Quote Originally Posted by bruised View Post
The single player, it's so awesome! Modern Warfare was the best single player I had played until now, but this game shakes up that stale formula and makes it fresh. It's just badass. The multiplayer is frustrating, but I guess that's the Battlefield style (planes, tanks, etc). Is there not a regular deathmatch mode and I'm missing it? Anyway, until I get better at that, single player it is.
Team Deathmatch is the only deathmatch option. Look for it in your server browser.

I think single player was compelling from a story and action (Dima side story) but the gameplay just didn't hit on all cylinders for it. Battlefield 3, to me, is always about epic large sized multiplayer with vehicles blowing everything to shit. That's what Battlefield is to me. You'll discover that as you play more and improve.