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Thread: Most Amazing Moments in Film [OBVIOUS SPOILERS]

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    Most Amazing Moments in Film [OBVIOUS SPOILERS]

    Taking a cue from the Most Disturbing thread, I thought it'd be awesome to hear what everybody's favorite 'Holy shit.' moments in film would be? Preferably moments or brief scenes instead of 'this 45 minute section of the movie'. Can be cheesy or embarrassing, well known or obscure...anything. Even if it's a terrible movie you have a soft spot for, and one part makes you still go nuts. Please tag all spoilers (even if it's a well known movie and even though it's in the subject name). Can't have people whining constantly that we screwed them over.

    I could literally list off a million but...

    1. The revelatory ending shocker of Se7en. Spoiler: The little flash of Gwyneth Paltrow that makes Brad Pitt finally lose his shit still gets me.

    2. The twist in The Sixth Sense. I'm aware it's lame, but I still love it.

    3. The 'ear scene' in Reservoir Dogs.

  2. #2
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    Ghostbusters - 'Get her!'
    Alien - 'The first thing I'm going to do, when I get back home, is get some real food!'
    Terminator 2 - 'Your foster parents are dead'
    The Thing - 'Blood tests'
    Nightmare on Elm Street - 'We don't need a stretcher in there! We need a mop!'
    Violent Cop - '23 slaps in a toilet'

    But the winner has to be:

    The whole of Endhiran. Here's a small clip.
    Last edited by owinn; 05-26-2012 at 05:12 PM.

  3. #3
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    There are far too many to choose from, but I'll pick a few.

    That scene in Back to the Future when Spoiler: George punches Biff out still gets me, even 23 years after I first saw it and probably a hundred viewings later. Sitting in a packed theater a couple years ago during the anniversary screening and having everyone break into applause after it happened was awesome.

    The entire climactic scene in Oldboy, when we the mystery finally gets resolved, has to be in my top five favorite scenes ever. 'Intense' doesn't do it justice.

    Raging Bull- Spoiler: The jailhouse scene might be the best scene I've ever seen in a movie. Ever. De Niro crying/screaming "I'm not an animal" while punching the wall...damn. Absolutely amazing.

    It's hard to pick a favorite from Memento, but I would say the chase scene ("so...I'm chasing this guy...") and, of course, the big revelation at the end. I don't think I picked my jaw up for a good ten minutes after seeing that the first time.

    The scene in Terminator 2 when the T-1000 is chasing them in the police car and his arms turn into those giant blade...things. My favorite scene of the movie.

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    Interrogation scene in The Dark Knight. Love the use of overexposure to essentially wash out the colours, made it so bright. Unbelievable.

    Pulp Fiction...watching The Wolf work. The scene where they're cleaning up Marvin's blood in the car. "I'm a mushroom cloud layin' motherfucker, motherfucker." is still one of the best lines in any movie ever.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Planet of the apes View Post
    No its a lame line that totally turned smaual jacksoin into a joke the rest of his carrer.Fail post is fail!
    Smaual jacksoin IS a joke, though. There's no denying that.

    And yes, OM, I completely forgot that movie. That's an awesome line. I think Jules' monologue in the diner is the best scene in the movie, though. Still gives me chills.

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    One of the best monologues ever, no doubt. I was totally going to say something from T2 as well, it was when the T-1000 switches phones with her hands (in the form of Furlong's mother) so she can pierce through the milk carton and head of his dad. So choice.

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    That's a great scene, too. Man, there are just too many great scenes in that movie. "I know this hurts...call to John." "Fuck you."

    My favorite line, though, has to be: "She's not my mother, Todd." Also, "Your foster parents are kind of dicks, huh?"

  8. #8
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    I'll try to avoid spoilers in the text, but the videos will probably have some:

    The ending of 2001: A Space Odyssey. Actually, pretty much every Kubrick film is overflowing with brilliant scenes.

    O-Ren Ishii's "the price you pay..." speech (and subsequent collection of said price) from Kill Bill Vol 1
    Also this:

    The industrial scenes from Il Deserto Rosso (Red Desert)

    The Rectum scene from Irreversible

    And, finally, this. Just... this (MAJOR SPOILERS!):
    Last edited by xmd 5a; 05-26-2012 at 06:33 PM.

  9. #9
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    AAAAAH, this thread is giving me chills recalling all these scenes! The Dark Knight interrogation scene is absolutely phenomenal, both characters on the absolute edge of control, crossing the line back and forth, it's one of, if not the best of the movie.

    Also, the showdown between Vader and Luke in The Empire Strikes Back. [/thread]

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    Quote Originally Posted by theruiner View Post
    Smaual jacksoin IS a joke, though. There's no denying that.
    LOL yeah Smaual needs a new agent haha.

    As for Star Wars, the final lightsaber duel...when Vader says 'Perhaps SHE will!' and Luke screams and runs out, cue dramatic operatic music...so sick.

    Oh, and for Kubrick. I think I'm like one of 12 people on Earth that loves Eyes Wide Shut...the masked ball scene. Holy shit.

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    Yeah it's well known that he pays homage to a lot of Chiba movies, etc. Please however keep the thread on topic (posting awesome movie moments) instead of littering it with yet more boring, typo-ridden insults towards me. Thanks.

    Ooooh, speaking of Kill Bill as well, I actually preferred the second volume, the scene between her and Madsen just outside his trailer with the shotgun!!

    1. The Ring: Samara crawling out of the TV.
    2. Inception: The city folding over on itself. In IMAX I was blown away!

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    The best scene in a movie ever?

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by october_midnight View Post
    Oh, and for Kubrick. I think I'm like one of 12 people on Earth that loves Eyes Wide Shut...the masked ball scene. Holy shit.
    I actually enjoy that film too. There's a really menacing feel to that scene.

    Say what you will about about the film as a whole, but the Heaven scenes from The Lovely Bones were amazing eye-candy.

    The Tree of Life's origins and prehistoric scenes were fantastic, too.

    And I'm going to go ahead and throw out the entirety of Erasehead as a favourite. I can't pick just one scene, it's too hard.

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    Shit this thread is gonna make me go and watch a bunch of these tomorrow I think. The Lovely Bones' heaven scenes really reminded me of Robin Williams' movie 'What Dreams May Come'...the scenes with him there look like they're in breathing acrylic paintings. So awesome.

    Also, judge me all you want, I have a soft spot for this scene:

    Hanks is hilarious when he's falling down drunk.

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    And love the bit in Jeanne Dielman where she makes the bad coffee, sits there testing first the coffee then the milk, then makes more coffee.

    However every scene in that movie is completely amazing:

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    I almost forgot! Snatch!

    'I fuckin' hate Pikeys.'

    And when Brad Pitt comes to after being passed out on the couch. 'Need to have a shite!'

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    Quote Originally Posted by october_midnight View Post

    Also, judge me all you want, I have a soft spot for this scene:

    Hanks is hilarious when he's falling down drunk.
    I'm sorry O_M but as far as ALOTO is concerned, this is the best scene (and one of my all time favorite):

    And this is from my all time favorite movie; this scene gets to me every single time. I just hope I'll get to see it on the big screen before I die:

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    The mother and daughter walking to the hairdresser in AMER:

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    Hanks is all good in ALOTO haha. The first quiet 'areyoucrying?' is the hands down best part of that scene lol. And when he tells their chaperone he 'loved her in the Wizard of Oz' after drunkenly kissing her, only to yell in a fury....MLKMMFKDMFKLSWHY WE STOPPED? 'Lou quit.' WHO'S LOU?

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    From the top of my mind:

    - Jurassic Park: the car scene It just never gets old and still looks impressive. I love how the T-Rex is behaving like a curious animal rather than a raging monster. That scene alone really puts JP above alot of monster chasing people flicks.

    - 300: the one-shot scene where Leonidas slays his way through the enemies. I don't care what people say about this movie, but that scene really got me.

    - Fight Club: the scene where they get caught by the bars owner Lou. I just don't know what it is, but that scene makes the whole movie for me. I just love the way it is executed and makes Tyler look like a total mad man. I may like it so much since it is not included in the novel or at least described very differently.

    - Moby Dick: Gregory Peck yelling "I spit my last breath at thee. Goddamnit whale!" is haunting me till this very day.

    - Cape Fear: Spoiler: the revealing shot that he's been clinged onto that car the whole drive really got me. There's so much hate in his performance it's unbelievable!

    - Leon the Professional: Gary Oldman wiping out that family. I remeber seeing this movie at a pretty young age at a friends house. It must have been the most brutal scene I've seen back then.

    - Planet of the Apes: "Goddamn you all to hell!" Enough said.

    - There will be Blood: "I drink your milkshake!" The whole scene is pure gold. Daniel Day Lewis is one hell of an actor!

    - The Girl who played with Fire: Spoiler: Lisbett digging herself up from the grave up unto the point where she is laying in front of that hut covered in blood. While I disliked the last two movies Rapace's acting is stellar!

    - Almost Famous: "Listen to Tommy with a candle burning, and you'll see your entire future" & "I'm a golden god!" Both scenes sum up the spirit of this movie so well. Both a beautiful statement to rock n roll. Well, the film as a whole is just that.

    - Stepmom: "Anna! You do not run out on your mother!" - "No, that's your job!". I actually hate movies like this, but I've seen it in parts countless times when my mother was watching it and that scene really is great! Jena Malone can do no wrong (most of the time. :P ).

    - Cable Guy: Jim Carrey doing that cover version of "somebody to love". The whole scene is soo embarassing, but I can't stop laughing.

    - Alien: "its perfection is only matched by its hostilty."

    and there are many, many more.

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    And the best movie kiss goes to Body Double:

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    FUCK YES. Oldman in The Professional was off the hook. And speaking of Alien, the whole Spoiler: beheading of Ash scene is nuts. Watched it a few days ago for the first time in years and I was still like 'Damn.'

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by october_midnight
    Ooooh, speaking of Kill Bill as well, I actually preferred the second volume, the scene between her and Madsen just outside his trailer with the shotgun!!
    Man, I thought I was the only one that preferred the second volume to the first. I really didn't like the first, to be honest. But then, I've only seen it once, and that was when it was in theaters, so maybe I'll give it another shot sometime. The second one, however, I did enjoy quite a bit.

    Inception: The city folding over on itself. In IMAX I was blown away!
    The scene that got me in that one was the zero gravity fight scene. The first time I saw that I think my jaw was literally hanging open. We've seen scenes like that before, certainly (The Matrix springs immediately to mind) but there was something really fresh and amazing about that one.

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    This is as badass as it gets:

    And these next 2 scenes need no introductions:

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    Cliff Curtis' last scene in Sunshine

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    Yes I know it's from Point Break, but the chase scene is still one of the best foot chases ever filmed in my opinion. The beginning has Gary Busey, which is awesome enough, but at 3:30 when the foot chase starts, it's awesome.

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    I give you guys some of Jackie Chan.
    Meals On Wheels. (Sammo Hung is funny as fuck "YA YA YA YA YA YA YA YA YA")

    Dragons Forver (The guy smoking the cigar is Yuen Wah,you guys probably know him as the Land Lord from Kung Fu Hustle, also very funny)

    Part 2

    And one from Police Story 2

    In my opinion Police Story 1, 2 & 3, and Legend of The Drunken Master are all must see movies.

    EDIT: The Indianapolis Speech from Jaws is some good fucking acting.
    Last edited by PooPooMeowChow; 05-26-2012 at 08:32 PM.

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    Tombstone is such an underrated movie:

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    Tarkovski's films are full of 'em.

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by october_midnight View Post
    As for Star Wars, the final lightsaber duel...when Vader says 'Perhaps SHE will!' and Luke screams and runs out, cue dramatic operatic music...so sick.
    Probably my all-time favorite film moment. Goosebumps every time.

    I'm loving all the T2 mentions. There are countless amazing moments in that movie. I'm gonna throw out Sarah Connor's apocalypse premonition when she finally sees the shit go down and Spoiler: her body disintegrates. According to Cameron, some scientists commented on that scene, saying it was the most realistic depiction they'd seen of what would happen to you in that situation - pleasant thought! Let's not forget the moment when Arnold's terminator walks across a speeding pick-up truck on to an 18-wheeler, kneels, and shoots the T-1000 point blank with an assault rifle (keeping in mind a real person actually did that - no synthetic stuntmen involved). So fucking awesome.

    It's so easy to say "Get away from her you BITCH" but let's go down the road less travelled and say Spoiler: when the Queen's tail falls behind Bishop and he gets ripped in half. It's the actual moment when you say "No, this movie is not over yet. Holy shit."

    The Matrix: Spoiler: Neo stopping bullets and fighting an agent one-handed without looking.

    Memento: The final voice-over monologue, which I find strangely emotional. I love you Guy Pearce.

    The Count of Monte Cristo (2002): "Because you are the son of a clerk..." Again, I love you Guy Pearce. Too many great moments in that movie - Luis Guzman knife-fighting being one of them.

    Starship Troopers: "I'm from Buenos Aires and I say kill 'em all!" FUCK YEAH, Johnny Rico!

    Planet Terror: Freddie Rodriguez leading a convoy (including Michael Biehn and Jeff Fahey) on a mini-bike into the infected streets. Pure and absolute joy to this day.

    Leon (The Professional): the use of "Venus as a Boy" (Bjork) and "Shape of My Heart" (Sting). Amazing.

    Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom: "WE... ARE GOING... TO DIE."

    Last (for now), and far from least.

    Die Hard: Spoiler: the shooting of the kneecaps. and of course "SHOOT the glass."

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