the world of Blade Runner, and when the replicant prostitute judges her for "lacking" depth it was a great articulation of how people, no matter how oppressed themselves, always find another class to hate and oppress as well.
    I will pay closer attention to this on my second viewing, but I guess it starts with me not liking the actress to begin with. Maybe that's why I choose to blend out on the things you described whick make sense to me in the end, but I didn't feel them when I saw the movie. Her introduction felt gimmicky to me and the love scene was irritating to me on a visual level while it felt too long aswell. But good point, I will focus on that!

    And yes, @Mr. Blaileen , exactly. I would have loved to spend more time in the city rather than huge wastelands and junkyards. They all looked amazing of course but the thing that makes Blade Runner for me is the imagination of this city. We only catched glimpses of it since the movie mostly played out in sophisticated offices, at least that's my impression.

  17. #167
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    @valiantsteed He’s always done this. That’s the short answer. He used to post a bunch of silly but fun false NIN news then has since moved on to trolling politics (not a good fit) and now he’s trying to be ETS’ Armond White with movies (albeit better than his political posts but not nearly as funny as the NIN stuff was).

    If I were you, I wouldn’t trust a single word he says...

  18. #168
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    The ignore function on here exists for reason (although it is a bit of a pain to find)

  19. #169
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    Loved it. My only real complaint was the soundtrack. In fact, I just tweeted Alessandro Cortini that he should have scored it.

  20. #170
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    Simply amazing. Not much else to say. A real sci-fi gem.

  21. #171
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    I never thought a sequel would work, its amazing to discover they found a way of pulling it off, whats weird I felt more engaged with the plot in the sequel than in the first movie
    Blade Runner is one of my favourite films because of how it looked and felt and the way it immersed you, the plot came second
    here I was acctually was way more engaged with the story.
    My favourite parts were actually the scenes that felt unlike the first film..the scenes where they leave Los Angeles and head out to the industrial wastelands, I really liked the Grey, bright lighting they used in those scenes, the part where Ryan Gosling goes to that child labour factory and finds the wooden horse in the stove blew me away too..really intense

  22. #172
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    That one "throw in some flashbacks so the audience can keep up" part was not necessary.

  23. #173
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    Quote Originally Posted by wizfan View Post
    Loved it. My only real complaint was the soundtrack. In fact, I just tweeted Alessandro Cortini that he should have scored it.
    Alessandro replied to me: "I wish!"

  24. #174
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    I’ve seen this three times now — twice in IMAX — and I still want to go see it again. As many times as I can stand while it’s in theaters.

    Not even taking into account the cinematic aspects, this was virtually flawless for me from start to finish. Dark, beautiful and noir as fuck, just like the original. I love how it becomes a mystery by the middle, as plot points from the original begin to converge with 2049’s narrative. Having spent so much time over the years watching the first film, there were parts of this that hit me in the feels like few other movies I’ve seen from the modern era.

    There is definitely room for a third film, especially if Spoiler: Officer K / Joe in fact turns out to be Deckard and Racheal’s son as he originally suspected, and if the replicant army succeeds in waging a war against the Wallace Corporation..

  25. #175
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    I would totally go for a third film as long as it features Harrison Ford and Ryan Gosling as well as Denis Villeneuve at the helm. Have Ridley involved but only as a producer.

  26. #176
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    Quote Originally Posted by Prettybrokenspiral View Post
    There is definitely room for a third film
    I would really, really prefer them not to attempt a third one. I cannot see how they can further expand the story and universe without losing some of the special Blade Runner vibe. Granted, I was also very skeptical for BR2049 and was proven entirely wrong, but...I don't know, I have the feeling that a third one will be one too many. It may very well be a good and enjoyable film but sometimes it's better to just leave a story be and not fully explore every possible niche of its universe. Plus, the wonder combination of Villeneuve and Deakins will be hard to recreate (please PLEASE tell me these two will collaborate for Dune). Finally, considering that commercially the film is not doing well, I'm afraid a third installment would veer into "safer" and more generic action waters. But all I'm saying could of course be absolute bullshit and I would be fine with that too!

    P.S: I loved all of the performances (minus Jared Leto, who was fine but I didn't much care for the overly evil philosophising touch). I loved that Harrison Ford delivered one of the best performances of his career for this. Ryan Gosling a good blade runner doth make. But I have to give special mention to Sylvia Hoeks who played Luv. There was a sort of intensity in everything she did that played very well with her character. At times you could feel she was seething inside, rage and frustration and fear all mixed and bubbling under an immaculate, cold visage. Bravo!

    P.P.S: Will be going to a second viewing for sure. The big screen experience for this is too perfect not to treasure.

  27. #177
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    It is really, really refreshing to have your cynicism over the prospect of a sequel to one of the best films ever nuked from orbit.

    This film was outstanding and more than worthy. Didn't think it could he done.

  28. #178
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    The only way a sequel to 2049 can work is if it's made another 30 years from now.

  29. #179
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    Quote Originally Posted by fillow View Post
    The only way a sequel to 2049 can work is if it's made another 30 years from now.
    Judging from opening weekend box office, I'm sure that won't be a problem.

    Don't get me twisted though. I absolutely adored this movie, especially considering it had nearly every card stacked against it that you can imagine and turned out as good as it did. Planning on seeing it at LEAST one more time in theaters once I'm over being sick and can look at a screen for more than 20 seconds without going into a sneezing fit.

    Side note: Ghost in the Shell (2017) is DEAD to me. Completely. Throw it in the trash. Blade Runner does ALL of it better.
    Last edited by ImTheWiseJanitor; 10-14-2017 at 11:38 AM.

  30. #180
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    I saw this movie a couple of days ago but haven't had a chance to post about it yet...

    Blade Runner 2049 is probably my favorite movie of 2017 (Arrival was definitely my favorite of 2016!!!) I couldn't take my eyes off the screen. I can't stop thinking about it, will have to go back for a second viewing for sure!

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