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Thread: Battlefield 3

  1. #61
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    Try the F2000 with foregrip...iron sights for starters...see if you can get more kills using that. Keep at it, too. I know the recoil struggles from various weapons you speak of...well, not only does this primary not have much recoil--it shoots hella fast and races the head-on match to his death instead of yours. Burst it and spray it...depending on your distance.

    A big, BIG part of this game is running the right route. Executing it fast as well as the foe you approach. Or if you're hanging back, be equipped with a noob tube or rocket launcher. It betters your chances for obvious reasons.

    I myself have been really discouraged at more than one point with this game. I've learned most of my lessons by now but it took me frustratingly long. I'd find moments where I had the drop on a guy and I'd fuck up because of the feeling of aiming close up (not necessary after you master hip fire) in combination with the strange damage levels. I would get killed because I didn't lay into my target enough or fast enough and so I'd get killed when he turned on me. Pistol killing, too, my god. You've GOTTA have your sensitivity up at least right under halfway to be able to not lose him out of your sights. Targets move fast in this game!


    I actually like the knife in this game. It is more consistent at least than BC2. Even though it's not as fast. I dropped on a guy from off a cliff side yesterday, after seeing him on the mini map down below, and went for a knife perfectly on first strike just as I landed right behind him (as he was running). Not bad! It's all in your timing.

    Self.Destructive... Playing this on PS3 or 360?

    Quote Originally Posted by sa_nick
    My understanding of the whole 'dying after you run around the corner' thing is that the hit detection is client based, not server based. Sure it's annoying and I die like that sometimes, but I probably kill a lot of people like that as well.
    I know what you're talking about but I don't know if I buy it.
    Last edited by Amaro; 02-17-2012 at 11:13 AM.

  2. #62
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    Op Metro is the cancer killing battlefield. Maps like that need to die in fire.

  3. #63
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    It's at least a map with inescapable dynamic. I know it can be harsh for a team getting raped in the anus but it can be fun...and definitely not a map anyone can call boring.

  4. #64
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    Quote Originally Posted by Magrão View Post

    Try the F2000 with foregrip...iron sights for starters...see if you can get more kills using that. Keep at it, too. I know the recoil struggles from various weapons you speak of...well, not only does this primary not have much recoil--it shoots hella fast and races the head-on match to his death instead of yours. Burst it and spray it...depending on your distance.
    I'll have to try that out. I haven't really messed with the F2000 much, but I will definitely give it a try. I am always worrying too much about my accuracy from playing COD all the time so I really need to get used to being a little more free with my shooting. Sometimes I am shooting at someone, and I just shake my head when I hit them a bunch of times but cannot finish the job! The recoil on some of the guns is just nuts. You're right about the routing system. It is much different and a bit slower than COD, so sometimes I get a bit impatient when you should be more patient The pistol I actually learned my lesson on already by shooting like a complete moron and dying every time.

    I actually like the knife in this game. It is more consistent at least than BC2. Even though it's not as fast. I dropped on a guy from off a cliff side yesterday, after seeing him on the mini map down below, and went for a knife perfectly on first strike just as I landed right behind him (as he was running). Not bad! It's all in your timing.
    Ha. That is pretty dam cool. Yea I noticed the timing is key because you can be trying to sneak up on a guy, and he will turn around at the last minute and you miss him and then he just kills you. I do however love how they have different ways of taking an enemy down when you do knife them. Pretty nifty instead of just swiping at them. I play the PS3 btw.

  5. #65
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    Add me @ "Dubalubb" on PSN. We'll play.

  6. #66
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    A well done video with some great knife kills. Pixel Enemy on youtube has a lot of good content.

  7. #67
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    Quote Originally Posted by Magrão View Post
    It's at least a map with inescapable dynamic. I know it can be harsh for a team getting raped in the anus but it can be fun...and definitely not a map anyone can call boring.
    That's exactly why it's crap, you just run straight into the meat grinder, die, run in again. Sure you can camp at the top of the stairs or in the corridor but that's not what battlefield is about. It wouldn't be such a big deal if it was one map but there's also Damavand Peak, Grand Bazaar, and Seine Crossing. What we need are more maps like Caspian Border, Kharg Island, and Op Firestorm.

    BC1 had the best conquest maps for console. BC2 was the start of the bottle necks/ choke points. BF3 is just ridiculous.
    Last edited by PooPooMeowChow; 02-21-2012 at 11:24 AM.

  8. #68
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    I love this game. My only real complaint is that some players don't "spot" the enemy team using the "back" button (on 360) and sometimes your teammates get carried away using the air-vehicles instead of going after objectives.

    Operation Metro is a great map that is a good change of pace from the others. My teams almost always get to the third conquest point, and sometimes gain control of all three points on that map. I like that there is a constant barrage of bullets flying, which really changes the strategy. If you don't work as a team, it is possible to get stuck in a place and not able to move forward, but luckily, I'm usually on a team with people who know what they are doing. Reviving each other and using ammo and health dumps are very helpful in being successful on this map.

    I especially like that the more I play BF3, the more it differentiates itself from Call of Duty. I BF3 is sooooo much more fun and takes a lot more practice and skill to learn what you are doing. The more that I play, the more that I steadily improve.

    If I had to come up with a second complaint, it would be that beginners have a somewhat difficult time competing with people who have all the weapon unlocks. Those unlocks can really make a difference in how well you can aim and kill other players, so new players sort of get the shaft and have to tough it out until they get a few unlocks. Still, though, I used that newb time to learn the maps and figure out what I was doing from a player perspective because kills aren't the main goal, getting the objective is.

  9. #69
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    Quote Originally Posted by dolemite View Post
    My teams almost always get to the third conquest point, and sometimes gain control of all three points on that map. I like that there is a constant barrage of bullets flying, which really changes the strategy. If you don't work as a team, it is possible to get stuck in a place and not able to move forward, but luckily, I'm usually on a team with people who know what they are doing. Reviving each other and using ammo and health dumps are very helpful in being successful on this map.
    Yeah playing with people you know are good and communicate with is much better, a totally different game.

    But 90% of the time RU wins on Metro. Notice they cap their base first and get a huge advantage at the middle base.

  10. #70
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    Quote Originally Posted by PooPooMeowChow View Post
    Yeah playing with people you know are good and communicate with is much better, a totally different game.

    But 90% of the time RU wins on Metro. Notice they cap their base first and get a huge advantage at the middle base.
    US ALWAYS has a chance on Operation Metro if they can skip Platform (Charlie?) and go right for Bravo on Conquest. If they cap B before RU they typically can push back RU back to spawn by holding off the 3 entrances to the Metro station (fairly easy to do if the RU team doesn't bunch up) and then going aggro on Cafe (Alpha?) with a spawn cover the rest of the match to mop up. Maybe that works out to 10% of the time but it's 100% for every team that does that as US.

  11. #71
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    How in the flying fuck is there no penalty for team killing? did Dice go fucking brain dead?

  12. #72
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    Lol I almost forgot about that.

    That's pretty funny and crappy.

  13. #73
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    Quote Originally Posted by PooPooMeowChow View Post
    How in the flying fuck is there no penalty for team killing? did Dice go fucking brain dead?
    Hardcore servers?

  14. #74
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    ^yeah. It's all I play now. Bullet damage actually makes sense, people value their life more so there's a little more team play.

  15. #75
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    New DLC maps hit in June, Close Quarters. Looks like a lot of Metro locker room maps. Go gather your shotguns and grenades boys.

  16. #76
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    Quote Originally Posted by Battlefield PR folks
    This fall will also bring the expansion pack Battlefield 3:Armored Kill. Featuring all-out vehicle warfare with new tanks, ATV's, and mobile artillery, it also includes the biggest map in Battlefield history.
    This is what I'm looking forward to the most out of all the DLC.

  17. #77
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    Quote Originally Posted by sentient02970 View Post
    New DLC maps hit in June, Close Quarters. Looks like a lot of Metro locker room maps. Go gather your shotguns and grenades boys.
    What a joke. The BF community complains about Metroll so they give us even smaller (16 player only) maps. By the time those other dlcs come out this game will be dead. Two of the biggest BF communities have already closed down, known for their huge community and their TV2 servers I played way back in BF2 and Planet Battlefield.

    But I guess we now know why they nerfed shotguns and made Sniper rifles OHK within 15 meters.
    This is how you kill a brand. RIP battlefield

    EDIT: video of one of the maps, It's literally a 2/3 level house.

  18. #78
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    Not sure it helps but you should note that this sample gameplay is only TDM, which is typically smaller scale furball game mode.

  19. #79
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    As mentioned above, three new map packs were announced.

    One map pack comes in June (summer), one in fall, and one in winter. The names of the map packs are: "Close Quarters", "Armored Kill", and "End Game".
    "Close Quarters" also contains 10 new weapons. "Armored Kill" will contain new drivable vehicles.

    I'm ok with a few more indoor maps, but I will be buying all the map packs anyway.

    Also, customizable servers will be coming to *consoles* soon. source:
    Last edited by dolemite; 03-07-2012 at 07:33 PM.

  20. #80
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    I will love any new maps, but I'm more excited about the immense patch...

    Though, I don't see anything listed about correcting the general damage perception I talked about here before.

  21. #81
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    Battlefield 3: Close Quarters Trailer


  22. #82
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    Double post just to show some of the broken promises by DICE.

    “you don’t kill CoD by trying to be CoD. You kill CoD by making a better shooter.”
    Alan Kertz: Core Gameplay Designer on Battlefield 3

    "biggest maps ever"

    "3x times as much DLC then what BC2 had"
    BC2 had one paid DLC (Vietnam) so literally we get 3 DLC packs for BF3. Not a lie but not cool.

    "Big patch in Feb"

    "Beta destruction to be drastically improved in the full product!"

    "PC lead plat form"
    painfully obvious it isn't.

    "Caspian Border Antenna being destructible"
    Well it was not at first. They have now patched in a SCRIPTED event.

    "I’m confident what Battlefield 3 has to offer will provide an innovative and deep Integrated Teamwork experience… It’s going to be a good year to be a hardcore Battlefield fan"

    And finally

    Last edited by PooPooMeowChow; 03-13-2012 at 01:11 PM.

  23. #83
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    Gripes aside, this is still the best shooter, multiplayer or otherwise, ever played on the 360. Once you've played BF3 with a couple of friends in the same squad, there's no going back.

  24. #84
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    It's amazing how fucking overpowered a flashlight can be. Seriously, how the fuck did they not patch that shit? Every time someone pulls out that piece of shit on the other team, and I see it up close, I can't help but freeze like a deer trapped in headlights. It's cheap.

  25. #85
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    AHAHAH it was patched. No where near as bad as it was at release.

  26. #86
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    Quote Originally Posted by PooPooMeowChow View Post
    AHAHAH it was patched. No where near as bad as it was at release.
    Not at all the way I see it. I'd like visual proof, because in the daylight it's still out of control.

  27. #87
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    Last edited by PooPooMeowChow; 03-14-2012 at 11:26 PM.

  28. #88
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    I swear, every time I run into it, it's like the before pic...

  29. #89
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    So very true to form:

  30. #90
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    I don't know, I actually quite enjoy that map...

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